Emma Covington

Represented by : Elizabeth Hendrickson
First Appearance : Episode 100
Owns The Cliffe nightclub
Will Jackson - Lover
Jacques Laurent - Fiancé (broken engagement)
Unnamed Men
Deirdre Covington - Mother
Patrick Covington - Father (deceased)
Daniel Covington - Brother
Max Covington - Nephew
Courtney Covington - Niece
Tommy Covington - Nephew
Jeremy Covington - Great-Nephew via Tommy
What You Need To Know
The jet-setting sister of Daniel first arrived in style in a helicopter for his 45th birthday. It soon emerged that her French fiancé, Jacques Laurent, had been using her for her wealth to rescue his family's struggling shipping business. She quickly ended their engagement. However, due to years of excessive spending and her out-of-control nature, Daniel cut her off from her trust fund. Not willing to stay penniless, she blackmailed Daniel over Tommy impregnating Jordan behind Tanner's back. Reluctantly, he gave her access to her money again.
Deciding to go into business, she opens The Cliffe, a nightclub where she recruits Will Jackson to manage it for him in spite of knowing his criminal past, which people have warned her about. They have formed an unlikely friendship, so much so that they have developed a "Friends with Benefits" relationship.