Nichelle Austin
Represented By : Tessa Thompson
First Appearance
Episode 32 - 65
Most likely a Civil Rights Attorney
Graduate of Sampson University Law School
Employee at a Non-Profit Law Firm
Resides at
Washington, D.C.
Formerly, University Center Building, APT # 303, Radcliffe, Kentucky
Originally, Detroit, Michigan
Relationship Status
Antoine Hall - Lover - (2019)
Unnamed Men
Unnamed Mother
Unnamed Father
Unnamed Sister
Character History
Nichelle Austin first came onto the scene in Episode 32 of the series. She reacted to Antoine Hall accidentally hitting the front bumper of her vehicle. The law school student later took him back on his offer to come into his place of work The Waterfall Bar to get a free drink. They soon entered into a romantic relationship. Unaware that Antoine began seeing her to make her ex-lover Shauna Jackson. Nichelle informed him that she wanted something serious in which Antoine understood. They remained together until the news of Shauna's upcoming wedding made it evident he wasn't over her. Weeks after their break-up Antoine came to Nichelle's apartment. She informed him that she is moving from Radcliffe to Washington, D.C. where she got a job at a civil rights law firm. Before they parted ways she gave him some words about moving on and being better.