William "Will" Jackson
Represented by : Omarion
First Appearance : Episode 43, 74-
Resides at
The Waterfall Bar, Radcliffe, Kentucky
Formerly, Hudson County Correctional Facility, Outside of Radcliffe, Kentucky
Originally, Atlanta Georgia
Bartender at The Waterfall Bar
Inmate at Hudson County Correctional Facility
Unnamed Women
Mae Jackson - Mother
Horace Jackson - Father (deceased)
Cassie Jackson - Sister
Shauna Covington - Niece
Once an up-and-coming small businessman with a t-shirt printing company. Will Jackson soon fell on financial hard times when his business began going bankrupt. He delved into counterfeiting money and forging checks to pay back his debt. He then was arrested for his crimes not long after his father's funeral. He was sentenced to three years at the Hudson County Correctional Facility. His first appearance was in Episode 43 when Mae came to visit in prison. He informed her that his lawyer was working to get him out early on parole. Promising his mother that he had changed since serving time behind bars.
His parole was ultimately denied, he was finally released in November. Unaware, his niece Shauna and Antoine our keeping tabs on him. Now months later, he is working behind the bar part-time, but he aspires for so much more.