Written by: Bre L Drew
July 8, 2024
Last Time on Town and Country
After four years of marriage, Tricia filed for divorce from Sean. And after some delay, Sean finally signed the divorce papers to end their marriage.
Louise was adamant about not fully renewing her relationship with Sean until his divorce was finalized.
Despite his marriage to Jordan, Tommy is still in love with Tanner, who is in a relationship with Presley, which Jordan is more than aware of and is determined to fight to hold onto her husband.

While entering the two-story cottage she and her family have resided in for sixteen years, Louise Saunders Lockhart is instantly hit with an aroma of savoriness, causing her to question what is going on since neither one of her daughters is home having received texts; they will be out until late.
She sets her purse and keys on the entryway table, which also contains framed photos from the twins' childhood, including them on the farm where she is coming from where she did some work, which mainly entails bookkeeping these days.
Louise sees the light in the kitchen, making her investigate further to see who is behind her home smelling this good.
However, when her eyes lay upon the mystery chef stirring something in a pan on the stove."I should've known it was you," Louise replies with her hands on her hips.
Sean Lockhart good-naturedly chuckles while turning around to her. "Hello to you too,"
The farm manager is wearing a navy-blue t-shirt with denim jeans, which displays his mostly muscular physique, which he's been maintaining for months now, which Louise hasn't complained about, and when they were married, Sean primarily did the cooking. And it was always delicious, so she should've figured it was him behind the incredible smell.
"What are you up to?" Louise wonders.
Sean goes over to the woman he's been reconciling with and smiles. "Oh, I thought after everything we've been through and are currently going through, I would make dinner just the two of us and talk."
"Uh, you need any help with anything?" she offers.
Sean walks back to the stove. "You can chop the vegetables."
"Now that I can do."
After Louise washes her hands at the sink, she retreats to the counter, where she sees the chopping board and various vegetables set out, but also a tall brown envelope with a yellow post it attached to it that says, "Open Me!" in Sean's bold handwriting.
"It's your divorce decree." she surprisingly states while she turns to Sean, who has his arms on his chest.

Maybe out of guilt or a sense of loneliness, Tricia Lockhart steps inside the mausoleum at Lakeview Cemetery.
Having only been here once, when she laid her infant son to rest, she couldn't bring herself to remember where until, about ten seconds later, she uncovered it.
Seeing her son's name, Dylan Lockhart, and the dates of his short existence, she places her hand meticulously on the headstone.
"I'm sorry that I haven't come sooner," she says, feeling awkward talking to an inanimate object. "But I don't know where else to go so I came here."
She reflects on the fact that she received notice of the finalization of the divorce today.

The still-sunlit summer evening consists of individuals and families with children making their way on Main Street, indulging in ice cream and other treats. And other small businesses on the block receive a modest influx of patrons, including JoJo's Cafe.
Well, that's a mighty big word for such a small man,
and I'm not sure I can
Cause I don't even know now who I am
It's too soon for me to say forgive.
Rebecca Lynn Howard's resounding vocals on the throwback country-pop track "Forgive" contribute to the current mellow ambiance of the establishment.
Tanner Lockhart sits at the table near the large window overlooking the street while scrolling on her phone and periodically takes sips of her latté. Though initially not enthused to leave the house, she promised her father she would give him and her mother time to be together alone.
"Want some company?"
Though pretty confident, knowing whose voice it is, the recent college graduate lifts her head from her phone screen.
Tommy Covington stands by the table in a dark gray henley t-shirt and jeans.
Tanner sets her iPhone off the side of the table. "Only in a town like Radcliffe, you're bound to run into your high school boyfriend out of the blue."
Tommy lightly exhales at her response, guessing it stems from their run-in the other day at the hospital when Jordan and he were taking Jeremy to get his immunizations while Tanner was accompanying Lenny for chemotherapy. "Whatever Jordan said to you, ignore her," he tells her.
"Well, I'm sure your wife wouldn't want to hear her husband think what she said doesn't matter," Tanner remarks.
Jordan's insecurity caused her to warn her former best friend about not losing her family, most importantly Tommy, to her, even though Tanner is dating Jordan's older brother.
Tommy sits across from his ex-girlfriend, whom he still has unresolved feelings for. "Even she does not get a say in who comes in and out of my life."
"As long as we stay friends, we won't have that problem," Tanner says cautiously.
Tommy gazes into the dark brown eyes, which aren't covered by her glasses since she has her contacts in. "You and I know we've always been more than friends."

After being at the church all day, leading counseling sessions back-to-back, and starting on his sermon for youth service in two weeks, Presley McKnight was thankful to make it home so he could unwind, which he was doing by starting the latest season of The Bear when the doorbell suddenly rings, causing him to race down the stairs to see who it is.
"I'm coming!" he announces to whoever it is while heading to open the door, seeing his sister in the doorway wearing a pink cutout sleeveless dress with her matching Marc Jacobs shoulder bag that he assumes costs more than he makes in a week.
"Hey, I didn't catch you at a bad time. did I?" Jordan Covington asks in such a way that she didn't expect an answer from her older brother while sauntering into the Victorian manor.
"Is everything all right?" he asks her.
He never received a visit from his sister this late, although the sun is still very much out.
Jordan waves her hand casually. "Yeah, everything is fine; Jeremy is at home with Lillith. I told her I'd be back so she could make it in time for her brother's birthday dinner, so we got to make this quick."
Presley raises one of his eyebrows curiously. "Make what quick?"
"My husband and your girlfriend want to be together, so what are we going to do about it?" Jordan candidly reveals this to him.

"I'm officially divorced," Sean declares.
A quietness falls between them while Louise still grasps the decree. "When did it become official?"
"I got it in the mail today,"
She then puts the document on the countertop and stares at him with apprehension. "And how do you feel about it?"
"How do I feel about what?" Sean asks somewhat rhetorically.
Louise grabs a knife to start chopping lettuce for the salad. "Look, I know feelings for someone you care about don't magically disappear because that would be hypocritical of me to expect that, but Sean, if you're angry, happy, or upset about your marriage ending, then please be upfront with me because if we're going to have some kind of future together, I need to know."
It's Sean this time who stands near while she keeps cutting. "If you want to hear some honesty, I feel a lot right now. A part of me will always love Tricia; we had some good times together."
"Which started because of an affair when we were married?" she interjects.
"I know," he tells her, his voice twinging with remorse for his past unfaithfulness.
The two had been married for nearly twenty years when she found out he was sexually involved with the younger flight attendant.
He crams his hands into his pants pockets. "You want honesty, remember?"
Louise drops the knife onto the board, raising her hands in defeat. "You're right, go ahead."
"But in all my years married to Tricia, I could never shake you, Louise, and God knows I tried. And when I found out Tricia was pregnant, I thought it was a sign that it was time for me to get my shit together and be a husband and father that Tricia and my child could depend on."
The two unexpectedly lost Dylan due to SIDS only months into his young life.
"I don't mean any disrespect, but where are you getting at, Sean?"
Sean's countenance refers to him knowing that perhaps he isn't making much sense, though he can clarify. "But when Dylan died ... I couldn't be there for her when she needed me the most. And the only person I felt myself turning to was you. That's when I knew I had to do whatever it took for us to start over."
Louise gives a sympathetic glance at him. "I also understand having feelings for another person you shouldn't have when you're involved with someone else."
Sean didn't have to ask; she was talking about when she was engaged to Jai, resulting in the two almost having sex upstairs, which was filmed by his daughter, who made it her mission to reunite her parents.
He wraps his arms around her, looking intently into her eyes. "I promise you from here on out that I will never be that person I was with when I was with Tricia, and you and the girls can always count on me, especially now with what's going on with Lenny."
Their daughter Lenny is battling leukemia, which is taking its toll on all of them emotionally since it's likely she might have to have a bone marrow transplant to survive.
"Actions are always more important than words," Louise tells him. "But I appreciate the sentiment very much."
Sean kisses her lips firmly, which she reciprocates until she pulls back.
"You know we haven't finished preparing dinner."
"Maybe we should just skip to dessert instead," he says suggestively.

The raspy, soulful voice of Melissa Etheridge is now in the cafe, with "Come To My Window" playing on the sound system while Tanner tries to formulate a comeback to Tommy's declaration of them always being more than friends.
"Tommy, I will always cherish our time together, but you have to move on because it's not fair for anyone. Besides, I'm with Presley, and he makes me happy."
Tommy tries to see if Tanner is serious about that last statement, though he knows Tanner isn't a good liar. "I know I broke your heart, and I'm not saying it won't be easy, but don't you think we deserve a second chance?"
Tanner shakes her head at his response, deciding to lower her voice, though the tone is still emotional. "You just didn't break my heart, Tommy. You slept with a girl who used to be my best friend, whom you impregnated and kept from me until we were about to be intimate for the first time."
"I know that and how wrong I was for it," he replies. "But this connection is still there between us, and you know it, so let's just stop fighting it."
Tanner doesn't know whether to cry or yell, despising being in this situation. "I can admit that Jordan is not my favorite person, but I'm not the type of person who breaks up marriages regardless of my feelings."
"So, you still feel something for me?" Tommy queries boastfully.
"You aren't getting it, Tommy. I'm not leaving Presley for you, and if you feel trapped with Jordan, you've got to do something about it, but I can't be that escape plan for you."
By now, she is on her feet, putting her smartphone in her purse. "I got to get out of here, but don't worry, I won't mention this."
"Tanner, wait!"
However, the young woman makes her exit, heading towards her car.
Tommy leans back in the chair, wondering how in the hell he got here. If he hadn't slept with Jordan three years ago, he wouldn't have Jeremy, whom he loves and will do anything for, which is why he is still married to Jordan since it was his father who tried to drive her crazy, so she would be considered an unfit mother.
Now, sitting behind the wheel of her car, Tanner looks out the passenger window, seeing Tommy inside the cafe, which makes her recall their first meeting, which was also there six years ago.
Her initial impression was that he was a stuck-up rich kid, and he first thought she was some lame nerd from families with a sordid history between them, unaware they would become more than friends over time.
Tanner turns the key as the engine comes alive and glances over her shoulder, steering the light green Fiat out of the spot, leaving her memories behind.

"Do I need to remind you that he put his arm around her?" Jordan notifies him while he gives her the bottled water he grabbed from the kitchen.
The young, wealthy housewife reminds her brother of how close the two still are, such as him putting his arm around her when they took photos during college graduation a few weeks ago.
"No need to remind me; I was there when it happened," the reverend remarks somewhat calmly as he sits beside his sister on the sofa in the living room.
Jordan rolls her eyes while sipping water before putting the cap back on it. "Look, I know you think you're dating a literal angel, but it's only a disguise. I know she wants him but doesn't want to tarnish her reputation by being the other woman."
Presley sometimes wonders what inspires his sister's imagination, which makes it sound like she is a star on one of those outlandish reality shows that make women look foolish.
"Come on, Presley, you can't tell me you aren't blind to how close they are," Jordan mentions. "And I'm sure, as Lenny is dealing with cancer, Tommy is going to want to be there for Tanner, and I doubt she can keep restraining that shoulder of his for long."
"No, I'm not," he answers. "But it doesn't help to go off on these wild scenarios without knowing for sure. And besides, I trust Tanner. And I know she wouldn't cross that line."
Jordan cast an uneasy gaze at her brother. "What about Tommy?"
It is no secret that he and Tommy aren't close since Tommy never kept it hidden that he still pines for his girlfriend since they started seeing one another.
"Tommy only married you because he wanted to protect you and Jeremy from his father. And any love he has for you is less than you have for him."
It is also no secret that his sister is trying to fight for a marriage she aspires to have full of love and passion from Tommy, which hasn't happened since they have been man and wife.
Jordan tucks a strand of her permanently dark chocolate hair behind her ear. "I know he's attracted to me, and he married me out of love for me and his son."
"Attraction and love are two different things."
"Just two sides on the same coin," Jordan retorts. "God, Presley, you're sounding a lot like Mother. Tommy will never love you, Jordan. You need to move on." She imitates their mother.
"We just want what's best for you, Jor. After everything you've been through, you deserve some happiness." Presley notes.
Jordan had been gaslit by Daniel, which involved her therapist, who later took his own life out of guilt for conspiring with the businessman by giving her a higher dosage of her sedatives, which made her believe she was a danger to herself and her son, resulting in her staying in a mental hospital.
Jordan remains silent for a brief period before getting on her feet. "Well, I can at least warn you that your relationship isn't as moralistic as you think."
Presley follows his sister into the foyer, towards the door. "The only way you're going to get legit answers on where your marriage stands is Tommy."
Jordan slightly nods while exiting the house, where she stands on the porch. "If it was only that simple."
She then heads down the steps toward her car.
Meanwhile, back inside the rectory, Presley tries to mentally sort through what his sister said about his girlfriend; however, it only takes about two seconds to dismiss them while heading upstairs, so he can hopefully start his show without any more interruptions for the rest of the night.

Tricia is still touching the headstone of her late son inside the mausoleum. "I don't know how many times I can tell you how sorry I am, but after you left us, your dad and I couldn't survive without you, so we chose to be apart, but I want you to know that wherever you are, we will always love you no matter what."
Before she can fight them back, tears start flowing out of her eyes. She slowly removes her hand from the stone, putting it in front of her.
She takes a deep breath before removing her wedding ring from her finger and placing it in her wallet.
She still remembers the first time she met him all those years ago, and it didn't matter to her then that he was older and married with a family. Nonetheless, over time, she realized that not even her love was enough for Sean since he always found his way back to Louise, and now, after four years of marriage, they have little to show for it except for the baby boy who isn't here with them any longer.
Tricia gives one last glance at her son's burial spot before she strolls out of the building.

The pair commence making out even more passionately until the reverberation of the front door closes, making them stop.
"If we remain still, they won't know we're here," Sean whispers, which causes Louise to snicker.
Tanner stops in the kitchen archway, where she glimpses her parents in each other's arms. Though she feels guilty for intruding, she does find it somewhat comforting to see them like this again after everything they have been through to get here.
Sean and Louise look over to see their daughter standing there.
"Hey, sorry if I'm interrupting you two," Tanner says apologetically.
The look on the young woman's face describes something else that occurred before she came home.
"Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?" Louise questions her.
"It's nothing," she lies. "I know I'm supposed to be out of the house for about a few more hours, but I didn't feel much like being sociable."
"Dinner should be done in twenty minutes; it's yours if you want some Tan," Sean proffers.
Tanner jabs her finger behind her. "I'm alright; I'm just going to go upstairs. Good night."
"Night," they both say in unison as she makes her way to her bedroom.
Sean maintains his hold on Louise. "I'm sorry tonight didn't work out the way I had in mind."
"Well, something tells me we're going to have more nights to get it right," she counters.
"I love you," he confesses.
"I love you too," Louise wholeheartedly remarks.
The two embrace the words they exchange, solidifying their new chapter.
Steven's homecoming hits a snag.
Emma gets fed up with Will.
Jacques boasts about his new job at Covington to Daniel and Deirdre.
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