Written by : Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
Lorraine confessed to Steven that Daniel wanted her to break up Steven and Courtney. In which Courtney walked in on demanding to know what is she talking about.
Tommy told Daniel he was excluded from Wentworth Academy for getting caught past curfew in a girl's dorm room having sex with her.
Esther went to Lexington to convince Lorraine to come to Radcliffe to let Steven see their son or will persuade her son to file custody of him.

Envisioning her reunion with her boyfriend, Courtney Covington thought at least that somehow involve them being alone for starters. She would be welcomed back in Steven's broad arms. Perhaps over takeout from Henry's BBQ Pit, she would show him the pictures that she took in San Juan. She would listen to him talking about how he loves having his son back in his life. And she would leave around eleven thirty, knowing staying the night isn't an option. But at least she would've seen him that's what mattered to her.
But of course, all of those plans vanished, when she saw Lorraine's car parked, as she arrived out to the farm. She walked onto the porch, about to ring the doorbell. But she notices the door was ajar, so she pushes the door in front of her.
Unexpectedly, she heard Steven's voice rising which caught her off guard knowing he isn't the type to get aggravated so easily.
She then overhears why.
" Daniel Covington wants me to help break up you and Courtney. " Lorraine confesses,
Refusing to fall to the ground becoming an emotional wreck, she walks in the house closing the door with such force behind her startling her boyfriend and that bitch of an ex-wife of his.
" Keep on talking, what exactly did my father want you to do ?" Courtney asks not holding anything back.
Lorraine does her best to keep her composure. " I didn't mean for you to hear all of that. "
" I couldn't tell. " Courtney says sardonically.
Steven gets up from the couch and puts his hand on her arm. " I'm so happy to see you. "
Courtney silently nods as she awaits further explanation.
Lorraine sighs. " I don't think it is a good idea for you guys to know what your father wanted me to do. "
Courtney chuckles. " How noble of you, to spare our feelings, Lorraine. "
" Courtney is right, Lorraine, just tell us. " Steven says calmly.
Lorraine tosses some of her brownish hair off her shoulder. " By the way, your father came to me at my hotel room, one night talking about how he didn't want you two together and he could get me an audition with the American Ballet Theatre. "
Courtney shakes her head trying to rationalize all of this but knows her father has it out for Steven and his family so what is coming out of his former wife's seems plausible.
Steven looks in the eyes of the woman he once vowed to honor and cherish seven years ago. "There is more to all of this, ain't it Lor? "
Lorraine wishes her one-time husband still could not read her like a book.
" You're right there is more, your father was keeping tabs on you when you were coming over here so you would arrive in enough time to walk in on us kissing. "
" Now why in the hell would you do this? " Steven asks agitatedly.
"Because years ago, I had an opportunity to join a reputable dance company in Seattle, and I didn't take the offer because you didn't want to uproot our family to the west coast Steven, and I had to make that sacrifice for us. Now I'm a single mother who wants better for her child. I know better than to come between a relationship but I was desperate to get one more shot even if it came from the likes of your father I was going to take it."
The round of silence in the room is soon interrupted by Lorraine's iPhone ringing which she didn't have to see the screen to see who was contacting her.
" Put it on speaker, please? " Courtney asks more of a demand than a question.
Lorraine does what she is told and the voice of her father comes alive on the other end.
" Did you do it already? "
" Say yes " Courtney whispers
Steven shoots a look of confusion in which Courtney doesn't confirm not wanting to be heard by her father.
" Yes " Lorraine replies
" All right I need you to come over here now, I'm sure my daughter is letting that excuse of a man know they're done. " he barks
The way he says it, makes it sound like he already has claimed the victory, which makes Steven ready to give that bastard a piece of his mind.
Lorraine wears a look of uncertainty, on whether or not to tell Daniel yes or no?
Courtney nods her head.
" I'm coming. "
Daniel gives out his address over the speaker then he hangs up.
"Before you say anything, I'm going in your place to have it out with my father, don't worry Lorraine there is plenty of anger to go around. " Courtney retorts
She then goes over to Steven and puts her lips onto his and they kiss passionately.
They then let go of one another she joyously watch Lorraine get somewhat uncomfortable.
" I'm not letting you go, Steven Sullivan, " Courtney says
She then walks out of the house leaving the former Doctor and Mrs. Sullivan alone again.
Lorraine folds her arms on her chest. " I did not mean for all of this to happen Steven. "
Steven is about to say something when the door opens this time it is his mother, his uncle Peter and aunt Sarah Lynn walk in the house oblivious as to what just occurred here.

" Hey, Y'all " Sarah Lynn greets them taking off her coat.
Both of them say hi to her in unison trying to deal with the tension.
" Are you still here Lorraine? " Esther says it more of a complaint than fact.
Lorraine smirks. "Steven, ask your mother as to why she came to see me in Lexington?"
Lorraine has the gumption to bring up the reason why Esther really wanted her to come here too, so she can get her grubby hands on those shares to the farm. Though decides that too much has happened, more importantly, she wants to see her son.
She watches Esther trying to remain complacent but knows she is about to awake another secret in this home right now.
" If you all don't mind, I'm going to check on my little boy. " Lorraine heads up the staircase.
"Momma, what is she talking about? " Steven asks
" I don't know what she is talking about. " Esther lies
" Why would Lorraine make up a lie like that? " Sarah Lynn brings up.
Esther exchange glances with her younger brother.
" Darling, I did it for you, I wanted to go there to talk to Lorraine mother to mother about letting you see Evan for the first time in months. so I threatened that I would convince you to file for custody of Evan if she didn't come with him to Radcliffe and let you see him. "
" What in the actual fuck made you think that was a good idea? " Steven shouts
Peter trails closer to his nephew. " Boy, I know that you're angry but don't ever talk to your mother that way again. "
Steven quietly heads upstairs to see his son leaving behind the carnage.
Sarah Lynn looks at her husband and sister-in-law, who didn't miss them staring one another before that they're hiding something else, she doesn't have the patience or energy to seek it out from the two of them. She then takes off into the kitchen to fix herself some tea and find something sweet in the kitchen to eat.
" You all right sis? " Peter asks
Esther turns around to him. " I have never seen Steven so upset at me since he has been on this earth, Peter. "

Sitting down behind his new expensive desk in his newly renovated office on the second floor of the estate. He couldn't shelter his satisfaction on his face that everything is going his way, his daughter will finally be free from that albatross of a man.
A pound on the door disturbs him out of his thoughts.
" Come in "
Tommy Covington walks into the office with some trepidation he often has when he is in the presence of his father.
" Gabriella told me that you wanted to see me, dad? "
Daniel puts his hand on his chin. " Take a seat, Tommy. "
Tommy does what he is told by sitting himself in front of Daniel.
" Son, I know you're becoming a man, you're going to have sex, I hope you used protection. " Daniel notifies
The teenage boy feels intolerable about his own father talking about the do's and don'ts of sex.
" For your information, Dad, I used a condom don't worry you're not going to be a grandfather anytime soon, or have me tested for any STD's either. " Tommy tells him.
Part of Daniel is fine with his son's response, yet hopes he takes this conversation he is having with him more seriously one of these days when it will be of value.
" Now let's address the subject of your future since you were expelled by that overpriced institution, I believe I have the best solution to your situation. "
Tommy expects him to say he will be attending.
Exeter in New Hampshire.
Taft in Connecticut.
Some military school.
"Starting next week, you'll be attending Radcliffe High School. " Daniel answers
Tommy shakes his head in refusal like he would've preferred going to the military academy now.
" Dad, I can't finish my junior year in some redneck public high school. Is there any way I can go somewhere else? " Tommy pleads
Daniel points his finger at him. " If you think I'm going to pay fifty-three thousand dollars for you to attend another boarding school and your pension for testing the boundaries is going to cost you another exclusion that I'm not going to keep you bailing you out. Besides Radcliffe is one of the best high schools in the county, just give it a chance son."
Tommy rolls his eyes. "Ok, Whatever. "
Daniel clears his throat. " And on Mondays and Wednesdays, you will be coming to work at Covington after school too. "
Tommy is about to protest once again before the door to the room flies open which makes the two of them take an instant notice of Courtney walking in wearing a beige Ralph Lauren trench coat that is unbelted which shows off her long-sleeved blue ribbed dress.
Courtney trails over to her little brother who she did not know he was here in town. She wraps around her arms around her brother who is now taller than her now.
" Hey what are you doing here? " Courtney asks trying not look at her father who she is extremely furious with right now.
" How was your business trip to Puerto Rico Courtney? " Tommy changes the subject.
The two siblings let go of one another, and Courtney finally narrows her eyes on her father who is none of the wiser to her knowledge of his duplicity.
" Tommy, I will catch up with you later, I need to talk to our father alone."
Tommy quietly leaves out of the office leaving his older sister and father together.
Daniel is quite taken back that Courtney doesn't seem that much torn down emotionally about catching her boyfriend kissing his ex-wife. He wouldn't bring the conversation up until she does though.
" Hello father, I just came from the farm, and you will never believe what I discovered for myself. "
" What's wrong sweetheart? " Daniel inquiries
Courtney remains standing." What is wrong is that I thought that the one person in my life who is always is supposed to love me decides to pull something so underhanded it makes me sick. "
" What did Doctor Dolittle do this time? " Daniel says trying to further the conversation along.
" Oh no, it's not Steven dad, we're fine, you know when I got over to the farm I overheard Lorraine confessing to Steven that you wanted her to split us apart. " How could you do that to your own daughter daddy? " Courtney lays into him
Daniel stands up from his chair and tries to comfort his daughter. But Courtney backs away from her father.
"You have no right interfering in my life, I'm an adult who makes her choices dad, is the reason you had me going to San Juan was to get me out of the way so you can conspire with that bitch to have me dump Steven, wasn't it dad? " Courtney says
"First of all, you're a bright businesswoman, I wouldn't send you down there if you weren't capable. Steven Sullivan doesn't deserve you at all sweetheart, he didn't even tell you that he used to be married let alone has a son. " Daniel defends himself.
Courtney purses her lips knowing he partially correct that she felt betrayed about him not confiding in her about his past.
" We are getting through it. " Courtney states
Courtney then takes a few steps into the entryway of the door." I can't live with someone who is willing to take my happiness away, I'm moving out. " she proclaims.
Her pumps make the clickety sound on the hardwood floor to go to her bedroom to get her belongings.
Daniel retreats to his desk as much as he wants to call out to her to apologize to her for not trusting her to make her own decisions which aren't necessarily the truth. Yet he doesn't want her to waste her entire life with a guy who is already set in his ways as a man nearing forty.
Daniel stares a picture of his late wife Keri, on his desk beside his computer. He picks it up and kisses it he can't believe that she has been gone a year now.
"Babe, I'm losing our little girl."

Steven enters into the guest bedroom where Evan has been staying in since he came to stay with him.
He sees Lorraine folding Evan's clothes and placing them into his duffel bag on the bed.
" What in the hell are you doing now? " Steven asks vigorously.
Lorraine doesn't stop from getting her son's things together.
" Enough has been said and done, I think it is time for us to go back to Lexington. "
" So you're going to take away my son again Lorraine?"
Lorraine turns around to face her ex-husband. " Ok, you want me to admit that keeping our son away from you when we got divorced was wrong, you're right I was angry at you too. For not supporting me, but you know what I did love you. I got tired of putting my dreams aside because you wanted me too."
" I wanted Evan to grow up with stability something I wish I had growing up. " Steven declares
Although Steven spent his entire childhood and adolescence in this house living on the farm. They were summers when he visited his father Rodeo Champion Roy Sullivan around the country where he was competing, or on the ranch in Oklahoma where he has been residing for the past thirty years now.
" You do know that children move all of the time and most can adjust besides I want Evan to have a better life that I can give him. " Lorraine replies
"To the tune of classical ballet music, her phone starts to ring, Dreading to see who it is contacting her she is at ease when it isn't Daniel Covington calling her. She answers the call and is bewildered when the person over the line tells her who they're. With a few more statements and a few follow-up questions. She then ends the call feeling somewhat better about the look outlook of her life.
" Oh my god! " Lorraine exclaims
" What is it? " Steven wonders aloud.
Lorraine holds onto her phone in her hands. " Remember before I got pregnant with Evan that I decided to go to the interview for the teaching position at that performing arts high school in Orlando? "
Steven makes a quick downward movement with his head. " Yeah "
Before they finally committed to having a baby, Lorraine went down to interview for the teaching position for the dance program, however, was told later on that she didn't have the right qualifications at the time to teach.
" Well, apparently, they got my number from the Lexington Dance Company they want me to teach at the school. "
Steven grins knowing this is what his ex-wife wants were to take a step forward in her career. "That's great, so they want you to start after New Year's?"
Lorraine exhales. " No, in fact, they want me down there by the end of next week. The principal has had a hard time to fill this position since the teacher isn't coming back from maternity leave like they thought she would so they finally think I have enough experience to teach ballet and modern dance. "
" Congratulations you deserve it. " Steven says
" Do you mind if Evan stays here a couple more of days? I'm going to be busy looking for an apartment, moving things down from Lexington, I'm already making myself tired just thinking about it."
" No problem and if you need anything let me know all right. " Steven reassures her.

About ten minutes ago, he heard the door shut downstairs meaning Courtney has left. Daniel still sits in his office, this time he is taking a drink of his scotch. He hopes that Courtney will come to her senses to believe he is only looking out for her well-being.
All of a sudden he gets this epiphany that even though his daughter is still with that despicable loser. The deal that he made with Esther is thrown out since they're still together which means Daniel retains the 20 % of Franklin Farm Ltd. And even if it's small potatoes regarding his control of the business, nevertheless it is of essence that he still has the stock which he predict will infuriate Esther and Peter further which makes his loss even more rewarding.
Shauna gets ready for her first date with Max.
Tommy starts his first day at Radcliffe High School.
And Much More!
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