Written by : Bre L. Drew
Last Time on Town and Country
Daniel offers Lorraine a tempting offer of making a move on Steven in exchange for him to get her an audition for the American Ballet Theatre.
Max informed Shauna that he will soon ask her out on a date which Shauna was excited about and left Antoine jealous.
Martha begins to deal with her future of being a single mother.

Making her way upstairs from the basement, Martha Saunders is holding a basket consisting of clean laundry. She sees her cousin Steven Sullivan walking down the hallway.
" What a coincidence, these belong to you. " she happily informs him.
Steven smiles as he takes the basket out of her hands.
"Thanks -- uh I thought you and Aunt Sarah were going shopping for the baby, " he questions her.
" We are, but I decided to help mom around the house. I can't help but to feel like a damn leech sometimes, I mean I'm in my twenties, pregnant, and living with my family with no means of supporting myself."
Steven knew that Martha has been dealing with her pregnancy on her own since the father of her child, Murray Hirsch doesn't want to be involved in the upbringing of his own baby's life.
" What about getting that guitar of yours? and get back out on that stage. " he then plays his best air guitar which makes Martha laugh.
" I don't know about all that Steven, I mean the last time I focused on my music, I wasn't in a good place, and I can't afford to go back there with everything I got going on in my life. " she then touches her growing baby bump. " So how did everything go with you and Courtney ? " she adds
" Great," he smiles.
Martha notices a certain difference in his expression, and it didn't take long for her to know what he means exactly.
" Someone had a great time. "
Steven looks somewhat bashful sensing she already knew what he was saying in so many words.
Last night the two of them had a wonderful dinner at the farm, which led to them sleeping together for the first time.
" It's obvious you two smashed, that's cool, but I'm your cousin, so I don't need to hear all the details ok. " Martha says with delight.
" Don't worry, I wasn't, It was great to have time alone especially she is heading out of town today. "
Evan jogs outside of the guest bedroom where he has been sleeping in. He is dressed in a deceit blue Under Armour Hoodie.
" Evan and I are going to hang out today. " Steven informs her.
"Just us guys, " Evan says
" That's right big man, I got to take this into my room, and we'll be all set to go. "
Martha says bye to both of her male cousins, she watches them as they're laughing together. She only hopes that she will have a close relationship with her son or daughter when they get to be five years old.

Staring herself in the mirror of the bathroom inside of the hotel room she has been staying in for days now. Lorraine Sullivan look as if she has the weight of the world on her shoulders. All she has been thinking since last night when Daniel Covington came here out of the blue to participate in the crazy scheme of his in exchange to break up his daughter's ongoing relationship with Steven, she would have to make a move on her ex-husband. He would do her the honor of getting her an audition for the American Ballet Theatre in New York City.
Nevertheless, though, she has been mentally listing the pros and cons of whether she agrees or disagree with this.
She gives herself a once-over okaying her long-sleeve purple floral top and pair of blue jeans, her hair is hanging straight due to great flat-ironing she did about twenty-five minutes ago.
The annoying chirp of her FaceTime app blares her out of her thoughts temporarily as she steps out of the room towards the nightstand where her iPhone is idly sitting. She grabs it and accesses it. She then sees Evan in the truck with his father.
" Hi, Mommy " Evan Sullivan greets her.
" Hi Sweetie, how is it going? "
" This morning, uncle Peter let me feed the chickens, and last night auntie Sarah and Martha took me to the movies. "
" Sounds like you're having fun out there. "
Lorraine can hear Steven asking for the phone for a sec. When she sees his face on the screen, the thoughts of the deal instantly is brought back in her mind.
" I told you didn't have to worry about anything, we're about to go to the zoo, and the toy store because he has been so good. " Steven says in his usual well-natured way.
" Thanks again for taking him I really appreciate it, Steven. "
" You don't have to be Wonder Woman on your own, " he replies
Steven then passes his iPhone back to Evan.
" Mommy, when I will see you? " Evan asks with the seriousness of his five years of life multiplied by how mature he suddenly sounded to her.
Lorraine sighs. " Later on today sweetie, you two go and have fun. "
" Love you, " mother and son say at the same time as their call ends.
She stands up coming to terms of what she decided. Hoping that her final decision doesn't have any long-lasting consequences.

With headphones on his head and utter attention being paid to his iPad. Max Covington finally got up the energy to put together his website that will showcase some of his photography and contact information. Deciding it is not time like the present to put himself out there professionally.
Also, he couldn't stop thinking about what happened after he caught Shauna, from falling onto the floor when she lost her footing on the ladder in the living room over in the main house. He then realized that if he wanted to stop the uneasiness between them, then he had to tell her how he felt about her. Max didn't know that Shauna would be flattered, let alone agreed to him asking her out soon.
As he starts uploading photos, he hears someone knocking on the door to the house.
" It's open " he calls out
The door opens in which Daniel Covington enters.
"I wonder, sometimes why does my oldest son waste his potential?"
Max shakes his head and stays silent, he doesn't have time for his father telling him for the five-hundredth time how disappointed he is in him for not wanting to work for the family business.
He quickly saves the template and set his tablet down onto the coffee table. Then he removes his headphone and places them beside the device too.
" Good morning, to you too dad. " Max greets him with a hint of sarcasm.
" Your sister just called me before the jet took off, she is so excited for this trip. "
" She earned it " Max replies with no envy of his little sister.
Daniel exhales like he has something to say to his son albeit he figures the response would be already.
" Max, before you turn me down please hear me out? "
" Go ahead "
Daniel takes a seat beside him." Since you came to Radcliffe you haven't even looked for a job If you don't want to work for the Covington Group right now, at least try to show some effort towards your future. "
Max cracks a grin then he grabs his tablet passing to his father.
" What's this? " Daniel asks
" The effort towards my future father. " Max says with confidence.
Daniel takes a look at half of the completed template of what looks to be a website for photography.
"Max, did you take these pictures? "
" Yeah," he says in a low volume.
Daniel eyes the photos trying to muster up the right words.
He clears his throat. " Wow, these are breathtaking, but son I want you to know that whether this endeavor takes off or not you'll always have an office. "
Max knows that his father thinks this is just a hobby and he'll soon tire of it. He, however, is satisfied that this revelation didn't turn into another one of their full-blown arguments.
Max gives his focus back on his tablet he then is suddenly hit with the right amount of determination to keep working on what will become his source of business.

Both Martha and Sarah Lynn enter into to the bar, after a day of shopping for the mother and baby, the two of them decided to grab a quick lunch on their way home.
They didn't anticipate the crowd having the same idea as they did by dining in too.
" Oh boy, it is packed in here. " Sarah Lynn mentions as she takes off her sunglasses to place them on top of her head.
" Tell me about it. " Martha says
Both mother and daughter reach the bar where Antoine Hall looks as if he is in the middle of a war zone.
" I don't think I have ever seen this place so crowded so early Antoine. " Martha points out.
" Yeah, since Shauna quit, it has been down to me and Burgess right now, Mae is out running errands. " What can I get for you ladies? "
Sarah Lynn orders her a Grilled-Chicken Caesar salad. She then shuffles off to used to the bathroom.
" Hey Antoine, you know I know someone that can help you out here. " Martha says
"Who? "
Martha points to her.
" Should you be tending bar in your situation? " Antoine asks
" First of all, I'm pregnant, not, invalid and second you remember I told you that in between gigs. I worked at a bar in West Hollywood,"
Antoine looks back behind her and sees the line growing. " All right show me what you got. "
Martha makes her way behind the bar feeling a little overwhelmed of possibly falling on her ass.

Sitting in her favorite spot which is the in the booth in the back of the bar. Shauna Jackson is enjoying her day off from working at Home Farm. Daniel had texted her last night that she didn't have to come in today due to recovering from the fall which could've been worse she keeps thinking to herself.
She takes a bite of one of her hot wings. Shauna is about to look at her screen on her phone. Until she hears a familiar sounding voice making her look up towards the carrier of it.
" What are you doing here ? " she asks in a friendly manner
Max takes a seat in front of her, " I needed to get out of that mausoleum, then I remembered you were telling me about your grandmother's place, so I decided to check it out myself. "
He stares at her with a huge smirk.
"What's wrong? "
" Nothing it's just that you got some buffalo sauce on your face. "
Mentally Shauna curses herself as she reaches for a napkin to wipe the mess off her face. This is the guy who is going to be asking her out soon. And to him, she probably looks like a fool right now.
" I am so embarrassed. "
" It's no big deal, " he tells her. He then looks over to the bar to see Martha serving a customer with their food.
" I didn't know Martha worked here. "
" She doesn't, " Shauna says.
The two of them go over towards the bar where they both see Shauna's best friend put money into the drawer of the cash register.
"Hey, you guys. " Martha says
"When did this happen? " Shauna asks referring to her best friend suddenly working in her family's establishment.
Antoine comes out of the stockroom. " We needed some help around here and our girl offered. "
Shauna looks at Max then Antoine. " Antoine this is Max Covington, Max this is one of my best friends in the world Antoine Hall.
The two men casually shake hands both ladies know that Shauna's on and off again lover is trying to size him up.
" I got to get back to it. " Antoine remarks, he then takes off past Martha.
" How do you like working here so far? " Max asks
" Not bad, " she answers.
Sarah Lynn comes out of the restroom and is too caught off guard at the sight of her youngest daughter behind the bar.
" Sweetheart what are you doing? " Sarah Lynn asks with concern.
Martha holds onto a beer tap. "Finally trying to learn on how to stand on my own two feet. " It's about time isn't it mom? "
Sarah Lynn nods her head somewhat understanding her daughter's poignancy.

" Uh what is going here? " Mae Jackson announces her presence.
Just before Antoine is about to say one word. Mae sticks out her finger at him to go into the stockroom. Mae with her shopping bags in her hand follows him.
" I hope I did not make things worse for him. " Martha sighs
"Now why is Martha behind my bar Antoine? " She asks
Antoine informs her that they were dealing with a huge lunch rush and that Martha only temporarily stepped in. He'll take full responsibility.
" Look, Antoine, I know things have been hectic around here since Shauna left but I promise I will hire someone soon."
" You know how much I respect you, I mean you took me in when my momma left and you gave me a job here, but I think you should give her a chance. " Antoine notifies.
" The last time I checked my name is on the deed to this place making me do the hiring and firings around here. " Mae cross-examines.
" All I'm saying is Mae, just give Marty one chance and if she screws it up then blame it all on me . " Antoine says
Mae puts her bags down on the empty space on one of the shelves. She then leaves out of the room back behind the bar. She sees Martha over the counter talking to Shauna and Sarah Lynn. She calls the mother to be over to her which she actively complies.
" Mae, I'm so sorry I hope you aren't upset and it won't happen again. " Martha apologizes.
" You're hired!"
" What? " Martha asks
" I can only offer part-time right now, we'll play it-by ear-and if I feel you can handle the pace, then we'll talk about giving you more Shifts, once you have the baby. " Mae informs her in a nice temperament.
" Thank you, I promise I won't let you down. " Martha expresses her gratitude.
" You're welcome. " She walks off leaving the rest of the group excited for Martha.
Martha goes to hug Antoine happily. " Thank you so much."
" No Problem. " Antoine tells her. His eyes narrow in on Max and Shauna laughing about something. Deciding to ignore them in front of him.

According to his watch on his wrist, it is a few minutes before noon. Daniel is sitting at the table in the corner near the back facing out the large window that gives a overview of Main Street. He takes a sip out of the large Styrofoam cup with the name of the café on it. He brought the coffee so he wouldn't look suspicious sitting with no particular p for about thirty-five minutes. Long enough that he wouldn't miss if Lorraine decided to come early.
Lorraine walks in with purse on her shoulder. It does not take long for him to spot him.
" Please take a seat, " he offers
She does so glacially as if she was being held hostage or something.
I thought you weren't going to show up, but it looks like you agree to our deal. " Daniel assumes.
" So everything you said about once your daughter catches me and Steven together you'll get me that audition right? "
" Absolutely, " he says
" I'm all in. " Lorraine replies which finalizes their deal.
Louise stumbles onto something maddening.
A new character arrives.
And much MORE.
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