Written by: Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
Mae hired Martha to work at The Waterfall part time.
Antoine still plans to see Nichelle in order to make Shauna jealous.
Steven 's ex-wife Lorraine and their son Evan moved to Orlando.
Daniel and Courtney reconciled their relationship.

When Martha Saunders was living in Los Angeles, she went out of her apartment by 8:30 PM either to sing at some seedy nightclub or dancing and drinking her nights away. She would awake late afternoon slightly with the realization she is wasting her life which she would subliminally convince herself that she is young and only has herself to answer to.
Now as a single mother to a two-month-old son she finds herself dedicating her life to take care of him which isn't hard for her. So when she realized that tonight is when she is due back into work at The Waterfall. The idea of leaving SJ is quite becoming anxiety-filled though she knows she has to work in order to stand on her two feet.
Regaining the ability to walk in her favorite pair of high-heeled boots down the stairs of the Saunders residence, Martha holds onto the banister a little tighter than usual until she gets to the bottom landing where she got more confidence.
Her mother and father are sitting in their usual areas in the living room mildly observing television whilst SJ are near them in the rocking motion chair wearing a onesie.
"How do I look?" Martha asks
Peter and Sarah Lynn Saunders both eye her get-up which consists of black lace trim cami, a black skater skirt with fishnet stockings and a silver bracelet with a heart charm on it with her full name engraved on it.
"A woman who does not look like , she had a child two months ago." Sarah Lynn says in an impressive manner.
"Are you going to be warm in that? It's freezing out there baby girl." Peter says paternalistically
"Thanks, mom, and dad don't worry your little heart. I am wearing a coat outside."
Martha goes over to her infant son whom she lifts out of the contraption. His warm body fills her heart with many emotions.
She smiles at him.
Mostly she sees a lot of her facial features on him, except for his nose that belonged to his father who chose not to play a role in his life.
"Be good for grandma and granddad," she says to him sweetly.
The baby begins to fuss a bit.
"Oh come on Sugar Bear, we talked about this, "I'll be back."
SJ's whimpering decreases some.
Martha rocks him in her arms for a few more seconds, then when he calms down some more, she puts him back in the chair. After giving hugs to her mother and father. She puts on her black blazer in addition to her coat. Waving from afar to her little boy who is now in his grandma's arms looking like he knows his mommy is leaving.
Standing in front of the door, she holds onto her mother's car keys. Knowing she had to go she pushes herself out of the house. Martha refuses to cry since it isn't going to do any good. Therefore she walks outside where due to Daylight Saving's, the sun is going down much later. Martha uses the keypad to unlock her mother's purple Chevrolet Malibu.

On the twentieth floor inside of Covington Tower, Daniel Covington is sitting behind his desk in his office suite. Being one of the few executives still working this late into the evening. His secretary Evelyn left twenty-minutes ago after a twelve hour day. He is signing off on a legal document regarding some property when he hears footsteps entering into the room he lifts his head up to see who it is.
"Hi, uh I'm not interrupting you, am I?" Your door was open, so I thought I give you these." Courtney Covington says to her father.
He smiles. "You're never an interruption, what do you have to give me?" he says curiously.
Since Courtney decided to move back to live at Home Farm, the two had a civil relationship. Although, he isn't keen on his little girl dating Steven Sullivan due to many factors including him being considerably older than she is. He knows that having her back under the family's roof is the best thing for her.
Courtney gets closer to his desk, she passes him a manila folder, containing documents of some kind.
"What is this?" he asks.
Courtney takes a seat in the club seat in front of him. "Those are potential properties that our For Lease."
Daniel finds information on a familiar business interesting. "123 Main Street?" "What is the story on that Courtney?"
123 Main Street is where Jojo's Café currently stands.
"Apparently the owner is having financial issues, I mean the café makes enough money to break even; but with two divorces, kids in college and mortgages on other businesses, he is deciding to sell it for below market value." I mean imagine all of the good we can do for this place daddy. "
Daniel picks up his glass of club soda off his desk to his lips and takes a sip.
"I definitely look into it, thank you for bringing this to my attention, I think you have what it takes to become involve in real estate development sweetheart," Daniel says encouragingly.
Courtney is taken aback by her father's statement. "Thank you for saying that daddy."
"You got plans for tonight?" Daniel questions
She nods. "I'm going out with Steven. She looks down at her Apple Watch on her wrist. She then winces. "I better get going, see you later." With that, she takes off back into the hallway.
Maybe Daniel cannot do anything about her ongoing seeing of Doctor Dolittle. But he knows that he can channel everything he feels about that into work.

Giving himself a once over in the mirror on the wall beside the door of the apartment. Antoine Hall is satisfied with his appearance that he grins with confidence.
Right on cue, a knock can be heard at the door; he opens it inviting his girlfriend Nichelle Austin inside. She takes off her coat which unveils a salmon pink kimono with a white top, blue jeans, she is also carrying a tote bag on her shoulder.
He quickly wraps his arms around her slender body. Antoine takes in her usual scene of vanilla which he has grown accustomed to. Their lips meet one another before parting.
"Thanks again for letting me study here, my roommate and her boyfriend is turning our apartment into a catering business."
Antoine doesn't hide the confusion on his face.
Nichelle fills him in on how her dental student roommate and her mechanic boyfriend our trying to making money by cooking catfish and fried chicken dinners out of the kitchen in their apartment. She decided to text Antoine if she could come over to get away from the chaos.
He instantly replied. Come on over!!!
Antoine steps into the kitchen. "Beer?"
Nichelle takes a seat on the sofa. "Uh sure why the heck not," she says casually. "It'll keep me up while I hit the books."
One of the things that Antoine is growing to like about her is that it does not take a lot to please her. Unlike other girls, he had messed with over the years who include Shauna. Remembering the initial reason why he hooked up with Nichelle in the first place is to make Shauna jealous so she can dump Max Covington and he'll be there to pick up the pieces in a committed relationship.
Truthfully he somewhat forgot about his plan in her presence.

Crowds by the dozen our populating the bar tonight. The clean version of I Like It by Cardi B is playing. Meanwhile, Martha is getting back in the swing of things behind the bar. Just as she was passing a leaving customer their debit card back.
She becomes elated when she sees Shauna Jackson coming over to the bar. Shauna is holding a neatly gift-wrapped box in her hands too. The two best friends greet each other by hugging and pecking one another on the cheek.
Martha bursts into a smile. "What the hell is that?" She points to the box.
"I was at the mall the other day, and once I saw it I knew that my godson had to have it," Shauna says enthusiastically.
"One of those sound soothing machines for babies that are in the shape of a giraffe," she adds
"Sugar Bear will love it, thank you."
Martha puts the box on a shelf behind the bar for safekeeping.
The two of them chat about how Max is putting a lot of time and energy into his photography business. And they have to sneak in quality time to be together. Soon they're addressed by Steven Sullivan who takes a seat beside Shauna.
"What are you doing here cus?" Martha asks
"Seeing you of course." No, seriously I'm waiting on Courtney." he answers
Shauna points out into the approaching small gathering." Lucky you, here she some comes."
Courtney walks over to her boyfriend in which they embrace one another.
"Hi, you two. " Courtney says curtly. She sets her purse up on the counter top.
The friends exchange quick pleasantries with her too. The couple gives their drink orders in which Martha goes to prepare for them.
"I don't want to talk about work or my father."I'm off the clock." Courtney boldly says.
Steven remarks. "Hallelujah!"
They receive their drinks, a bottle of craft beer for Steven and a glass of chardonnay for Courtney.
His phone rings.
Courtney knows as a veterinarian, he is typically always on call. She watches him gain a look when he sees who is calling on the screen before answering it.
"Hey Lorraine, what's up?"
She rolls her eyes so hard at the mere mention of Steven's ex-wife who worked along her father to assist him to break them up. Lorraine and their almost six-year-old son Evan now live in Orlando where she has gotten a job as a dance teacher at a performing arts high school.
The three women react to Steven's next set of words.
"Is he okay, Is our son okay?"

Peter walks down the staircase, he rejoins his wife in the living room.
"Did you get SJ all cleaned up?" Sarah Lynn responds
Peter nods his head.
SJ had another blowout that surprisingly Peter volunteered to handle.
"He is all cleaned up, and little guy tired himself out in the process," he says
Peter notices a look of relief on his wife's face. "What?"
"You know I just realized that we have the house to ourselves which I believe is a first in a long time." she nearly whispers.
"Peace on earth," Peter says
Sarah Lynn leaves her spot from her favorite chair to sit in her husband's sturdy lap.
"Not too heavy am I?" Sarah Lynn asks
She knows that she still doesn't weigh 115 pounds like when they first got married forty-five years ago.
"No you're not, you're just right baby. "
Their mouths crush together and when they agree to go to the bedroom. The cries of their infant grandson interrupt their intimacy.
"Guess it is my turn." Sarah Lynn concludes.
She gives her husband an apologetic grin before heading to see why her grandson is fussing.

Nichelle is going over some legal definitions in her textbook. She begins to experience the movement of Antoine's lips on her neck.
"Yes?" she says pleasantly.
Antoine continues to kiss on her on the neck. "How about you take a break?" He hopes that he is turning her on right now.
"Can't," Nichelle replies.
He removes his mouth off her body. "Oh shit!" I forgot to tell you that we're having a double date with Shauna and Max." I am cooking by the way.
"Her eyes are still mostly on the page of her textbook. "Sounds like fun."
She puts her studying to aside whilst watching him staring so intently.
"Oh hell, I give you the green light "
The two enter into a passionate clinch.

With one finger in one of his ears in order to hear better in the midst of the noise of the environment.
Steven verbalizes. "I call you when I get to the airport." he swiftly hangs up the phone.
He sees Courtney, Martha, and Shauna with similar looks of concern and intrigue.
"Lorraine and Evan were in a car accident, some idiot on the road ran into them."
"Oh my god, how are they? " Martha wonders aloud .
Steven take s a drink of his beer. "Evan only got some cuts and scrapes, but Lorraine got the worst of it, she has a broken leg and a couple of cracked ribs."
Courtney feels guilty about her calling in the first place now.
"I am going to have to call it a night, I need to get home to pack, so I can get to the airport."
Courtney lifts her head. "You're going to Orlando?"
She misses Shauna doing a double take at the question she uttered.
"Court, I have to," he says. "Her father and her stepmother our out of the country so someone has to be there for my little boy during this time."
He assures his girlfriend that he will call her when he gets to the airport. He says his farewells to his cousin and family friend before rushing off.
"Lorraine is definitely not my favorite person, but I hope she gets better," Martha says courteously.
Courtney downs the last of her wine.
Shauna nonchalantly assures her boyfriend's only sister that Steven and she are still solid, in spite of the history of Daniel and Lorraine coming in between them.
"Looks like my night is over," Courtney says in a subdued manner.
She gets off the stool. "Bye ladies."
Shauna and Martha both see her take off towards the exit.
Shauna wanted to tell her to stay put so the three of them can hang out. Yet Courtney seemed checked out when Steven left her.
Martha turns to face the clock on the wall and back to her best friend. "I'm due for a break."
"You want to see the new clothes my grandmother bought me?" Shauna asks excitingly
The women make their way to the separate set of stairs that lead to the house upstairs above the bar.
Luckily, Shauna didn't need her key since the door was already unlocked.
They go into the apartment which is empty by the look of things even though when she left Antoine was on his phone sitting in the chair in the living room.
Just as they're about to go to her bedroom. Both of the ladies can hear moaning going on in another room. The door is ajar enough for them to see who is doing the expressing of pleasure. Antoine's sculpted body is on top of Nichelle in his bed having sex.
Martha covers her mouth then uncovers it. "Oh my god!"
Shauna feels frozen in paralysis. Somehow she knew that the two of them were screwing one another. Though the sight of them makes her feel like she is intruding.
"Let's get outta here," Shauna says
The two hastily leave out of the apartment as the moaning in sexual pleasure increases.
Elijah & Lynn's date doesn't go as planned.
The double date stirs up trouble and jealousy.
Daniel and Louise catch up.
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