Written by: Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
Louise finally informed Peter about her divorce.
Mae went to her late husband's grave to find some way to deal with her son's possible release from prison.
Tanner has reluctantly agreed to teach Tommy how to drive in order to get his driver's license.
Antoine starts seeing Nichelle partly to make Shauna jealous.

Mae Jackson tossed and turned in her sleep all through the night. Truthfully she had a hard time coming to the prison where her son Will has been imprisoned for nearly two years now. Literally coffee and curiosity is the only thing that got her to stay awake to make the hour or so drive west of Radcliffe.
She is now sitting on a stool behind the partition. Her nerves are getting a workout whilst she waits on the officer to bring her son. This will be the first time she has seen him in about ten months.
Mae hears the sounds of heavy footsteps approaching the other side of the plexiglass.
The burly male uniformed officer is gripping the inmate to the bench where he is wearing the standard orange jumpsuit. Mae instantly recognizes her son trying to see if anything physically is different about him.
He picks up the phone on his side which Mae does the same.
"No time no see ma." Will Jackson greets his mother.
"Hi Will, how are you holding up?" Mae asks in a caring tone.

With his homework completed and no in-class tests to study for, Tommy Covington found himself in the school library on the second floor of Radcliffe High School sitting down at a table reading his driver's manual on his free period this morning. Some students were on the desktop computers sneaking in social media time whilst others were whispering. While the older female librarian with cat-eyed spectacles keeps her eye on the room every now and then.
By the time he reached the page where the correct speed limit to drive on the freeway, he saw someone taking a seat next to him.
"About time you're finally cracking this open." Tanner Lockhart says optimistically.
For the past month, Tanner has been the designated person who has been teaching him how to drive in order to finally obtain his driver's license.
"Well, nothing much else to do right now, anyway what are you doing here Teach? " he asks.
Tanner unzips her backpack, pulling out Sadie the newest novel by Courtney Summers.
"My regular teacher is out today, so we got a sub for World History, but she doesn't have a key to the classroom so Mrs. Barker just told her to take the class in here until she can find one." Tanner informs him somewhat confused at the thought of no one having a key for a classroom.
Jordan McKnight sashays over to them in a seafoam green off the shoulder maxi dress, with a slight slit in the front with dark leather boots and her long blonde hair is in waves, carrying her green jumbo tote bag on her shoulder. He couldn't help but feel some type of attraction towards her.
"Hey Tanner, how are you Tommy?" were the first words out of her mouth.
Tanner rolls her eyes at her former friend trying to flirt her way to the wealthiest boy in the school.
"I'm doing good, how are you Jordan?" Tommy says nicely.
Jordan tosses some of her hair off her shoulder. "Better now with seeing you, " she responds.
Tanner pushes her glasses on her face trying to stay silent at the crap that is being said and heard. Part of her is jealous of the way how Jordan can exude confidence without any fear.

On the eighth story inside of Covington Tower located in Downtown Radcliffe where mainly the interior decorating and architecture is created. Shauna Jackson is sitting behind her desk in the cubicle she was assigned to. A far cry from what she dreamt of whilst in college which was her own office where she would work on creating idyllic homes. Instead, she is the design assistant. Only seconds ago, she hung up from her boss making sure she stayed on top of the work since she is at back to back meetings in and out of the office.
The sounds of the whirring of various machines such as printers and computers is audible. As well as the off and various employees making small talk about the activities of the past weekend.
Out of the blue, she sees Antoine Hall walking her way. She wonders if anything is wrong. Quickly she checks her cell phone that is in front of her sighing at zero notifications or missed calls.
Antoine stops in the entryway of the cubicle.
"Antoine, what are you doing here, Is everything all right? " Shauna asks hoping nothing is wrong with her grandmother.
"I wanted to see where you work, so this is it?" Antoine says
He begins eyeing her small space then out the narrow area.
"If you about to talk that noise about it not being all that I don't give a crap."
Antoine puts up one of his hands to cut her off.
"Do I seriously look like I can talk about anywhere anyone work at I mean I work at a place where grown men get wasted every night." Besides this isn't so bad. " he replies with honesty.
She had to admit to herself that he did look good today, smelling like soap and fabric softener. Nonetheless, she knows she has a man so she shouldn't even be thinking another man in that way.
The ringtone of her iPhone comes in between the two of them. She retrieves it coincidentally it is Max who is calling her.
Unbeknownst to her, Antoine is overhearing every word she is saying to her so-called lover. He cannot let it go the feelings he has for her no matter how hard he tries.
Shauna ends the conversation hanging up the phone. "Thanks for coming down here, but I need to finish a few things around here. Before, I go to meet Max for lunch in about forty-five minutes."
Antoine puts both hands in his coat pocket. "All right I see ya later."
He takes off walking down the corridor as he makes it to the elevator bank by pushing the down arrow. Antoine locates the specific number from the contacts in his smartphone. He enters the elevator by pressing the lobby button the doors then close.
"Hey, it's me, how you doin? Are you busy? Wanna grab a bite to eat?" he says nonchalantly.

Peter Saunders enters the side door of the house that is connected to the kitchen. He is thankful to see a freshly brewed pot of coffee on the counter that Sarah Lynn made. Obtaining his mug from the cabinet, he pours the dark steaming liquid into it.
He still has many questions swirling in his mind after finding out that Louise had gotten a divorce from Sean. He tries to recall any problems between them when they come here for work or any family dinners. Though he cannot think of any in spite of him not showing up a few times.
Synchronically, Sean Lockhart walks through the door too in his gray sweatshirt, dirty jeans, and boots.
The two silently stare at each other, before Sean fixes his own cup of coffee.
"What the hell is going on?" Peter spits out venomously
Sean takes a sip of his coffee. "I take it that you heard about the divorce from Louise, I hope this doesn't cause any problems with us," Sean replies
Peter shakes his head at what is being said to him in his own house.
"I don't know what the hell happened between you and my daughter but from the state of what I last saw Louise. I say you had a part to play in the destruction of your marriage."
"Peter, Louise and I haven't been happy together for in, I don't know how long, you don't know what is going on in our home. I know you're concerned for your daughter, trust me you have no idea what is going on okay." Sean says
Sean turns out to go back outside trying to avoid more of a confrontation. He doesn't want to tell his ex-father-in-law the reasons why his marriage is over knowing Louise wouldn't like it at all.
"Go ahead walk away, seems like you've been doing more than once lately." Peter pronounces offensively
Sean hurriedly turns around to get in his face."I'm sick of Louise, the girls and now you blaming everything on me, do you really know wanna know why our marriage is over ?"
"Sean you're crossing a line, get out of my face, get back out to work." Peter yells
"What in the hell is going on in here? " Sarah Lynn Saunders questions fervently.

An unfamiliar contemporary jazz song is playing through the speakers above the dining establishment as the diners are enjoying their meals. Shauna Jackson and her boyfriend Max Covington our sitting together at a table in the center of the restaurant.
Shauna is carefully reading her menu unsure of which items she wants to consume.
The waiter arrives at their table ready for them to give them their orders.
"Yes, I would like to order the lobster roll and bisque. " Max answers
"And Ma'am would what you like?" the waiter asks her.
Shauna takes away her focus off the menu.
"I just get the shrimp and grilled chicken, thank you. "
The waiter hastily takes their menus and mutters something before leaving.
"Did I mention how good you look right now? " Max says wooingly.
"I know it is a reason why I keep you around. "So how did that shoot go?"
For the past few months, Max's photography business is beginning to flourish in town. For him to only start it up not long ago and where it might be heading it is a whirlwind for him.
"I guess I can describe it as excitingly scary I mean I am actually doing something I like feels really damn good Shauna."
"That's how I feel about what I do when I decorated your family's estate it was a lot of pressure but it challenged me which work should do. "
The hostess leads Antoine Hall with his lover Nichelle Austin into the dining room. Antoine only has been here once, when Horace and Mae took Shauna and himself here for dinner after their high school graduation. He prefers a date at home with a beer and a movie. However, he overheard that Max was taking Shauna here knowing he has to do what he can to get his plan working to make Shauna envious so she would break up with that scrawny white boy to be with him.
"When you called me to invite me out to lunch I didn't expect you had The Chateau in mind," Nichelle says candidly.
She then looks down at her casual wardrobe of an olive green lace-up sleeve top and black slacks.
"Girl don't be trippin, you look good, "
He does find Nichelle looking rather fine in and out of her clothes.
Antoine sees Shauna and Max sitting and laughing about something.
"Hey it's Shauna, maybe we should go say hey." Nichelle tells him.
The two go over to the table where Max and Shauna were in conversation.
It is the object of his affection who notices that these two were standing there. The look on her face had surprised written all over it.
Antoine and Nichelle greet her whilst introductions are made between Max and herself.
Shauna does not miss Antoine putting her arm around his newest hook up.
"We wanted to come over here to say hello. " Antoine says
"It was nice meeting you Nichelle. " Max retorts
"You too Max, " Nichelle says back.
The pair of them go off to their table that they were going to be seated. Shauna finds herself becoming pissed off at the thought of Antoine was trying to drive a wedge between her and her boyfriend.

Jordan turns her head back to her entourage of girlfriends who seem to be giving her some type of encouragement to go forward with her hitting on Tommy.
She places a hand on her slim hip. "Hey if you're not busy then maybe you can come to cross-country practice after school to watch me run around in the gym."
Tommy smiles imagining her running around the gym in those black shorts he knows that they jog around in.
Tanner can heavily sense the gloating coming off Jordan.
"We're supposed to get in some time behind the wheel because you have the driver's test at the DMV in two weeks remember?"
"Oh come on Tanner, he can always do that, and if it makes you feel any better you can tag along with him it's been a while since we hung out. "
Tommy smiles imagining her running around the gym in those black shorts he knows that they jog around in.
"Yeah, I'll be there. "
Tanner can heavily sense the gloating coming off Jordan.
"We're supposed to get in some time behind the wheel because you have the driver's test at the DMV in two weeks remember?"
"Oh come on Tanner, he can always do that, and if it makes you feel any better you can tag along with him it's been a while since we hung out.
"With good reason," Tanner mumbles.
Tommy easily can tell the tension going on between both girls.
"You know what we'll come to watch you practice then I can get in some time driving you both win," Tommy says neutrally.
"After school, the gym, I save you a bench. " Jordan winks to him.
She then returns to her friends with squealing is taking place near the door.
"I cannot believe you actually fell for that," Tanner says
"Maybe she is not so bad after all." Tommy generalizes
She finds her spot from where stopped reading from in the book."Maybe Trump is Obama lite after all. " Tanner says sarcastically.

Will Jackson still looks the same pretty much with his dark hair styled in corn rolls and his tattoos on each of his hand can also be seen.
"Well I guess I'm doing all right, plenty time to think, I missed you so much Ma and your home cooking. "
The two of them are quiet for at least thirty seconds finding it quite awkward to talk to the person whom they hadn't seen in a long while, especially if they're mother and son.
"So you said that your lawyer thinks its a chance for you to get on parole? "
Will bows his head when his mother is talking to him."It's true Ma before we talk about all of that legal bullshit, how have you been? how's the bar? "
"Everything is going good Will." Mae replies
Will chuckles uneasily. "You still think I'm some no good thug who ripped off their own daddy don't you?"
"I don't think that at all, it's just when I found out what you did I was so disappointed in your baby And when I think about it I start thinking about what your father and I sacrificed by moving to Radcliffe from Atlanta in order for you and your sister to have a better life. The sad thing about that is you two could've had it all but you all thought by taking shortcuts you would get there much quicker look where the both ended up in your lives now.
Will clears his throat before speaking.
"Look I know you think I'm not a good person right now, all I know is that my lawyer thinks with good behavior that I can get a meeting with the parole board so I can get out of here sometime soon," he explains.
"Time's up!" the burly male officer shouts out moving to collect Will back to his cell.
"I want you to know this I love you, and will be pulling for you to not only to get out of here but to prove to yourself that you can be different. " Mae instills.
Will is taken by the arm by the officer. "You gonna see it Ma."
Mae puts the phone back on the wall whilst she sits there hoping to believe maybe her son is capable of being a productive citizen again.

Sean roughly exhales
"A few years ago, I became unhappy in our marriage, so I cheated on her, she found out and instead of ending things she wanted to still be married but we agreed that I can have my fun on the side, hell she even had a few dates with another man."
Both Sarah and Sean watch Peter hearing the truth. He slowly realizes it is the truth as he wanders over to his wife.
"Sean, you can leave for the day, I don't think it is a good idea for you to be here right now. " Sarah Lynn declares
"Sorry, it had to come out like that," Sean apologizes.
He then heads out of the kitchen into the living where his coat is hung up on the wooden coat rack near the front door.
Peter sucks his teeth. "The nerve of that guy, telling us our daughter made him sleep with another woman. "
"He didn't exactly say that sweetheart." Sarah Lynn says lowly
"'Why are you --- You knew about this didn't you, you knew about this, and you didn't tell me, I am her father Sarah Lynn. "
Sarah Lynn taps her fingers on the counter. "Louise didn't want anyone to find out I wasn't going to betray our daughter's trust, Peter. "
Peter cannot believe the guy whom he adored like a son who he gave him a job on this farm. Remembering when he asked him for his blessing to marry his little girl he swore up and down that he wouldn't hurt her.
He puts his arm around his wife which is his way of forgiving her. " I didn't mean to lose my cool at you, seems like this family is going through too many changes. "
"We'll get through those changes together." Sarah Lynn remarks somewhat wearily
Her head falls onto his chest, both trying to grasp what is going on with their loved ones.
Sean moves out.
Lynn and Elijah see one another since they revealed they have feelings for one another to other people.
Louise reflects the highs and lows of her marriage.
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