Written by : Bre L. Drew
November 29, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
At Courtney's insistence, an unwell Tricia took a pregnancy test, which resulted in a positive result.
Antoine's latest girlfriend, Cici, revealed to Sean that Tricia kissed Samuel on Halloween.
Sean confided in Louise about his marital troubles.

Somehow, Tricia Lockhart was able to strong-arm herself into getting an appointment to see Dr. Jamison at the last minute. Despite taking a pregnancy test that gave her a positive result, she wants to confirm if she is really pregnant.
Currently, Tricia is sitting across from the doctor's desk, waiting for her to return.
A part of her hopes that perhaps it is a false-positive. At the moment, things with Sean aren't great due to her once again screwing things up between them. Not to mention, she hasn't had much experience with kids other than the children of friends from her flight attendant days and a few times she has been around Jeremy. She has never pictured herself as a mother, in spite of wanting one day to have a child of her own.
Tricia was about to pull her iPhone from her Kate Spade bag to keep herself entertained when the petite blonde obstetrician and gynecologist entered the room in her white lab coat and pumps.
"Sorry about that, a patient of mine went into premature labor. Thankfully, everything is fine with mother and child," the physician reports.
Tricia nods her head somewhat understandably.
Dr. Jamison picks up her electronic tablet from her desk. She does some maneuvering with her hand. "Well, the lab did confirm the result of your at-home pregnancy test, you are pregnant, and it looks like you're about nine weeks along."
Tricia slowly exhales as she tries to get her head around this fact. "Are you sure?"
Dr. Jamison sets the device aside on the desk near a framed photo of herself and her husband.
"I take it that this comes as a bit of a surprise,"
"You can say that; -- thanks for seeing me on such short notice Dr. Jamison."
The doctor congratulates her before Tricia exits the room, heading onto the elevator.

The reverberation of knocking on the front door has Antoine Hall strolling out of his bedroom inside the residential apartment above The Waterfall.
"I'm coming! I'm coming!" he repeats a few times before his hand winds up on the knob.
He is slightly taken back by seeing Cici behind the threshold.
"Hey," he says uneasily.
"Hi," she answers.
The two haven't had much contact since she had exposed Tricia's meaningless kiss with Samuel to Sean on Halloween. Other than a few texts, the two hadn't had much to do with each other.
The beautiful young woman is wearing a cranberry ribbed turtleneck dress that shows off her various curves,
"Do you wanna come in?" he asks.
She quickly sways her head.
"We both know that this is over. I didn't mean to get your little friend in trouble, but her husband had the right to know that his wife is having some sorta affair behind his back."
Antoine has one hand on the knob and the other at his side.
"My friend's marriage is damn near on life support because of what you did. Look, I don't like what Tricia did, but it was up to her whether or not Sean to know that."
Cici flashes him an expression of That's bullshit, and you know it on her face.
"We had our fun, but somethin' tells me you aren't interested in any relationship with the opposite sex for very long."
Antoine tries his best not to show that wasn't the truth to that statement.
"Take care, Cici," he tells her in a friendly manner.
"Same to you; maybe the next one will appreciate my honesty."
With that, she takes off in a relaxed manner down the hallway as Antoine closes the door to finish getting ready for his shift downstairs.

"We were expecting someone out here two weeks ago to look at that pump," says Sean Lockhart on his iPhone.
The farm manager is in the house, inside the kitchen on Franklin Farm, speaking to someone regarding the repairs or lack thereof with the milk pump.
Louise Saunders Lockhart enters the room to grab herself a bottle of water from the refrigerator, in between doing some work in the living room.
A few minutes later, he gets the answer he was looking forward to hearing.
"Thank you," Sean concluded the call. "The guy will be coming out here in the morning to look at that damn pump finally," he replies.
Louise takes a seat at the table with the bottle of water in front of her. "About time; thanks for taking care of it, by the way."
Sean sits across from her. "No problem, and I gotta say I have a new appreciation for you."
"Well, that is something I don't hear every day."
For years, I thought you had it easy managing this place, but I'm realizing; how hard it is."
When Louise inherited shares of the farm from her father, she promoted her ex-husband as farm manager. And so far, she hasn't been disappointed at his work since she made that decision.
"How are you doing with everything?" Louise asks.
She knows her ex-husband is having another round of problems with Tricia and wanted to see if anything was different.
As she takes a sip of water, Sean sighs.
"We're still doing our version of tip-toeing around each other. I mean, I love her, but I'm tired of feeling like I can't trust her, and yes, I know it was just a kiss. But will it be something else next time?"
"Like I told you before, you have to decide whether or not you want to stay in your marriage."
Louise then gently places her hand on top of Sean's hands in a friendly gesture.
Unbeknownst to them, Tricia walks into the kitchen, not keen on the sight presently in front of her.
"Remove your hands off his, or I will do it myself," she boldly declares.

A moderate-sized lunch crowd populates the local bar as Kenny G's "G-Bop" plays blare on the ceiling speakers throughout the establishment this fall afternoon.
Samuel Gupta makes his way into the warm bar from the brisk outside.
If he didn't have this lunch on his schedule, he wouldn't believe that both of his parents were here sitting in a booth even though their divorce had been pretty much amicable.
"Sorry I'm late," he apologizes, taking a seat across from them.
"It's all right; we just got here ourselves," Mala Gupta states.
Jai Gupta clears his throat. "We can go ahead and order. I know we've all got to get back to work."
Not much time passes when Mae Jackson comes to their table with a notepad and pen.
"Hey, how are you all?" The bar owner greets her customers.
All of them express their various responses to her.
While his parents recite their meal orders, Samuel wonders if Mae is aware of the minor incident that occurred on Halloween night when Sean and he almost got physical when Sean discovered that he and Tricia had kissed here weeks before. Despite telling him nothing else happened, he knows it will affect his friendship with her.
When Mae gets to him, Samuel randomly requests a cheeseburger, fries, and a coke since he is working at the hospital today.
She goes off to get their food.
Mala and Jai both glance at one another before they look at their son.
"I gather you wanted to see me because you heard about me and Tricia," Samuel blurts out, not wanting any more suspense between the three of them.
"He has your perception, for sure," Jai says to his ex-wife.
"Son, we love you, but could you not fall for someone else who isn't married?" Mala asks him bluntly
"Mala," Jai says like he is the good cop warning the bad cop.
The woman turns to her ex-husband before her son. "No, Jai, our son has everything we ever wanted for him, but I'm trying to understand why on earth he got himself involved with a woman that's married to a guy who used to be married to your current significant other, Jai."
With his mother saying it like that, it makes Samuel begin to realize that perhaps he does need to take a step back when it comes to him and Tricia.
"Mom, Dad, I assure you, it was just a meaningless kiss. Nothing else is going to happen between us. Can we talk about something else," Samuel remarks
"All right," Jai says defeatedly.
Meanwhile, Mala folds her arms across her chest. She begins mumbling something in Punjabi, which Samuel determines she said.
Please let my son find a woman without baggage,
Behind the bar, Antoine had been casually gazing at the table with Samuel and his parents, hearing tidbits about his part in the kiss between him and Tricia.
Mae comes out of the kitchen and stands beside her manager and surrogate grandson.
"Somethin' juicy going on over there?"
"Nothin', you already don't know about,"
"I guess you should know that Cici and I decided to part ways. Antoine says, and he then fills her in about their conversation.
Mae puts her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry to hear that,"
He shrugs. "Well, it wasn't meant to be. It's not like I was looking for commitment anyway. "
The older woman is aware of Antoine's history with women, knowing that her granddaughter would be one of the few he wouldn't give up on. Yet, she knows it isn't a reality since she is happily married to Max.

Quickly, Louise lets go of her ex-husband's hand. She gets on her feet to clarify the situation.
"Tricia, nothing is going on here,"
With her arms folded, she shakes her head, still not satisfied with the explanation.
Sean gets out of the chair, getting near his wife. "Hey, what are you doing here?"
Tricia wanted to tell her husband that she was pregnant, thinking he would be working on the grounds, which would've given them privacy. The last thing she expected was her walking in on him and his ex-wife at such a close moment, probably talking about her screw-ups.
"I have something to tell you, but -- I guess it will have to wait until you get home."
"Are you feeling any better?" he queries
Sean had known she hadn't been feeling well, thinking it was the flu instead of morning sickness.
"Yeah, thanks for asking."
Tricia gives Sean a kiss on the lips that makes Louise take notice.
"Louise," Tricia snipes. She gazes at Sean with significance. And I will see you later."
"Tricia," Louise mumbles,
As Tricia exits the room, Sean is left perplexed by what his wife wants to tell him.
Sean gets surprising news.
Martha and Will come to an understanding.
Steven and Courtney have a romantic evening.
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