Written by: Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
In exchange for his silence, Daniel blackmailed Esther for him to retain his shares of Franklin Farm Ltd.
Courtney's whereabouts our still unknown after confronting her father about getting involved in her personal life.
Louise realized her marriage is over.

Sarah Lynn Saunders is standing in the kitchen writing on the counter with a pen on a piece of paper. Just as she is about to write down the next item, she feels someone putting their arms around her pulling her closer to them. She is somewhat startled until she turns to face her husband which makes her face envelope into a wide smile.
" Who did you think it was? " Peter Saunders asks. He is wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt with Dickies overalls and work boots.
" Forgive me I got caught up with this." Sarah Lynn gesturers her black ink pen and paper sitting on the surface.
" What are you doing anyway? "
" I completely forgot that Thanksgiving is in a few days, you know me by now I would have everything I need for dinner, that's why I am making this list so I can head to the market after taking Martha to her appointment."
Usually, Sarah Lynn Saunders is on top of everything, but it seems this year flew away from her with some many life-changing events for their family.
Peter reaches for a glass out of the cabinet and then goes to the faucet to fill it up with water. " Everything all right with her? " he says concerningly.
Peter remembered when earlier in her pregnancy that Martha collapsed onto the floor due to hydration. He has come around to his youngest daughter having a child on her own but hopes nothing is seriously wrong.
Sarah Lynn bows her head. " She's fine, though she has changed her mind about finding out if she is having a boy or a girl? "
"Sarah, can you believe that this house is going to have a baby in it again. I mean the last time there was one it was Martha. " Peter says getting nostalgic.
This time Sarah Lynn is the one who puts both of her arms around her husband. " I know I'm excited too. "
The both of them hold onto one another she gives him a quick peck on his lips.
They then hear Esther Saunders approaching into the room.
" Hey Sare, Can I talk to Peter? " Esther asks
"Sure, I got to get outta here anyway. " Sarah Lynn replies. She gathers the list, pen, and purse from the counter. She then taps the arm of her sister-in-law." Whatever you two are hiding, please fix it so a positive outcome can come out of this."
She then gives a knowing gaze to her husband back to Esther than she turns to leave.
The Saunders Siblings remain standing with so much to get off their chest on the conversation of an outsider having some grasp on their business and more importantly their land.

Getting out of the elevator onto the sixth floor of the Miller Inn. Steven Sullivan strolls down the corridor where the most of the expensive suites are located on. He then stops in front of the white door with 611 on a small gold oval on it. He then knocks on the door.
Courtney Covington opens the door with a style of not sure of what to expect. She is wearing a red twill halter wide-leg jumpsuit, and her light brown hair is tied up in a bun.
" Hi " she then moves to indicate that her boyfriend can come in the suite in which he complies.
Courtney shuts the door behind them.
Steven is impressed with the size of the rather large hotel room that Courtney has been staying with for a few days now.
" Hey" Steven greets her.
Steven only has gotten a text from her this morning that Courtney had been staying here after what happened between her and her father trying to control her life by using his ex-wife coming in between them.
" I didn't mean to be incognito, I just needed to clear my head, how are you?"
Steven puts his hands in both of his pockets. " I am fine."
Courtney notices that he is mulling something around in his mind.
"If there is anything you need to say don't hold back I get that enough from my own father Steven. "
"Yesterday he came over to the farm to ask where you were."
Courtney shakes her head in confusion. " Why am I'm not surprise he probably is going to have his Private Investigator kidnap me to take me back home so he can "explain himself," she says in a way if she wasn't so angry she wouldn't think twice about making that statement.
"I should ask how are you, Courtney? " Steven says
"Better with you here."
She reaches on her tippy toes to make out with her boyfriend, then she gets sensual by taking his clothes off, and the two of them end up in a horizontal position onto the king-size bed.

Deciding to pick up some drinks, as well as taking some baked goods home Louise Saunders Lockhart and her twin daughters Tanner and Lynn Lockhart sits down at a table due to being on their feet all day mostly because they went out to Hudson Lake to do some shopping for their fall and winter wardrobes.
Natural by Imagine Dragons is playing over the ceiling audio speakers giving customers some unspoken energy.
" Am I the only one exhausted? " Lynn says. She rubs her shoe where underneath her foot is sore from walking up and down the outdoor shopping district.
"No, it's not you Lenny. " Tanner says putting her phone down on the table.
" This is why we are treating ourselves with something totally unhealthy. " Louise replies victoriously.
She gets the girls' choice of beverages then takes off into the line in front.
" Hey, I got a text from Dad when we were coming here. " Tanner says cryptically.
" Let me guess he wants to apologize for being ghost for about a week and a half. " Lynn says.
"That and he isn't coming home until Friday so he is not going to be here for Thanksgiving."
Lynn rolls her eyes having a suspicion about him once again disappointing his own family.
Louise returns over to them with a cardboard cupholder with sleeves on the pumpkin-spice late for Tanner, the hot chocolate for Lynn and hot tea for herself. She takes a seat in the chair in front of her.
The cheesecakes will be ready soon, one will be for us to take home and eat whilst we take the other to your grandparents on Thursday. " Louise says
Both girls share similar looks of trouble which Louise picks up on expeditiously.
"Okay, what's going on, don't say nothing because a mother always knows when their children are hiding something."

In the examination room on the eighth floor of the hospital. Martha Saunders is sitting up on the bed going back and forth between staring at the blue walls and getting the realization that in a few minutes she'll find out who is this little person inside of her.
Sitting on the stool behind her, Sarah Lynn puts her phone back into her purse.
"I tried to reach your sister but she isn't picking up I'll try later. " Sarah Lynn says bemusedly.
" What's wrong momma? " Martha asks
Sarah Lynn sighs. " Oh I just wanted to check up on her that's all. "
Her mind flashes to a conversation she had with her oldest daughter sometime ago.
" Louise, what's wrong sweetheart? "
" My whole goddamn life, that is what is wrong momma. "
" Why would Sean be with another woman? "
"Because for the past two years my husband has been sleeping with another woman. "
" How do you know this? "
" The old that's not my perfume on you, It is then we both agreed that he can go out and have his fun and I can do the same if I wanted to but we'll stay married. "
Why are you still married then? Is it for the girls? "
" And maybe for both of our sakes too, I forgot to tell you both the girls found out earlier this summer too. "
" Mom if this is about Sean and Louise then I know? " Martha blurts out having enough of her mother tip-toeing around the fact that her sister and brother-in-law's marriage is a mess.
Sarah Lynn at first isn't sure she heard her daughter correctly but nods her head timidly. "How do you know? "
Sarah Lynn regrets that both of her daughters don't have a close sisterhood nonetheless she is surprised that Martha knows all about this.
Martha begins rallying off how she discovered her sister's personal business and how she swore her to secrecy for the sake of the girls.
I know that Louise, and I don't exactly get along but I thought she and Sean were at least happy together. I guess that goes to show you even married people got their own problems too huh momma? "
Just as Sarah Lynn is about to agree on her youngest daughter's sentiment. The petite Chinese female ultrasound technologist enters the room.
Now Martha is lying down with her shirt up revealing her pregnant belly. She laughs when the cold gel is being put on her stomach. Sarah Lynn is right beside her holding her hand.
The technician starts moving the wand around starting the sonogram. She points out that the baby is healthy with a strong heartbeat that excites them. She then confirms what she thinks she knows on the screen.
" So am I having a boy or a girl? " Martha asks impatiently knowing she can't wait in suspense anymore.
" Ms. Saunders, I'm happy to tell you're having a boy."
When the technician is done completing the exam she ushers herself out of the room, telling them they can leave reminding her to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jamison on her way out.
Sarah Lynn wipes her eyes from happy tears. " My baby girl is having a baby boy!"
Martha uses a paper towel to wipe the gel off her belly. " I can't believe I actually thought I could go without knowing the gender. And it dawns on me that he is already changing my life already and he is not even here yet. "
Sarah Lynn is thankful for having the opportunity to be here with her which makes it bittersweet that Murray Hirsch refuses to be bothered caring about his own flesh and blood. There is no way she is going to let Martha be alone raising this child.
"Your father is going to be happy that you're giving us our first grandson." Sarah Lynn proudly admits.
"As long as Daddy doesn't go out to buy him his first tractor before he can crawl we should be good." Martha laughs merrily.

Esther finds herself taking a decent mouthful of her cup of coffee sitting up at the counter. " There ain't no easy way to say this, but here it is If I didn't let Daniel Covington keep his twenty-percent of the farm, he was going to run his big mouth to Steven that I was the one using Lorraine and Evan in order to break him and his daughter up. And you know he would've done it too since that girl of his don't want anything to do with him. "
Peter is still standing near the sink with his arms folded over his chest his mood seems to meet halfway of having sympathy for his sister and disappointment that he is now in a partnership with the son of a man who got off taking advantage of his dying father all those years ago.
" Say something? " Esther says
Peter grabs his glass of half-full water. " What do you want me to say, Esther? That once again we're losing to the Covington's, watching them take what is ours." He takes a sip of his drink.
"I am so sorry I should've thought of something else Pete. "
" You did what you could, I'm glad that Momma and Dad ain't here to see the day Patrick's boy have any say regarding the farm."
Esther places her cup in front of her quite thankful that this year was quite profitable for them in terms of profit of the dairy products they sell in this region.
" You know what done is done, I hate to say this, but I don't have enough energy to fight that man right now. " Esther says
Peter comes around to put a hand on his sister's shoulder. " Don't count us out just yet. "
Esther turns to face her brother with a tired expression. " What are you talking about? "
" Well with both of our shares, we're still the majority shareholders of this farm meaning Danny Boy can't even touch one cow without our permission. " Peter tells her encouragingly.
" I guess I haven't thought about that she replies, that bastard better think twice than to screw with us right? " Esther cackles.
" I better get back out there we're one guy short, I can't wait to Sean comes back from out of town. "
" Why has he been gone so long anyway, nothing is wrong with Johnny. " Esther responds.
Peter shrugs. " Your guess it just good as mine. " With that, he leaves out of the side door leaving Esther alone with her thoughts.

Tanner adjusts her eyeglasses. " Mom, I got a text from dad ---he isn't coming home for Thanksgiving. "
The twins watch their mother trying to find on her face if she is upset at the news or perhaps she already knew and brought them to here to drop the bomb herself.
" Did he say why? " Louise asks
" He is staying in Frankfort, something about Uncle Johnny inviting him for Friendsgiving. " Tanner says not even sure if her father is lying to her or not.
Louise takes a sample of her tea knowing that she and Sean had a fight before he left town. But she at least thought that he would come home to celebrate the holiday with his own children. She does believe that he is spending time with his younger brother, his friends and Johnny's longtime girlfriend Diana who walks dogs professionally. Tricia works during the major holidays which always made her not ever worry if she wasn't going to have her husband and the father of her daughters home.
Well until now.
"Are you okay mom? " Lynn asks in a near whisper.
" Yeah, Yeah, I know these past few months haven't been the best for all of us, and whatever happens between your father and me we'll always love you no matter what. "
Lynn and Tanner our thinking the exact same thing of unsureness.
"Order for Louise! " a barista calls out from behind the register.
Louise rises to her feet to go retrieve the desserts. At first, she thought she was making a mistake by filing for divorce. Though when she learned her husband's selfishness, she knows now that she made the best decision by going to the courthouse earlier this week to take steps to end their marriage.
Antoine finds himself at fault.
Shauna gets a tempting offer.
Courtney sees Daniel since their confrontation.
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