Written by: Bre L Drew
September 16, 2024
Last Time on Town and Country
Shauna feels intense guilt over her pregnancy, as Antoine, not her husband Max, is the father, though neither is aware.
Murray’s tour hits a snag when an act cancels last minute, prompting him to devise a solution.
Lenny’s leukemia continues to take an emotional toll, and Elijah strives to support her through the hardship.

Lenny Lockhart expertly maneuvers the Fiat into the pathway of the two-story home on her family's ancestral 800-acre farm. She puts the car into a gentle stop, aligned with the gravel path up to the house. The expansive farm, with its familiar landscape, stretched out in the background, evoking a sense of warmth for her since it had been months since she worked on the land due to her ongoing battle with acute myeloid leukemia.
The early twenty-something steps, her exhaustion evident in her movements into the still warm and sunny almost fall afternoon wearing a green graphic t-shirt with "Big Bear California" paired with well-worn jeans. Her ballcap, tilted slightly, was trying to cover the thinning hair she had lost due to chemotherapy.
Lenny stepped onto the porch, her gaze lingering on the familiar porch swing where she had spent countless afternoons, swaying gently. She crosses the threshold into the house.
Simultaneously, Sarah Lynn Saunders enters the living room from the kitchen in a quarter-sleeve blue button-front top and denim jeans. Her long blonde hair lays at her shoulders in its usual effortless style. Despite having seen her just a week ago, seeing her now brought a fresh wave of joy.
“Lenny, it’s so good to see you!” Sarah Lynn calls out, her voice full of warmth as she steps forward with open arms.
Lenny manages a tired but genuine smile. “Hey, Grandma.”
As Sarah Lynn held her, she gently stroked Lenny’s back. “You look like you’ve had a tough time. How are you holding up?”
Lenny let out a stifled laugh as she pulled back slightly. “I’m doing my best to stay positive, but I’m really tired of this.” She slowly removed her hat, revealing her thinning hair.
Without hesitation, Sarah Lynn embraced her again, offering silent support. “Come on, let’s do something about this.” She softly guides Lenny upstairs.
Unbeknownst to them, Sean Lockhart overheard from the kitchen, becoming moved by his daughter’s struggles.

The atmosphere of The Waterfall is charged with an uneasy tension as "Get Ready" by The Temptations plays, adding a layer of reflective soulfulness to the scene. Antoine Hall and Shauna Covington lock eyes, a mix of regret and uncertainty passing between them.
She and her husband, Max Covington, had arrived to celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary with their best friends. The bar manager had just sent her a text to see how she was doing since the last time they encountered each other was the night they slept together after a terrible fight she had with Max.
However, unbeknownst to either one of them, they were about to be in each other's presence until now.
As Shauna and Max entered, the celebratory mood was still tangible. However, she was quickly drawn to Antoine. The sight of him behind the bar made Max’s eyes narrow in curiosity. “What’s that all about?” Max asked, his tone laced with concern.
Shauna, spotting Antoine, visibly stiffens. She avoided Max’s gaze and replied curtly, “Nothing.” With that, she heads swiftly towards the bar, her steps purposeful and deliberate. "Can you find us a good spot? I'll be over there shortly, okay."
She elicits quick yet passionate peck on the lips, which everyone else spots, including Antoine, trying his best to redirect his focus elsewhere, even as he feels a twinge of jealousy, wishing it were him sharing such a moment with Shauna instead of her privileged, scrawny, ungrateful husband.
With a purposeful stride, Shauna saunters over to the bar. Her movements were deliberate and confident, a clear sign that she intended to address Antoine directly.
Meanwhile, at the bar, Antoine tried to break the tension. “I just texted you,” he said to Shauna, trying to sound casual.
Shauna takes a deep breath and faces Antoine squarely. “What happened between us that night was just—just sex,” she remarks firmly.

Martha Saunders stood behind the bar, her attention somewhat becoming divided between the conversation she was having with her child’s father, Murray Hirsch, who was seated across from her. She noticed the tension at the other end of the bar as Shauna went over to Antoine. Martha’s eyes briefly followed the interaction.
"I wonder what's going on over there?" He nudges toward her, having no frame of reference for her friends' conversation, but it was obvious to him it seemed more intense than two people simply catching up.
Turning her focus back to Murray, Martha resumed their conversation. "Just two friends catching up," she immediately reacts. "So what is this idea you have about saving the tour?"
Murray, observing Martha’s distracted glances, leaned forward slightly. "As a matter of fact, I just thought of the perfect solution."
Martha raises a curious eyebrow. “And that would be?"
His response makes the bartending single mother become taken aback.

As the school year settled into its rhythm, Radcliffe High School was stimulated with a more relaxed energy. The initial jitters that had saturated the halls at the start of the year had largely diminished. The once-frenzied buzz of students and staff had given way to a steady hum of activity. Classrooms are filled with mostly focused students, and the corridors reverberate with the sound of lessons in progress.
Brynn Barker is seated at her desk in the principal’s office, absorbed in the paperwork that lay before her. The desk was meticulously organized, with neatly stacked files and a desktop computer from a decade ago. Behind her, the wall was adorned with a large board, precisely arranged with a collection of cards and photos from the display showcasing students from both past and present of her thirty-year tenure here as first a teacher and now principal.
The knock on the door interrupts her thoughts. “Come in,” she called out, her voice carrying a professional tone as she anticipated the arrival of a secretary or student. When the door swung open, Brynn’s eyes widened in surprise as she saw her son, Elijah Barker, standing in the doorway.
“Elijah!” Brynn’s voice was a blend of surprise and warm affection. Her vibrant red hair had been touched up by her hairstylist and styled in her trademark style, and she was wearing a black silk button-up blouse and pencil skirt.
Elijah steps inside, looking a bit tense but determined. "Hey, Mom. I'm not interrupting you, am I?"
Brynn smiles as she stands. "Absolutely not; this is a treat. Please take a seat. We haven't gotten a moment to chat in some time now."
Elijah sits across from his mother and nods, seeing a recent photo of his older paternal cousin, her husband, and their baby on the desk. "Yeah, the start of the school year has definitely had its effect at Casa Barker."
As the offspring of educators, Elijah had been used to his household being busy all his life.
"How have you been?" Brynn queries
Elijah’s gaze becomes distant as he leans back in his chair, his fingers drumming lightly on the armrests. “I guess with everything Lenny is going through, “I might’ve overstepped by not taking into account that at the end of the day, she’s still a person. Her whole life shouldn’t be about her cancer.”
A few days prior, Lenny had informed him that she was tired of their interactions being about her leukemia, which Elijah hadn't realized until now.
Brynn nods slowly and rests her chin on her folded hands, the way she did when she was deeply considering something.
“It’s understandable,” she says softly. “You’re both dealing with a lot, and it’s easy to focus on the immediate challenges. But it’s important to remember that Lenny is still her own person, with her own needs and feelings beyond her illness.”
Elijah looks up, a mix of frustration and regret in his eyes regarding the subject of his girlfriend. “I just want to help her so badly, but I feel like I’m missing something.”
Brynn’s expression softened further, and she leaned forward, her voice gentle but firm. “It’s clear that you care deeply about her, and that’s what matters. Sometimes, being supportive means acknowledging her fears and desires outside of her cancer. It’s okay to have those conversations and find a balance.”
He nods slowly, absorbing her words. “I'm trying to be more mindful of that. I just don’t want to make things harder for her.”
“Elijah, you’re already doing a lot by being there for her,” Brynn reassured him. “Just keep communicating and remember that it’s okay to let her know you’re struggling, too. You don’t have to be perfect, just present and caring.”
Elijah offers a grateful smile. “Thanks mom, I guess I needed to hear that."
Brynn returned his smile, her eyes reflecting both pride and concern. "Well, I'm here all day," she says well, meaningly.
As the conversation drifted, Brynn’s gaze grew more focused, a cross of concern and maternal instinct. “Elijah,” she said gently, “I know you’ve been under a lot of stress lately. How’s your sobriety holding up?”
In his freshman year of college, the pressure of academics became so much that Elijah retreated into alcohol to cope with the stress; however, it resulted in him becoming an alcoholic, which almost cost him his life, and since then he has been sober.
Elijah looked down at his hands and then met his mother’s eyes. “If you’re asking if I’ve been drinking again,” he said quietly, “the answer is no. But I won’t lie and say that at times I wouldn’t mind taking a sip with everything that’s happening.”
Brynn’s expression tightened with concern as she shook her head slowly. “Elijah, I understand that this is a tough time, but you can’t neglect yourself in the process. And part of that means getting to a meeting.”
Elijah scratches his temple. You don’t need to worry about me; I’ll be fine. I just need to get some studying done first. Law school isn’t for the faint of heart, let me tell you.”
Brynn sighs, her gaze softening. “I know it’s demanding, but please make time for yourself. You and your well-being are just as important as your studies.”
Elijah stood up, preparing to leave. “I’ll get to a meeting after I get some reading in. Thanks for understanding.”
As he moves towards the door, Brynn followed him, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. “Remember, your father and I are always here for you. No matter what.”
With one last glance, Elijah stepped out into the hallway, his footsteps echoing softly as he walked away.
Brynn returns to her desk, her gaze drifting to a framed photo of Elijah as a baby. The image showed him with an innocent, loveable face, covered in spaghetti sauce. A small, bittersweet smile tugged at her lips. She realized, as she looked at the photo, that a parent’s job is never truly done, no matter how old their child becomes.

Having been outside working in the fields, Sean came inside the house unexpectedly and caught the conversation through the kitchen door. He approaches the house, his face etched with worry. Tears began to well up as he listened, though he managed to wipe them from his face.
He takes out his phone from his pocket and immediately dials a familiar number.
Sean clears his throat as his voice trembles with emotion. “Louise, it's me. I’ve been outside and heard Lenny talking to Sarah Lynn. She’s struggling a lot."
He listens to Louise's response on the other end while he tries to steady his voice. “When she gets home, please be extra gentle with her. She really needs it."
He takes a deep breath, trying to regain his composure. "I’m fine. I thought you needed to know. I'll call you later. Bye.”
He ends the call, taking in how much this disease is affecting not only his daughter's life but their lives as well, wishing there was something he could do to take her pain away.

Martha’s chuckles fade into a skeptical smirk as she considers Murray’s words. “You really know how to sell an idea, don’t you?"
Murray interrupts gently, sensing her hesitation. “Just think about it, Martha. You’ve got the raw talent, and the band needs to follow up on that video you put out two years ago and the exposure you’d get in the Pacific Northwest. Plus, it’s only two weeks. It’s not a lifetime commitment.”
Her eyes met Murray’s, and she spoke with a mix of hesitation and resolve. “It’s tempting, but there's a lot to consider. I can’t just pick up and go across the country. I’ve never been away from SJ for more than a weekend, and leaving him for two weeks, especially while he’s in school, is a big deal.”
"You know, I've been thinking," he began, his voice gentle but steadfast. "Since I've known you've wanted to pursue a singing career, I've been wondering how you’re going to make that happen while you’re knee deep in beer and pork rinds." He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing. "Besides, it’ll be a great story to tell our son one day—how his mother followed her dreams, even when it wasn’t easy."
As Martha mulled over Murray's proposal, her focus was momentarily drawn to Samuel Gupta, who had just entered the establishment. He carries a gift bag, its contents concealed but hinting at something special—a wooden rose sculpture, a symbol of five years of his friends’ marriage.
"Hi, Murray. How’s it going?" the doctor addresses him.
The talent manager gives a slight nod. "Well, you know how it is when you're around Martha."
Martha shakes her head, trying to ignore the comment. She glances at the clock on the wall, noting that it's time to take her lunch break. "I’ll catch up with you later, Murray."
"Don't forget about my proposal," Murray mentions.
Samuel’s eyebrows raise slightly, taken aback by that mention.
"I'll talk to you about it later," Martha says quickly.
Murray gives a curt nod. "Well, I’ve got to go. I’ll catch up with you later to discuss the proposal. And he then turns to Samuel with a nonchalant gaze. "Take it easy, doc."
Murray heads towards the exit, his departure marked by a faint air of indifference.
The couple passes by Antoine and Shauna, where the pair are in the middle of a heated argument. However, the specifics of their conversation are drowned out by the atmospheric noise of the establishment.
Samuel notices the scene. "What’s going on with Antoine and Shauna?"
Martha glances at the argument, knowing full well what it is about, and runs her hands through her short, dyed brown hair.
"Let me deal with it; I'll meet you over there."
"Are you sure?"
Samuel gives one more gaze at his lover before heading to the booth where he greets his best friend. "Hey man, happy anniversary!"
Max is now on his feet and shakes his friend's hand. "Long time no see, and thanks."
The two men then turn to the bar.
"What's the situation between your wife and Antoine?" Samuel questions him.
Max, who has been witnessing parts of the tense encounter between Shauna and Antoine, looks puzzled. "Your guess is as good as mine. Look, I’m trying to be respectful, but this situation just doesn’t seem to end. I’m going to go over there and give Antoine a piece of my mind."
There has never been any love lost between the two men since Max knows Shauna still has unresolved feelings for his wife.
"You ain't gotta be so defensive, Shauna. I was just worried about you." Antoine says
Shauna closes her eyes momentarily, trying to compose herself, reflecting on her pregnancy, which is the result of their indiscretion. When she opens them, her expression is unwavering. "I’m not going to get into this with you. Whatever happened between us can’t happen again. I have too much to lose."
"Don’t act like a day goes by that you don't think about what we did. You wanted it just as much as I did." Antoine says intensely
Shauna looks like she’s about to respond. Before she can say anything more, Martha steps in, sensing the conversation is escalating. "Antoine, can I get a bottle of champagne and a ginger ale? It'll be my gift."
Antoine, still looking torn, nods and gets the drinks, which Martha takes in each hand.
"Girl, thanks for having my back. I don't mean to put you in the middle of this." Shauna says apologetically.
Martha gives her friend the ginger ale and nods. "It’s no problem. But if you’re going to keep things the way they are, getting in Antoine’s face isn’t going to help." She then places her free arm around Shauna, guiding her to the booth where Samuel and Max are waiting. Max looks up, noticing his wife's mood.
"What's up with you and Antoine?" the former photographer asks her.
Before Shauna answers, Martha quickly changes the subject, pouring champagne into glasses that Samuel went to get from the bar a few seconds ago. "Let’s focus on celebrating. It’s your anniversary, after all."
The women, along with Samuel and Max, none the wiser, raise their glasses, ready to toast.
“Five years might not sound like a lot of years,” Samuel remarks, his tone filled with admiration, “but for you two who went through hell and back and managed to stay together, it’s one hell of an accomplishment.”
Max and Shauna exchange grateful smiles, their drinks in hand dwelling on the accident that not only permanently caused him to be paralyzed but that took the life of their unborn child.
“And before we actually get some solid food in us,” Martha chimes in, her eyes twinkling, “you two have so much to look forward to. Congratulations!”
Shauna attempts to adhere to Martha’s words, and she realizes she can't hide the pregnancy much longer. She glances at Max, who remains unaware of the secret she’s been keeping.
“To Max and Shauna,” Martha and Samuel say in unison, raising their glasses.
As they all take a sip, Max notices that Shauna is having ginger ale instead of her usual choice. He leans in and gives her a gentle kiss on the forehead. “Hey, you’re not drinking? You alright?”
Shauna looks up, forcing a smile. “I’m fine. Just not feeling my best, that's all." The memory of the nightmare she had earlier, which had left her shaken, replays in her mind.
Max’s expression softens with care. “I love you,” he says sincerely.
Shauna’s gaze locks with his, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions. “I love you too; don’t ever forget that, okay?”
Over at the bar, Antoine watches from a distance. His conflicted look is apparent as he serves another customer, still grappling with the emotional rollercoaster from earlier. He glances over at Shauna and the group, his expression a mix of plenty of feelings he doesn't think he can ever express.

Sarah Lynn and Lenny are in the main house’s upstairs bathroom; the mirror hangs above the sink. Sarah Lynn stands behind Lenny, who is seated on a stool. Lenny’s long hair, still hanging over her shoulders, is noticeably fragile.
The older blonde holds an electric razor, her hands steady but her face reflecting a mix of sadness and assuredness. "Are you still okay with this, sweetheart?” Sarah Lynn asks calmly
Lenny nods, her face a blend of apprehension and determination. She lifts her thumb in a gesture of approval and says, “Go ahead, do it.”
Sarah Lynn starts shaving her head; the sound of the razor fills the room. Strands of dark blonde hair fall away, and Sarah Lynn’s emotions are evident in her expression.
Sean, having heard the implement, approaches the bathroom door before entering.
As Sarah Lynn finishes shaving Lenny’s head, she notices Sean standing in the doorway.
The widow farmer's wife turns with a delicate smile at her former son-in-law. “I’m all done.”
Lenny looks at her maternal grandmother and then her father. “How does it look?” She says nervously
“You look beautiful,” Sean says straightforwardly.
Lenny turns to face the mirror, taking in her new buzz cut. Her expression is a mixture of gratitude and sadness at her changed appearance. Her grandmother gently places a hand on her shoulder.
“Just take it one step at a time, sweetheart.” Sarah Lynn advises her.
Sean, standing behind Lenny, offers a supportive nod. The family stands together in silent unity as Lenny adjusts to her new look.
Thora advises Joel to reach out to Skye.
Sean, Louise, and Tanner all undergo testing to donate bone marrow.
Courtney offers Tommy a job at Covington.
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