Written by : Bre L. Drew
January 11, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
The residents of Radcliffe brought in 2021 together at The Waterfall Bar.
Tommy ignored Jordan, who wanted to speak with him alone.
Emma discovered her fiancé Jacques Laurent was only using her for her wealth. She ended up getting drunk ended up kissing Will at Midnight.
​Jordan confided in Tricia that she is pregnant.

"I must confirm with the results of the home pregnancy tests you took, Jordan, you're indeed pregnant."
Those words coming from her physician brought little delight to Jordan McKnight as she sits across from Dr. Mayer in her office, who not only treats her but her parents as well.
Jordan looks around the room as the pale blue walls are in desperate need of a touch-up. She then lands her eyes back onto the middle-aged family-care doctor whose brown hair is in a bun and wearing glasses connected to a chain around her neck.
"Are you sure?"
Dr. Mayer looks onto her iPad then lifts her head from the device. "I had the labs run twice."
The doctor clicks the top of her ink pen. "You're ten weeks pregnant. I will start you on prenatal vitamins; so you can properly start taking care of yourself; also, I want you to start seeing an OB. I can get you a referral to Dr. Jamison."
Jordan does her best to be polite by nodding and saying a cursory greeting on her way out. Then she walks into the waiting room where her friend Tricia Lockhart is glazing at the flat-screen TV on the wall where Food Network is on. She had insisted she come with Jordan to be of support.
Before she can say anything, Tricia glances at her friend. The despair on her face tells her all she needs to know as she rises onto her feet.
"Come on, I'll buy you lunch, and then maybe you'll be compelled to get things off your chest," Tricia says sincerely.
Jordan finds herself putting her arm aimlessly around Tricia as they make their way to the elevators.

Deirdre Covington had her suitcases near the entrance inside of her son's estate.
"Do you have everything?" Daniel Covington asks his mother, standing across from in the foyer in a beige short trench coat.
"I do yes,"
"You know it's no rush for you to leave, mother,"
Deirdre takes both of her son's hands into hers. "Sweetie, take no offense, but I miss Aspen, and I don't necessarily trust the staff being there without any supervision for long."
The Covington matriarch is about to fly out of Radcliffe to her winter home in Aspen in a few hours via the corporate jet.
She continues. "Please keep an eye out on your sister,"
"I will, mom,"
Daniel himself takes the luggage outside to hand over to the limousine driver taking Dee to the private jet terminal. Mother and son exchange their farewells. Then Deirdre takes one last look at the estate she once lived with her late husband Patrick before she gets in the limousine. The vehicle begins moving down the path onto the main road.
He walks back into the house, where he sees Emma Covington still in her pale pink marble pajama set coming down the staircase.
"She's gone," Daniel informs
"Yeah, I saw her leaving through the window upstairs in my room." She folds her arms as she makes it to the bottom of the steps. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised she didn't say goodbye."
"Okay, Emma, we need to talk,"
Emma knows Daniel is directly referring to her broken engagement to her Parisian con-artist fiancé Jacques. She reluctantly prepares herself to discuss it with her older brother.

"It's bad, isn't it?" Elijah Barker surveys his roommate and friend Lorenzo Vidal.
"I wouldn't say bad at all, E," Lorenzo replies supportively.
Elijah is at his desk in their dorm room, looking heavily at his laptop. Lorenzo is standing right behind him. On the screen were his grades he made his first semester at Sampson.
ENG 1010: C
HIS 1010: A
MAT 4000: C
HIS 1020: B
PSY 1010: B
GEL 1020: C -
"It's not good," Elijah says disappointedly.
Elijah knew he wasn't going to get all A's in which he has gotten ever since he was in Kindergarten. As a result of being in college is different. Nonetheless, he had thought of him getting nothing lower than B's. Yet, when he checked his grades, he did not expect to find three C's. Sure he turned in a paper or two later, but he often did well on exams and essays. Although, it isn't well enough for him to score any academic excellence.
"Let's see here, man, you took eighteen credits last year, still worked, and even gotten into student politics; it's hard for anyone to be on top of everything." Lorenzo throws out.
Elijah puts his hands, covering his face in shame. "My parents are going to kill me,"
All of his life both, his educator parents have been pressing him to do well. It did not help matters that he has gotten an average grade in his father's rudimentary; English course.
Soon as Elijah is about to open his mouth, the knocking on their door took precedence as Lorenzo retrieves the door.
The person enters the dorm room holding their coat under their arms.
"Hey, Elijah, and hey you," Aaliyah Gupta says in her usual vibrant manner. She reaches on her toes to kiss Lorenzo, who is now her boyfriend.
The fashionista in the making is wearing a long-sleeve acid wash off-the-shoulder crop top with a pair of dark denim pants.
"Hey, Aaliyah, what grades did you make this semester?" Elijah inquires his friend.
She places strands of her dark hair behind her ear. "Uh, the usual, All A's, Dean's list, why?"
He begins filling her in on what he received this past cardmaking.
"Elijah, don't worry, it's not like you failed; try to improve what you didn't do so this won't happen again," Aaliyah suggests
He nods his head, trying to mull over the advice.
Lorenzo puts on his jacket and then his beanie hat on his head. "We're getting something to eat off-campus; see you later,"
"Bye," Elijah says flatly.
The couple marches out of the room hand in hand, laughing about something on the plane Lorenzo was on coming back to Radcliffe after being home in Philadelphia for the two-week holiday break,
Elijah decides to log out of his student page. Deciding he needs to get out of the room, he grabs his coat and keys. However, when he opened the door, his last-minutes plans were dashed for sure.
"Mom, Dad," he said

Emma sits on the couch while her brother remains standing for now. "Is this when you tell me I was a goddamn fool for falling someone like Jacques Laurent?"
"I think you already know that, Emma," Daniel says
Emma broke off her engagement when she heard him on the phone speaking with another woman regarding; only marrying her because of her wealth and prestige due to his family's billion-dollar shipping company not doing well. And after six months of marriage, he would divorce her so he can be with the woman he was talking to on the phone. Luckily for the Covington heiress, she understood every word he said in French. She ended up going to the New Year's Eve party at The Waterfall, where she drunk herself into a stupor. At midnight she ended up kissing the ex-con bartender, which she blames on the tequila.
"Spare me the lecture, Daniel, okay. After a few more days. I will be leaving this godforsaken town," she says. "Maybe I'll stay in Portugal or Bermuda."
Daniel takes a seat in the leather chair adjacent to her. "I don't think so,"
Emma laughs then realizes the unrelaxed expression on her brother's face." You're forgetting. I'm a grown woman. I can go anywhere I want to,"
"It's time you jet-setting when things don't go your way, so I had your accounts frozen, which means you're not going anywhere."
She cannot believe her brother is being unfair to her. "You can't do this." she protests.
"As long as I'm the executor of your trust until you turn thirty-five. I have every right. These were dad's rules, not mine; you think I want to control your money, but if it stops you from making another reckless decision, so be it,"
With that, Daniel gets out of the chair to head upstairs.
Emma wishes she had a tumbler to throw at the wall. She cannot believe her fleeting luck in the new year.

Elijah at least thought his parents would give him 24 hours before they would confront him over his "appalling" grades.
But of course, the two were not going to wait for the kill.
"Elijah, you've always done well in school; we don't understand how you came close to failing?" Brynn Barker verbalizes her displeasure.
If he did not respect his parents much as he did, he would've retorted with something sarcastic about how her outrage sounded more overdramatic than necessary.
Nathaniel Barker clears his throat. "You owe us an answer son, C's aren't acceptable with us, and you have multiple."
His parents discovered his grades through his report card, which got sent to them through the mail.
Elijah knew his father took it personally; he got a C in his English literature course.
"Mom, dad, you know I have school, work, and student government." he begins.
"Is school and working too much for you to handle?" Brynn interjects. "Because you can quit the café if you're taking on too much."
"I can't quit my job. How am I going to pay for my car?" And anyway, I promise you I will be on the Dean's list in May." Elijah promises
Nathaniel and Brynn give each other a glare of silent communication. Before their eyes land upon their only son.
"Son, if you keep receiving grades like those, how are you going to get into law school?" Nathaniel criticizes. "Your mother and I want you on the dean's list next semester, you understand?"
"Yes, sir," Elijah says apologetically.

Jordan does her best to take a few sips of water. She and Tricia made it to The Chateau for lunch. The crowd was light enough to make the restaurant not such an overwhelming place to be at the moment.
"What is going through your mind?" Tricia asks
"Uh, let's see here, I'm a single unemployed eighteen-year-old college student who is knocked up by someone who hardly said two words to since we made love."
Tricia takes a bite of her crab cake on her plate. "You know you have options."
Jordan sets her glass of water down onto the table. "You mean abortion?"
A moment of silence occurs between them, each understanding the weight of the word.
"I know it's a lot to think about right now, Jordan. But whatever you choose to do. I will be in your corner." Tricia says seriously
"Whatever you do, though, you have to tell him the truth with him being the baby's father; he has the right to know Jordan," Tricia advises

As the hostess shows them their table at the end of the row, Aaliyah and Lorenzo; first heard about someone being pregnant. Though they both see it's a person they know all too well.
"OMG!" Aaliyah mouths out to her boyfriend. "Jordan is pregnant,"
"And it sounds like whoever made her that way doesn't know," Lorenzo assumes.
His girlfriend agrees with him while she begins looking at her menu.
Tommy discovers Jordan is pregnant.
Aaliyah, Tanner, and Tommy will be honored at the student excellence ceremony.
Mae promotes from within.
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