Written by: Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
Jordan invited all of the junior class to her annual year end party.
The twins weren't too pleased to find out that Sean invited Tricia to live with him.

It seemed most of the incoming senior class were in attendance at Jordan McKnight's annual end of year party held at her rustic ranch-style house located on Thurston Drive. Students were in and out of the house dancing, getting wasted with alcohol and of course making out.
Eastside by Benny Blanco, Halsey & Khalid was playing at full volume from the speakers connected to a laptop in the foyer.
Tommy Covington, along with his girlfriend Tanner Lockhart, her twin sister Lynn and her boyfriend Elijah Barker were arriving at the party. The four of them make it inside the house which they see people drinking and some messing with homemade hookahs.
In spite of Tommy going to several parties all over the world where he has seen people his own age taking cocaine and popping in Molly like candy. He still is quite curious as to how these small town teens can get away with the lightweight stuff?
"How in the hell does a daughter of a police officer have a party with liquor and whatever they're getting high without getting caught?"
The three longtime friends share a similar glance at one another.
"Her father is hardly around since her brother was killed," Lynn informs him.
Jordan's strict police chief father Ernest McKnight spends more time at the police station than his own house since his eldest son and namesake was shot in the line of duty as a rookie cop. And her older brother Presley is at a seminary in Missouri.
Tommy had no idea that she lost a brother, let alone even had two. She never told him about her family that much often going on about cross country or something else entirely.
Elijah scratches his head as he grabs a bottle of beer out of the cooler by a wall. "And her mother would rather have her throw a rager at the house than for her to go out because of E.J."
Like clockwork, the host approaches them alongside her big-breasted best friend Mariana Anson who doesn't hide her confusion as to why the three out of the four of them is gracing them with their presence.
Typically Jordan is dressed like a twenty-something night-club goer in black faux leather shorts with a black tank top showing her bare midriff, and her long wavy long blonde hair is hanging past her shoulders.
"Hey you guys, having a good time so far? I can also promise that neither of my parents won't show up."
Both Lenny and Tanner rolled their eyes at her dig at them referring to when their ill-fated house party was interrupted by their parents who were tipped off by Brynn Barker who found out on her son's social media page.
"How original Jordan," Elijah exclaims sarcastically
It was a time when he, the twins, and she were once good close friends. Until she grew apart from them after her brother's death. She ended up becoming one of the most popular girls in school with sudden hate on for them.
"Well, you can always leave Principal Boy," Mariana says in a manner that she thinks he smells crap.
"I see you didn't get the alert," Elijah mumbles to himself.
Lynn and he take off out the living room deciding they both had enough of the girls' antics.
Jordan starts to become transfixed at his muscular physique underneath his black and white striped t-shirt. "Let me show you around the place." she then puts a hand on his forearm.
Rightfully putting an end to this nonsense in front of her. Tanner places her arm around her boyfriend's neck protectively. "We would love too."
Jordan couldn't believe that he was dating the same girl who carries around her violin up and down the halls at school. And in her own universe, Tommy and she would be dating instead of him and Tanner Lockhart.
"You have been here before, so you don't need to come," Jordan says in annoyance.
"Maybe later," Tommy tells her nicely.
With one final look of disappointment, Jordan heads out of the way with Mariana following behind her.
"Does this count as our first date?" Tommy inquires casually
Tanner looks up at her good looking blonde boyfriend. "It would've been if it wasn't here," she says over the music.
If he was single, he would definitely be interested in Jordan. Recognizing how hot and bold she is, it makes no sense that she was not already taken with someone else.

Sitting at the breakfast nook connected to the kitchenette, Tricia Meyer is on her Apple iPad on an online job board shaking her head at some of the sketchy titles of positions, and the ones she does have enough qualifications she half-heartedly bookmarks. Truth is she still is pissed at losing her job as a flight attendant for Global Jet Airlines due to bankruptcy. She never imagined herself ever finding a job since she is one of the few people in the world who truly loved their work and had no intention of giving it up until she was forced to.
Just as she is about to bookmark an office assistant position at the local university, the rapid knocking at the door gets her on her feet. Knowing that it isn't Sean because he not only has a key but because he had just left about ten minutes ago to pick up some takeout from some barbecue place in town.
Tricia widely opens it and of course. The last person she wants to lay eyes on is behind the doorway.
"Is Sean here?" Louise Saunders-Lockhart inquires. Her attire is made up of a warm yellow sleeveless crochet button-up top and black slacks.
"No, but I'll tell him you stopped by," Tricia replies defiantly.
"You can let me in or let your neighbors know what kind of a woman you really are," Louise growls.
Tricia steps aside to let Sean's ex-wife come into the apartment. She doesn't miss her craning her neck to check out the place for the first time. Tricia wasn't thrilled with the woman being one foot in her home. They didn't get off to the best start when they met each other face to face a few weeks ago at the café.
"Tell your daughters that the next time they come over here, they owe me an apology. They at least could've shown some respect to me before they left it not was only disrespectful, but hurtful to Sean."
Yesterday afternoon Sean invited the twins over to show them the apartment as well as tell them that Tricia and himself our living together. However, Tricia came home early, and neither of the girls was prepared to meet her in the emotional state of finding out that their father is moving on after their parents' divorce.
Louise gets closer to her with contempt. "Tricia spare me this wounded bird routine, okay you don't give a damn about our children this is all about you wanting to come first in his life, isn't it ?"
Tricia shakes her head, refusing to let this bitch get in the way of her happiness with the man that she loves.
The two women silently react, to Sean Lockhart entering into his place with a plastic bag of food from Henry's BBQ.
" What the hell is going here? I can hear the two of you getting off the elevator."
On her bare feet, Tricia goes over to her boyfriend like a woman who needs protection. "Look who decided to pay us a visit."
Sean puts the bag onto the credenza beside his keys. "Are Lenny and Tanner all right?"
Louise straightens out the straps of her black tote bag. "They're fine." She folds both of her arms. "Actually I was looking for you and not the woman who tore our marriage apart."
Tricia chuckles scornfully. "Coming from the woman who wanted to desperately hold onto her husband by conjuring up an open marriage."
Sean witnesses how her words affect his ex-wife, whom he knows is biting her tongue to avoid doing something that she will regret.
Opening the door, he nods sympathetically as his former spouse walks out of the apartment slamming the barrier behind her.
"The nerve of that woman coming into our home demanding you see your own children out of the apartment. I know she is the mother of your girls, but I still can see why you were bored with that bitch."
The bass in his voice nearly frightens her. Tricia never heard him speaking so harshly in the two years she has known him.

Honestly, Lynn and Elijah got sick of the being inside the house. So they ended up in Elijah mother's Volvo SUV parked in front of Jordan's house in silence with the radio playing a song from The Lumineers.
He can tell his girlfriend wasn't in her usual spirited self, which is troubling to him since he didn't know how to help her if he doesn't know what is going on.
Elijah stares at her from the driver's seat. "What's wrong? and please don't tell me not a damn thing because I have known you since forever. So are you going to tell me or am I going to have to tickle it out of you?"
Lenny half smiles. She quickly gazes out of the window to see more pupils of their entering the party. She is amazed that he remembers how ticklish she was when they were little kids.
"My dad is living with the woman he cheated on my mom with," she replies without hesitation.
"Really! That is messed up."
"You know what is really messed up -- actually fucked up is that Tanner and I met her out of the blue yesterday-- you should've seen her acting like she cares about us."
Elijah knew that the twins were having a hard time to accept their parents moving on after their divorce. He always hated seeing the people he cares about unhappy.
Lynn finds herself rambling and stops herself when even she gets tired of hearing her own voice. "You are a better boyfriend than I deserve." Here I'm going on and on about my problems, and you're listening not judging me or telling me what I need to do." she continued.
Elijah leans over to Lynn landing his lips on hers. The young couple begins making out more intensely than they ever had. He holds up his hands, stating he didn't want to go too far if she didn't want to do.
"Elijah, why did you stop?" Lynn says in a breathless manner.
"I think we know if we kept it going -- what would happen."
"If you're talking about sex? Then yes I want it to happen,"
Part of him felt like it would be taking advantage of his best friend. However, she hadn't been more desirable than she is right now in her red halter crop top, her lips covered in clear gloss and her long beautiful blonde hair is straightened out.
Elijah turns the key into the ignition, awakening the engine of the vehicle.
"Where are we going?" she asks in a quizzing tone of voice.
"My house, the parents are on their bi-monthly date night, we'll have the place to ourselves," he answers.
He steers the car down Thurston Drive where Lynn shoots out a text to Tanner that she is with Elijah and that she'll see her later on. Grateful that Tommy drove his car to the party so they wouldn't have to rush back to pick them up .

In spite of it being the evening, Daniel Covington is in his office upstairs inside of his fifteen-room estate wrapping up an important business call about a zoning issue in Fort-Worth. Soon as he places the phone back on the hook on his desk.
Gabriella quietly walks to the doorway of his workplace, bringing up a guest for him.
"Mr. Covington, Mrs. Saunders-Lockhart is here to see you." the longtime family housekeeper speaks in her native Spanish Harlem accent.
Daniel smirks at both of the women. "Thank you, Gabriella." He watches as she dutifully takes off downstairs.
Louise looks quite beautiful with her flawless skin. However, she looks like she is holding onto something that she is physically ready to let loose. He addresses her by giving her a cordial embrace before telling her to take a seat across from him at his desk.
"I was driving by and decided to pay a visit to my old friend," she said casually.
Daniel arches his eyebrows in suspicion. "Old friend? I thought we meant more to each other than that Lou. Now, what is bothering you?"
The two of them were each other first loves during high school. And even though it hadn't worked out the way they thought it would Louise still has a strong significance in his life than just as a friend.
Louise informs him about Tricia moving to Radcliffe, whilst Daniel shakes his head at the audacity of the situation.
"I know that I don't know too much about your former husband, but he should've put his girls' welfare first before inviting this woman to come live with him. You'll think there is a chance that everyone can get along?"
Louise scoffs sarcastically. "In another lifetime perhaps, it is obvious that woman lacks common sense." Anyway enough about my personal issues. "Your son and my daughter are dating one another how crazy is that?" she chuckles with a sense of serendipity.
The coincidence also dawns on his face too. "Seems like my son is a smart young man by taking up with your daughter. I met Tanner when she was giving him driving lessons, and I must say you did a good raising her Lou."
"Thanks," she replies
"All three of my children are out tonight. So I decided to catch up with some work." he gestures to his desk filled with various papers. Daniel takes a strong sip of brandy out of his glass. "You think that they will be all right?"
Louise shifts in her seat. "I'm sure that they are not doing anything we did at their age."
"Yeah," Daniel laughs.
"Since you're were on the topic of business I have an idea for Franklin Farm that my dad flat out rejected, but I know that it is a damn good one," Louise says confidently.
"I am all ears, Saunders," Daniel says openly.

They first met two years ago at Sean's brother Johnny's birthday party in Frankfort. She flew into Lexington for only about eleven hours until she had to be back working on another flight to San Antonio. A friend who was a fellow flight-attendant suggested that they get out of the hotel they were staying at to have some fun. Before she knew it, the two rented a car to drive from Lexington to where the house party was held. Apparently, her friend's cousin Diana has been seeing Johnny for a number of years. Tricia found herself dancing and having a good time with Sean. Little did she know that he was married at the time. They exchanged numbers before she got into the shuttle to go back to the airport she received a flirtatious text. At first, when he revealed to her that he was married, she wasn't quite reasonable. She couldn't help but fall for him more and more getting to know him via the phone and sporadic visits. Now with them being together it felt like she was the woman whom he sought out a weekend in a hotel room. And not the woman he has chosen to spend his life with.
Tricia touches his hand, hoping to calm him down. "Come on, let's have some dinner I am starving. "
Sean doesn't move he stares down at her in her wearing a Chriselle Lim oatmeal color jumpsuit. "If I want to see my girls, I'm going to have to do what she says."
"If Louise tells you to jump, are you going to say how high?" You're their father you have rights, besides, I'm not going anywhere so the three of them are going to have to get used to it." Tricia defends herself.
Sean didn't want to argue with her right now, besides Louise and Sean, both agreed that they won't have a dragged out custody over their sixteen-year-old daughters.
"This is about Lynn and Tanner, not my ex-wife, you provoking her isn't going to make this situation any better." Sean remarks "I'll deal with everything else later you right let eat." he says sensitively

Lynn reminds herself that she does not have to nervous going into the Barker household. She has been in and out of this house for years. The two-story house had been renovated in 2016, which consists of polished hardwood floors and a formal staircase. On their way upstairs she had passed by a frame that has a picture of Elijah's parents Brynn and Nathaniel Barker standing by the Leaning Tower Of Pisa in Italy sitting on the side table in the sitting room.
He leads her up to his bedroom where memories of playing pretend, and now they're about to do something their young minds couldn't even begin to absorb back then.
Elijah puts both of his hands on his slim hips. "Want anything to drink, soda, water?"
"I'm good, " Lynn replies somewhat anxiously.
Elijah wastes no time to grab her hands holding them tightly. "If you don't want to do this it's fine," he speaks candidly.
She notices the kindness behind his dark brown eyes and sighs slowly. "No, Let's do it!"
She stands on her toes to kiss her boyfriend. The familiar spark of his mouth seems to dull the feelings that she has about her issues at home or at school.
"Oh my gosh," she says in an eye-opening sense.
She looks at his map of the globe on his wall then back on Elijah. "Do you have -- protection?"
Elijah felt like an idiot he forgotten about a condom. Even though his parents had told him about the birds and the bees at 10. He goes to one of his drawers to grab a box that he had gotten from health class last semester.
"I am so sorry," he apologizes
She timidly undresses in front of him he was attracted to the sight of her naked. He goes up to her and commences kissing her energetically whilst her arms are wrapped around him securely.
The young couple falls onto the full-size bed where Eiljah delicately inserts himself inside of Lynn. Going onto have sex for the first time together.
Lynn decides to be proactive.
Tricia has enough of being cooped up in the apartment.
Daniel and Sean agree on a manner.
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