Written by: Bre L. Drew
July 4, 2022
Last Time on Town and Country
Emma awoke from her coma with Deirdre and Will at her bedside.
Thora confessed to Presley that her marriage to Ernest was over.
Tommy wasn't pleased to hear from Jordan that Tanner went on a date with Presley.
Martha began a relationship with Samuel.

Thora McKnight sits in the love seat in the living room of the one-story house she and Ernest lived in for most of their marriage. It used to be full of joy and movement with their three children, but those days ended when they lost their eldest son in the line of duty. Since then, it has become full of despair, with the two of them only existing as a couple in name only. It's why she has been confiding in her old friend, Reverend Friendly, and her son, Presley. And it was then she decided to end her marriage.
More seconds' pass until she hears the familiar footsteps of her husband, who gives his cordial nod, which is the customary trademark of greeting her. They hadn't kissed in... well, she doesn't know how long. And come to think of it, it had been a year or so since they had been sexually intimate.
Ernest detected the concern on his wife's face that something was troubling her.
"What's wrong?"
"Ernest, we need to talk,"
"I forgot to take the trash out again, didn't I?"
"It's much more serious than that,"

"I had a feeling that it was you," Emma Covington addresses her guest.
Will Jackson stands in the doorway and replies. "Really?"
"Yeah, I mean, since my family is inside, and I don't have many friends. I felt it was a safe bet it was you."
An hour ago, Emma had come home from the hospital after spending several weeks in the ICU in a coma due to the brain injury she sustained in the auto collision the two were involved in,
He flashes his charismatic smile. "Well, I wanted to see how you were doing... you seem to be doing good... I should get going."
Emma jabs her finger behind her. "You're allowed to step foot inside,"
"You think that's a good idea? he asks. "I'm not too many people's favorite person, especially in there."
"I think we have that in common, but after everything we have gone through, we should not give a damn about what anyone thinks about us," Emma says meaningfully.
Initially, a minor look of hesitance appears on Will's face, though follows her out.

"He's such a cutie," Aaliyah Gupta says to baby Jeremy. She and Tommy Covington were poolside among the people to celebrate Emma's homecoming.
The one-year-old curly-blonde infant smiles while making spit bubbles in his father's arms.
"He's going to be a little heartbreaker, isn't he?" Jordan McKnight says while coming over to them cheerfully.
Despite wanting to say to Jordan that she can be said about too, Aaliyah manages to keep it to herself in the present company.
"Hopefully, he avoids his father's mistakes when it comes to the romance department, right buddy?"
Jeremy continues to make spit bubbles again.
"I think it's mommy and Jeremy time," Tommy says while placing the baby into his mother's arms.
Jordan grasps onto her son, smiles enthusiastically at him, and saunters off.
"Aaliyah, be honest with me."
"When haven't I been honest?" she says straightforwardly
"Uh, how serious Tanner is about Presley?" he asks his friend outright.
The other day, Jordan informed him that his ex-girlfriend is now seeing her older brother. He hadn't gotten over her and wanted to know where things stood despite her telling him that their relationship was over as a result of him cheating on her with Jordan more than a year ago.
Aaliyah uncomfortably shrugs with her hands on her hips. "Tommy, I'm not going to betray Tanner's confidence, especially to you."
"And I'm not asking you to, it's just I care about her, and I don't want her to get hurt again."
Aaliyah puts her sunglasses onto her eyes. "If you truly care about Tanner, then let her go and let her be happy," she tells him.
Considering her tone and what she has said, Tommy decides not to press for now. He excuses himself to be alone while everyone else around him goes on with their uncomplicated lives.
Lorenzo Vidal strides over to his girlfriend, only to see Tommy walking away from her. "What was that about?"
"Tommy being Tommy," Aaliyah answers curtly.

"Is it too late to admit I've never done this before?" Martha Saunders tells Samuel Gupta as the pair walk into the two-story cottage where he and his family live.
"Haven't you done what before?" He retorts.
"This is the first time I've been invited by my beau's mother over to their house for lunch, or any occasion for that matter."
In the past, Martha didn't get this far into her relationships with the opposite sex until now, with the handsome psychiatrist.
Samuel places his hands on each of her shoulders in a comforting way. "Well, let me admit this is a rare occurrence. So, either my mother wants to get to know you."
"Or to tell me that I'm not good enough for you,"
Samuel shakes his head at her. "Something tells me either way, you will be able to handle Mala Gupta." He then leans in to kiss her forehead.
The two move further into the house while doing so. The savory blends of food are in the air, in addition to the unmistakable vocals of Bono as one of U2's greatest hits. "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" plays throughout the house.
They move into the ample-sized kitchen, where Mala Gupta is cutting vegetables on a cutting board. not realizing that her son and guest were there, continuing to sing along to the music.
Samuel purposely liberates his throat to get his mother's attention, which he does when she looks to see the two of them across from her.
"Before I introduce you to my mother, Martha, I want to apologize for her singing and obsession with U2." Samuel says half-jokingly,
Mala puts the knife onto the board while trying to maintain her composure. "Very funny; nice to meet you, Martha,"
Martha chuckles softly.
"Hi, and don't worry, there is no need to hide your love of music. I actually own The Joshua Tree on vinyl from a vintage record store in L.A."
"What I would not give to own it on vinyl again." Mala replies impressively. "Somehow mine got lost when we moved from London to Chicago all those years ago."
"Well, I'll bring it over for a listen one day,"
"That will be fantastic," Mala remarks in her British accent.
Samuel watches his girlfriend offering his mother assistance with the preparation of lunch, which she graciously accepts.

As an officer of the law Ernest had been equipped for many things. But to find out from your wife that she wants a divorce after thirty years of marriage is something the best training couldn't prepare him for,
"Are you serious?"
Thora gradually exhales. "Ernest, come on, you must admit we've been coasting on fumes for years." Presley and Jordan, both grown now with lives of their own, we have nothing tying us together anymore."
Ernest remains standing across from his wife. He then flashes his hand, where his wedding band is on. "What about the vows we made till death do us part?"
"Are you really quoting our vows to me?" She states this frustration. I can accuse you too of not being there for me to comfort and to cherish me when EJ died. There were months I couldn't get out of bed. You never once showed any concern. Instead, you did what you do best. which is nothing!"
"Maybe I wasn't the best husband to you at that time, but I'm willing to try anything, even go to marriage counseling if it means not ending our marriage."
"Are you saying this because you love me and want our marriage to survive, or are you doing this because you're trying to shut me up?" Thora demands
However, Ernest doesn't say a word.
"I can't do this anymore," Thora quietly removes her wedding ring from her finger on her hand lying it on the coffee table.
With that, Thora grabs her purse and her keys and slams the door behind her, leaving Ernest there trying to absorb his wife's declaration of divorce.
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