Written By : Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
It was revealed that Courtney, is Daniel Covington's daughter.
Mae apologizes for trying to force a relationship between her granddaughter Shauna and her estranged daughter Cassie.
Peter is upset over Martha's decision not to tell her unborn child's father that she is pregnant.

For the past hour or so, Martha Saunders has made around three trips to the bathroom upstairs. Her morning sickness is showing no sign of slowing down. Not to mention the constant feeling of dizziness and having to apply several coatings of Chapstick to her chapped lips.
Martha goes into the kitchen, she takes a can of ginger ale out of the refrigerator, hoping it'll ease her nauseousness. She gazes out of the pass-through-kitchen window that is above the sink. Seeing the expansive green acreage of the farm, in addition, she spots a farmhand driving a tractor through the fields.
She hears someone else entering the room, which makes her turn her head and of course, it is the one person she wasn't in the mood to see right now.
Her father,
Earlier this morning he once again questioned her intentions of informing the father of her unborn child of its existence. Making her wish she would've gone back to her room, instead of coming down here now.
" You all right? " Peter Saunders asks. He remembers an hour ago when Martha ran off because she had to throw up. In spite of wanting his pregnant daughter to include the baby's father, he is concerned about her.
" I should be asking you the same thing, Dad," Martha says. She found out from her cousin Steven that he was drunk after a night out of drinking at The Waterfall because he can't deal with his own daughter being single and knocked up.
Peter does an expression between chuckling and clearing his throat " I'm fine." Yet, he still has remnants of a throbbing headache that he has been silently praying that only aspirin will take care of .
Martha sighs " It's just morning sickness, " no big deal . " she lies a bit. She doesn't want her father to think of her as some wallflower who needs a man to rescue her.
" About yesterday, I - Peter stops himself attempting to comprehend his actions the other day when she told him and Sarah Lynn about being 8 weeks pregnant. And also why she really left Los Angeles as well. " I'm sorry baby girl." I didn't mean to lose my temper and if you want to keep the baby then you will have my full support "
Martha is taken back " I know that you're sorry dad, but I'm capable of raising this child on my own."
Peter turns to her " Martha, I wish you will change your mind about that."

If he could see himself in the mirror, Steven Sullivan would imagine that his mouth hadn't fully shut since hearing the revelation that the man who has stuck his claim onto his family's farm, is the father of the young woman he had started dating. Not to mention that it was announced in front of his cousin Louise Saunders Lockhart who too shared a similar look of amazement that he has.
"" Why didn't you tell me that you were Daniel Covington's daughter ?" were the first words that came out of Steven's mouth.
Courtney puts her hand on her forehead. " I don't think talking about this right now is a good idea."
Steven faces her " Well since you told me the truth in here I think it's only fair you give me an explanation as to why you didn't tell me? "
" Yeah, I don't think it is a good idea either. " Louise says in a almost whisper, trying not to draw attention from the other punters drinking their beverages and getting the next round of local gossip.
Courtney sighs," I thought if I told you the truth that you wouldn't want to keep on seeing me." I was going to tell you, but I had hoped it wasn't going to be here. "
Daniel steps closer to the guy whom he had just found who is dating his twenty-three-year-old daughter. " I know Radcliffe, Kentucky is a small town, but I think it is enough women your own age that you can occupy your time with."
Steven smirks " Courtney, you are 23 right?" I don't know you can be younger or older than you say you are." then a ping of guilt hits him.
Courtney shakes her head. " I'm sorry Steven, but the truth is out now and by the way, I am 23 years old and yes I did graduate from Wharton Business School too."
Daniel sticks his hands in both pockets of his dress pants. "This thing you have with my daughter it ends today." he proclaims

In a town like Radcliffe, several small independent coffeehouses have come and gone through the years. However, JoJo's Café which is located on Main Street has outlasted them all.
It is also where today good friends, Esther Saunders and Mae Jackson catch up on the latest goings-on in their lives.
" From everything I heard about those Covington's over the years, they sound like they're the worst," Mae says as she lifts her cup of coffee. When her family moved to town from their native Atlanta, The Covington family were on their way out so she didn't really get to know them.
Esther nods her head " You got no idea, Mae they put the Dys in the word dysfunction." They all think they're better than everyone else because they got money and some big company. " Anyway, I don't want talk about them no more. " I would like to apologize on behalf of my tipsy little brother last night."
" Don't worry about it, besides Sarah Lynn already called to apologize. I'm sure Peter will tell me when he probably gets over that hangover. " I just hope he comes to his senses about everything that is going on with Martha."
" From your lips to God's ear." Esther declares. " So what is going on with you Darling? "
" I had to call Cassie in order to tell her to talk to her own daughter." Mae takes another taste of coffee.
" Ah, you remember when we thought parenting would get easier when they got older and started having families of their own? " Esther asks
" Sure do."
" Mae, just be there for your granddaughter, trust me Shauna is a lovely young woman which you and Horace are the reason why she turned out that way, in spite of not having Cassie around," Esther takes a sip of her diet coke.
" How about Steven? " How is he doing since he moved back home?" Mae inquires
" Believe it or not he is actually doing fine since he moved back from Lexington and away from that woman he called a wife." Esther replies
Mae knows that there isn't a lot of love lost between Esther and Lorraine, Steven's ex-wife. Currently due to her keeping Steven's son Evan away from him due to their bitter divorce.
" I mean he is practically running the animal clinic, and he is actually dating someone, he went out last night and had a great time.
Mae grins " Ooh, seems he is doing good. " Did you meet her yet? "
"No, not yet but I guess I will soon. " Esther smiles

Martha loves her father dearly. But she knows she cannot let him undermining her like it is 1955. And that she is some girl who got pregnant out of wedlock who needs to get married to her baby's father."
"You know what dad I love you and I respect the heck out of you but please don't tell me, that I need a man to help me raise a child." It's insulting as hell."
It seems that Peter is somewhat impressed that his daughter told him this. Like if he wanted her to concede and go call Murray to tell him that she is having his child.
" Sweetheart, he has a right to know he is about to be a daddy besides you haven't given the boy any chance to be there for you."
Martha tries to stop herself from feeling dizzy " Dad, I will tell him when I'm ready not before okay? She knows rationally that Murray Hirsch has the right to know that he is the baby's father and let him decide if he wants to be in the child's life or not. She doesn't need her own father to tell her that too.
" I'm from the old school and back then men didn't let women have children out of wedlock like today."
Martha shakes her head " You know what dad I actually thought - she lowers her voice, actually thought when you apologized to me that you were going to support me and my decision but I guess I was wrong. "
Peter huffs " It is a lot of responsibility to raise a child especially on your own."
Suddenly Martha feels to lose sensation over her body and try as she might she can gain her footing. She then falls down in which Peter catches her in his arms before collapsing onto the floor.
" Oh my god!" Martha? " Martha? " he says urgently, yet she is somewhat lethargic, then he reaches for the cordless house phone, he then quickly dials 911.

" Last time I checked Courtney is a grown woman who can make her own decisions." Steven points out.
Courtney is touched that in spite of what all just occurred that he still can defend her.
" I think my daughter should involve herself with a man who is her own age and not someone who was alive when Ronald Reagan was in the White House," Daniel says with a little venom in his voice.
" Dad please don't do this." Courtney petitions
" You might control part of Franklin Farm, but you do not control me Danny Boy. " Steven says.
Daniel grits his teeth " Don't call me Danny Boy, you punk." he then gets eye level to him.
Customers begin to seek out what is going on in their sight as swarms of whispers begin to take place. Not to mention that the raspy vocal stylings of Bonnie Raitt's Something To Talk About stars playing through the stereo.
"Stop it! Louise exclaims to both men sensing that Courtney was getting uncomfortable with both of the men going on and on.
" Daddy," Courtney says as she is nearly in tears.
Esther and Mae enter into the bar surprised at the sight right in front of them.
Mae quickly gets in between both men " Y 'all need to chill out or I will throw the both of you out. "
Esther looks at her son, niece, Daniel Covington, and Courtney, who she knows as her newest riding student at the stables. She is curious as to why she is apart of this scenario?
" I'll take it from here, Mae, " she says
Mae throws both her hands in defeat as she steps away from the scene. Although, she keeps a watchful eye before she departs to the apartment upstairs.
“ What in the hell is going on here?" Esther asks as more of a demand than a question.
" Your cradle robbing son is dating my daughter who is half his age," Daniel reports
Esther rolls her eyes, then realizes that Courtney is Daniel's daughter. Come to think of it, she doesn't remember her surname. Knowing her receptionist took her payment over the phone before she met her. And Courtney was only there to get some information that day they all met her at the office.
" I didn't mean for you to get hurt Steven, " I just hope that you find it in your heart to forgive me." Courtney then makes her way out of the bar knowing she couldn't be in the same room as Steven right now.
" You see what you did to my little girl," Daniel says to Steven.
Steven shakes his head at that remark.
" Next time you get in my son's face you're gonna regret it," Esther tells Daniel.
Daniel gives one final look to Steven and Louise as he leaves out of the bar.
Louise picks up her Nine West purse off the table " That was awkward as hell. "
" You all right son? " Esther asks
Steven is so flabbergasted he can't even settle on how he is feeling right now.
" At least you know now never to get involve with that family because their are very messy folks." his mother tells him
Louise answers her phone "Hello? " Hi, mom,-- What?- Yeah, I'm at the bar with Steven and Aunt Esther," we'll be on our way. she then hangs up the phone.
"What's up? " Steven asks seeing the turn of emotions that Louise had on her face when she was on the phone.
" That was my mom, The paramedics took Martha to the hospital."
" Let's go," Esther says.
The three of them silently exit the bar.
The Saunders clan come together to hold vigil for Martha.
Lynn finds something out for herself.
Peter expresses his fears.
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