Written by : Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town ad Country
Shauna gets ready for her first date with Max.
The revelation that Lorraine as recruited by Daniel to break up Steven and Courtney- Also the truth that Esther told Lorraine that if she didn't let Steven see Evan he would take custody. - Lorraine accepted a deal to teach at a exclusive performing arts high school in Orlando.
Daniel wanted to the know whereabouts of Courtney who took off after their confrontation.
Antoine didn't hide his jealousy over Shauna moving on even though he has feelings for her.

During the juncture of choosing which dress was the right fit, styling her hair and getting the right makeup for her face, Shauna Jackson finally settled on the right look for her first date tonight with Max Covington. She stares herself in her mirror smiling that for the first time in her life she is going on her first real date. Since the only person, she has ever been within any romantic sense is Antoine whom she told earlier this summer she wants to maintain only a friendship with him. He, on the other hand, wanted them to start a relationship. Shauna will always love him but knows his track record is the opposite of monogamy and she wants to see other men.
Martha Saunders stands in the bedroom doorway. " I must say you look good as hell. " she commends.
Shauna steps away from the looking glass. "Thank you and thank you for helping me out. "
She is wearing a multi sequin color block bodycon dress with gold strap heels. Her dark brown hair is wavy courtesy of the hair crimper and her makeup looks rather natural on her face.
Martha waves her right hand signaling no problem " Oh, I forgot to ask where is Max taking you anyway?"
" You know what he didn't mention it, she shrugs." Probably out to dinner or something."
The fact that he didn't tell her where they were going makes it even more mysterious.
" Well, wherever you're going you are going to have a great time." Martha says
The two friends hug one another.
Martha takes her mother's car keys out of her clutch bag. " I wish that I could stick around but I need to get back home, Lorraine and Evan our leaving town today and I want to be there to see them off. " Bye, she says
Shauna throws her hand to say goodbye as she sees Martha leaving the apartment.

Steven and Evan Sullivan trek towards the house, the two of them have been spending time with the animals on the farm because in a few hours his mother and himself will be flying on an airplane to Orlando where Lorraine took a job as a dance teacher at a performing arts high school. He will truly miss having his little boy around, but he knows that this a once and a lifetime chance for the two of them. And in spite of still being disappointed in his ex-wife for conspiring with Daniel Covington to break he and his own daughter apart he knows that deep down he must maintain a relationship with her in order to be better parents to their only son.
From a couple of feet away they can see Esther Saunders sitting on the porch swing wearing a camel color cotton blazer, a ivory turtleneck, and blue jeans.
"Grandma!" Evan shouts out. He runs onto the porch and gets taken in the arms of his paternal grandmother.
Steven stays quiet since he is still upset at her for going to Louisville lying to Lorraine that she would convince him to take custody away from her if she did not come to bring him to see him.
" Hey big man, why don't you go inside to bring your backpack and toys down from your room, your mommy will be back from checking out of the hotel. "
Evan does what he is told by his father.
Steven perches next to his mother on the swing.
" Look, Mom, before you say anything, I know you were doing this because you think I deserve to spend time with my little boy, but you were wrong in the way that you did it," he says
Esther licks her lips finding the appropriate words. " I didn't want you to find out what I did, I love you son, and you are a great father I didn't want you to miss out on any more of his life then you already have. I'm sorry Steven. "
Steven is at a loss of speech mainly because his mother rarely admits when she is wrong.
"And I'm sorry for going off at you when I found out what happened. " Steven apologies.
Esther takes her son's hand and kisses it appreciating that the two of them making up.
The sound of a vehicle's alarm being turned on make the both of them look up to see Daniel Covington remaining in front of his Bentley.
" What in the hell is he doing here? " Steven asks
"I can imagine. " Esther answers him back.
They both walk down the steps to go over to him.
Daniel doesn't mask his utter irritation seeing both mother and son.
" Do you know where my daughter is? " He demands
"Even if I did I don't think she would want you to know Daniel. " The younger man says to him.
Steven did know from a text that Courtney sent him last night that she gathered a few of her bags, got in her car and took off. He wanted to text her back immediately to find out where she is going. Yet decided he will communicate with her later today when his son gets off to the airport.
" Boy if your mother wasn't around. I would kick your narrow behind. " Daniel says getting in front of him.
Steven doesn't back down but Esther holds up her hands to gesture a ceasefire.
" What do you want? " Esther queries her business partner.
"Just some shop talk." Daniel winks at her.
Steven walks into the house refusing to be in the same space with Daniel Covington.
" Look here Daniel, my family is getting prepared to send off my grandbaby out of state, so please do all of us a favor, hop your ass in that overpriced car and head east."
" I can do that or I can tell your precious son the real reason why you really wanted your daughter-in-law to come to town. " he threatens her.

Behind the bar, Antoine Hall serves an off-duty cop a pint of beer. It was one of those days when service isn't slow nor busy. The speaker system is kicking out Rendezvous by Craig David. He can't believe that Shauna is about to go on some damn date with the rich boy who didn't even like her when they first met when she decorated his mansion. Now Shauna is fooled by him. Somehow he magically got her to go out with him. He still has some strong feelings for the girl he has known since high school.
"Antoine! "
He sees his boss and surrogate grandmother Mae Jackson standing behind her. The look on her face expresses she has been calling him for a while, and he had been unresponsive.
" My bad, Mae " he apologizes.
Mae wraps her arm around him in a protective manner. " What is on your mind? "
He shakes his head. "Nothin but trying to make it through this shift that's all."
Mae gapes at her employee like she doesn't believe him. Though she does not do want to press it in her place of business. She remains nearby and notices Max Covington walking in heading over to the counter. He is dressed in an open gray windowpane wool suit with a white crisp shirt, and shoes that cost more than Antoine's monthly salary. And of course, he is carrying a bouquet of assorted roses, snapdragons, and pompons in his arms.
" Be nice " Mae whispers.
" Hi Mrs. Jackson, hey Antoine. " Max greets them enthusiastically.
" How are you Max, those are some beautiful flowers you got there. "
" Well, they're for a beautiful woman. " Max retorts
Antoine wanted to vomit all over him speaking so damn sweet.
The clicking of heels sends their attention to Shauna. She is taken back when she spots her date for the evening dressed in a suit which is a first for her. She moves to get closer holding onto the strap of her small gold bag.
" Hey how are you? " she addresses him. The two casually embrace one another which doesn't go unnoticed by Antoine. She instantly feels somewhat intoxicated by the scent of his Armani cologne.
Max whistles impressed at how amazing she looks. " You look nice. "
" Thanks "
Mae takes out her iPhone. " I'm going to take a picture of you two. "
"Grandma, this isn't prom." Shauna opposes. She somehow felt like she was back in high school about to head to a rented limousine to go to a dance with the way her grandmother is appreciating this moment.
" Besides we have a bit of a drive ahead of us. " Max informs them.
Mae comes from the bar to wrap her arms around her granddaughter. " Have a great time and be careful, " she warns her. She then takes her flowers so she can put them in water.
Antoine is still silent when he sees his girl and Max Covington go out of the door side by side out of the establishment.
" Go ahead take your break, cause I am not going to let you work pissed at the world. " Mae says giving him no other option.
Antoine is in the living room on the couch playing the newest Spider-Man game on his PlayStation 4. He is not happy that the girl he cares about the most is out on a date with somebody else. He knows that he is a bit of history of not committing to any of his relationships. Though he wants the chance to prove to Shauna that he can change if they hook up.
Mae comes through the living room, she then takes a seat next to him on the couch.
Antoine pause his games with the controller.
" Okay, we are gonna talk. " Mae says certainly.
" What do you want me to say, Mae? "
"For starters, this attitude you got going on ain't cute. Second, let me guess it involves my granddaughter? " Mae correctly perceives.
Antoine clears his throat. " This summer I -- told Shauna that I wanted to get with her. But she told me basically she wants to see other guys and the whole world before she commits but I know that's some bullsh--BS. "
Mae adores Antoine, nevertheless she can't exactly blame Shauna for being cautious. She also knows that the two of them have been sexually involved on and off for years but it seems that the both of them our protecting themselves and that is what's most important.
" Well Antoine, you told her how you feel, that's all you can do in this situation sweetheart, but you're a handsome young man. I'm sure you'll find someone special in no time just be patient. " Mae advises.
All right, I will take your advice, Mae. " Antoine says sort of optimistically.
" Please do because I need my best bartender in about twenty more minutes, " she chortles

Picturing her first outing with Max would be a dinner at The Chateau. However, she hadn't thought she would be riding in a Porsche forty-minutes away to Lake Hudson.
Lake Hudson is a navigable reservoir that is along the Ohio River, Remembering the last time she been out here was when she was in the twelfth grade when most of her class came out here for their senior ditch day.
Max and she walk parallel to one another on the dock where many boats our sitting idly due to the autumn season.
As soon as Shauna is about to ask him what are they doing here. She sees a yacht pulling up in the water at the end of the walkway. At first, she assumes that someone else had a similar idea of coming out here in the middle of fall. She then sees Max taking her hand to guide her to the vessel.
Max smirks. " This is where we'll be spending the evening, " he informs her.
Shauna cannot believe that her first ever date will be on a yacht of all places.
The two get onboard the ship where a tall man wearing a captain's uniform greets Max like he has known him for a long time.
" Ma'am you must be a special woman because Mr. Covington has never brought anyone that he has been seeing on board. " The captain says
Wearing an expression of delight Shauna turns to him. "Who yacht is this?"
" It's mine. "
Shauna is clearly at a lost of words. She has never known anyone that owns a boat let alone a yacht that probably costs millions of dollars.
The captain tells them that dinner is ready to be served which gives Max and Shauna the cue to head directly to the dining room which is on the second floor of the yacht.
She is struck of the grandeur of everything in the dining room from the handcrafted chandelier above the table where eight chairs are placed around it.
Max displays chivalry by pulling out a chair for her to sit down.
He then takes a seat across from her at the table. He reaches for the bottle of 2008 Veuve Cloquet chilling in ice in the bucket. Pouring the deep golden liquid into the two flutes.
" When you said that this was your boat? " She asks trying to hide her embarrassment. She then reaches for her glass which she takes a fair drink from it.
"Actually, originally it belonged to my mother, my father gave it to her as a gift for their fifth wedding anniversary. And when my mother died she left the yacht to me she knew how much I love being on the open seas."
Before moving to Radcliffe, Max had been working on a cruise ship for six months. Who knew all of this time that Max had one that is all his?
He takes a drink of his champagne.
Shauna has never heard him be so open, let alone talk about his mother knowing she passed away from late-stage breast cancer she hadn't brought it up to him since they became friendly with one another. It made her see another side of him.
" You are full surprises aren't you? " Shauna says
Max lifts his flute. " What can I say I like to keep you on your toes, " he remarks.
An hour or so later, the two were served an appetizer of Caesar salad and hot butter rolls, then they were treated to lobster, baked potatoes and asparagus tips, The two were now finishing their dessert which is lemon meringue pie. It also means that they were able to get more acquainted with each other too.
Shauna wipes her mouth with a cloth napkin. " That was so delicious. "
Max takes his last forkful of the pie " I will tell the chef that, he rubs his hands together. " Now I cannot let you leave without seeing the view on the deck. "
The two of them climb the stairs until they reach the top of the yacht.
"Okay, what is the name of your yacht ?" she asks.
" One and Only. " he answers.
The two of them continue to look out towards the horizon.
" I must confess something, to you, " Max tells her.
"What is it, Max?"
" Since I came to pick you up earlier all I've been wanting to do is kiss you, will you allow me too? "
Shauna appreciates his honesty, even more, he asked her permission to be intimate with her ."Yeah"
The two began kissing. Shauna isn't used to this type of contact, she only ever has been with Antoine, and when they did make out it always a sense of sensuality. But she feels with Max that this act could be tender as well. She, however, senses that he too wants to keep going, but he pulls himself away. Like he realized less is more by reason of their interconnection being so fresh.
The both of them remain staring at what is in front of them.
" I liked to get to know you better Shauna Jackson. " Max says unreservedly.
Shauna turns to him seeing how serious he wants this on his face. " The feeling is mutual Max."


Esther looks over her shoulder to make sure no one can overhear them. " Is that suppose to scare me Danny Boy? "
"I do know that you cherish your son, so he would be devastated if you traded in his happiness for some stock that does not even belong to you. " Daniel states
" What do you want? " she asks through gritted teeth.
Daniel sighs. " I will keep the secret wager we had between the two of us if I retain my shares of Franklin Farm Ltd. "
Esther cannot give credence to her simple plan of getting back what Daniel's father got from her own father is turning out that once again a Covington gets the victory.
" You Bastard" Esther whispers in disbelief.
She could give him a run for his money by continuing to throw out verbal venom at him. Be that as it may, she isn't willing to lose her relationship with her own son, even if it's over the loss of shares that would've given her brother and herself complete autonomy of their familial farm. Even though it means, she would be working with the devil himself in the fiery pits of hell. She wishes that Steven didn't have affection for a Covington, though she knows the outcome would've been just as complicated.
Lorraine Sullivan parks Steven's truck next to Daniel's car. She borrowed her ex-husband's vehicle to go out to the hotel to check out because she had her Jeep Cherokee transported to Florida. She gets out of the car dressed in a forest green cold shoulder top and a pair of black jeans. Also, she is holding a tote bag.
She observes her former husband's mother speaking to the man who offered her the chance to audition for the American Ballet Theatre in New York City provided that she would've made a pass on Steven with Courtney walking in on them.
She informally steps over to the two of them.
" You okay Esther? " Lorraine asks
The concern makes the elder Saunders woman dips her head. Since only the other day she instigated to her son that she made a trip to Louisville to talk to her in the first place about letting Steven see his son or would talk to him about taking Evan away from her.
Daniel strokes the back of his neck then he points at Lorraine. " Because of your moral conscience, my own daughter doesn't want anything to do with me."
" You did that all yourself Daniel. " Lorraine retaliates
" You got what you want now leave. " Esther commands
Daniel climbs into his automobile driving himself off the property onto the main road.
The ladies can feel the uneasiness between them in the result of their unprecedented alliance against that man.
Peter, Sarah Lynn and Martha come out of the house so they will be there to send them off.
" Where are Evan and Steven? " I think it's about time we head to the airport. " Lorraine says
Steven is the one who is taking them to the airport.
"They're coming " Martha replies.
Sarah Lynn tucks some of her loose blonde hair behind her ear. " What was Daniel Covington doing here? "
Esther trade glances with her little brother. " Trust me you don't want to know. "
Rapidly Esther murmurs to Peter that they need to talk which makes him a bit cautious but knows it is not the right time to express it any further.
The sound of the front door closing has everyone looking at Evan with his The Incredibles backpack, and the action figure that his father bought him in his hand. Whilst Steven follows behind him trying to catch up with his active son.
Rounds of hugs and well wishes were given to the ones departing.
Steven, Lorraine, and Evan are now in the truck as Esther is talking to her grandson through the window.
"Grandma loves you so much and never forget this will always be your home," she tells him heartwarmingly.
" I love you too Grandma. " Evan says
She kisses him on the forehead, walking away from the truck. Esther gives Lorraine who is sitting in the passenger seat a look of sincerity. Although, they may never get along they care about the same people too.
As Steven maneuvers the truck off the farm, the family remains waving to them until the car leaves their viewpoint.
On the highway heading to the airport in the truck, Evan is playing with his Leapfrog pad. Steven tries to break the ice since the silence was killing him despite the town's only Top 40 radio station is on the stereo.
" How are you feeling? " he asks his ex-wife.
" Like a part of me doesn't deserve this second chance, but I know one thing Steven, I am not going to take it for granted. "
Lorraine then looks out of the front window seeing they're getting closer to the airport where she and her son will be taking off for a new chapter of their lives.
Courtney whereabouts are found out.
Martha finds out if she is having a boy or girl.
Peter and Esther talk about the very future of the farm.
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