Written by: Bre L Drew
September 2, 2024
Last Time on Town and Country
Joel is stunned when, expecting to meet his ex-lover, Eleanor, he is confronted by a teenage girl named Skye, who reveals he is her father.
Tanner remains faithful to Presley despite Tommy's confession that he wants to rekindle their relationship, even though he's married to Jordan.
Lenny’s leukemia takes a heavy emotional and physical toll as she anxiously awaits news about her bone marrow treatment.
During their weekend getaway to Hudson Lake, Jai proposed to Mala, and she accepted.

The steady crowd starts to pick up while the chorus of "Locked Out Of Heaven" by Bruno Mars is on the stereo system within Jojo's Cafe.
Joel Friendly couldn't help but feel out of body, as he had initially been waiting for his former lover Eleanor Park to meet him here. However, after about forty-five minutes she hadn't shown up, so he was making his exit when someone called out his name, and then, in a matter of seconds, he got the surprise of his life, yet he was unsure about everything regarding it.
The teenage girl with her short cropped pink hair and wearing all black suddenly waves her hand in his face, hoping to get a reaction from the man she had just revealed that he was her father for the first time. “Do you want a coffee or something to shock you back to life?" she asks with a blend of impatience and sarcastic humor.
Joel finally looks up; his expression is one of curiosity. "Can we go somewhere to talk?"
The relative strangers make their way to the table that he had previously occupied.
Joel asks the first thing that comes to mind. "What is your last name?"
"Park," Skye answers nonchalantly.
Joel's eyes narrowed slightly as he processed the information. “Is Eleanor your mother?”
Skye hesitates for a moment, her eyes reflecting a sense of emotion. “She was.”
Joel looked at her, bewilderment and concern imprinting on his face. “Was?"
Skye exhales, her shoulders sagging as she spoke. “She died six months ago.”

Enjoying her day off this summer afternoon, Thora McKnight is about to decide which show to stream on her bedroom TV upstairs in the Victorian manor where she resides with her son.
The barista had also been contemplating whether or not to call Joel later today to see how his meet-up with Eleanor had gone. She had been the one to encourage him to seek closure with his former lover while she had been dealing with her feelings for her longtime friend.
The doorbell rings, prompting her attention. "I wonder who that could be?" she mutters to herself.
The middle-aged woman casually dressed in a dark pink t-shirt and dark blue jeans with her blonde hair in a ponytail hurries down the staircase to answer the door.
Thora reaches the front door and opens it to find Tanner Lockhart in a white short-sleeve Polo top and straight-leg blue jeans and her purse on her person in the doorway.
Thora smiles warmly at her son's girlfriend. "Tanner! It’s good to see you. Come in."
The young woman does as instructed while Thora shuts the door behind them. "Hi, Thora! I hope I'm not interrupting. Presley is taking me out for lunch, and he told me to meet him here."
"Presley went to visit a parishioner's sick mother for prayer, but she lives close, so he should be back soon," Thora informs her. "Meanwhile, how about some iced tea? I made it fresh this morning."
"Sure, that sounds good. Tanner says.
Thora leads Tanner into the spacious kitchen to the refrigerator, where she gets the pitcher, then to the cabinet, where she grabs two glasses, which she pours the liquid into, and one to Tanner.
Tanner stands on the other side of the counter. "Thank you," she says generously.
"So, how is everything going?" Thora says conversationally
Tanner sips some of the tea before responding, "Okay, we're just now hoping everything works out for Lenny."
The older woman nods respectfully, knowing that the young woman's fraternal twin sister is currently battling cancer.
"Well, you know, if there is anything I can do, don't hesitate to ask."
She decides to shift the tone of the conversation. “So, what are your future plans?"
Tanner reflects on the earlier conversation and the strain of her sister’s illness. “Well, I’ve deferred going to vet school for now. I’m not sure when I'll be able to start, but I want to make sure my sister is going to be fine before I concentrate on education again."
Thora, sensing Tanner’s misunderstanding, sighs and clarifies. "Actually, I was asking about Presley. How are things going with him? Any thoughts on where that might lead?”

The sterile, well-lit room inside Radcliffe Receiving Hospital with two single reclining chairs only in use is where Lenny Lockhart is receiving chemotherapy. An IV drip is connected to the port implanted in her chest. Despite the heat outside, she wears a beanie cap to hide her hair loss, and her eyes are tired but remain alert. Elijah Barker is seated beside her, skimming the same page of his Constitutional Law textbook. He then looks at Lenny with concern, noticing her discomfort.
"How are you feeling?" he asks softly.
Lenny faintly smirks. "The same when you asked me five minutes ago."
Elijah senses that Lenny might not be up for more discussion as he turns his attention onto the text he needs to read for the start of law school next week.
The sound of penetrating footsteps makes them both look over to see Dr. Ike Saddleman enter. He acknowledges Elijah with a nod before turning his attention to Lenny.
Lenny's oncologist, a statuesque black man with glasses and salt and pepper hair in his 60s, smiles warmly towards his her. "Lynn, how are you holding up today?"
The young blonde nods modestly. "I'm alright,"
In reality, she believes people don't really want to know how one is feeling or holding up, as it is just a way to begin a conversation.
Dr. Saddleman glances at Elijah and then at Lenny. "Is it alright if I speak with Lenny about her treatment plan?"
"Whatever you have to say to me, you can say with him here," she tells him.
Dr. Saddleman nods, "Of course. Let’s go over everything together."
He pulls up a chair and sits beside Lenny, opening her file to review the latest results on his tablet.
Dr. Saddleman looks at Lenny with a reassuring nod. "I’ve reviewed your latest results, and I’m confident it’s time for us to start looking into bone marrow matches."
Lenny’s face shows a flicker of anxiety. Elijah grips her hand without a second thought for support.
The doctor continues. "We, of course, have talked about this being the next step in your treatment. Your current regimen is having an effect, but to increase our chances of a successful outcome. Finding a suitable bone marrow match will be your best chance of remission."
"It’s just... a lot to take in," she admits.
Elijah continues to hold his girlfriend's hand with support. "Hopefully, with the right bone marrow, you won't have to see much of this place." He then turns to the physician. "No offense, Doctor."
Dr. Saddleman emits a light chuckle. "None at all. And Lynn, it’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed. We’re here to support you and make sure you understand each step. Our coordinator will start the process of finding potential matches soon. If you have any questions or need anything, please let us know."
Lenny takes a deep breath. "Thank you."
Dr. Saddleman stands up. "You’re welcome. Remember, you’re not alone in this."
He exits the room, leaving Lenny and Elijah alone. The atmosphere is heavy with the weight of the news, as in a way she does feel alone.

The afternoon sun casts a bright, warm light over the row of charming cottages while Jai Gupta steers his emerald-green Cadillac XT6 into the driveway where his now-fiancée and their adult children reside. Still beaming from the weekend’s events, including seeing U2 in concert in Hudson Lake, Jai finally took the next step and proposed marriage, which Mala happily accepted.
He stretches, feeling the relief of being back, and opens the trunk while Mala Gupta steps out of the passenger seat and adjusts her sunglasses.
Jai carries her designer duffel bag. "How does it feel to be back?" He then shuts the trunk of the SUV.
Mala softly laughs while opening her purse to grab her keys as they walk up to the front door of the two-story cottage. "I'm glad to be home, but I thoroughly enjoyed our weekend away. I had a lot of fun," she winks.
"Me too," he remarks. "So, how do you think Aaliyah will react to the news?"
Mala playfully grins. "Well, I will not be surprised if our daughter has already hung a banner that states congratulations."
It hadn't been a secret that their daughter had been wanting them to get back together since their divorce.
As Mala is about to set foot inside, Jai lightly grasps her arm, causing her to turn around.
"This is what you want, right?" he asks considerately.
"Yes, it is, and it does not matter when or where we get married as long as you are by my side, Jaan." (Hindi for my dear, my beloved), she remarks candidly.
"I will never leave your side again," he declares.
Jai gently cradles Mala’s face in his hands. He lowers his lips to hers, and they share a heartfelt peck.
The two enter the inviting home while Jai shuts the door behind them.
It does not take long to hear the hurried movements of Aaliyah Gupta descending the staircase in a stylish steel gray floral tank top paired with dark blue jeans, making a beeline toward her parents with joyous anticipation.
"So how was your trip? Did anything exciting happen?" Their youngest asks, lacking subtlety.
Jai and Mala both turn to each other, causing Aaliyah to wonder why she isn't getting a response. Then, with wide smiles, they both reveal the beautiful diamond engagement ring on Mala's finger. Seeing this, Aaliyah’s face lights up with joy as she embraces both of her parents happily.

Tanner forms a look of hesitation on her face while looking down at the half-full glass. "I’m not entirely sure about our future together. It’s been complicated with everything going on, and I’m still trying to figure things out. But that doesn’t change how much I care about him."
Although Tommy had made his feelings known for her in spite of his marriage to Presley's sister, she is aware of what a mistake it would be if she did end things by going back with someone who will never be available.
Thora takes a sip of the tea, keeping her gaze on the brunette. "Presley is a good person, and he doesn’t deserve to be messed around."
"I’m not messing him around. I care about Presley a lot. He’s been there for me through a lot, and I genuinely care about him." Tanner retorts
Thora sighs while her expression softens but is still serious. I know you’re not a bad person, Tanner. I’ve known you for years. But as a mother, I have to look out for my son. I’m just tired of seeing my children get hurt."
At this moment, Presley McKnight, who had been standing just outside the kitchen, steps into view. He walks purposefully towards Tanner, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. He looks at Thora with a calm, determined expression.
"Hey, are you ready?" he says to his girlfriend gently.
Tanner stands up; an uneasy silence follows while she takes Presley’s hand. They start to walk towards the door.
Presley looks back at his mother. "I appreciate it when I'm not here; you don't put my girlfriend on trial; okay, Mom."
Thora watches them leave, a mix of emotions on her face. She shakes her head slightly, lost in thought, and takes another sip of her iced tea.

The engaged couple and their daughter are now occupying the spacious earth-tone living room of Victory Cottage as Jai and Mala sit beside each other while Aaliyah is sitting across from them in an armchair.
"Mommy, have you at least thought about the dress yet? I can design a dress if need be. I’ve got all these amazing ideas!" Aaliyah says enthusiastically
It is her father who places his hand to refute his daughter at this moment. "Slow your roll, Aaliyah. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves."
Mala looks thoughtfully at both her fiancé and offspring. "Aaliyah, like I told your father earlier, it doesn't matter where or where we wear or where it happens, but I guess we do need to talk about what kind of ceremony we want in a general sense."
Jai casually nods. Yeah, whatever you want, Mala. I’m here for it. Just let me know."
Mala couldn't help but smirk at his response. "You guys have the easiest part when it comes to weddings. You just show up and say, “I do,” she says in her British accent.
"Oh, really? I’m sure there’s more to it than that." Jai chuckles
"Like making sure your tuxedo fits and remembering to show up on time!" Aaliyah says playfully, causing Mala to let out a small laugh.
Jai shakes his head while putting his arm around a snickering Mala. "If there is anything you need, your wish is my command. How is that?"
Mala, smiling, leans over and gives Jai a gentle kiss on the cheek. "I think that can be arranged."
Aaliyah's face lights up with happiness as she watches this moment, thrilled that her parents have realized they belong together.

As Lenny and Elijah step out of Radcliffe Receiving Hospital, Lenny is visibly exhausted from the treatment. They make their way to the car, the silence between them heavy with unspoken thoughts.
Feeling daring, Elijah decides to break the silence. “Do you want to talk about it?"
Lenny’s eyes, heavy with resignation, meet his. “There’s nothing you or anyone can do,” she replies softly. She opens the car door, pausing for a moment before stepping inside. “Elijah, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound like an ungrateful butthole; it’s just I don’t want every time we're together to be about my cancer.”
She recalls having a similar conversation with her grandmother the other day, in which for the rest of their time together they talked about everything else not pertaining to her leukemia, and it made her feel human for the first time in a long time.
Elijah listens, absorbing her words. “I get it,” he says quietly, nodding in understanding. “ I just want to be here for you, in whatever way you need.”
Lenny’s gaze softens, and she gives a small, compliant smile. “I know you're just trying to help, and I appreciate you even when I don't act like I do."
With a reflective smile, Elijah starts the engine, and the SUV’s engine hums to life. The sound of the vehicle blending with the soft radio music creates a comforting atmosphere inside the vehicle.

Joel sat back, clearly struggling to reconcile Skye’s words with his memories of Eleanor. His face reflected a mix of disbelief and sadness as he recalled the last time they had seen one another, which was in Cambodia the day he left to go back to Radcliffe after his volunteer missionary work was over. They had promised they would make contact. Now he will never get the chance to make amends with her.
Skye, sensing his reaction to the news. “It was an aneurysm. It came out of nowhere."
Joel nods, his mind still trying to process the information. “I’m so sorry for your loss,” he said, though his voice tinged with uncertainty. “I received a message through your mother's Facebook account, and she said she was trying to reach out to me."
Skye looks down, her voice slightly above a whisper. “I used her page to contact you. I knew that if I told you the truth about being her daughter, you might not believe me or reject me altogether."
Skye reaches into her backpack, her fingers grazing against the smooth fabric as she fumbled for her iPhone. The motion was slow and deliberate, a reflection of the emotional weight she carried. With a deep breath, she pulled out the phone and unlocked it, her face set in a mixture of determination and sorrow.
As she navigates to the photo of Eleanor’s obituary, Joel watches her with curiosity. His gaze was drawn to Skye’s face as she passed him the phone.
Instantly, his eyes lay upon the photo, recognizing how little Eleanor had aged within seventeen years and how still strikingly beautiful she was, with refined features, her dark flowing hair past her neck, her expressive brown eyes that resembled Skye's, and her wide smile that reminded him of all of the times they were together in their own world.
“Who are you living with now?” Joel asked, trying to shift the focus to practical matters.
"With my grandmother in Houston," Skye responds.
When her mother died, she moved from Austin to Houston, Texas, to stay with her maternal grandmother.
Joel looked overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation. “This is a lot for me to get my head around. How can I get in touch with you?”
“I can DM you my number,” Skye said. “I’m staying at the Hotel Cliffe.”
Joel nods, looking conflicted. “Do you need anything right now?”
Skye shook her head. “Thanks, but I’ll manage. I have enough money from what my mother left me and from my birthday."
"How did you get here?"
"Uh, I took the bus from Houston to Louisville, then I took another bus here."
"Where does your grandmother think you are?" Joel asks with concern and intrigue.
Skye places her backpack beside her. "On vacation with a friend and her family. But don't worry, she's covering for me. I didn't want to tell her I was here because she wouldn't understand."
Much as the reverend wants to tell her that isn't the wisest idea, he knows he isn't exactly entitled to say this to her; even if he does turn out to be her father, he wants to query how his name even came up in the conversation of him being her parent but decides not to press her on it at the moment.
"How old are you?" Joel asks.
"I turned sixteen two weeks ago," she informs him.
Joel attempts to do the math from when they last had sex, and it would equate to her age. He stands up, his mood a mix of concern and contemplation. “I’ll be in touch. Do you need a ride anywhere?" he asks in the same way he would ask a fellow church member.
Skye shakes her head. "No, I'm okay. Thanks anyway though."
Skye remained seated, the weight of their conversation settling heavily over her. The meeting had brought her closer to the father she never knew until now.
Meanwhile, as Joel walks outside the cafe, he takes a deep breath, replaying the interaction between him and the young woman who claims he is her long-lost father.
Murray comes to a realization.
Emma and Steven get different outcomes from their spouses.
Shauna does her best to hide her guilt of carrying Antoine's child while she and Max celebrate their anniversary.
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