Written by : Bre L. Drew
June 7, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
Jordan arrived at the house in White Oak, Kentucky, where she will be staying until she goes into labor. Tricia informed her Tommy will never Tanner for her despite having his baby.
Elijah went to The Alley to celebrate getting on the Dean's List. However, he had one too many drinks, and Lynn had to come to get him.
Daniel found out Jordan left the suite at the Miller Inn.
Mae tried to reach out to Will for him to come home but he decided to stay at Franklin Farm longer.

In all honesty, Daniel Covington doesn't want to cause any harm to the mother of his firstborn grandchild. However, it does not stop him from being concerned about the baby's welfare, especially since he was alerted last night by the front desk agent whom he informed to let him know if Jordan McKnight made any particular movement within the Miller Inn. So imagine his shock when he found out that she checked out of the suite he has at the hotel. He quickly made a few calls around to his contacts to track her down knowing she possibly will do anything to cause him to seek custody for Tommy once the baby is born,
Hence this is why instead of going into the office this morning. He took a detour to JoJo's to get to the bottom of this. He makes his way through the morning crowd getting their java fix.
The Goo Goo Dolls' Black Balloon is playing over the speakers giving the café more of a laid-back environment.
Daniel reaches to the front of the line where he sees the person he wants to speak with behind the counter talking with a barista. She looks up to see him standing there, so she strolls towards him still on the other side.
"Daniel, what can I get for you?" Tricia Lockhart inquiries nonchalantly
He folds his arms across his chest, not taking his concentration away from her. "The location of Jordan," he replies
Tricia rolls her eyes at him demanding the whereabouts of Jordan, sensing he knows she isn't staying at the hotel anymore. Though it doesn't compel her to tell him anything that happened yesterday regarding getting her out of town,
Recognizing she couldn't turn him away, she tells one of the baristas to take over while she follows her boss to the lounge section of the café.
"Where is she?" Daniel says searchingly
Tricia simply smooths out her Lilly Pulitzer navy blue sleeveless shirtdress. "She's staying in your suite at the Miller Inn, remember?"
Daniel's facial expression transitions from calm into more of an impatient demeanor. "Cut the crap Tricia, I know you know where Jordan is and I'm not going to give up until I know where she is."

The glaring sunlight from the window hits Lynn Lockhart's sight. Giving her the knowledge that it is now morning and that she is not sleeping in her bed at home. But instead, she got a few hours of sleep on the edge of her boyfriend's bed at his house. She had picked him up from The Alley yesterday where he was impaired after getting drunk, fearing something might happen to him she decided to spend the night,
She turns over to find Elijah awakening from his sleep hearing him groaning. "My head is killing me,"
"No surprise there,"
He eases himself upward in the bed. "What are you doing here?"
A smirk creeps upon her face. "You're joking right?" She sees that he is unsure what happened to him. "You were drunk off your ass last night. I had to come to pick you up from the bar to take you home."
"It's coming back to me now,"
Remnants of memories float back to Elijah of him going to the bar in Hudson Lake to celebrate his victory of being on the Dean's list. He recalls taking some drinks, but not enough for him to get drunk, or so he thought. Glad at the fact his parents are in Europe for two weeks because they would lose it if they ever found out he had alcohol underage.
Lenny gets off the bed tossing some of her long blonde hair out her face. "I'm going downstairs to put some coffee on."
"I forget you speak from experience," Elijah states lethargically.
His girlfriend who herself had been wasted nearly three years ago when she and Tanner threw an unsupervised party at the cottage where she got tipsy herself had to endure the side effects of consuming alcohol. "I do, so let me take care of you, Barker,"
She takes off downstairs leaving him in peace as the thumping in his head gets worse.

Mae Jackson hums along to Knock Three Times by Tony Orlando and Dawn which is currently on throughout the newest local supermarket. With her handbasket of items for her shrinking household, she goes to one of the check-out lines where they're about three other customers ahead of her. She happens to turn around to see Sarah Lynn Saunders pushing a grocery cart full of food and various other objects behind her.
"Hey, Mae, how are you?" the widow says to her family friend.
"I'm doing all right," she replies diplomatically.
Both women are aware of the awkwardness of them running into each other since Mae hasn't been pleased with Will staying out at the farm and not being back at home where they should be working out their issues.
"How's Will?" Mae asks
"He's good, you know he's been really an asset around the house and the farm." Sarah Lynn remarks
Mae notices the line shortening as she is a step closer to being out of here.
Sarah Lynn narrows her gaze onto her friend. "Look, I get asking me about your own child is quite uncomfortable, but I'm sure when he is ready to talk to you he will come to you."
"Maybe I should refer to you about my son from now on?"
"Mae, he's still hurt, he thinks you all don't care about him."
"That's a lie,"
"You fired him from The Waterfall, the one place he ever felt he could start his life over after being away for so long. When you took that away from him, he felt hopeless. Now he might not admit that to you, but I know is the truth." Sarah Lynn observes
"This is a personal matter between my son and me," Mae shoots back at her.
"Just think about what I said," Sarah Lynn encourages

Elijah strolls into the kitchen where he finds Lynn putting a plate of scrambled eggs and toast onto the table.
"I'm not hungry," he says shuffling over to the coffee machine where he sees a fresh pot has been made.
"Well you need to eat something," Lynn apprises. "So please do me a favor sit your ass down while I get you some coffee."
His head is still pounding, which he is reminded of when he snickers.
"What's so funny?" Lynn inquires
"Is this a preview of our future?"
She pours the coffee into a mug she retrieved from the cabinet. "Yeah, because I want to live with your parents if we ever get married?" She says half-jokingly
Lenny puts the mug in front of him as he begins taking a bite of toast. "You want to talk about what happened last night Barker?"
She then takes a seat adjacent to him at the table.
"I just had a few too many drinks I'll be fine, --- that reminds me my car is still in the parking lot at The Alley," he says
He decides not to tell her about this being his second time leaving his car parked at the bar after drinking too much. A few months prior he had done the same thing, but he managed to push through despite being hungover.
"Well after you eat something, we can go to Hudson Lake to get it," Lynn responds
Lynn discerns her boyfriend is hiding something from her but chooses not to get into it with him because she is grateful he didn't get behind the wheel.
She places her hand on top of his, which makes him look up making him know she isn't going anywhere.

"Now why would I know where Jordan is supposedly at Daniel?" Tricia feigns modesty
"You two are close, so if anyone would know."
"Before you came huffing and puffing in here, did you ask your son since he is the father?"
Daniel folds his arms onto his chest unsure whether or not Tommy would tell him the truth. "I know you think I'm the bad guy in this situation."
"But you're are, you're trying to pry a defenseless baby away from its mother."
"I know you think you're helping her out, but Jordan McKnight is incapable of bringing up that child on her own. And I think deep down you realize that too."
Tricia puts both of her hands onto her hips. "You see the baby as some sort of heir of your family, not a child who needs their mother," she replies. "Now if you don't mind I have a café to run."
"But how long for?"
"What did you just say?"
"Don't forget I own this place." Daniel threatens her
"You son of a bitch are you that hard up to know where a girl you don't give a damn about you threatening to fire me?"
"She is carrying my grandchild. I'm concerned for her well-being."
Unbeknownst to them, someone comes over to them having seen them going back and forth.
"What's going on here?" Samuel Gupta asks both his friend and his mother's boyfriend.
A moment of silence arises between them.
"Keep in my what I said," Daniel tells her. "Nice seeing you Samuel,"
He then heads out of the café.
"What the hell was that all about?" Samuel states
Tricia exhales some of the pent-up frustration she held in while getting into it with the one guy she has never liked. "You don't want to know Samuel."
Tanner confesses her intentions to Tommy.
Will and Emma begin looking for locations for their new nightclub.
Lynn comes across something worrying.
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