Written by: Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
Daniel informed Peter that their meeting with supermarket tycoon Lyle Wysocki tomorrow.
Sean and Louise discovered that their divorce is final.
Martha is nearing her due date.

To calm his nerves down before today's meeting with Lyle Wysocki, Peter Saunders woke up around 3am to go outside to tend to the herd. Now he is pacing around the living room wearing a newly purchased charcoal gray suit. He is the type of person who thinks the money he paid on what he is wearing could go on something else more practical. His movement stops when he picks up a frame off the mantel with a photograph of his father taken about ten years before his death in 1990. Before the liquor aged him greatly, he was a ruggedly handsome man who out of the rest of his siblings shown the most interest of maintaining the farm.
"Daddy, I bet you're just turning in your grave at the thought of your flesh and blood workin with Patrick Covington's boy. But ya didn't leave us much choice when you agreed to give him the piece of the pie in exchange for the loan to save the farm. Now possibly if everything goes right as rain granddaddy's name would be on shelves across the country, so I guess you wouldn't have a lot to say if money was involved."
He stands there in silence for a few more seconds staring at the picture before he places it back in its spot.
"Am I interrupting? " Esther Saunders says aloud.
Peter turns around to see his older sister walking down the staircase dressed in a navy asymmetrical belted skirt suit with heels on her feet.
"Just having a little talk with Jimmy, that's all." Peter chuckles.
Esther puts her hand on the back of her neck. "I had a few of them of my own over the years."
"You all ready to go?" Peter queries casually
Esther picks up her purse off the coffee table." The quicker we get in and out of the same room with Daniel Covington the better."
Sarah Lynn Saunders comes out of the kitchen relieved that she hadn't missed the two of them before they left tor the restaurant.
Walking up to her husband, she whistles coquettishly. She places both of her arms around him.
"Nothing more I love than a sharp-dressed man. "
Peter smirks. "Ma'am, I hate to tell you this I'm married but since you gave me such a good compliment I betcha my wife won't mind."
"Oh, I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Sarah Lynn tells him. "
"We better get going, Petey. " Esther says
Sarah Lynn kisses her husband lovingly.
The two of them let go of one another he follows his sister out of the door leaving Sarah Lynn to tackle her daily chores around the house.

Stepping into the kitchen, Louise Saunders Lockhart can't help but notice her husband Sean on the phone talking to someone.
She remembers however in an instant that she isn't legally married to him anymore. Yesterday their divorce decree came in the mail. Nonetheless, the two of them have managed to walk on eggshells in order to avoid any confusion from the girls who still don't know their lives are about to change.
Sean finishes up his conversation. He lifts his head seeing her prepping the Keurig to make this morning's cup of coffee.
"Tricia?" Louise asks sarcastically.
"No, I was calling around to find a place of my own."
Louise recalls him talking about how he is going to move out once the divorce came through.
"Any luck?"
Sean clears his throat. "A few leads, nothing serious, but I will be outta here by the end of the week. "
"Meaning what? " Louise cross-examines him.
"Meaning, we need to tell the girls today," Sean replies straightforwardly.

Since last night, Martha Saunders has been experiencing back pain which lasts here and there. Though since early in the morning the pain has been increasing. Advised by her mother to just lie in bed until it can subside. Regretting that she didn't eat breakfast earlier now because she is starving. Only managing to get herself dressed in a rust floral top and the only pair of yoga pants that she is able to squeeze into.
Right now she is relatively focusing on the Fyre Festival Documentary on Hulu on her flat screen television.
Suddenly, Martha starts feeling contractions which are more intense than the Braxton-Hicks ones she experienced throughout her third trimester.
Martha begins to get off the bed making short walks nonetheless her contraction is seeming to last longer. She lets out a loud moan while getting holding onto the dresser.
Within thirty seconds, both her mother and Steven come into the room both concerned of what is going on with their loved one.
"Is it time already, Martha? " Sarah Lynn asks excitingly.
"I think I'm in labor," Martha announces
A sense of excitement and anxiety fills the room.
Sarah Lynn puts her arm around her daughter.
"But is it too soon though, I mean Doctor Jamison told me the baby was likely to come in a few more days, not now."
Steven folds his broad arms on his chest. "You're full term so it shouldn't be any health risks, besides your little boy couldn't wait to meet you."
"I need to call Dr. Jamison to tell her I'm on the way to the hospital and what about daddy?"
"We'll call Martha's OB, and Uncle Peter on the way to the hospital," he instructs. "Where is your bag, Martha? "
"By my closet," Martha says in between breathing.
With efficiency, Steven scoops up Martha's duffel bag, Martha is able to pick up her purse off the dresser as Sarah Lynn goes to get her daughter and herself their coats. The three of them get into the truck in record time as Steven steers them onto the main road above the speed limit.

Esther handed her keys to her Jaguar, over to the valet. Peter and herself enter the restaurant, where an actual string quartet is playing.
The hostess who is an undergrad at Sampson University eagerly take their coats and then proceeds to lead them to their reserved table.
"Thank the lord we were able to beat that horrible traffic on the way over here. " Esther says gratefully.
"Imagine if we were late, Danny boy would of never let us hear the end of it." Peter adds,
Halfway on their drive over here, they listened to the report on the radio that an accident has caused traffic to pile up miles back.
The hostess guides them to their destination which is a booth near the bar where both Daniel and the guest of honor Lyle Wysocki our both standing up.
She gives them their menus before scurrying off.
Daniel also suited for this meeting makes the civil introductions all around.
Lyle Wysocki is wearing a ten-gallon hat with a white button-down shirt and a black suit jacket and blue jeans. In addition to his thick white mustache, he gives the impression of a sheriff rather than a multi-millionaire tycoon.
He delicately reaches for Esther's hand which he smooches.
The four of them sit down in the booth.
As Daniel begins to make small talk, the waiter comes over to take their drink requests, and promptly he returns with each of their beverages.
Lyle gives the waiter a fifty-dollar bill whom he tells to keep the change.
"God must have spent time on making you Esther, " Lyle says flirtatiously.
His stare is fixated on her ample cleavage and her beautiful eyes.
"Do you say that to your wife all the time too? " Esther asks sarcastically.
A snicker can be heard from Daniel.
"Let's cut the malarkey, I only got a few hours before I need to get to the airport beside you have to be living under a damn rock not to hear about Franklin Farm why should I give you this offer? " Lyle states in his southern drawl.
Peter and Daniel's exchange looks as if they're both our biting their tongues to Lyle's bluntness.
"Cause Lyle, we all value family at this table, look we didn't want to bore with figures of our products overall sales at other stores last quarter but trust me they're the best they have been because everyone of us make sure we work hard. And I know that we all can make this partnership a success." Peter apprises
"You got one thing right Saunders, Family is dear to me, without them I wouldn't have half of what I got now. " Lyle retorts. He puts the glass of whiskey to lips. "
Peter feels his cell phone ringing in his pants pocket. Knowing, that it isn't the right time to answer it.
Daniel takes a sip of his tonic water. "If you want I could give you sales reports of our products Lyle. "
Lyle lifts his hand up. "That won't be necessary, uh I guess that it is only one thing left to say. " Welcome aboard. "
"You're giving us the deal? " Peter says
"Are you hard of hearing Saunders?" Your speech made an impression on me, and I got a strong instinct we gonna to make enough greenbacks to pay for my grandchildren's private school tuition for years to come. " Lyle replies
Lyle stands up and excuses himself away from the table. "My lawyer will be in touch with ironing out the details." By the way, if you ever in Texas don't hesitate to look me up, Esther. "
Esther fiddles with the stem of her glass of white wine. "I will but don't forget to bring that darling wife of yours," she says half-jokingly.
She isn't the type of woman anymore to even entertain the thought of having an affair with a married man.
Lyle tips his hat before parting his way out of the restaurant.
"Sis, You all right " Peter wonders concerningly.
"Trust me it ain't my first time doing business with scum. " Esther says
"Let's drink to this accomplishment. " Daniel says in a celebratory manner.
Esther looks at Peter's face who at the moment seems even a feather couldn't break his concentration over the phone.
"Hey what's going on?" she asks once he gets off.
"That was a voice message it's a long story but the short version is Martha is in labor he announces in confusion then happiness.
"Congratulations Peter, Esther, give your family my best. " Daniel says respectively.
"Thanks," Peter tells him.
They scramble out of the dining room towards the valet.
Daniel remains at the table taking another drink of his tonic water. "Father I told you I would make you proud, " he says to himself.

In a town like Radcliffe, busy isn't an adjective to describe it's roadways. However, this afternoon whilst they were in the middle of getting to the hospital a semi-truck crashed into the wall causing the back-up from about ten miles from Radcliffe Receiving Hospital.
The truck like the rest of the cars was bumper to bumper with no end in sight.
Steven hits the wheel with aggravation."Dammit, I'm sorry, I should've taken 64 instead, but 75 is closer to the house."
In the backseat of the car, Sarah Lynn is wiping her daughter's sweaty forehead with a tissue. "Steven, it's not your fault for the accident nor this ridiculous traffic jam." Sarah Lynn says.
Martha has been panting resisting the urge to push. "I'm tired momma."
Sarah Lynn dislikes so much seeing her daughter in pain. But knows it will all be worth it when that baby will be placed in her arms.
"I know Martha, but just keep breathing, we'll be at the hospital soon okay."
Steven's foot barely touches the gas as the traffic slightly moves forward. He looks at the Southbound side where the cars seem like they're zooming without any problem.
Before they hit traffic, Sarah Lynn managed to call Peter who didn't pick up and Dr. Jamison who told them that she and her team will be readying for her arrival. They hadn't contacted her again since they hit traffic and isn't sure when they're going to get to the hospital?
Martha moans time more intensely. "Don't think this little boy is waiting around anymore."
Sarah Lynn sticks strands of her hair behind her ear. "Hey Steven, I know what I am about to ask is gonna sound -- daunting -- I'm going to need you to check out your cousin, because I don't think we're going to make it to the hospital anytime soon plus the timing of Martha's contractions, I suspect the baby might be born on I-75."
"You know I will, but Aunt Sarah, I'm a Veterinarian I have never delivered a human baby, heck most of the animals I treat basically deliver their offspring on their own I am just there for support."
Sarah Lynn throws him a glance to express encouragement. He unclicks his seatbelt to get out of the car quickly into the backseat. Whilst, Sarah Lynn gets behind the wheel in case of the traffic begins flowing again.
"How are you doing, hanging in there? " Steven inquires
Martha does her best to smile sitting up taking up most of the area. "Yeah I'm just peachy, I feel like I'm about to pass a watermelon cus."
Steven examines her. "I feel the head descending into the birth canal, " he informs both women." I'll go see what is in my medical bag."
"Why?" Martha asks half delirious.
"Because your mother is right, this baby is going to be born on the highway," Steven says
"This is just great, I mean I get knocked up by my former no good manager loser of a nephew who has chosen to neglect his responsibilities to his child and now you're telling me that I have to bring this baby into the world in the backseat of a pickup truck. " Martha expresses hysterically.
Both Steven and Sarah Lynn share similar glances to her excessive ordeal.
Sarah Lynn checks the road ahead of her before she reaches over to grab her daughter's hand.
"Save your energy, trust me you're going to need it when you push."
"And at least the birth will be an unforgettable one," Steven says
Steven has on a pair of latex gloves along with the tools he will need to deliver the baby.
"All right, I'm going to need you to take a deep breath before you push, " he instructs her.
On command, Martha starts to push as each of her grunts become louder the more Steven could see the baby's head crowning.
"Okay, one more push cus," Steven says enthusiastically.
"I can't" Martha replies mostly out of breath.
"Just one more baby girl you got this, think about holding your son, squeeze my hand." Sarah Lynn
Somehow Martha musters enough strength to hold onto her mother's hand as well as she gives one forceful push that Steven is able to hold the baby entirely he begins to cry out loud. As smiles fill the atmosphere and nervous energy fleeting.
Steven quickly cleans the newborn baby before handing over to his mother whilst Sarah Lynn lovingly looks on and Steven cuts the umbilical cord.
Martha grins why she feels tears coming out of her eyes. "You couldn't wait anymore longer, couldn't you? "
The baby coos softly.
The three of them laugh.
Sarah Lynn finds herself getting back behind the steering wheel when traffic seems to start flowing again smoothly.
Steven tells them that he is going to stay with Martha and the baby to make sure everything is fine for the pair of them until they get to the hospital.

Lynn and Tanner Lockhart come into the kitchen both talking about having a week off school due to Winter Break next week.
"Girls, there is something we have to talk to you about today," Sean denounces.
"Did you have another affair? " Lynn asks flippantly.
"Sit down" Sean replies easily
The four of them find themselves taking a seat around the kitchen counter.
"We love you both very much, and nothing will ever change that. " Louise says
"We love you too, what's going on? " Tanner asks looking back and forth between her parents.
"Yeah what's going on?" Lynn asks skeptically
Louise and Sean share glances at one another before deciding who is going to tell them.
"You both know that I haven't been faithful towards your mother in a long time now, so -- we both decided that we will both be better people if we aren't together anymore.
"You guys are getting a divorce? " Lynn concludes
"We already did, but trust me we will always love you and put your wellbeing ahead of our own. " Louise says wholeheartedly.
The three of them look at Tanner who is silent, however, tears are streaming down her face.
"Pretty Princess, Sean says, he reaches out to comfort her, yet she takes off running out of the kitchen upstairs to her bedroom.
Louise rushes over to Lynn to comfort her by grabbing both of her hands. Even though Lenny isn't the type to show her emotions by crying she knows that both of her daughters are hurting deeply by this revelation.
Sean sits there feeling guilty about what is happening with his family.

Martha was quickly admitted into a room in the labor and delivery unit of the hospital. She is lying down in the bed in a hospital gown.
Being nearest to the door, Sarah Lynn is able to see Peter and Esther coming into the room. She hugs her husband on the joy of becoming grandparents again.
Esther walks over to her niece to hug her lightly knowing first-hand how sensitive a woman's body is after they give birth as a mother herself.
"Seems like everyone had an eventful day. "Sarah Lynn declares rightfully.
"You can say that again Darling. " Esther replies. She shakes her head at the thought of Lyle hitting on her in spite of being married.
"I tried reaching Louise, but her phone keeps going to voicemail." Sarah Lynn says.
Peter kisses her daughter's forehead. "How is my grandson? " Peter asks impatiently he is holding a few balloons in his possession.
"Daddy, he is everything, he weighed in 7lbs 8 ounces and 21 inches long, Dr. Jamison took him to have some tests, he should be right back ." Martha updates him
"So is this family in business with MarketFresh or not? " Steven asks bracing for the response.
"Franklin Farm Dairy products will be sold in MarketFresh Markets across the country," Esther reports.
Dr. Jamison rolls in the pediatric crib stretcher in which Baby Boy Saunders is half asleep. The doctor greets everyone in the room.
"So how did my little man do? " Martha asks
The petite physician straightens out her stethoscope around her neck. "I'm pleased to tell you that he did well on the tests we have given him. " She proudly informs.
She points at Steven, By the way, I'm impressed that you were able to deliver him under those circumstances, any medical training?"
"Actually my son is a doctor too," Esther says haughtily.
"What's your specialty, surgery, internal medicine? " Dr. Jamison guesses
"Doctor of Veterinary Medicine." Steven admits.
"Well I still commend you, Martha, I will check in on you in a bit so please get some rest."
Dr. Jamison is hit with thank you by various members of the Saunders family when she exits out of the room.
Peter picks up his grandson when he starts to awake his face lights up when his first-born grandson eyes open. As he is passed around throughout everyone in the room, the baby ends in Martha's arms who has her finger in his tiny hand.
"So do you have a name for my great-nephew?" Esther questions
Martha chuckles "I thought of a few, but after today I think I finally settled on it. " I know saying thank you to both mom and Steven isn't enough, so I decided to honor you both by naming my son after the two of you, " she says in a heartfelt manner.
"You're not naming him Sullivan are you? " Steven asks humorously.
Martha holds onto the baby. "Very funny, anyway his middle name is going to be mom's maiden name, Porter ."
Sarah Lynn nods respectively, as she gets closer to her daughter and grandson. " I love it."
"You know Steven since we were kids we more like brother and sister than cousins and what better way to name him after the person who brought him into this world. "
"Are you sure Martha? " Steven asks gobsmacked.
Martha bows her head."Yeah, I'm sure, everyone I would love to introduce you to Steven Porter Saunders." Martha smiles down at her son who she knows is going to change her life forever.
Antoine gets closer to Nichelle.
Tanner wears her emotions on her sleeves.
Mae sees someone from her past.
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