Written by: Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
Anotine told Max so in many words that he has slept with Shauna before.
Courtney was disappointed when Steven informed her that Evan will be spending his spring break with him.
Sean and Louise's divorce was the topic of heated conflict between Sean and Peter.

Sitting up with the sheets draped over his shirtless body, Max Covington looks tenderly at Shauna Jackson lying beside him still asleep in the king-size bed inside of his bedroom at his family's country estate. Soon as he turns away, the words once again replayed over in his head.
Hope you can keep up with her because I know how energetic she can be in bed.
If it wasn't for Shauna who was ready to go, he likely would've socked Antoine for making that distasteful comment about his girlfriend. He knows that Antoine and Shauna have known one another since they were sophomores in high school thereafter her family took him in. He knows that she never told him that she ever slept with him. Try as he might, he tries to forget about what was said to him at the double date yesterday held in the apartment above the bar with the two of them and Antoine and Nichelle.
Her beautiful brown eyes fully open waking up from her nightly slumber.
"How long have you been up?" she asks in a groggy voice.
"Not long,"
Shauna pulls herself out of bed to go into the bathroom to freshen herself up. Returning with makeup on her face, her hair in place and teeth brushed she unzips her overnight bag to place her items back in it.
"Have you ever had sex with Antoine?"
The words just flew out of Max's mouth without any line of thought or reasoning at all. He hates that he sounds like some jealous high school boyfriend on one of those shows on The CW.
Shauna crosses her arms onto her chest. "What did you just say to me?"
The tone in her voice seemed displeased, but he can't tell if the answer is yes or no.
"While you were getting your things together to come home with me last night your pal, your buddy, Antoine told me that he hopes that I can keep up with you in bed because he knows how energetic you can be."
Shauna's facial expression alters slightly to being aggravated with what was said.
She closes her eyes before opening them. "Yes, I had sex with Antoine before."
Max quickly gets out of bed his feet hitting the carpet he slouches a bit as he let the answer drill into his brain.
"Are you still sleeping with him, Shauna?"
Shauna chortles. "I haven't slept with him, since we got together, I am committed to us."You gotta believe me, Max."
She starts dressing into her clothes on in front of him which consists of a floral-printed blouse and purple slacks.
"Why does it sound like you're upset at me for bringing it up in the first place it should be Antoine you're mad at for telling me something so damn personal?"
"Oh you're right about something, I am pissed at him, I got to go into work early, see you later."
Shauna heads out of the bedroom on her way to the staircase. She gets on her phone to call herself a cab to pick her up since she rode with Max last night.
As much as Max wants to call out to her, he knows it wouldn't do any good right now.

By the time Steven, Esther, and Evan got back into town from Orlando, Evan was tuckered out when his head hit the pillow in the guest room of the main house on the farm.
Steven felt bad since he promised his son that when they got back to the farm that they would be able to ride his favorite horse Chesapeake. So this morning the two of the rode on him. Making him happy to see his son having a huge smile on his face. Since little less than forty-eight hours ago he and his mother were in a serious car accident.
The two men get back in the house where their ride is over.
"Big man, soon you'll be riding Chesapeake all by yourself," Steven says cheerfully.
The look on the six-year-old boy is typical of a child with too much excitement for him to handle about being able to ride on the American Quarter horse by himself.
"All by myself?" "That's awesome."
"It is, buddy." And you know what else is awesome?"
Evan shakes his head swiftly.
"I'm taking you to Playland today."
Before he can utter another word Evan hugs his father for taking him to the indoor amusement facility in Hudson Lake that has activities and ridges ranging from a ball pit, bumper cars, and arcade games.
Steven tells his son to go upstairs to get washed up for breakfast that Aunt Sarah has prepared for them. Evan waves at his great-uncle when he comes into the room.
Peter Saunders has on a plaid shirt, blue jeans and a vest on with farming boots on his feet.
"Nephew, please take it from me, the next time you blink they will be old enough to be hitting you up for your car keys and money," he tells him.
Steven chuckles. "With all that happened in the past few days, I'm not afraid of him growing up --- welp maybe just a smidge." he gestures a diminutive increase with his fingers.
"Just be there for your children no matter how old or wise they get," Peter advises him.
Steven nods taking in his uncle's guidance. The two of them our soon interrupted by Sean Lockhart who stays in the entryway of the kitchen.
"Before you tell me what kind of a bastard I am for cheating on your cousin I'm getting it on all sides." Sean pronounces.
"Look I am a party of divorce too, so I can't judge you for what all went down with you and Louise," Steven says naturally.
Steven has never been exactly close to his cousin's husband. And when they did talk it was basically things in general like sports or pass the gravy during the holidays. Though he knows that no one can be in a marriage where there isn't love anymore. Especially since Sean has been seeing his mistress for going on two years now. He hopes that his cousin can move on with her life too.
Sean turns to his former father-in-law which gives the cue to Steven to give them some privacy. He goes up the stairs to change out of his riding boots and to see what his son is getting up to as well.
He looks at his feet before looking up at the grandfather of his twin daughters. "Do I still have a job here or not?" Sean poses

Max had forgotten that he had a photo shoot scheduled for this morning. Despite the early spring warm day with the sun shining and the temperature already in the fifties. The setting wasn't doing anything to improve his mood.
With the Canon camera on the tripod, he is now capturing the snapshots of a couple in their late twenties who are engaged and in love with the idea of being in love. Try as he might he isn't his usual jovial self when he is behind the camera. His focused energy kept going back to everything pertaining to...
Hope you can keep up with her because I know how energetic she can be in bed.
Hope you can keep up with her because I know how energetic she can be in bed.
Noises coming from a toddler playing on the slide or birds chirping would make him temporarily snap out of it.
About fifteen minutes later, the pictures are captured as the three of them are heading to their designated cars in the lot.
Shutting the trunk of his Porsche where his tripod and camera bag our in. He holds onto his phone, contemplating to call his girlfriend so maybe they can get things straightened out. Although, his anger couldn't let him do it. So instead he grips the steering wheel to drive off realizing that it is best for them to have this discussion another time.

The last time Sean saw his ex-father-in-law the two were in a shouting match over him and his daughter getting a divorce after twenty years of marriage. Sarah Lynn had told him to leave early to avoid further confrontation. Taking another few days off from the farm he is curious if he still has a job with everything that went on between them. He wouldn't know what to do if he was out of job knowing he has to financially support not only himself but for his daughters as well.
Peter rubs under his chin. "What on earth made you ask me that Sean?"
Sean takes a few steps near the couch. "Maybe because I know that I'm not your favorite person right now or -- that I'm the one who is responsible for breaking up your granddaughters family."
"You're right, I don't think too highly of you right now, but I thought you knew me well after all these years that I don't let personal problems interfere the livelihood of this farm."
"Does this mean?"
"You got a parlor to clean," Peter tells him.
"I won't let you down, Peter."
Sean makes his move out of the house to head out to the milking parlor glad that at least he has one constant thing in his life right now.

Steven is on the couch tying up the laces of his sneakers when the doorbell rings. He gets on his feet to answer the door a sense of apprehension and happiness creeps upon him.
"Hey, can I come in?" Courtney Covington seeks a verbal reply from him.
She is wearing a red cage-flare sleeve tunic with black pants carrying a red clutch purse in her hand.
"Sure, sure, " he says generously.
She steps into the farmhouse standing beside the coffee table.
Yesterday when he was in Florida tending to his son and his ex-wife he talked to his girlfriend about his son spending one week here for his spring break from kindergarten. She wasn't very supportive of his decision since they already had a date that he had to cancel because of the accident.
Steven grabs both of her delicate hands. "When I promised you that I was going to make that evening up to you I was being honest you have to know that."
Courtney's dark brown eyes light up. "How so?" she puts her arms around his lofty physique.
The resonance of Evan's feet hitting the stairs gets their attention.
"I'm ready to go, daddy," he says excitingly.
"Ok buddy, but don't be rude, you remember Courtney don't you, say hello."
"Hi," Evan says mostly politely
"Hello, Evan, are you going somewhere fun?"
Evan lifts his head up and down as his. "Yeah daddy is taking me to Playland, and I am going to jump in the bouncy castle."
"That sounds cool."
Steven looks at both his son and his lover. "Hey, big man, what if we ask Courtney if she wants to come along with us?"
"Do you guys really want me to come with you?"
"I don't want to intrude on your day out."
Courtney didn't want to take up anytime from Evan with his father.The two hadn't spent much time together since he moved to Orlando.
"You can come, I think that you and daddy need time together. " Evan states
The adults stare at one another somewhat impressed by what came out of a six-year-old which makes Steven laugh out loud.
Steven puts his hand on top of his son's head. "To be so young you're so smart."
"I get that a lot," Evan says precociously. He walks closer to the door. "Let's go!"
"All right a day at Playland it is," Courtney observes
The three head out of the house towards Steven truck.

When the cab came to pick her up, she ended up paying $20 fare to be dropped off back at the bar in order to get her 1997 Lincoln Continental. She lied to Max about being in early for work. She just had to get away from that tense moment they had in his bedroom. Hours later In between picking up fabric swatches for her boss and her lunch break. Shauna walks into her family's establishment noticing a small group of customers having lunch. She goes up to the bar where the longtime bartender Burgess is counting the money before putting it in the register.
In a bit of desperation, she asks where Antoine is at since she didn't see him around. Without any hesitation, he tells her that he is upstairs. She thanks him. Shauna ascends up the staircase to the hallway to the door of the apartment. Luckily the door was unlocked, she steps forward into the living room. Shauna sees her ex-lover in a black t-shirt and basketball shorts in the chair playing the latest Call Of Duty on the flat screen television.
"I need to talk to you," she says
Antoine is hitting buttons on his controller. "Give me a second."
Shauna drops her bag onto the floor making a thud sound on the ground. "I need to talk to you right now," she demands.
Antoine hastily pauses the game. He gets up the couch to see what is going on with her. Out of the corner of his vision, a hand swiftly slaps him across his face.
"What the hell was that for?" he asks. Antoine puts his own hand to try to soothe the sudden burst of pain.
"For telling Max that we slept together I mean that was all in the past why in the hell did you have to say anything to him."
Antoine sighs. "Cause I'm tired of seeing you wasting your time with that arrogant spoiled jackass."He can't handle you like I can. " he smiles devilishly
Shauna throws up both her hands in defeat. "I can't do this anymore, look I'm telling you this as your friend because that is what we will ever be to one another nothing more, I'm in love with Max, ---and before you say no I haven't told him that yet I have a tough time telling men about how I feel about them I mean all of the men in my life leave me like the father I never knew, my dead grandfather and my imprisoned uncle." Every time I see Max I get nervous I don't feel that way with you, Antoine. "You don't make me feel like I'm the only woman you ever need. I mean you say that you want me now, but in a few months time you're going to be bored with me, and you'll be chasing someone else because I'll never be enough for you I know that and you sure as hell know that too Antoine. "
Antoine tries not to let her see his tears come out his eyes. "Well - I guess you made your decision on who you want to be with."
"I'm going to be staying at the farm for a couple of days," Shauna informs him.
Shauna had called Martha on her way over to ask could she stay on the farm. Of course, her best friend tells her she can stay as long as she needs. She knew that she had to have this out with him before she left.
"By the way, Toine either try to make things work with Nichelle or cut her loose because it isn't fair for her to be with someone who doesn't care about her."
She takes off into her bedroom with her bag.
Antoine sinks back in the chair wiping his tears with his shirt comprehending that the girl he has feelings for loves another man. He heard her how impassionate she was talking about Max that she does have genuine feelings for him. Not just putting him off because she too has wanted to be with him instead.
Shauna confides in Martha.
Tommy & Tanner try to remain civil.
Lynn & Elijah find out where they're going from their date.
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