Written by : Bre L. Drew
August 17th, 2020
Last Time On Town and Country
Will with the assistance of the police was able to get Shauna out of the dangerous clutches of Jerome Hawkins,
Louise and Martha decided to seek out assistance from Samuel regarding their mother's psychiatric care.
Friends and Family of Shauna all gathered at The Waterfall to provide support to one another in more ways than one.

Memories of the past creep over Will Jackson when he steps foot into the Radcliffe Police Department. He still remembers being brought in to be booked and processed after he was arrested for the felonies he committed the day after his father's funeral three and a half years ago. Despite the minor adjustments of the paint on the walls and updated desktop computers, the same cops were still milling around without much to do since this town isn't known for being a hotbed of crime. When he is about to approach the desk sergeant Ernest McKnight comes over to him shaking his hand firmly. Over an hour ago they both were near the railroad district where the two were involved in the recovery of Will's niece who was held hostage by his former cellmate and his posse as a result of a drug deal gone wrong when the two were in prison together,
"I got your message, you sure seeing Hawkins is a good idea?" Chief McKnight poses
He left word over the phone with the PAA to tell him if he could have a visit with Jerome. Will didn't hear anything back, so he decided to come down to the precinct to talk to him in person.
Will clamps his arms together. "Trust me nobody is gonna get hurt, I just need to air some stuff out one last time."
Ernest tips his head somewhat understandingly. "Normally, I follow procedure, but since what took place earlier, I'll allow it this time."
He gets the desk sergeant to call down to get Hawkins out of his cell. He then escorts Will to the interview room behind the partition.
"Five minutes," Ernest warns him.
Will nods before stepping into the room, which he recalls meeting his attorney before he was sentenced. Sitting at the table was Jerome, who looked like he wanted to be anyplace but here.
"What you want?" Jerome blurts out. "Cause I got nothin to say to yo ass,"
As usual, Will detects he blames him for his misfortune like he typically does.
"Good cause, I got some things to say to you," Will says
Jerome rolls his eyes since his only option is to listen to him.
Will gets closer to him; knowing he is being watched by the police officer through the other side of the wall,
"I felt my whole life was over when I got behind bars until I met you and you helped me out from my getting my ass kicked and when you got me on your drug hustle. I began looking up to you like a father because mine died ---"
"And let me guess you don't like me no more?" Jerome mocks.
Pressing his hands on the ends of the table, Will gives a menacing expression to him. "I hate you more than I ever respected you, and if you come near me or my family ever again, I put you in the morgue myself."
Jerome cracks up in laughter, not scared over anything spoken to him thus far. "Look at you trying to be hard,"
"I'm serious, have a nice life being somebody's bitch doing 15 to 20," Will vocalizes as he turns his back onto the guy he was considered an ally.
One of the officers escorted him down the hallway satisfied it is the last time he'll be seeing Jerome Hawkins ever again.

Louise Saunders Lockhart and Martha Saunders both exit out of the elevator doors onto the first floor of the hospital.
"I knew I should've called before we came all this way," Louise says disappointingly.
"We will just have to track him down tomorrow," Martha replies
The sisters had just left from the outpatient general psychiatry unit on the third floor where the unit clerk told them both their mother's psychiatrist had already left for the day, wanting to talk to him regarding possibly speaking with Sarah Lynn due to the unresolved grief she still has over the death of their father from which she claims she doesn't need to see him anymore, but it is obvious she needs professional help,
The two our turning a corner into the hallway when their eyes land on Daniel Covington. The millionaire businessman is in attire consisting of a linen navy button jacket and slacks with a white oxford shirt with no tie around his neck.
"I take it you two heard," Daniel says
Martha removes some stray hairs out of her face. "Heard about what? Is it about Shauna?"
Daniel sticks his hands in each of the pockets of his pants. "The police were able to track down Shauna, she's here being examined, and those assholes who took her all have been arrested,"
Martha is elated to hear her best friend is alive and well which is something she has been praying for since her disappearance,
Louise remains silent as she watches Daniel informing her sister about her being currently treated in one of the triages. Martha then rushes off to see her friend whilst leaving them the awkwardness between them since the last time they were together he was on a coffee date with Mala at the café. The embarrassment of Louise being alone whilst the two were together is brought back to mind.
"If you didn't know about my daughter-in-law, then why are you here is everything okay?" Daniel inquires
"It's a long story, but if everything comes together it should work out," she replies diplomatically,
"Good to hear," he counters. "These last twenty-four hours have been hard on all of us, but it's been hardest on Max."
Louise hadn't heard him talk sincerely about his eldest son in all of the years the two reconnected. It makes her realize he does care about his family.
"I'm sure any support you have given him he appreciates it,"
He scoffs modestly. "I don't know about that."
"Doesn't matter Daniel, you're his father, and he is listening regardless,"
Daniel checks his watch on his wrist. "I better get going, but it was nice talking to you."
"Give Shauna and Max my best," Louise says
"I will,"
He heads back towards the waiting room, leaving Louise there thinking on how their friendship is evolving past him wanting something more months ago.

"I got it, Gabriella," Courtney Covington calls out to her family's longtime housekeeper who is currently in the kitchen supervising the staff on the preparation of dinner in honor of Shauna's miraculous homecoming. When she opens the front door to find the person she least expected to see today, her boyfriend, Steven Sullivan. They embrace one another in each other arms.
"I'm glad you're here, but you didn't have to cut your trip short with Evan to be with me."
Steven had left town prior to Shauna's kidnapping to visit his son in Orlando before he starts the second grade in a few weeks. Courtney had been keeping him up to date with information as she got it over the phone.
"I wanted to be here for you, besides Lorraine's father and stepmother made a surprise visit from Maryland, and they too wanted to spend time with the big man before they go on their cruise, so they're taking him to Disney World as we speak."
The two let go of one another as they enter into the living room from the foyer of the mansion.
"Shauna should be coming home from the hospital soon," Courtney says
"She is going to be all right, isn't she?" Steven inquires concerningly for one of his lifelong friends of his family.
Courtney throws him a look of uncertainty. "Physically, yes, but I'm not so sure emotionally," she replies. "Being held against your will for twenty-four hours can't be easy on anyone,"
"This kind of thing makes you count your blessings doesn't it," Steven remarks candidly,
"It sure does," Courtney says before she tosses her arms around her lover again.
Thirty minutes later, Courtney and Steven were now with Tommy, the three were all waiting for Shauna's arrival from the hospital.
"They're pulling up now," Tommy Covington says, as he read the text from Max on his iPhone.
Gabriella comes out of the kitchen into the living room dutifully opening the door letting in Max who has his arm firmly around Shauna who is out of the clothes she wore when she was kidnapped and now wearing a pale mauve double-ruched t-shirt and blue jeans that were brought for her when she got to the hospital out of her closet. Behind them were Daniel, Mae, Antoine. and Martha.
Receiving hugs and greetings and well wishes, Shauna was ready to go upstairs and slink into bed so she can forget every event that occurred to her of the last day or so.
"Want anything to eat or drink Shauna?" Martha asks.
Shauna shakes her head.
"You got to eat something baby," Mae remarks in a worrying tone of voice,
"Grandma, I'm not hungry right now," Shauna says aggravatedly.
"Maybe later," Max adds obligingly.
Both Steven and Courtney exchanged looks of concern.
"Shauna, Why don't you get some rest?" Daniel advises more as a suggestion than command.
As soon as Max is about to guide his wife upstairs a light knock on the door makes everyone turn around,
"Hey," Will says stiffly.
"What do you want?" Antoine asks harshly.
"Can I come in?" he asks.
Will is unsure whether or not he is invited in the house so he remains standing behind the threshold. He knows his niece is still mad at him for being inadvertently responsible for the hell she has been through which he can't blame her for feeling that way,
"Yeah," Shauna says exasperatedly.
Gabriella notices the tense moment for the family so after she closes the door. She dashes back into the kitchen to get started on the cleanup.
As Will invades into the house, he realizes this is the first time he has been here. And by the sight of appearances of the estate, he wouldn't have any problems living here at all.
Everyone seems to watch the tense interaction between the members of the Jackson family.
"I wanted to let you know how sorry I am for all that went down, and is there anything you want me to do Shauna?"
His niece doesn't take long to answer.
"Will, I appreciate you risking your life for me, but I'm not in the mood for your apologies right now. "
"All right then, like I said I'm sorry," He then leaves out of the house,
Excusing herself to go outside Mae is easily able to catch up with her son who is near the outdoor fountain,
"Momma, before you get on my case, I know I screwed up, but it isn't like I told Jerome to kidnap her," he says defensively.
Mae knows she is quite thankful the only granddaughter she has and who has raised all of her life is home safe and sound. Nonetheless, she is aware her son was trying to make amends for his past actions.
"You gotta let your niece get her self together before you try to reach out to her again."
With no other choice, he dips his head.
Mae opens her purse to give him her key. "You can take the car I get a ride back from Martha,"
"Thanks, Momma," he says lowly.
The older woman heads back into the house, closing the door behind her.
He slowly moves to where his mother's Toyota Camry in the front of the mansion. Getting in the driver's seat of the vehicle, he can't help but feel no one is on his side, which made him feel like he was in solitary.
Martha and Louise track Samuel down.
Sarah Lynn advises Will.
Tommy gets some unexpected news.
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