Written by: Bre L. Drew
April 18, 2022
Last Time on Town and Country
Jordan missed her first therapy session when she saw Tommy and Tanner together at the hospital.
Daniel took a sabbatical from the Covington Group, appointing both Max and Courtney to be in charge of the company.
Deirdre feels guilty about her role in landing Emma in a coma since she is the person who paid to tamper with Will's brakes.

Jordan McKnight moves to enter Jeremy's nursery on the second floor of the mansion on the Home Farm estate. Somehow, ignoring the trembling of her legs brought on by anxiety, the room was still in darkness despite it being morning already; she noticed that Gabriella or anyone else from the household staff hadn't come into the room yet. So, she opens the blinds to let sunlight filter through the room.
Jordan holds still until she musters enough strength to go over to her son, who is still sleeping peacefully in his crib. It seemed like he had grown on her overnight; perhaps it stems from the fact that she keeps herself apart from him, afraid of hurting him even more.
"I know you don't think much of me — heck, I don't think much of myself right now — but I'm sorry I haven't been a good mommy to you, and I promise you that someone will help me so that I can be there for you as you deserve.
She stands there over his crib while her son begins stretching his arms. Jordan makes her way out of the nursery and into the hallway.
"Here, I thought you were unaware of where your own son slept all this time," Daniel Covington says, insulting the mother of his firstborn grandchild.
The businessman is wearing a long-sleeve light blue button-down shirt and black slacks.
Jordan rolls her eyes at the man who, despite letting her stay here, knows there isn't any love lost between them.
"Good morning to you too, Daniel,"
Daniel had recently taken a sabbatical from the company to be with his family since Emma's hospitalization as a result of the deadly accident she was involved in,
He stares directly at her, folding his arms.
"What are you up to?"
"I have no idea what you are talking about," Jordan says. "But if you're asking, was I in there with my son? The answer is yes, that's what mothers do; they tend to their children around this time of day."
"You can drop the mother courage act; it doesn't suit you in the slightest. No one is going to buy it, especially me."
Jordan tucks a strand of her long blonde hair behind her ear.
"If you excuse me, I've got to finish getting ready."
With that, the young woman shuffles off to her bedroom.

On the twentieth floor of the Covington tower in downtown Radcliffe, executives were sitting around the table in the boardroom, including Mala Gupta, waiting until the meeting was called to order.
Outside in the hall near the door, Courtney Covington Sullivan and Max Covington both stop short of the room.
"Are you ready for this?" Courtney queries her brother. We're about to take on a lot of responsibility, Max."
"Oh, here I thought we were running a food truck," Max says sarcastically.
The siblings are now placed in charge of running the company in their father's absence.
He could see the doubt planted on his sister's face.
"I'm kidding; Courtney, calm down; I know what I'm doing."
Courtney holds a manila folder to her chest. "Well, I'm not laughing; this is serious. Dad left us in charge, so let's just get this over with, okay?"
"All right," Max says, seriously.
He allows his sister to move into the boardroom and soon, he follows her inside. causing their employees to stop their current activities to focus on them while Max closes the door.

Warm night, can't sleep, too hurt, too weak
Gotta call her up
Antoine Hall was singing along to the rendition of Silk Sonic's version of "Love's Train," playing on his iPhone.
He is in the kitchenette in the apartment above The Waterfall, cooking breakfast. Usually, he doesn't have time to do it since he's either at the gym or busy downstairs getting the bar ready to open. But he decided a few days ago that he, Mae, and Shauna needed to come together to have breakfast like they used to before Shauna got married to Max and moved to Home Farm. And with Mae dealing with the emotional fallout of Will's accident, he knew they needed this time together.
Antoine places the platter of bacon and chocolate chip pancakes on the dining table while Mae Jackson enters her bedroom, surprised to see what is going on in front of her.
"You didn't have to do all of this, Antoine," the bar landlady tells him.
Antoine looks at the woman who took him into her home when his own mother couldn't look out for him.
"It's no trouble, and besides, you deserve this, Mae,"
"Well, I appreciate it, thank you."
She moves toward the table as the front door opens with Shauna Covington sauntering inside the home where she grew up.
"It smells amazing in here," she says.
Mae warmly embraces her only granddaughter.
"Amazing? Are you reading the thesaurus up at Home Farm?" Antoine teases
Shauna lets go of her grandmother and tosses a look of annoyance at her ex-lover.
"I'm surprised you know what a thesaurus is,"
Mae starts chuckling, which captures both of their attention.
"What is it?" they both ask in unison.
"You two going at each other in this apartment... it reminds me of old times, that's all," Mae says meaningfully,
Both Antoine and Shauna exchange glances, realizing they are already doing what they had wanted to do today.

"Before we conclude this meeting, I want to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers for our family during this difficult time." Courtney tells the executives in front of her. My brother and I will promise to lead this company efficiently until our father returns."
A few nods from associates are seen to acknowledge their gratitude.
"This meeting is adjourned," Max announces to the rest of the staff.
Individuals begin politely greeting the temporary co-CEOs as they exit the room now that the meeting has concluded.
Max, who didn't get to say much during the meeting, walks out of the room, knowing his sister was disappointed when their father appointed both of them to head the business, and it now seems she is more cut out for this leadership role than he is.
Courtney gathers her belongings off the table when Mala stands beside her in a black Armani printed jacket and black pants with designer heels, holding onto her Louis Vuitton briefcase.
"You're doing an amazing job, so I say so myself," the executive architect says to her in her British accent.
"Well, thank you. I know between here and moving into a new home, it will be a challenge, but I can handle it."
Mala can discern the hesitation in the young woman's voice.
"Being a successful businesswoman and wife is quite a balancing act. She replies, "And if you need any advice, professional or otherwise, I'm only a phone call away."
Courtney smirks at the woman.
"Thank you, and I wish your relationship with my father ended on better terms."
Mala reflects on breaking up with him last year regarding his lying to her about having to deal with a work emergency during Courtney and Steven's engagement party, when in reality he had a PI spying on Jordan, who was giving birth to his grandchild he was plotting to take away. She broke off their relationship, stating she could not be with someone who lied to her.
Mala waves her hand dismissively.
"Trust me, of all the relationships I've had that ended, mine with your father was amicable compared to the others. But like I said previously, I'm here if you need me."

With her head buried in the latest edition of Cosmopolitan, Jordan is sitting in the office of Dr. Toussaint. She had made it to her appointment on time. However, his secretary permitted her to wait in the office since the doctor was running behind schedule. Despite getting herself here, she still can't shake the uncertainty of coming here, thinking even therapy might not help her connect with her son. When she first stepped in, she gazed around the office. It seemed like it was very standard from the first view. degrees on the wall, pictures on his desk of what she guesses is his family, and a five-shelf bookcase behind the desk of books of information that would probably put her to sleep if she dared to read.
A few minutes later, engrossed in an article about an up-and-coming fashion designer, a man enters through the door, closing it behind him.
"Sorry, I was running behind; I had to check on a patient of mine. "I'm Dr. Pierre Toussaint, and you must be Jordan,"
Jordan looks up to see a black man, who she guesses is probably in his early sixties or so, in a dark blue fitted wool suit jacket and slacks.
She accepts his hand, which he shakes firmly.
The psychiatrist takes a seat behind his desk. "How are you feeling today?"
Jordan places her magazine underneath her purse on the side table near her. "Okay ... I guess I can be doing better,"
Dr. Toussaint takes a glimpse into Jordan's file before focusing on her.
"Today I'm going to take the time to get to know you, and then I will go from there when it comes to treatment."
The psychiatrist can see the reluctance on the young woman's face.
"Trust me, I've been doing this for a long time. I assure you, if you do the work, you will be able to bond with your child."
"I hope so," Jordan says.

Daniel walks out onto the expansive patio, where he sees Deirdre Covington sitting at the table talking to someone on the phone. When he hears her finish, he walks over to her side.
"It's a nice day out here. Isn't it, mother?" Daniel says.
Deirdre Covington sets her iPhone on the table and nods. "It was about time that this godforsaken town showed a hint of springtime."
This weekday is presently sunny, and the temperature is higher than it has been in the last few weeks.
He takes a seat adjacent to her. "Any word on Emma?"
"I called the hospital, but the nurse informed me that there was no change in your sister's condition; she is still in a coma."
Deirdre recollects her role in this crisis since she is the one who paid someone to meddle with Will Jackson's brakes in his car, which was supposed to injure him, hoping her daughter would see she should stay clear away from the man she finds below her. Yet somehow, in some twist of fate, Emma is the one who is fighting for her life while the ex-con is recovering at the farm with Sarah Lynn Saunders catering to him. In her eyes, it still isn't right. In her opinion, he is unscathed from any long-term physical damage.
"According to Ernest McKnight, the investigation is closed regarding the truck driver colliding into Emma and Will." Daniel informs her.
Deirdre lifts her head when she sees Gabriella coming out with two glasses of iced tea on a tray. The two thanked her for the drinks before she slipped back inside the mansion.
"That man should have not been on the road. To begin with, the man should've pulled over the truck on the side of the road if he needed to rest his eyes so damned badly," Deirdre says somewhat angrily.
As he takes a few sips from his beverage, Daniel sees that his mother is stressed, which is why he took a sabbatical from the company. He knows this is tough on her, even if she would admit it to him.
"I did not know how to bring this up, but Frederick Pyne contacted me, and he informed me that you have Emma's Power of Attorney. Meaning, you are in charge of her affairs, including her estate, which includes the club, until she comes out of her coma."
Frederick Pyne is the Covington family's longtime attorney from New York City.
Deirdre doesn't hide her bewilderment while stirring the straw in the glass before taking a drink.
"I thought I would be the last person she would want to see over any of her affairs."
"Well, she is probably still pissed at me for unwilling to turn over her trust fund to her last year. Anyway, Frederick said if you have any questions, you can contact him."
Deirdre sat back in her chair, pondering her misdeeds. However, it seemed with this new position she would have something more to protect her daughter.
Deirdre makes her presence known to Will.
Steven and Courtney move into Hope Cottage.
Presley shares his thoughts on improving relations between the community and the church.
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