Written by : Bre L. Drew
May 25, 2020
Last Time On Town and Country
Tricia accepted Sean's marriage proposal at The Chateau.
Mala Gupta is Covington Group's newest senior architect.
Max was encouraged by Shauna to pursue his passion for photography full time.
Courtney was dejected when Steven told her he never wanted to get married again.

The early Saturday afternoon rush is somewhat existent inside of JoJo's Café. Courtney Covington breezes through indoors as her ears hear a Christina Aguilera song on the radio. She moves to the counter where she sees Tricia Meyer walk toward her.
"Hello," Courtney says to her friend.
"Hello," Tricia addresses back. "Want anything?"
"Yes, a green tea smoothie, thanks,"
Tricia uses her clout as the manager of the café to get her friend's order ahead of some customers. Courtney gets her drink, and the two settle onto the couch in the lounge area.
Courtney takes a sip of the smoothie out of the paper straw then puts it onto the coffee table near her.
"So you said, you had something life-changing to tell me?"
About forty-five minutes ago, Tricia had called her to see if she can come here because she had important news to share that could not wait. Needing a distraction from working at home, Courtney got into her car and drove to Main Street.
Tricia moves her head up and down. "Something unexpected, she starts. Notice anything different?"
At first, Courtney attempts to view anything different about her. Other than the navy and red sleeveless jumpsuit, she was stumped. Until her focus land on her right hand, particularly the finger with a ring on it.
Tricia lifts her finger to showcase the diamond silver engagement ring.
"Sean proposed to me last night," she reveals, "I know we talked about marriage before, but I had no idea he wanted to make it into a reality so soon,"
"Congratulations," Courtney replies meekly.
"If I didn't know any better Courtney, I would say you sound jealous about my engagement," Tricia observes

Mala Gupta is standing in the foyer of her new home, watching the movers bring in several of her and her family's belongings in cardboard boxes. Deciding to get some air, she steps out of the opened front door to gaze at her new picturesque surroundings. Her new house sits on a few acres of a field, in addition to the neighborhood consisting of two other residential cottages on both sides of her house. The area encompasses beautiful open countryside, which is a change from her home in Chicago, where she lived for twenty-five years.
Her eyes land on the gold plate on the front wall of the house with Victory Cottage engraved on it. Mala walks back into the two-story brick cottage where she sees one of the three movers roughly handling one of the boxes marked fragile,
"Sir, can you be more careful with that box please," Mala demands
The guy nods nonchalantly and rolls his eyes at her.
Someone is knocking on the door, gaining her attention.
"Bloody hell," she swears. "The door is wide open," she announces loudly in her native British accent.
But when she turns around, it is her employer Daniel Covington behind the threshold. As she moves closer to him, she smells the same type of good cologne when they encounter each other at the office. Today he isn't in a suit. Instead, he is wearing a dark gray button-down polo and slacks.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you, I know how hectic it can be moving to a new place, I can come back," he says
Mala develops a kind of expression with the corners of her mouth. "Daniel please come in," she replies.
The two colleagues enter into the uninhabited kitchen in which Daniel puts down a large basket onto the top of the counter.
"What is this for?" Mala inquires nicely
Daniel points to the basket. "It's just a token of the company's appreciation of you and your family moving into the development,"
The Covington Group redeveloped the dilapidated rural land by building homes. It took multiple years and several millions of dollars to make it into a reality.
"Cheers, but if I may be frank, is all of the new tenants getting items such as wine, cheeses, and whatever else is in here?" Mala says as she looks through the green cellophane.
Daniel chuckles, shaking his head, "Yes, the other home-owners will be getting them as well, but I wanted to give you this personally."
Since he first met her, he did feel some attraction to her, however, he was told she is married, and he would never be the one to cross that line, especially with an employee. But his mother told him she sensed her marriage was in trouble. So he decided to drop by to confirm it either way.
"I am separated, if you wanted to know," Mala blurts out.
"What makes you think I wanted to know that?" Daniel asks untruthfully
Mala arches her eyebrow, "I doubt coming out here was simply just a social call, "

Courtesy of the beautiful weather outside Shauna Covington is laying on a chaise lounge chair by the pool, on the grounds of the Home Farm Estate. So attuned into lying in the sun whilst reading the latest edition of Architectural Digest. She didn't know her husband is behind until he plants a kiss on her forehead.
Shauna puts down her magazine at the bottom of the chair and takes off her sunglasses.
"How did it go?" Shauna asks curiously
Max Covington takes a seat in the other lounge chair beside his wife. He couldn't help but feel entice at the sight of her in her black tankini top and bottoms.
"My work is going into the gallery," he says excitedly.
Shauna quickly gets off the furniture to lovingly embrace him. "That's great,"
In the last six months, Max's photography was discovered by photography agent Sydney Beck who saw his photos on his website. According to her, he can capture what is not only seen but what isn't seen too. Max spent a few days in New York City to meet with his new agent, who is interested in harnessing his talent. He had just gotten off the phone with her after getting his work commissioned at the Soho Photo Gallery in the city.
"When I started pursuing photography full time I didn't know it would lead to this," he says, "And I owe all to you baby,"
A heartfelt grin spreads upon his wife's face.
When they met two years ago, she caught a glimpse of his photos on his iPad. She encouraged him to get serious about his photography, which took him by surprise since neither one of them could not stand the other when they first met when she was hired to renovate the mansion.
The newlyweds chat about Max's venture into Manhattan, which included visiting his grandmother who told him that Shauna must come to visit her, which she agrees with. Deirdre and Shauna got to know each other better when the family went to her Aspen home for Christmas last year. Shauna had never been to New York, so plans to make it a priority on her list. He also tells her about going on a mini pub-crawl with Owen Renforth, his best friend and groomsman at their wedding.
Gabriella leisurely walks over to them, holding two wine glasses and a bottle of champagne.
He verbalizes to his longtime family's housekeeper his thankfulness and so does his other half. Gabriella expresses her response before taking off back to the house.
"What is this for?" Max inquires inquisitively
"Uh, I may have had Gabriella listen in on your conversation with Sydney, but I didn't ask her to do all of this," Shauna replies, referring to their celebratory refreshment.
She had contacted Gabriella soon as Max had left the pool to take the call with his agent to overhear. In exchange, Shauna will convince her father-in-law to get her a night off next week.
He shakes his head at his wife's statement he was too happy to get mad at her for prying. Max pours the bubbly liquid into the flutes, he then passes one to Shauna who takes a seat on her husband's lap.
"To us, all of our successes becoming a reality," Max toasts
"To us, all of our successes becoming a reality," she repeats.
Clinking their glasses together, then they take a drink from them.

"I didn't know it was that obvious," he says embarrassingly.
"Oh, don't be bashful," she says. "Jai and I've been legally separated for going on five years now."
"Any chance of a rendezvous?" he asks.
"Look who isn't bashful anymore," she teases. "I don't think so, Jai, and I will always care for one another because of our children, but I don't think it is any hope for us getting back together," she replies.
Daniel wanted to hear more of Mala's story but decides not to press since she already opened up about her current marital status.
A tall young man wearing a white hoodie with black pants holding a take out bag in his hand enters into the kitchen. His face doesn't hide the confusion as to who is the guy standing with his mother.
Mala wags her finger over to the young man for him to come over where she is with Daniel.
"Daniel Covington, this handsome gentleman is my son Samuel Gupta, this is my new boss Daniel," she says
The two men shake hands out of respect.
"Do you two need a moment alone?" Samuel asks stroking his beard,
Daniel is taken-back to hear an American accent from him since Mala is originally from London.
"My son is a doctor," she gladly boasts.
Samuel has a look of light annoyance at his mother's bragging. "I'm a psychiatrist,"
"Top of his class at Northwestern University Medical School," Mala states matter-of-factly.
"My daughter Courtney was top of her class at Wharton, and my youngest son Thomas will be starting Pepperdine in the fall," Daniel informs them.
"Maybe you and I should team up to convince my daughter to attend Yale instead of second-rate Sampson University,"
"Ma," Samuel interjects
Her youngest daughter plans to attend Sampson in the fall, much to her mother's chagrin. She wanted her to get a first-class education studying something practical, not going to a place where she'll be learning design and merchandising. Currently, Aaliyah is spending the summer in the United Kingdom with both of her parents' extended families.
"I'm sure she will do fine wherever she goes," Daniel says diplomatically. "I better show myself out, it was nice meeting you Samuel, and I will see you at the office Monday morning Mala,"
"Okay, I will walk out with you," Mala says
"I know the way out," Daniel winks as he heads out of the door where the movers continue to bring in items.
"Are you hungry, I know I am," Mala says
"I don't need a degree in psychology to know you want to change the subject," he says. "And this is the first guy you have serious feelings for since you and dad split,"
Mala takes out a Styrofoam carton of food from the bag to avoid her son's accurate observation.
"I think I put you on the spot enough for today, so let's dig in," Samuel declares

The Covington heiress doesn't say anything for a few seconds wishing she would've hidden her resentment better.
"All right, what's the matter; is this about you and Steven?" Tricia asks genuinely
"I didn't mean to sound like that,"
"I know,"
"I'm still trying to wrap my head around Steven telling me he does not want to go down the aisle the second time," she admits. "It's not as if I want it to happen tomorrow."
"You want it as a possibility in the future?" Tricia interpose
In November of last year, she and her boyfriend were dining in at Henry's BBQ when a waiter mistook them as married. Quickly, Steven informed her he was never getting married again as a result of his first marriage ending unsuccessfully.
Tricia tucks some strands of her long brown hair behind her ear. She has heard her friend telling her about her lover's disinterest in him saying "I do" before.
"Then you need to be upfront with Steven and tell him how you feel for once and for all because if you don't get it off your chest, it is going to drive a wedge between you two," she says meaningfully.
Courtney nods understandingly knowing what she must do to which her friend is right about she must be honest with Steven about her feelings.
Sean informs the girls and Louise on his engagement.
Sarah Lynn tries to adapt to life without Peter.
Steven and Courtney have different opinions about their future together.
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