Written by: Bre L Drew
August 26, 2024
Last Time on Town and Country
Shauna put her fear to rest when taking the pregnancy test, confirming her suspicion that she's pregnant.
Thora advised Joel to reconnect with his ex-lover, Eleanor Park, from his missionary days in Cambodia.
Will was shocked by Emma and Jacques' elopement and confronted Emma, who gave him a strong response.
Steven is suspicious of Jacques, believing he may have hidden motives, and is attracted to his wife, Courtney.

With a sense of nerves from the pit of her stomach, which could also be the effects of morning sickness, Shauna Covington steps inside the sparsely populated lobby of Radcliffe Receiving Hospital. She was surprised that she managed to keep the fact that she was pregnant from Max over the weekend. Shauna was able to get a last-minute appointment with Dr. Jamison to confirm the positive results of the at-home pregnancy test she took last week.
As she makes her way to the elevator bank, the businesswoman is on the phone with her best friend.
"Are you sure you don't need me for moral support?" Martha Saunders asks her. She is at home in the kitchen, sipping her coffee before heading out to do school shopping for her son. She is the only one who knows Shauna's predicament.
Shauna presses the up arrow and shakes her head. “Thanks, but I need to handle this myself.”
She can hear the awkward silence between them. "You know I've been in your shoes before, and you don't have to go through this alone," Martha advises.
Shauna exhales while waiting for the elevator to come down. "I remember when you told Murray you were pregnant and how he abandoned you, and when I tell Max that it isn't his child, he'll probably leave me too, and when I tell Antoine, he is going to expect us to get back together so we can raise him or her , and I won't put this child through that kind of circus, Martha."
"Take it one step at a time, okay? I got to go, but I'll talk to you later, okay?" Martha says reassuringly
"Bye," Shauna says, ending the conversation.
She places her phone in her purse, and as the elevator doors slide open, a soft chime rings out, prompting Shauna to step inside, as she'll get confirmation of her fate soon enough.

Oh-ooh-oh, oh-ooh-oh
Be my baby
I'll look after you
As the mellow tones of "Look After You" by The Fray play delicately over Jojo's Cafe sound system, Joel Friendly sits at the table near the large window overlooking Main Street and savors his coffee. He is here to meet Eleanor Park, the woman who captured his heart during his missionary days in Cambodia nearly 20 years ago. Joel reminisces about her beauty from those years past.
Out of the blue, she had made contact with him via Facebook weeks ago, wanting to meet in person since she was in town for a nursing conference.
His longtime friend Thora had encouraged him to meet up with her and resolve their issues, as he also dwells on how much closer they've become despite the misunderstanding between them.
Last night, a usual five-minute clothing selection became twenty. He finally settles on a light gray Kenneth Cole Henley t-shirt, which shows his noticeable biceps courtesy of his daily workout routine, and blue jeans.
"I wonder what has been on her mind all these years," he says to himself.
The reverend glances at his iPhone, noting Eleanor is ten minutes late. Though slightly concerned, he remains patient and composed, not yet feeling the need to be worried. He remains patient and composed, not yet feeling the need to be worried.
​Steven Sullivan enters the cafe. He heads to the counter and orders a coffee. Usually, the veterinarian wouldn't make time for a coffee break, but knowing he has a busy day ahead at the animal clinic, a caffeine pick-me-up is something he couldn't resist.
After receiving his drink, he moves towards the coffee bar to get some napkins, where he notices Jacques Laurent sitting at the nearest table consuming his Caffè Americano.
Holding the cup in his hands, Steven makes his movement towards him hoping to get through to him regarding the status of his relationship between him and his wife.
"Jacques," Steven says, his voice bordering on tense.
The businessman in an expensive designer suit specifically tailored to fit his enviable physique looks up, his face turning guarded due to the knowledge that he isn't a friend of the doctor's. "Hello to you too, Steven; what can I do for you this morning?" he asks in his potent French accent.
"Don't worry, this conversation will not take up a lot of our time. It’s about Courtney. I’m not comfortable with her hiring you. It feels like there’s something more to it."
Jacques straightens up, his expression hardening at the mention of Courtney hiring him to work at Covington. Having already heard Deirdre and Daniel's issues with his employment, he is not in the mood to hear the so-called reasons why his being at the company is disgraceful again from somebody else.
"Steven, you do not have anything to worry about; things between Courtney and I are strictly professional. And need I remind you, I'm a happily married man?" He flashes up his left hand, where his wedding band lies on his ring finger, to demonstrate the reminder of his marriage to Emma.
Steven waits for a couple to pass by before continuing to speak, though he has presumed that he has an attraction to his considerably younger wife. Still, it's much more than that.
"Look, Jacques, you might actually be an asset to the company. I really could care less, but I don't want you to think this gives you some sort of free reign to take advantage of my wife's goodwill towards you." Steven candidly expresses
Jacques leans in slightly, his voice firm but controlled, not caring if anyone overhears him. "Listen, I value my marriage and career too much to jeopardize either. Courtney’s been a supportive friend, and that’s all. I suggest you not jump to conclusions."
Although he isn't beyond using things such as blackmail to get what he wants, he does feel more than competent as a property consultant, having experience working for his family's shipping company, which translates well to his wife's family's empire, and he is aware that his wife might not be biologically a Covington if his suspicions are correct.
Steven’s face shows a mix of frustration and contemplation. He shakes his head, clearly unconvinced. "I hope that you mean that because I love my wife and I won't let anyone, including you, hurt her in any way."
The veterinarian gives him one last look before he makes his exit, while Jacques remains seated while taking a pensive sip of his beverage.


Will Jackson enters the kitchen through the back door of the main house on Franklin Farm, his hands covered in grime from working outside on the farm. He turns on the faucet and begins washing his hands.
Instead of paying rent, he helps around the farm to thank the Saunders for taking him in when he left home. While letting the liquid soap wash off his hands, he becomes lost in thought about his complicated feelings for Emma. Try as he might, the nightclub manager still thinks about how their relationship ended when he caught her in the suite with Jacques after they slept together. And even though they're civil for the most part, it's still hard to get his head around it.
"She ain't worth it," he tells himself over the running water.
He turns the faucet off, and simultaneously, Sarah Lynn Saunders strides into the kitchen. The widow farmer's wife is wearing a bluish-green quarter-sleeve shirt and well-worn blue jeans, and her dark blonde hair falls freely past her shoulders, giving her a youthful appearance of sorts despite being in her late 60s.
"Hey, Will, how is the day treating you so far?" she asks in her usual cheerful manner.
He glances up from the sink. "How you doin', Sarah Lynn? It’s been a long one. I just finished up outside. I thought I’d clean up a bit."
Sarah Lynn nods sympathetically. "I can imagine. The farm never takes a break, does it? I know with Lenny unavailable, it's more work to go around."
She happens to think of her granddaughter, who is currently battling leukemia, though she recently assured her namesake.
Will dries his hands on a towel from the counter. "No, it doesn't, but I ain't complainin' about it though."
The older woman can tell something else is weighing on her border, having a good idea of what it's about. "You know if you want to talk about it. I hear I'm a pretty good listener."
He sighs hesitantly. "You just gonna tell me that Emma and I are over, and I shouldn't still be thinkin' about her all the time."
Sarah Lynn ushers him to the table, where they sit adjacent to each other. "Actually, I wasn't," she replies. I know she meant a lot to you, not because you loved her but because she was one of the few people to give you a chance while most of everyone else didn't."
"I haven't even thought about it like that," he reveals. "I'm still so pissed at her, but I was surprised as hell when I found out she married Jackie Boy. I need to get a grip, don't I?"
"Feelings like that don't go away that easily, and even though what she did was wrong, you will always care about her. But the thing is, you can't act on those emotions because it's not healthy. You're a good guy with a solid job, and when you're ready, I'm sure the right woman won't make you question how she feels about you." She advises straightforwardly.
Will moves his head reflectively, hoping what Sarah Lynn said to him will come true. "Thanks for keeping me in check, Sarah Lynn."
Sarah Lynn touches his hand gently. "I'm glad you appreciate it. Now, if you excuse me, I need to tend to some ripe green tomatoes."
As she goes out of the side door to the greenhouse, she leaves Will with his thoughts.

Shauna sits nervously across from Dr. Jamison’s desk as she looks around the office, which smells of lavender and vanilla. Photos of the physician's family and colleagues sit on her desk while her degrees are hung on the wall near the window that overlooks the surrounding landscape.
The petite blonde obstetrician, in her white lab coat, enters with her trademark calm and professional demeanor.
“Sorry for the wait,” Dr. Jamison said gently as she took her seat. "The blood test does confirm the at-home test was accurate. You are indeed pregnant; congratulations."
Despite instinctively knowing the results already, she knows she can't deny it to herself. "How far along am I?" Shauna asks, attempting to do the math.
"Ten weeks," Dr. Jamison says matter-of-factly. "So, you're due in the winter." Dr. Jamison, noticing her unease, added, “I know your last pregnancy ended tragically, but I want to reassure you that this one appears healthy. We should schedule a scan as soon as possible.”
Shauna recalls how she lost her and Max's child the year prior in an accident where Max swerved to avoid Jordan in the middle of the road, also causing her husband's permanent paralysis, which only resolved itself not long ago.
While the obstetrician continues to inform her of what needs to be scheduled and a prescription for her prenatal vitamins, Shauna remains seated, filled with uncertainty about her next steps but knowing she will love this child no matter what happens.

The warm ambiance of the cafe contrasts with Joel's growing anxiety. now visibly worried, checks his phone for the umpteenth time. He glances around, hoping to see Eleanor walking through the door.
Joel’s gaze shifts from hopeful to resigned as he finally decides to leave. I was wondering if this was some sort of unfated reunion or if she decided at the last minute not to come. Even though seventeen years have come and gone, it still doesn't seem like the woman he came to know in Cambodia.
Just as he’s about to head toward the exit, a feminine voice interrupts him.
He turns around; his expression is initially of anticipation but turns to confusion instead when he sees an Asian girl in her teens dressed in black lace-up boots, ripped black leggings, and a black graphic tee—and her short, cropped hair is dyed pink, definitely making her stand out from everyone else in the establishment.
"Yes? Is there something I can do for you?" The reverend asks curiously.
The teenager steps closer and takes a deep breath. "Yeah, actually, there is. My name is Skye. I’m your daughter."
Joel’s eyes widen in shock. He stares at Skye, his mouth somewhat agape, as he tries to process the revelation.
Joel attempts to process Skye's declaration.
Thora gives Tanner some food for thought.
Dr. Saddleman informs Lenny of the next step.
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