Written by: Bre L Drew
August 19, 2024
Last Time on Town and Country
Shauna confided in Martha about her suspicions of being pregnant, not by Max but by her one-night stand with Antoine. Fearful of the possibility, Martha encouraged her to take the test to be sure.
Martha confronted Murray over his involvement in trying to come between her and Samuel as he confessed he regretted letting her go, and the bartending singer told him the only relationship they would have would be based on their co-parenting SJ.
Jai informed Samuel and Aaliyah that he had planned to ask Mala to remarry him again during their trip to Hudson Lake to see U2 in concert, which made them both happy about the news.

The last moments of daylight linger on the horizon, casting a gentle, golden light over the rural town of Radcliffe. Meanwhile, inside the bathroom upstairs of the main house on Franklin Farm, Shauna Covington had completed a pregnancy test. As she sets it on the sink countertop, she pretty much knows the answer awaiting her, though she's unsure what to do if it's the one she's expecting.
She flips the light switch off and closes the door behind her, finding Martha Saunders standing nearby in the hall.
"In five minutes, we find out whether or not I've screwed up my entire life," Shauna remarks candidly.
"Well, thankfully, we have the house to ourselves, so you can find out in private," Martha mentions.
Her mother and aunt took SJ to get some ice cream while Will was at the club.
The singer places her arm around her best friend. "Whatever happens, you have not screwed up your life."
Shauna gives her a look that states otherwise. "You're right; it's more like I fucked up my life! All because I sought comfort from somebody else who wasn't my husband."
She dwells on the fact that after she and Max had an argument involving the state of their marriage, she went to her grandmother's apartment and confided in Antoine, which led to drinking, which of course led to them having sex, which has changed the course of her life.
Martha guides her into her bedroom so they can talk some more. "How about we change the subject from you to me?"
Shauna sits on the end of the bed and takes a strand of her hair tucking behind one of her ears. "I can use the distraction."

Jai and Mala Gupta are in their suite at The Continental Hotel in Hudson Lake, finishing getting ready for the U2 concert at The Palladium, which starts in about forty minutes. Jai is casually leaning against a dresser, dressed in well-fitted jeans and a button-up shirt with a modest checkered pattern. His sneakers are brand new. He glances over at Mala with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
Mala is in front of a full-length mirror, adjusting her look. She wears a vintage U2 concert t-shirt from the '80s with a slightly faded graphic of Bono and the band. Her dark leather pants hug her curves in the right places, her hair cascades in loose waves, and she applies a touch of makeup that enhances her overall look.
Jai couldn't help but watch her with a grin. "You look amazing. That shirt really takes me back."
She smiles, glancing at him through the mirror. “Thanks! I thought it would be fun to wear a throwback for the concert. It’s been a while since I’ve had an excuse to break this out.”
Jai walks over to her and stands behind her. "Since when did you need an excuse to break out anything U2?"
She chuckles at his statement while heading towards the console table, where she places a few more items, including her lipstick, in her purse. Mala has been a huge fan of the band since her adolescence, which is why he surprised his former wife and current lover with tickets to see them.
Mala couldn't help but notice Jai's eagerness all day, knowing it wasn't about the concert. "Okay, spill, what's got you in this good of a mood?"
Jai quickly eyes his luggage near the bed; it is where the ring he'll be proposing to Mala is, as tonight the two will be engaged and proceed to remarry.
He caresses her face. "Being with you, that's all. Now we should get going."
Mala obtains her purse, though she still suspects he's keeping something from her; however, she knows it isn't the time to bring it up.
The two depart the hotel suite on their way to the arena.

As Samuel and Aaliyah Gupta occupy their booth at Henry's BBQ, the sultry rhythm of blues music fills the background, creating a relaxed yet lively atmosphere.
The siblings share a platter of rib tips, chicken wings, baked beans, cole slaw, fries, and cornbread muffins.
"I need a distraction from the rejection I'm receiving, so how are things going between you and Martha, or am I allowed to ask?" Aaliyah queries while taking a bite of a fry drenched in barbecue sauce.
Samuel takes a sip from his beer bottle before responding. "Thankfully, it looks like we're getting back on track."
Once he and Martha figured out her ex was trying to come in between them, they realized they still wanted to be together.
"At least one of us is," Aaliyah mentions.
Samuel detects the disappointment on his sister's face. "Sometimes things like this turn out for the better. Maybe you should consider expanding your search. I mean Radcliffe, Kentucky, isn't exactly the fashion capital of America."
The recent college graduate had been applying for a few local entry-level fashion jobs; however, she hadn't been selected for one interview, which still frustrates her on top of how her relationship with Lorenzo broke down and how she alienated herself from her friends.
Aaliyah, still processing the rejection, shakes her head. "Thanks, Samuel. It’s just a bit disheartening, you know?"
"I know," he tells her. "But there will be other places that will get you through the right door."
Aaliyah takes a bite of her wing. "Well, at least with mommy and daddy getting engaged again, our family will be back together."
Murray Hirsch enters the establishment to pick up his takeout order to take back to his hotel room. However, he spots his ex's beau and a younger female conversing.
"This really is a small town, isn't it?" Murray greets Samuel. "Guess we were bound to run into one another sooner or later."
Hopefully, it would've been later, Samuel thinks. The psychiatrist nods while resisting the urge to roll his eyes at his girlfriend's former fling.
Murray sticks his hands into his pants pockets and shrugs. "I'm just picking up some takeout. I thought I'd drop by and say hello."
Aaliyah looks between the two guys, noticing the evident tension between them.
Samuel gestures to his sister. "Murray, this is my sister Aaliyah; Aaliyah is this SJ's father, Murray."
"Nice to meet you,"
Aaliyah nods with recognition. "Yeah, I remember seeing you at the music festival in Nashville last year, hi."
Last summer, Murray ran into Martha as he persisted in getting to know the son he abandoned before birth.
"So, how have you been?" Murray remarks conversationally.
"Oh, I can't complain," Samuel replies. "How about you?"
Murray runs his hand through his dark brown hair. "It's always good when I get to hang out with my son and touch base with his mother."
In spite of his innocent reaction, his years as a doctor make Samuel raise his eyebrows in doubt.

I really don't know what you came here for
Round and around we go!
Sending your bags outside the door
Round and around we go!
The Waterfall Bar is bustling with evening activity, with the remix of “Round and Round” by Jonell and Method Man setting an upbeat tone. The crowd of customers is energetic, and the murmur of conversation mingles with the music.
Behind the bar, Antoine Hall is visibly struggling. His attention is fragmented, and it shows in his work—orders are wrong, and his movements are becoming slightly erratic.
“Antoine,” Mae Jackson calls out, her voice carrying a note of concern as she approaches him, gesturing for him to take a break.
Antoine looks up, frustration etched across his face and does what he is told. "What's goin' on?"
The bar owner crosses her arms onto her chest. "Well, that was what I was hoping you were going to tell me. You've been off all night; what's going on?"
Antoine knows he can't mention that he slept with her granddaughter since not only she's married, but Shauna promised him not to tell anyone since she doesn't want her marriage to come undone because of it.
Antoine shrugs his shoulders. "I’m good; I'm just a little off tonight."
Mae shoots him a facial expression that conveys her disbelief. “I’ve seen you make mistakes all night. When was the last time you had a night off?"
Mae shakes her head firmly. "Even folks in management are allowed to take a break every now and then, so please get from behind this bar and take time for yourself."
Antoine starts to argue, but just then, the door swings open, and Tricia Lockhart walks in, waving to him as she takes a seat at one of the empty booths.
“I mean it, Antoine. Take the night off. I’ll handle things here.” Mae says in a way that she isn't taking no for an answer.
Deciding to take the offer, Antoine marches over to Tricia, sliding across from her on the other side of the booth.
"It's been a minute; how you doin?" He questions her.
It had been a while since the two friends had seen one another.
The cafe manager is in a black bead fringe sleeveless top and dark pants, and her brown hair is in a ponytail. "Doing things a divorced woman does," Tricia says casually.
For months, Tricia and Sean have been divorced after a contentious separation.
"You out here dippin it and doin' it?" Antoine chuckles.
"More like working and planting myself on the couch in time for The Real Housewives of insert any city." Tricia verbalizes. "I'm taking a bit of caution before getting back out there. How about you?"
"It sounds like we're in the same boat."
Tricia forms a look of incredulity on her face. "You mean to tell me you haven't been with anyone in all this time?"
Antoine scratches the back of his ear before responding. "Well, it was one time a few months ago. We were vibin', and next thing I knew, we were together. And I can't get my mind off her."

Samuel takes another drink of his beer. "Just as long as you know your place in their lives."
Murray remains standing at the table with a smirk. You know, just relax. I know where I stand with the mother of my son. And just a word of advice—be good to her. You never know, someone might just sweep her off her feet when you turn your back."
Instead of going back and forth, Samuel remains silent, though it's obvious to his sister he's not eager about this interaction.
"I better get my food. Nice meeting you, Aaliyah, and I'll see you around, doc."
Murray heads over to the counter, and it doesn't take long for Samuel to shake his head at his nerves.
"He's nice," Aaliyah says sarcastically.
Samuel uses his fork to spear one of the smoked rip tips. "I don't tend to like calling people out of their names. But he's an asshole." He then plops the piece of meat into his mouth, trying not to let him have more effect on his relationship than he already does.

Now, each with a drink, Antoine fills Tricia in about his sexual encounter, though he is keeping the identity of the woman to himself for obvious reasons.
"Tricia. I can't get her out of my head," he admits while taking a sip of his beer.
Tricia takes a long sip of her white wine. "Look, Antoine, I'm in no position to judge," she says gently.
Antoine sighs deeply, looking down at his drink. "I know. I just... I keep thinking about her. I don’t even want to tell you who she is, but if it gets out, it's going to be messy."
Tricia leans forward, trying to offer support to her friend over the chatter and music. "Sometimes, Antoine, you just have to move on. You can’t let yourself get caught up in something that might only lead to more questions later."
"Lemme guess you've been around that block yourself, huh?"
Tricia nods slightly, with a hint of a smile. "I've traveled down it a time or two, but the best way to get over someone is to move on with someone else."
He grabs his glass to take a drink of his beer and then sets it down on the table. "And who would that be?"
"I don't have a crystal ball, but I do know you're not only a catch, but you're a good person, so whoever it is, she will be somebody who deserves you, and it will hopefully not distract you from doing your job." Tricia straightforwardly advises
Antoine does his best to adhere to his friend's words; however, he knows that trying to forget Shauna has never worked out for him long-term in the past, though he knows he has to.

Later in the evening, Jai and Mala return to their hotel suite, still buzzing from the U2 show. The city lights cast a gentle glow through the large windows, and Mala places a plastic bag containing a new concert t-shirt and a few other souvenirs on the nightstand, her face glowing with happiness.
Jai randomly belts out "Where the Streets Have No Name" somewhat on key. "I wanna run, I want to hide. I wanna tear down the walls that hold me inside."
Mala completes the verse enthusiastically "I wanna reach out. And touch the flame. Where the streets have no name."
"Is it fair to say you had a good time?" Jai queries excitedly.
"What gave it away?" she asks, feigning modesty in her British accent. "I had a great time! Thank you!"
Jai grins while heading over to obtain the ring. “It’s hard to believe that this time last year, we weren’t even together.”
Mala sighs reflectively. "And look at us now. Who would’ve thought?”
Last year, Jai was engaged to Louise, but it was revealed that she had a close entanglement with Sean. However, their engagement was broken off, and Jai found solace in his ex-wife again.
Jai suddenly gets a twinkle in his eye. As Mala looks on, he takes a deep breath and slowly gets down on one knee in front of her.
The architect's eyes widen in surprise. "What are you doing, Jai?"
Jai smiles ardently. “It should be obvious. This isn’t my first time doing this.”
He pulls the small box from his pocket and opens it to reveal the sparkling diamond engagement ring. Mala gasps softly, her hand flying to her mouth.
He earnestly maintains her gaze. "Mala, I think it's fair to say I fell in love with you the first time when we were kids growing up in West London, and we had our ups and downs, but the one thing that always remains is how much I care about you. I know we got lost there for a little while, but we found our way back to each other. Our family deserves it, but more importantly, we deserve it. So, Mala Gupta, will you do me the incredible privilege of becoming my wife again?"
Mala, overwhelmed with emotion, nods, and joy appears on her face.
Still, on the ground, Jai hadn't heard an answer from her. "This is when you respond."
"Yes, Jai, I will!” she replies undoubtedly.
Jai slides the ring onto her finger. With him rising to his full height, he embraces her as the two kiss passionately, savoring every moment.

The lifelong best friends are discussing what's going on, with Martha confronting Murray about his involvement in trying to come between her and Samuel and admitting he regrets how he left things with her.
"So, do you think Murray got the message?" Shauna questions her.
Martha nods, sitting beside her on the queen-size bed. "I made it clear that the only relationship we will have will have to do with SJ."
"And you don't have any unresolved feelings towards him?" Shauna asks outright.
Martha gets on her feet, crosses her arms, and jerks her head. "I think any of those feelings went out the window the minute he hung up on me after I told him I was pregnant. I have to put up with him because of SJ, and I doubt he's going to be in town very much longer; he has a whole life waiting for him in LA."
"I'm sure Samuel is relieved to hear that."
Martha turns to face her friend. "He's been so understanding since he told me what Murray did. Sometimes I think I don't deserve him," she solemnly confesses.
It is now Shauna who sidles up to Martha. "Take it from someone who temporarily lost sight of the good man they have in their lives because of one moment of imperfection."
Martha gives a nonchalant nod, clearly listening to her friend’s advice.
In the quiet that follows, both women sense the weight of the moment as they realize it's been over five minutes.
Shauna breaks the stillness with a resigned, "It's time!"
"Do you want me to come with you?" Martha asks softly.
Shauna subtly moves her head. "No, I’ve got myself into this."
She exits the bedroom and heads to the bathroom. Martha stands in the hallway, her concern intensifying as the seconds go by. Shauna eventually emerges from the bathroom, her face a mix of emotions while holding the stick. Martha sees the truth in her expression.
Shauna opens her mouth, hardly able to get the words out. "I'm...
But Martha steps forward, wrapping her in a supportive embrace. "It's okay; it's going to be alright, Shauna.
Shauna clings to Martha, her mind racing with thoughts of what her pregnancy can mean for not only herself but for Max and Antoine, as whatever she does will change all of their lives forever.
Shauna's pregnancy is confirmed by Dr. Jamison.
Joel's visit with Eleanor doesn't go as expected.
Tension rises between Steven and Jacques.
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