Written by : Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
Lorraine agreed to the deal with Daniel.
Sean had forgotten the date of his 20th wedding anniversary which made Louise upset.
Her parents problems have greatly affected Lynn which causes her to skip school.

Steven Sullivan walks out of the kitchen into the living room to see his five-year-old son Evan Sullivan playing with his two newest action figures. He is happy to have his son after spending so many months away from him, due to the problems between Lorraine and himself. Now he gets to cherish even more memories of the day they spent at the zoo and how excited he was when they went to the toy store.
" Hey, big man, the pizza will be on the way soon. " Steven announces
He just got done ordering a pizza for delivery from Russo's, one of the few pizza places in Radcliffe, Kentucky.
" Okay, " Evan says in between having his toys fight.
Steven takes a seat on the sofa he finds the remote on the wood tray that sits on the table to turn on the flat-screen tv.
On cue, as he is about to get comfortable the doorbell rings like clockwork.
"I don't think it's the pizza daddy. " Evan says matter of factly.
"Me neither son," Steven laughs he rises up from his spot to get the door.
He opens the door to find Lorraine with a grin on her face. Truthfully everytime he always sees her smile he tends to do the same, in spite of having insignificant romantic feelings for her now since they're no longer together.
The two casually address each other he nearly forgotten that she told them earlier that she was going to come by this evening.
It does not take long for their little boy to drop his action figures onto the floor and run into his mother's arms.
"I missed you so much baby." Lorraine says wholeheartedly. " She then raises to her full height." Did you get taller ? "
Evan shakes his head.
Steven sees how happy that the two of them to see one another again. " Hey I just ordered us a pizza you wanna stay for some? "
"I liked to stay thanks, " she replies

In her bedroom upstairs, Tanner Lockhart is now finally settled at her desk working on her AP English assignment. She just saw her parents off on their belated anniversary dinner. A tiny part of her hopes that this will keep them from arguing constantly, or ignoring one another everytime they're together. Then again how do you forgive someone who you have been with for a long time, and they betray you by cheating on you?
She finds herself occasionally singing along to the live album of Alexz Johnson. She had become one of her favorite singers', thanks to her Aunt Martha who introduced her to her music, stating she starred in one of her favorite shows as a teen called Instant Star.
Without looking up from her desktop computer, she can sense her twin sister Lynn Lockhart coming in.
" Do you have any homework? " Tanner asks
Lynn shakes her head in response. " Don't have homework if you don't go to class. "
For the past couple of weeks now Lynn has been skipping classes due to not dealing with her parents' marital issues.
" Forgive me if I sound pathetic, but all of this missing school is going to catch up to you Lenny. "
Lynn takes a seat in the purple chair. " Don't worry Tan, it's only a few classes damn, besides It's Radcliffe High, if you at least show up two days out of the week you get at least a B. "
Tanner throws her hands up in the air to gesture she is giving up this matter for now.
" Thank you, how about you take a break and we drink some vodka downstairs. "
"Lynn! " Tanner exclaims.
Remembering that the last time alcohol was involved was at the unsupervised house party where Lynn got so drunk that she told everyone that their father was sleeping with another woman.
" Sorry, too soon. "
Tanner stands up from her desk and falls beside her sister leaving out of the room.

This morning Louise Saunders Lockhart awoke to find a dozen red roses and a card that read in his handwriting.
I'm Sorry
Apparently, the lack of communication gotten to Sean. He asked her out to dinner to celebrate their platinum anniversary.
The two of them are currently being escorted by a male host to their table near a female harpist filling the atmosphere with sounds that are both soothing and thunderous.
" You look good tonight. " Sean compliments her while reading the menu.
Louise quickly glances down at her nice enough burgundy belted-crop jumpsuit.
" Thanks"
The two silently stare at their menus.
Sean takes a drink of the complimentary water. " This is the most you said to me this week. "
" Well if I get dessert you might get two more words out of me. " Louise inserts with hidden humor.

In spite of being in the nightly hour, where students of the prestigious secondary boarding school are usually hanging out in the common area of their dormitories, or if you have a fake ID or the right familial connections, you'll be hanging out with your friends at the local bar downtown where the undergrads frequent at.
But inside of the thinly ivy-covered administrative building on the west side of campus. The school's headmaster Irvin Van Horne is dealing with his own situation inside of his office.
A sixteen-year-old male student with dark blonde hair, wearing a black Nike training jacket, and pants.
" Please take a seat young man. " the late forty-something man, with thinning hair and wire-rimmed glasses on his face tells him in a tone of voice, that can register from disappointment to embarrassment.
The boy who is in his junior year of the school does what he told by taking a seat in one of the guest chairs that are in front of the principal's neat desk.
" Sir, do you know why I called you in here? " Headmaster Van Horne asks with an authoritative approach in his speech.
" Yes, I do sir. "
" Are you aware of this school's policy on curfews? "
The teenage boy nods tentatively.
Headmaster Van Horne clears his throat. " Well let me clarify for you, Mr. Covington, you've been attending this school since your freshman year you should know curfew in an all-girls dormitory for boys is 11: 30 PM. However, you were caught by a female student advisor in the room of Ella Dandridge at 12:05 AM in her bed with her no less. Do you want to explain yourself? "
Tommy Covington shakes his head at how he ignores that Ella, isn't just another student but she is the headmaster's own goddaughter. And that she was the one who invited him back to her dorm. Maybe he was the one in the wrong for being out late at night. Yet he is wondering why he is getting all of the blame.
"Sir I'm sorry for being out late in Ella's room and if there is anything that I can do make up for what I did then allow me to do so. " Tommy says to him.
Even saying that aloud made him feel ill inside knowing how sickly sweet his apology sounds.
Headmaster Van Horne pulls his glasses from his face to uncover more of his beet red face he then tosses them on the desk. "Your father has been a great contributor for many years, and with your mother's passing this year, however, with this immoral behavior on your record, I'm afraid, I'm left with no choice but to exclude you from this institution effective immediately."
Tommy couldn't understand what in the hell is going on here? Does he know how much money his family has donated to this school?
"Don't I have to meet with the disciplinary board, before you can just kick me out? " Tommy brings up.
The Headmaster taps his fingers along the surface. "In certain cases, of course, you would've been able to prove your innocence at a board meeting, but in your case, you were caught red-handed. " I will expect you to gather your belongings and a car will take you to the airport in twenty-five minutes. "
Tommy stands up from the chair and makes his way out of the office. Not before he sees behind him that a creeping smile on his face.
"Asshole," he mumbles

The girls are sitting next to one another at the counter in the kitchen.
" Didn't I tell you, you needed a break? " Lynn says
Tanner takes both bowls that were once contained two scoops of ice cream each and their spoons to the sink.
"Maybe you were, all right," Tanner replies, she adds. " Don't you think it's weird that we didn't buy anything for their anniversary. "
Lynn folds her arms and rolls her eyes as an automatic no.
"Okay, I'll take that for what it is. " Tanner fills both bowls with water from the faucet.
"So sick of talking about adults, it's the weekend, and I saw on Instagram that Mariana is having a party we can go to. " Lynn proposes.
Mariana Anson is best friends with Jordan McKnight, who brought the bottles of alcohol that contributed to Lynn getting intoxicated.
"I think I'll pass." Tanner says
Unpredictably the landline telephone starts to ring which is quite odd since no one calls for them on it anymore since everyone living in this house has their own phones now. Tanner picks up the cordless phone in the corner of the countertop.
" Hello --- "
The noise of the key in the door can be overheard. The movements of Louise and Sean head into the kitchen, when they're both are about to greet their daughters when they see Tanner on the phone.
"Who is that?" Louise asks
Lynn shrugs
"He's here." Tanner responds.
She then waits for him to come closer to her and once he does, she simply drops the phone in his hand.
Louise puts one arm around both girls. "Girls please go upstairs, I'll be up there in a minute okay. "
Doing what they told the girls to head out of the kitchen, nevertheless, the two of them communicate silently at the sight they have just witnessed.
Louise views her husband whispering over the line. Without much thinking, she charges over to him and snatches the phone out of his hand and puts it to her ear.
"I know it's you whore, don't call here again. " she then hangs up and laying the phone back into the cradle.
"Please don't let this ruin our night we had. " Sean says in a rather meek voice.
Louise laughs somewhat manically. "Are you kidding me right now? You think a twenty-nine ninety-nine dollar entrée and a chocolate mousse is going to make me forget everything."
Along with their initial agreement, it was spoken that Tricia is never permitted to call this house for obvious reasons.
Sean unbuttons a few buttons of his shirt knowing he can't evade this confrontation. "She said that she is sorry, I had my phone turned off at dinner. "
Louise raises her eyebrows questioning that statement. "Our daughter talked to your mistress and you want to once again sweep it under the rug? "
"This is exactly why we need to tell Tanner and Lenny the entire truth about you know about my affair with Tricia. "
"Stop trying to get yourself off the hook, you're the one who stepped out of our marriage so you can deal with some midlife crisis Sean. " Louise opposes.
Sean sighs out of frustration. " You know what I'm not in the mood for all this. "
He stands there as Louise is three-fourths out of the kitchen. " What does that suppose to mean? "
Sean grabs a beer bottle out of the refrigerator. "I'm going to stay at Johnny's.
Johnny is Sean's younger brother who lives in Frankfort.
He exits out of the room to go upstairs to pack since he is leaving tonight.
Louise is left in the kitchen feeling the tears coming out of her eyes, realizing try as she might her once solid union to Sean is truly gone and in its place is a shadow of one. She sits at the counter knowing that this is going to be their last anniversary they will ever celebrate as man and wife.

Outside in the dark night that is quite unseasonably warm for October. Tommy is currently putting the last of his belongings in the trunk of the sedan, that is used mainly to transport students off campus.
The impatient driver blows his horn for Tommy to hurry up.
"I'm coming!" he yells
He opens the car door to slide in the backseat. The driver who is listening to some political commentary. He smoothly puts his foot on the gas.
Out of the window, he saw the buildings that made up the school he attended for two years. He doesn't know how he is going to explain to his domineering father who is going to lose it when he finds out that he has been kicked out of one of the most expensive schools in New England. He pushes that aside for now as he sticks up the middle finger to the school, also in a way to the student resident advisor, Ella Dandridge, and of course that asswipe headmaster Van Horne.

Lorraine places her half-eaten crust back onto the plate, the pizza made it ways to the house minutes ago and the three were partaking in the meal, whilst an episode of Star Wars Resistance is playing out on screen in the living room.
" I'm so full, I think I gained five pounds. " Lorraine says
" Well, I don't see it on you, so you still got time to work out . " Steven jokes
Lorraine had to admit to herself that this night felt normal deep down. Then she reminds herself that she made a deal with Daniel Covington to make a move on Steven, whilst his daughter walks in on them. In order for her to get her chance to audition for the American Ballet Theatre. She knows that she has to play it safe for now, and not come off as desperate to make her move until Daniel contacts her in a few days.
The sound of her pumps marks the entrance of Esther Saunders coming home. She is carrying a huge purse and is wearing a plum-colored 3 piece beaded-neck pant set. From the look on her face, this is one of the last sights she thought she would ever see.
" Hi Grandma, " Evan says with a little mouthful of pizza.
" Hi, baby, what's going on here? she asks mainly to the grown-ups.
"We're just hanging out eating nothing for you to have a heart attack momma. " Steven assures his mother.
"Lorraine, a word, please? " Esther declares
Lorraine silently follows her into the kitchen to hear her former mother-in-law lie to her about convincing Steven to go to court to get custody of their son which is why she originally came here in the first place.
Esther wastes no time to bellow her frustrations.
"Are you trying to play a cozy family so my son won't get custody of Evan because if you're it is going to stop right damn now? " Esther says.
Lorraine chuckles. " If you only knew. "
Esther puts her hands on her hips. " What does that suppose to mean Lorraine? "
Much as Lorraine wants to rip into her for using her and Evan to break up Courtney and Steven and lying to her about her kind former husband wanting to take her son away from her so she can some damn stock. Throughout the years Esther has made it known that nothing comes before family.
Lorraine gets a tad closer to the older woman. " Don't worry about it Esther, I'm in no way after your son in any way but we will always have our little boy so the two of us are always going to have a bond for the sake of Evan, so don't forget that darling. " she gladly informs her she then leaves out of the room feeling good that she stood up to the poisonous mushroom.
Tommy must explain his whereabouts to his family.
Louise finds herself talking with her mother.
Steven and Lorraine find themselves in close proximity again.
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