Written by: Bre L Drew
April 29, 2024
Last Time on Town and Country
At Tommy's behest, Max went to Covington to support Shauna on her first day back; however, he witnessed Shauna and Antoine in an embrace in her office.
Wanting to remain in the country, Jacques followed his immigration solicitor's advice and asked Emma to marry him, but she didn't give him an answer to his proposal. Meanwhile, Jacques and Will got into it over Emma.
Murray was determined to step up and be a father to SJ, much to Martha's disbelief.

Of all the things Max Covington envisioned taking place within his wife's office, her embracing her ex-lover would be the last thing.
However, that's what's occurring in front of him, as he is in the doorway on the twentieth floor of the Covington Tower.
On advice from Tommy, he came by to see how she was doing since today was her first day back here after being gone for several months since she had been caring for him after the accident that rendered him paralyzed from the waist down.
Although this was the last thing he had anticipated, as he was about to get their attention, the two let go of one another as Shauna Covington, standing across from Antoine Hall, finally noticed her husband's presence.
"Hey, I wasn't expecting to see you until later," Shauna says. She goes over to her husband, who, by now, has maneuvered himself in his motorized chair in the room.
"I'm not interrupting anything important, am I?" Max sarcastically comments while putting his arms around his wife of nearly five years.
Yet, from Antoine's expression, he can tell that he did for him.
"It's not that I'm not happy to see you, but what are you doing here?" Shauna queries.
"I wanted to see how you were getting on with being back."
"Thanks," she says wholeheartedly. "And so far, so good," she adds.
"It looks like we had the same thing in common," Antoine notes.
Shauna looks at both men, with whom she has years of history.
Soon, the office phone rings, and Shauna goes over to the desk to retire while silently Antoine and Max exchange glares.
After the call concludes, she puts the device back on the receiver. "I have to go pick up some notes on a project. Will y'all both be all right to wait here until I get back?"
"Sure," Max responds cordially.
"For you, I ain't got nothin' but time." Antoine complies.
The businesswoman saunters out of the room, leaving her husband and best friend together, and neither one is pleased.

While the rest of the world around him moves forward, Jacques Laurent sips a hearty amount of scotch at the bar at The Chateau this mid-morning weekday, while the high notes of a saxophone become prominent during a jazz song playing throughout the fine dining establishment.
More and more, his chances of being deported back to France are becoming more of a reality due to the ineptness of his immigration solicitor, who was unable to get through the red tape of him pursuing specific documentation and then informing him of the tactic of marrying an American citizen to attain citizenship, which he explained to Emma before proposing to her. Yet she hadn't given him an answer as to whether or not she wanted to marry him, causing him to be concerned.
And as much as he loves his home country, a part of him also wants to flourish in this country without his familial ties with Emma by his side as his wife, though day by day, that intent is becoming less likely.

Courtney Covington Sullivan firmly shakes the hands of the two white male associates from the Northeast she had a breakfast meeting with as she successfully closes the deal for Covington, securing the contract to start construction on the associates' athletic wear retail store on Main Street.
The men then depart for the airport, while she obtains her briefcase tote bag and is about to head back to the office. However, the sight of Jacques at the bar drinking makes her change course, wondering if her acquaintance is okay.
"You know it is quite early to hit the libations," she remarks.
Jacques takes in the pretty and petite Covington CEO beside him in her black and off-white blazer and dark slacks, never realizing how much she looks and sounds like her aunt until now.
"Well, you might be doing the same thing if you were in my situation," he responds to her while taking the last gulp of his drink.
For over one hundred years, the kitchen of the main house on Franklin Farm has served as a source of warmth and comfort for many of its residents and guests, as well as a source of catching up between family members, which is currently happening with Martha, Sarah Lynn, and Esther Saunders at the table.
"Well, you know how strong Lynn is; she will get through this," Martha mentions of her niece.
The three women were speaking of Lynn, who is receiving chemotherapy to treat her leukemia, which she had been diagnosed with, which still surprises them all since she's so young and hasn't been seriously ill before.
"That doesn't mean she's terrified on the inside, though," Sarah Lynn says observably while petting Otis, the black and white border collie, sitting on her lap.
She recalls consoling her granddaughter after she received the prognosis and saw how vulnerable she truly is.
"The most important thing is that we continue to uplift Lynn and hope and pray the chemo is doing what it should be doing." Esther declares in her southern drawl.
"Amen to that," Sarah Lynn says agreeably.
The doorbell rings, and SJ Saunders excitedly mentions. "Dad!" while coming down the stairs in the living room.
"Only twenty-five minutes late this time; that's a record," Martha says sarcastically, leaving the table to get to the door.
Most recently, Murray Hirsch, Martha's ex-fling and SJ's father, wanted to be in his son's life since he hadn't been for the first five years of SJ's life, and Sarah Lynn had been in favor of her grandson getting to know the man who brought him into this world.
"Hmm," Esther says under her breath while sipping on her coffee.
Sarah Lynn catches the muttering. "What was the hmm for?"
The five-foot blonde woman with an enviable bosom sets her cup on the table. "Come on, Sarah Lynn, don't you find it a little bit fishy that after all these years, he comes out of the blue wanting to forge a relationship with his son?"
Sarah Lynn shakes her head, not wanting to move too much since the dog is still clinging to her lap, which had been a gift from Murray to SJ for Christmas.
"Every child has the right to get to know their father, no matter when it is."
Those specific words make the businesswoman think of the secret she and her son are hiding about Emma Covington being biologically a Saunders due to the almost forty-something-year-old affair her late father Jimmy had with her one-time best friend Deirdre Covington, knowing if it ever got out it would have too much of an effect on this family.
"I'm going to meet my grandson's father; are you coming?" Sarah Lynn asks her sister-in-law.
Esther follows behind her into the living room while Otis scurries around in the kitchen.
SJ is being held by the good-looking guy in his mid-thirties with brown hair and piercing blue eyes in a black leather jacket, dark jeans, and a short-sleeve dark green henley shirt.
Martha still feels very protective of her son, even if he is with his father, since Murray has been known in the past not to live up to his obligations. She then realizes that there are more people in the room.
"Murray, that's my mother, Sarah Lynn, and the woman standing next to her is my aunt Esther." She introduced them to him.
The ladies take turns greeting him.
"You have an impressive piece of land, Mrs. Saunders," he comments.
"It's Sarah Lynn and thank you; this place has a lot of character and history," she says to him.
"And it also has a shotgun stored somewhere, too," Esther murmurs.
Murray is taken aback by that statement as Sarah Lynn and Martha flash various facial movements at the older woman, who seems unfazed by what she said.
"I'm ready!" SJ enthusiastically announces.
"All right, then let's go," Murray tells him.
Murray had just returned to town after having to deal with some business with his talent agency in Los Angeles, which he inherited from his uncle. He promised to take him to the
"All right, then let's go," Murray proclaims.
While out of town handling some business with his talent agency in LA, he promised his son he'd take him to the local street fair, which Martha is going to with them.
"Nice meeting you both," Murray tells them.
The women watch the three leave the house towards Murray's rental car.
As the door shuts, Sarah Lynn immediately turns to her late husband's older sister. "A shotgun, really, Esther?"
"I was just simply letting him know we don't play about our own in these parts, that's all," Esther mentions half seriously.
The comment makes Sarah Lynn sway her head, partially in humor and partially in astonishment.


Notwithstanding the more thriving pace within The Waterfall, arguably one of music's most poignant solemn anthems, "Mercy Mercy Me" by Marvin Gaye, plays upon the speakers. Amongst the small crowd populating the atmosphere during its opening hours is Will Jackson, sitting at the bar and swigging on his beer bottle, while Mae Jackson stands across from behind it, conversing on the goings on in their lives.
"So, everything good with you?" Will addresses his mother.
"Yeah, I can't complain; my health is good, and this place is doing fine, and you know I'm always glad to see you."
Despite Will moving out from upstairs years ago to Franklin Farm, she misses having him around here, as she often wishes her family were closer than they were.
"I think I need to be asking you the same thing. And don't tell me you're okay because I know you're not."
As Will is about to contemplate whether or not to fill his mother in on him, he is nearly coming to blows with Jackie Boy about Emma or how difficult it is to work for your ex when the boisterous voice of Gus Hewitt overshadows the moment, making the nightclub manager take another swig of alcohol.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Mae questions her boyfriend good-naturedly.
The older man is wearing a ball cap on his head and a dark blue lightweight jacket halfway unzipped, revealing his hospital janitorial uniform.
"I came by to see my favorite girl and gave her some sugar," he proclaims while leaning in across the bar for them to kiss, which causes Will to turn away, not wanting to see her mother making out with the guy he isn't keen on.
"Want some lunch?" she asks him.
"Sure, I'm on my break anyway," he says while taking a seat next to his woman's son. "How you doin'?" he greets him.
"Good," Will mostly mumbles.
A few seconds pass as Emma Covington enters the bar, which isn't a usual occurrence for her coming here; however, she needed a change of scenery; however, she hadn't known Will was here until now, and she wanted to turn right back around and go somewhere else. But she decides not to do so as she is tired of people feeling the need to tell her what to do, including her mother.
The clacking of her heels gets attention at the bar as Will, Gus, and Mae all focus on her standing there in her floral bell-sleeve mini-shirt dress and her designer bag on her shoulder.
The older couple respectively greet her, which she acknowledges; however, Will takes some liquid courage before speaking to his ex-lover and boss.
"Whatcha doin' here?"
"Like you, I needed to get out of the club, so I thought I would come here for a drink," she says in response. "But I'm starting to think maybe it was not such a good idea after all."
She also needed some pace to dwell on the proposal she was given by Jacques, knowing that if she turned him down, he would be deported back to France since he was in the country illegally.
"You ain't got to do that; I mean, if you two work together, you can at least be in the same room," Gus interjects.
"No disrespect, but this ain't got nothin' to do with you, Gus." Will lashes out.
"Emma, is there anything I can get for you?" Mae says, hoping to avoid another confrontation between her son and her lover, as she also knows things with Will and Emma haven't been the same since he found out she cheated on him with her former fiance late last year.
"You know what? That is okay," she says while giving her former lover one last pensive look before heading to the door and turning her back on him.
"How about next time, mind your own damn business; clean up, man?" Will hurls at her mother's boyfriend.
"Will!" Mae asserts. "Look, I get that you're upset with everything that has happened, but you don't get to take it out on anyone in this bar."
"I'm goin'," the younger man declares.
Gus sits in silence as Will gets up from the bar stool, grabbing his beer bottle, which Mae swiftly takes away.
"The only place you're going is upstairs and getting yourself together," Mae tells him.
She can spot the onset of him relying on what's left of this beer and a few more, and she wants to stop it before it gets to that point.
At first, Will is about to fight her on it, but he does as he is told.

Since Shauna left to get what she needed, Max and Antoine have both been silent, mentally passing the time before she returns.
Max notices Antoine standing there idly.
"If you need to get going, I will tell Shauna you had to take off."
Antoine shoots him an unexcitable look. "Like I said before, I can wait," he replies straightforwardly. "No need to feel threatened by me."
Even though he said it partially as a joke, Max doesn't find it humorous, slamming the door. So no one else can hear them. "What the hell is your problem?"
"You're the problem," Antoine retorts.
"Come again?"
Antoine exhales while slapping his hands onto his sides. "Look, I'm sorry that you are in that chair, but that doesn't give you the right to take it out on Shauna like you've been doin'; you know you weren't the only one to lose something in that accident either." he boldly expresses.
From his words, it becomes evident that Shauna had been confiding in Antoine about the precarious state of their marriage.
"I do not need any reminders from you about what my wife and I lost." Max retorts candidly. "I know nothing I'm going through now will ever compare to what Shauna went through losing our child. But I refuse to be lectured by someone who has never been in a committed relationship for more than five minutes about my marriage!"
Antoine roughly scoffs at having enough of the guy he never cared for, seeing him as an entitled asshole who somehow managed to sweep the woman he still loves off her feet.
"Shauna is one of the strongest women I know, but it's only so much shit that she can put up with from you and your family, especially with none of her own needs gettin' met."
A tidal wave of embarrassment came over Max, not happy that Shauna shared what wasn't going on in their bedroom since their sex life had been non-existent because of his impotence since the accident, not to mention the sheer look of smugness on Antoine's face after mentioning it to him.
The door opens as Shauna enters the office, holding onto a manila folder with the information she picked up, noticing the hostility between the two men. "What's going on here?"
Antoine shrugs while Max rolls his eyes, causing Shauna to realize the two had a confrontation.
"Uh, I'm going to let you get back to it," Max quickly replies. "I will see you later,"
"Max?" Shauna voices with confusion.
But the familiar sound of his chair whirring as Max uses the lever to steer himself out of the office leaves only two.
Shauna's shoulder-length dark hair moves while she turns to face her ex-lover. "Okay, are you going to tell me what in the hell happened between y'all when I left?"
Briefly, Antoine pinches the bridge of his nose before responding to Shauna. "I might've let it slip to your husband how unsatisfied you've been with him lately."
Shauna places the folder on her desk, recognizing that it is still in her possession. "You did what?" she groans.
"I know what you said to me was in confidence, but I got tired of him thinking that not being able to walk anymore gives him the right to treat you any kinda way," he admits apologetically. "You gonna be alright?"
"No, I'm not, she quickly replies. "I want to be left alone right now. I need to work in peace," Shauna says frustratedly.
"I'm always here for you," he informs her.
The bartender then takes off, leaving Shauna to reflect on her current state while she sees the formerly impressive fruit basket on her desk that he gave her to welcome her back to the company, yet it's starting to lose its appeal to her the longer she stares at it.

Courtney is sitting beside Jacques, who fills her in on his immigration status, though he decides to keep the entire engagement incident with Emma to himself since it didn't go the way he wanted it to.
"I'm so sorry you are going through this, Jacques."
"Thanks," he exhales. "I just hate feeling powerless," he confesses.
Courtney takes a strand of her hair and tucks it behind her ear, showcasing her wedding ring on her finger. "I wish it was something that I could do to help."
"Don't worry about it; I will be fine, and if I have to go back home, I can file the paperwork for a green card, but it might take a little longer for all of that to be processed," he says.
As Emma strides into the restaurant, she lifts her head to observe Jacques and her niece, of all people, conversing over at the bar.
It doesn't take long for her to appear, which ends their conversation.
"Do you mind if I speak to Jacques alone, or are you two secretly on a rendezvous you do not want anybody else to know?" Emma caustically retorts.
There has never been much love lost between the two women, as Emma grew up more like a black sheep while the rest of the family adored her niece.
Courtney exchanges looks at Jacques over her aunt's choice of words at her. "He's all yours," she responds. "And, Jacques, don't forget to keep me in the loop on what is going on."
He nods while the brunette walks to the exit as Emma gazes upon him, and vice versa.
"How do you know I was here?" he asks nonchalantly.
"Actually, I didn't," she concedes. "I came here for something else entirely."
Emma manages to get the twenty-something male bartender's attention.
"Yes, your most expensive bottle of champagne, please."
Some patrons nearby overhear her request, and Jacques starts wondering why she ordered such a lavish item.
"Do you still want to make an honest woman out of me?"
Jacques raises his eyebrow at first, but the enthusiastic determination on her face denotes the answer for him. "I do,"
"Good, she said. "Because I want to marry you as soon as possible,"
A heated fight occurs between Max and Shauna.
Emma and Jacques go to Puerto Rico to elope.
Martha and Murray grow closer to Samuel's ire.
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Don't forget to join us next week for daily episodes from May 6–10th.