Written by: Bre L. Drew
March 4, 2024
Last Time on Town and Country
Daniel informed Deirdre from his PI Murph that the INS is looking to deport Jacques back to France, which delighted the wealthy widow, who isn't keen on him being involved with his daughter after he showed his true colors towards her, including blackmail.
Mae advised Will to move on from his split with Emma.
With the possibility of having cancer, Lynn confided in Elijah on the day of having a bone marrow biopsy, although she hadn't told her family, not wanting to worry them.
Tricia unexpectedly served Sean with divorce papers.

On this mostly brightly sunny winter afternoon in the town of Radcliffe, Kentucky, where it is evident spring is returning due to rising temperatures and a lack of snow in the forecast. Meanwhile, on the third floor of the Miller Inn, the eager twenty-something white male concierge delivers the mail to one of its permanent residents.
Jacques Laurent hands him a fifty-dollar bill, which the hotel employee seems pleased to receive.
"Thank you, sir."
"Don't spend it all in one place," the shipping scion says good-naturedly.
After shutting the door behind him, he sorts through the various envelopes that don't hold any immediate interest until he gets to the last one.
The specific sender makes him stop in his tracks as he carefully opens it, taking out the letter in it.
Quickly skimming the document, he realizes the situation he's in presently.

The notable melody of Edith Pilaf's "Non, je ne regrette rien" flows throughout the nightclub's sound system at this moment while its owner, Emma Covington, decided to venture out of her office upstairs to the bar, where she is sitting and going over some paperwork virtually on her business laptop.
The song makes her dwell on her current connection with Jacques, as it is a far cry from their initial engagement when she discovers he was only marrying her because of her money. But their recent reconciliation makes her remember how Jacques has a knack for making you feel like you're the only woman in his world, which she appreciates, not to mention how passionate he is, especially in bed.
That thought makes her lips form into a smirk, but the sound of the door opening interrupts her private moment.
Emma turns around, seeing the familiar figure heading towards her in the otherwise empty establishment.
"You got the frou-frou music playin' up in here?" Will Jackson vocalizes while taking off his bluish-gray puffer jacket.
"Frou-frou, huh?" she retorts. She soon realizes he is talking to her without hostility—a far cry from the last time they interacted. "Do I need to get out of your way?"
"Why you gotta do that?" he replies casually.
"Because last time we spoke to one another, you made it abundantly clear you did not want to have much to do with me. Not that I can blame you."
Will exhales while placing his hand on the top of the bar. "Momma told me that I need to leave what you did in the past and carry on with my life, so that's what I'm tryin' to do."
"So, you do not have any issues with my involvement with Jacques anymore?" Emma questions

Twenty-four hours after having her bone marrow biopsy, Lynn Lockhart is still suffering from soreness from it; according to the doctor, it's expected, which is why instead of working on the farm, she's currently lying on the couch in the living room once again in the cottage where she resides with her mother and sister.
Attempting to keep her mind off the inevitable of receiving the results, which will be sometime this week, she is occupying herself by scrolling through apps on her phone, only having told Elijah about her possibly having cancer since she doesn't want to worry her family if it isn't anything important.
Concurrently, Tanner Lockhart enters the room, eyeing Lenny on the couch, which is usually a far cry from her active fraternal twin sister.
"How are you feeling?" she asks her.
Lenny puts down her phone on the coffee table frustratedly. "The same that I felt the last time you asked me."
The reply makes the college senior wearing a Navy-Blue Sampson University sweatshirt and jeans get taken aback, making her concede something is going on with her twin sister that she doesn't know.
"No need to jump down my throat." Tanner retorts.
"I'm sorry," Lenny admits. "I didn't mean the way it came out."
"Lenny, something's up, isn't it? Just tell me what it is. I promise I won't tell anyone else if that's what you want."
The young blonde woman runs her hands through her long, wavy hair before opening her mouth.
"All right, I tell you, but I gotta do something first."

The collective bellowing sounds of the cows fill the barn on the grounds of Franklin Farm as Sean Lockhart feeds them through the livestock feed pusher.
Shortly, a second set of footsteps becomes audible as he turns around to spot Louise Saunders Lockhart in a black jacket and her blonde hair in a ponytail.
He puts his arms around her waist and starts kissing her, but when it's obvious their making out becomes too passionate, she quickly pulls away from her former husband.
"What's wrong? It's not my breath," he asks her.
Louise shakes her head while licking her lips. "No, it's not that, but if we keep doing that, it might lead to other things."
Sean doesn't contain his amusement at what that can be. "Please don't tease me."
Louise finds herself smiling, which she hasn't done in a while. "No, I'm serious, Sean. As long as you're still legally married to Tricia, nothing more will develop until you're divorced," she says.
"Uh, Tricia got the ball rolling with divorce papers," he notifies her.
Sean had gone by the apartment when his current wife presented him with papers to end their marriage, as it had suffered through enough, including the loss of their baby boy and Sean's emotional affair that's progressing.
A part of Louise wants to express her joy at the announcement but is cognizant that it isn't the most appropriate response for several reasons.
"And before you ask, no, I haven't signed them yet."
The farm manager shrugs his shoulders while he tries to see how Louise is processing the news.
"I don't know why I'm having a difficult time signing them," he notes.
"Maybe because even though you and Tricia aren't compatible anymore, you have years of history with her, including Dylan, whom you both tragically lost. Or is it something else, because if it is, then maybe we need to have an entirely different conversation altogether?"
But before Sean can offer any more feedback, the ringtone of Louise's iPhone starts playing as she takes it out of her coat pocket. Seeing whose call is on the screen, she answers with no hesitation.
"Hey, ... he's actually right here with me in the barn. Are you all right? Okay, we're on our way. Are you sure you are all right, Lenny? Okay, we'll be there soon."
Sean watches her hang up the call. "What's going on?" he asks curiously.
"Lenny wants us to go to the cottage; apparently, she has something to tell us that we cannot wait, per her words."
"What do you think it could be?" Sean queries as they walk out of the barn.
"Your guess is as good as mine," she proclaims.
The two walk out of the barn on their way to their daughter.

In a rare occasion, Elijah Barker isn't in the mood to get any of his assignments out of the way. The college senior is distracting himself by playing the latest Final Fantasy video game on the PS5 in the living room of the house where he resides with his parents.
Although his strong interest in the game couldn't even distract him from the thought of his girlfriend, uncertain whether or not she might have cancer, despite her insistence that she's okay, he knows she is just as scared as hell as he is, or even more.
While using the button combination on the controller to defeat an enemy, the door unlocks, and shortly after, Nathaniel Barker steps inside the house and peeks over at his son, playing the game while taking off his overcoat and putting it on the rack near the door.
"Hi, Dad,"
"How are you doing, son?" Nathaniel addresses the younger man on the couch. "Decompressing?"
"Something like that," he exhales roughly.
By now, Nathaniel sits beside him while putting his briefcase near his feet.
"Well, my office hours ended earlier than usual, so I decided to take advantage of not having to be on campus too," he tells him.
Nathaniel can tell by his expression that something is going on with Elijah, which he decides to be proactive about since the last time something was troubling him, he drank so much he nearly wrapped around a pole.
"I know it's been a while since we had a man-to-man chat, but if there is anything you need to get off your chest, I'm here to listen without any judgment."
Elijah sets the controller near him, somewhat surprised by that statement.
"Yeah, something's going on," he starts. "But I can't tell you what it is because I promised someone I wouldn't betray their confidence."
"Let me guess, it has to do with Lynn?"
"It does,"
"Well, son, if you're about to tell me what I think you're about to say, you and Lenny have your mother and my full support no matter what occurs."
Elijah doesn't hide his bewilderment at his father's indication.
"What are you talking about?"
Nathaniel puts his hands together and glares at his only child.
"Look, things of this nature happen unexpectedly, and whether or not Lynn decides to go through with the pregnancy, we'll be here financially or for anything else."
"Wait! Wait! Wait! You thought, Dad. No, it's not that at all."
He then sighs, gaining some composure again. "But it's something that is going on, and I don't know what to do."
"Whatever it might be, just remain in her corner; that's all any of us can do when it comes to the people we love," Nathaniel advises.
Elijah's iPhone vibrates on the side table, and he welcomes the interruption.
"Hey," he says after seeing the person who contacted him.
"Yeah, I'll be over there in about fifteen minutes."
Elijah ends the call.
"That was Lynn," he announces to his father.
"Now, let me guess, you need to borrow the car."
Within seconds, Nathaniel retrieves the keys from his bag.
The twenty-two-year-old leaves the couch to grab his coat from the rack to put it on.
The gesture makes Nathaniel appreciatively nod while Elijah heads out of the house to get in his father's black Mercedes sedan that's in the driveway, which he drives down the tree-lined street he grew up on to be there for his girlfriend in her time of need.

"You've got to be kidding me," Jacques says over the phone, pacing back and forth throughout his suite. "Five to seven additional weeks? There is something you can do to get through the red tape."
He was notified by INS that since he isn't a citizen, if he doesn't obtain citizenship within sixty days, he will face deportation back to France. So that is why he is in contact with an attorney specializing in immigration that his family's solicitor referred him to; however, he isn't saying anything beneficial.
"I don't care about a backlog! I will pay you a fortune to hasten the process," he tells the attorney. "All right, you have my number. Do what you can," he adds.
As the conversation ends between the two men, he grips the device in his hand, dwelling on how far he has come since arriving back in Radcliffe, including gaining a small fortune from Deirdre by coming in between Emma and Will.
Now, not only is his family's company back on solid ground, but he hasn't come far enough to leave behind the woman he loves. Even if it means he can work on getting a green card from Europe, he can't risk losing Emma because of this, as he can't ask her to uproot her life for him like that. And he wouldn't be surprised if Willie tried to worm his way back into the picture, taking advantage of his misfortune.
"Damn it!" he swears. "It must be something that I can do. Because I refuse to let Emma go without a fight."

By now, Will is behind the bar, preparing to do some work.
"Like I said before, I'm tryin' to leave that behind last year," he answers in a laidback manner.
"I just don't want any bad feelings getting in the way between us, Will," she states amicably.
"Just as long as Jackie Boy knows his place, we should be ai'ight."
The intonation of irritation from the mere mention of having to say Jacques's name aloud is evident in his voice.
"Well, I just wanted to clear up that prior misunderstanding you overheard at The Chateau. Jacques is starting to feel restless, and I was simply throwing ideas out to him. But by no means could he ever replace you in running this place. It's a success because of you."
That compliment makes Will nod his head in acknowledgment.
"I gotta get this inventory on and poppin'," he says, trying to alter the subject.
"Oh, okay, well, I will be up there if you need me," she says, gesturing with her right pointer finger upwards.
While getting off the stool, she grabs her computer, documents, and pens.
As Emma goes up the staircase to her office, Will maintains a steady gaze but decides to get to work as he needs the distraction to keep his mind off everything that happened if he's going to survive working with his ex-lover.

As Sean and Louise both park their SUVs outside the two-story cottage, they also spot the Mercedes sedan there automatically, knowing that Elijah is here as well, and it is confirmed when he gets out of his father's car.
"Hey Elijah, do you know what's going on?" Louise asks her daughter's boyfriend.
Elijah puts his hands in his pockets, unsure whether or not Lynn gathered them here because she got the results.
"Hey, Mr. Lockhart," he greets his girlfriend's father.
"How are you?" he replies. "Uh, Elijah, Lynn, isn't?" Sean purposely withholds the full question.
The political science major quickly concedes. "No, Lynn isn't pregnant."
Elijah didn't miss the Lockhart's exchange of relieved glances as they got to the door.
The three soon enter, noticing Lenny and Tanner on the couch.
"Thanks for coming, everyone. I've been trying to avoid this, but I realized that I can't do that anymore."
The weariness of her voice starts to unnerve Sean. "What's going on?"
"You know that I haven't been feeling like myself lately? Well, it's probably a reason why, so that is why I got a biopsy yesterday."
The weight of that confession puts Sean, Louise, and Tanner in various phases of shock.
"Is it?" Tanner asks, not being able to say the word, even though she's majoring in biology.
"I don't know that until Dr. Grier give me the results." Lenny reacts.
"Why didn't you tell us we would've been there for you?" Louise says this as she goes over to her daughter, putting her arms around her.
"I guess I didn't want to be a burden," she reveals emotionally.
Sean bends down in front of her, grabbing her hand. "Baby, look at me. I know our relationship has been rocky, but you could never be a burden to me or your mother."
"He's right," Louise confirms. "And whatever is within those results, we will get through it as a family, okay?"
Lenny looks up to see Elijah standing in the distance, giving a thumbs up to her for finally telling her family.
"I love you," he mouths out.
"You too," she says similarly.
At the moment, Lenny finds herself basking in her family's closeness while still unknowing what's to come, but for now she chooses not to put her energy into it.
Shauna continues to feel restless.
Tommy finds himself there for someone he loves.
Lynn receives the results of her biopsy.
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