Written by: Bre L. Drew
May 1, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
Deciding to speak with Dr. Toussaint over the current state of their daughter, Ernest and Thora go to the hospital; however, they're shocked when they discover his body, which Ernest believes he took his own life.
Feeling guilty in his role for what he did to the mother of his grandson, Daniel pays for Jordan's stay at Stonecrest, a psychiatric hospital, where she's been receiving treatment for seventy-two hours.
With Daniel's goodwill and guilt in paying for her stay, Jordan was admitted to Stonecrest, a psychiatric hospital, where she's been receiving treatment for seventy-two hours.
Tommy informed Samuel of his suspicions that Dr. Toussaint had played a role in Jordan's breakdown.
While getting emotional over her granddaughter and her husband, Mae was consoled by hospital janitor Gus Hewitt.

It does not take long for the police presence to cause a commotion among onlookers, mostly hospital staff questioned by officers. However, one thing is clear: the body of their esteemed psychiatrist was found in his office by the chief of police and his former wife.
Ernest McKnight tells a few of his fellow subordinates some details as his eyes lie upon his wife, whose exterior contains worry, and he excuses himself to march over to her.
"I know from experience that seeing someone like that in that way for the first time is never easy."
Thora McKnight moves her head in disbelief. "I'm still a bit shaken up about it," she admits. "I don't know how you get used to seeing death all of the time because I couldn't do it."
The pair had come to the hospital to speak with the psychiatrist regarding Jordan's care; nonetheless, they had discovered him on the ground, blood splattered in the office, and the gun he used to shoot himself not far from his person.
"Well, I need to finish here, and then I can take you home." He reassures her by casually rubbing her back, which at first Thora hadn't noticed.
The two were formally questioned about what led them here by a detective assigned to the case.
Among the employees is Samuel Gupta, who earlier had been told to vacate his office by a hospital security guard. Immediately, he grabbed his belongings, including the blood test results for Jordan that he had run to determine whether or not Toussaint had overdosed her with sedatives. And now he had heard from Joanie, the patient service representative, that the colleague he previously admired had died.
Suddenly the room gets quiet when two men from the coroner's office bring out the black bag containing the body. Everyone looks at it, even Samuel, who hadn't anticipated this in the slightest.

While Tricia Lockhart signs her name onto the visitor sheet, the inside of Stonecrest is not when she initially envisioned when she first found out her friend Jordan is currently seeking treatment at the inpatient mental health facility; instead of the lobby resembling that of a retirement home, however, in reality, it resembles, more of a wellness spa with mostly white surroundings in addition to potted plants beside both ends of the lobby as well as the welcome area.
After giving her signature, the short and plump late fifty-something woman at the front desk graciously accepts the clipboard that the visitor sheet is attached skims it over before leading her through the hall to the community area where patients can spend time watching television, and other various activities.
It doesn't take long for Jordan's attention to meet the sight of her friend, who takes her in while they embrace. Soon the two of them part as the desk clerk gently nods her head while leaving out of the room.
"I know, I look like hell," Jordan Mcknight proclaims.
Tricia takes in the typically spirited and stylish young woman in a simple black sweatshirt and dark leggings with her long blonde hair in a ponytail, and the only trace of makeup is a gloss on her lips.
"You're in this place, but you're worried about how you look." Tricia retorts. "How are you holding up?"
Tricia had come to stay here for seventy-two hours when she realized she couldn't any longer cope with hearing voices as well as her anxiety which led to her taking her son to the woods in the middle of the night, causing an accident that led to her child's father's brother and wife getting hurt.
"Feeling like a part of me can't wait to leave tomorrow, but then the other side is saying maybe sticking around here isn't a bad idea, Jordan."
A white male patient in his forties with black glasses and brown hair glances at them intently from his spot in a recliner chair.
Tricia pulls her purse strap onto her shoulder before lowering her voice. "How about we get some air so we don't have to worry about four eyes over there?"
Jordan exhales while she walks with her to the door that leads outside to the courtyard.

Ooh, baby
Ain't nothing like the real thing, baby
Ain't nothing like the real thing, no, no
Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell's classic duet "Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing." plays on The Waterfall's sound system at the moment as customers begin piling into the establishment.
Martha Saunders gives a male customer their credit card after paying for their takeout order. She kindly thanks them and gets back to conversing with her friends and co-workers, Antoine Hall and Mae Jackson, behind the bar.
"We all know that Shauna is going to take this on by herself," Martha says of her best friend. They had been talking about Max's paralysis and how it was already taking its toll on her.
"That granddaughter of mine is stubborn; I hope she knows she doesn't have to deal with this all by herself," the bar owner replies wholeheartedly.
Antoine sticks his hands into his pants pockets. "I told her all that when I saw her earlier, but you know that girl is gonna try to do that. I just hope she takes some time out for herself; she too is going through her own loss."
Silence washes over them as they all think of the baby that Shauna miscarried in the same accident.
The sight of customers coming to the bar ends their conversation. As Martha is about to wipe the counter, she feels her phone vibrating in her pocket. She quickly retrieves the device to answer. "Hello, yes, this is she, really?" she says surprisingly.
Routinely, Mae is about to ask the patron for their order when she lifts her head to see Gus Hewitt, the janitor she met in the ICU waiting room at the hospital. He's out of his uniform, wearing a navy plaid oxford shirt.
"Please don't tell me you forgot about that offer for a drink on the house," he says charismatically.
Mae recalls offering the man a free drink after he consoled her about the troubles with Max and Shauna.
"No, of course not," she replies. "What would you like?"
"Whatever is on tap,"
"That I can do," Mae says good-naturedly as she starts pulling the pint.

Outside the hospital, where patients are free to roam around during suitable hours, in addition to the nursing staff who keep appropriate supervision.
Jordan, with Tricia, sits on the bench on this warm, partly sunny spring day.
"You think me being a mean girl in high school is the reason why I'm like this now?" Jordan discloses. "In high school, I wasn't that nice, especially to other people I thought were losers. It seems like now I'm the loser."
Jordan had been one of the most popular girls at Radcliffe High, as she was beautiful and athletic, being on the cross-country track team.
Tricia shakes her head in disagreement. "It's not karma; it's life, and sometimes it can be pretty uncomplicated, and other times it can be a bitch, trust me."
"Well, I'm tired of talking about my complicated life; God knows I've been doing enough of that recently in therapy with Toussaint and now here," Jordan says, changing the subject. "What's up with y-o-u?"
They look up to see a brunette nurse in her twenties walking with an older female patient before Tricia responds, which she only does when they move away from their proximity.
"To tell you the truth, a few days ago, I would've told you that everything was fine even though I had strong doubts about my marriage lasting and lied to you that I wasn't still grieving the loss of Dylan, but it seemed to come out, and then Sean found me, and for the first time, we were honest with each other," she tells her. "I don't know, but it gave me some kind of inkling that we might can make it despite his closeness to that ex-wife of his."
"If Sean and you can survive losing Dylan, then there is hope; besides, isn't Louise getting married to Samuel and Aaliyah's father?"
Tricia's glare turns into a questionable one. "From what I hear, their engagement is on hold for now —that says more about her than Jai, doesn't it?"
"You still think something is between her and Sean?" Jordan queries
"I haven't made that obvious yet," Tricia replies sarcastically.
A few moments of silence pass before Tricia speaks again. "Are you ready to go back inside?" she asks. "I'm sure we can still give Drew Carey something to look at in there," she smirks.
"I think I want to stay out here a little longer," Jordan confesses.
Tricia places her arm around her friend as they spend time together.

"All right then," Martha says over the phone. "And thanks again; I appreciate the opportunity."
Antoine watches his friend end a call and turns around to see a smile on her face.
"Was that doc?" Antoine asks about her boyfriend, Samuel.
"No, it wasn't him, she tells him. "That was the organizer for the Nashville Festival of Music; they want me and the band to open." Martha divulges.
He cordially hugs his friend. "Oh my god! "That's great news!"
"Yeah, the organizer came across the video Lorenzo directed of us on our Instagram page, and she liked what she saw and was impressed with it. This festival is legit; and it can mean big things for all of us too."
"When is it?"
"August," the single mother answers. "I should be thanking you. If you hadn't introduced me to the guys, I wouldn't have had the guts to restart my music career."
"No problem, you know I always gotcha," Antoine says.
When Martha decided to get back into singing, he persuaded her to do so, not to mention introducing the guys who make up her band.
"So that's why I'm giving you one of the passes to come see me, if you aren't busy," she announces.
The organizer is presently arranging multiple passes to see them perform.
"You know I'll be there."
However, the two are caught off guard when they see Mae laughing with some guy sitting at the bar they have never seen.
"Antoine, do you know who Mae is talking to?"
He moves his head, indicating he doesn't. "I have no idea, but it's safe to say Mae has found a new friend."

Some employees drift back to work as the police wrap up their canvassing. Ernest and Thora were heading to the elevator when the police chief saw Samuel nearby.
"A hell of a thing, isn't it?" Ernest says to him.
The psychiatrist turns to see his patient's parents. "Tell me about it. I still can't believe it."
"Seeing him like that is something I don't think I will forget for some time," Thora shares.
Ernest crosses his arms over his chest. "Samuel, you work in this department; how would you define his mood lately?"
Samuel wonders if this is out of curiosity or part of the investigation, as he promised Tommy, he would keep his suspicions about Toussaint's role in Jordan's mental health.
"I wasn't close to him, but I remember a few months ago, he couldn't come in for the mandatory night shift, and then when I saw him the next day, he wasn't himself, like something was hindering him."
"Looks like we might never find out whether or not that man knew something about Jordan," Thora says frustratedly.
Ernest gives a sympathetic nod to her.
At first, Samuel contemplates keeping silent but realizes he can't stand back and do nothing.
"Uh, actually, it's reason to believe Toussaint had something to do with Jordan's condition," he reveals.
Both Ernest and Thora react to the therapist's claim.
"How can you be certain?" Thora demands
Samuel notices a small crowd of people floating near them.
"Can we talk somewhere else in private?"
"Yeah, let's take a trip down to the station to talk. Informally, of course," Ernest remarks.
With that, the three head into the elevator.
Samuel takes his iPhone out of his bag to text Tommy, whom he had planned to meet up with.
Long story, but a change of plans, meet me at the police station.
He then hits send and proceeds to look at the weariness on Thora's face, and the determination in Ernest makes him concede that he is doing the best thing here.
Samuel reveals the results of Jordan's blood test.
Presley helps Jordan come to terms with what happened.
Daniel finds out about Dr. Toussaint's death.
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