Written by : Bre L. Drew
May 24, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
Tommy found out from Daniel, he had papers drawn up to seek sole custody of he and Jordan's baby once it's born.
Jordan began seeing Tommy in a new light, much to the chagrin of Tricia.
Aaliyah didn't take it well when she found out both of her parents were dating other people.

For as long as he can remember, Tommy Covington very much was aware of his father's powerful influence. Over the years it often impressed him. But at the present moment, he dislikes it so. As he just heard from his father that he was able to get their family attorney to draw up legal papers to give to Jordan stating they're pursuing sole custody of the child he helped created seven months ago. Tommy has been adamant about not wanting to be in the baby's life as he is with Tanner. Perceiving the baby will complicate matters since he hadn't told her he and Jordan slept together. Knowing it will be over between the two of them if she does find out which is why he is feeling guilty about the entire situation.
He and his father are still sitting across from one another in his office on the twentieth floor of the Covington Tower located in downtown Radcliffe.
"Frederick informed me Jordan still legally has custody, so that is why we have to wait until the baby is born. From there we will have to establish paternity, and then you'll be able to file for custody which should be quite simple."
"What about Jordan?" Tommy queries. "She isn't going to give up on losing her child, dad,"
"She has no money for an attorney, she will be fighting a losing battle, Tommy."
Shaking his head at what his father is saying to him, Tommy gets out of the chair. "I got to get out of here."
"This is happening whether you want it or not," Daniel warns him.
Tommy directs himself out of the office moving to the elevator bank.
Daniel sighs irritatingly at the fact that his youngest son still not wanting to be a father to his flesh and blood. The property development CEO is about to delve into some work; until someone roams into the room, causing him to briefly gaze at the individual.

"Well, well, well, looks like I am finally out of the shadow of being the Covington black sheep." Emma Covington declares cryptically
The heiress is standing in her black Jimmy Choo slingback pumps wearing a black off-the-shoulder jumpsuit, holding onto a silver leather Louis Vuitton clutch.
His attention is mostly focused on his desktop computer. "Emma, what are you talking about?"
"Initially, I dropped by to convince you to give me access to my trust fund."
He chortles ruefully. "Truthfully, I had looked over your business plan for the club and I felt that you were serious about this venture. But my decision became null and void when I discovered you were planning to hire Will Jackson of all people to run it."
The other day Daniel had witnessed his sister and Will discussing him managing the nightclub, in which he told her he wouldn't give her back her money, since he strongly believes this combination will not work for several reasons including Emma's frivolous past with money and Will's criminal background.
"Now, I've changed my mind," she replies. "I'm now demanding you unfreeze my trust, or I will do something I don't want to do."
Daniel does not hide his confusion as to what she possibly can be referring to.

Jordan McKnight returns to her suite from having a prenatal massage at the spa downstairs. The tension is getting to her, and she needed to be relieved of some of it. She sets her purse onto the nightstand. Feeling hungry, which she has been for the last several months she is about to retrieve the phone to call down to room service when a hard knock at the front door temporarily halts her next activity as she teeters over to answer it.
To her dismay, she sees a fortyish plump balding man standing there.
"Jordan McKnight?" the plump guy asks her.
The plump guy presents her with a brown envelope. "You've been served,"
By the time she realizes what is going on, baldy is already getting into the elevator. Closing the door behind her, she immediately rips open the envelope. In her possession several pieces of papers she unfolds. As her eyes lay upon them she recognizes what is happening.
"He can't do this!" she cries out in anger.
She paces back and forth with the documents in her hand as it was going to help her.
In a way, she thought she had some time to convince Daniel and Tommy both could work something out regarding the unborn baby. But it seems he changed the game when she wasn't looking.
At the moment someone was tapping on the door, which she rushes to it not being in the mood to be disturbed. So when she sees it is Tommy, she doesn't stop from using the papers to hit him.
"What the hell?" he inquiries. Tommy notices the custody papers in his hand. "Damn it! I thought I could get here before you got them."
Jordan is about to slam the door on him when he enters shutting it behind him.
"Yeah, I see you're planning to take my child away from me," she states loudly. "Now you want to be daddy after you told me you wanted me to get rid of it."
He watches tears falling on her oval-shaped face. He did not like seeing her so sad, which he knows has caused her a lot of it for the last several months. "This wasn't my idea, it was my father's he contacted our family's attorney to do this."
Jordan wipes the droplets from her eyes. "A fucking process server gave these to me like I'm some sort of criminal, Tommy,"
Not wanting to just stand here and offer sympathy he decides to take action when an idea jostles him. "I promise you, I'm going to make sure this lawsuit won't happen. I got an idea, but we're going to need some help to pull it off."
"Why should I trust you?" she queries sorrowfully.
"Because, if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be in this mess,"
Jordan turns away from him for a few seconds. "Okay," she says lowly.

"So how do you like the place?" Jai Gupta says to his daughter.
The two were inside his apartment on the third floor of the Wheeler Building. He had invited her to come over to set the place which is finally furnished.
Aaliyah Gupta surveys her surroundings as a fellow designer herself. "Not bad, daddy, did you pick all of this,"
"Louise helped me pick all of it out," Jai responds experimentally
His new girlfriend had been assisting with getting his apartment in order.
Aaliyah exhales while still trying to deal with her parents splitting up and now dating the parents of her friends respectively.
Jai puts both of his hands into his pants pockets. "I've been wanting to speak with you," he states. "Your mother and I deserve to be happy, but it does not take away from -."
"Us caring about Sam and me, yeah I've heard it all before," Aaliyah interjects. "I get that you're two grown-ups with needs, blah, blah, blah," she adds.
He chuckles, "I know it seems cliché as hell, but your mother and I love you both, and it doesn't matter who we are with. I guess it's just you've always been so wise beyond your years we sometimes forget you're still seventeen years old."
"I'll be eighteen in two weeks daddy," she reminds him.
"I know, although you still will always be my little girl,"
Jai wraps his arm around his daughter in a loving embrace and they soon let go of one another.
"There is one more thing I want you to check out," Jai says in his relaxed British accent.
With her curiosity pique, Aaliyah follows her husband from the apartment into the elevator where they head outside to the residential parking lot on the warm and sunny midday.
She is about to question her father about what they're doing here. However, it becomes quite clear to her when she looks up to see him dangling a key and a few feet away is an orange Ford EcoSport SUV with a large black bow on the hood.
"Oh my god!" Aaliyah exclaims happily. "Is this mine?"
Jai flashes a smile upon his face at his daughter's sheer joy. "This is for maintaining your spot on the Dean's list. I'm so proud of you."
The design and merchandising and business studies undergraduate sustained her 4.0 GPA.
"Here you go, baby," Jai offers the key to his daughter who quickly hops into the passenger seat.
She brightly grins at the vehicle. She then feels a sense of discretion. "Wait? Does mommy know about this?"
Aaliyah did not want her mother to overreact about this extravagant gift, even if benefits all of them in the long run.
Jai lets out a snicker. "She does, the two of us talked about it and we both believe you deserve this."
Aaliyah rapidly gets out of the car to put her arms around her dad, "Thank you, daddy,"
"Just remember to thank your mother too when you see her," Jai mentions

Jordan is the one to get to the door where she expectedly finds Tricia Lockhart wearing a red flutter sleeve smocked neck blouse with a pair of denim jeans.
"Hey," Jordan says
"Hi, so what is going on?" Tricia asks urgently.
This morning, the two had a disagreement over her life as a single mother. But now it didn't matter to Tricia because by the sound of the call it sounded critical.
Tommy breezes back into the room taking care of things.
Tricia observes. "What is he doing here?"
"Long story short, Daniel got his lawyer to get papers to take my baby away from me once it's born," Jordan summarizes. She then goes over to the bed where she obtains the documents and torn envelope to show her.
"He really is a little snake isn't he," Tricia says. "But that still doesn't explain why deadbeat Richie Rich is here."
"Because I owe it to Jordan to help her through this." Tommy retorts
Tricia grips the shoulder strap of her purse on her. "Look who has grown a conscience after all."
Tired and upset Jordan finds herself having enough of the back and forth. "We can argue about who is right or wrong later, not right now, okay,"
Respectfully, Tricia decides to calm herself down not wanting to upset her friend even further. "Please tell me there is a plan here,"
Tommy nods surely. "My father said to me that the lawyer told him Jordan still has physical custody of the baby."
"So?" Jordan queries impatiently
"The best way to ensure my father's lawsuit won't see the light of day is for you to leave Radcliffe today," Tommy says importantly
Jordan shakes her head at him. "That's your idea? I just slink out of town in shame?"
Tricia folds her arms onto her chest as she gazes at Tommy. "I can't believe I am saying this but he has a point,"
Jordan puts both of her hands on her expansive stomach. She can feel her unborn son or daughter kicking her intensely. "I will do anything for the sake of this baby. And it's not like I have a whole lot of people who will be sad if I left anyway."
The cumbersome tone of her words fills the room with seconds of silence.
"She shouldn't be traveling on an airplane in her current condition. I mean take it from a former flight attendant flying in your third trimester can be rough," Tricia informs expertly
"So I guess I should stay in the state then?" Jordan interjects
"Until you have the baby," Tricia rejoins
"My father isn't going to take this lying down, he is going to use everything he has to track you down," Tommy warns her.
"I'll find somewhere in-state your father and his people won't be able to track her down but close enough for me to drive to check on Jordan." Tricia offers.
"Wherever it is I'll pay for it," Tommy concludes.
"Make sure it's with cash we don't want a paper trail leading back to you," Tricia responds
"Then after you have the baby, you two need to leave Kentucky and not look back," he adds
Tricia opens her purse to retrieve her phone to find a suitable place in a hurry.
Jordan sighs exasperatedly. "Guess I should start packing,"
Tommy reaches for the mother of his child's arm gently. "I'm sorry this had come to this. But I promise you I will do anything in my power to make sure you and this child are together."
Glancing at him with a mixture of contempt and worry. Jordan goes to get her belongings together.

"If I didn't know any better I would say you got ahold onto some drugs you might've stowed away in your luggage from Europe because I do not know what you're talking about," Daniel tells his sister.
Emma laughs at him. "You and mother still see me as the screw-up in this family, well at least I haven't gotten knocked up by someone whose father is trying to take their child from them."
Slowly, Daniel leans back into his chair recognizing his sister must've overheard about Tommy impregnating the police chief's daughter.
"This matter stays inside these walls," Daniel warns sternly
She takes a seat in the chair facing Daniel. "Of course," she answers. "But it is going to cost you eighty-million dollars."
In a way, he is impressed by his sister's little shakedown attempt knowing full well that is the total sum of her inheritance he is withholding from her due to her irresponsible nature. "Let me get this straight you're blackmailing me with this family's scandal to get your trust fund?" he asks incredulously
Emma takes a few strands of her shoulder-length brown hair behind her ears. "Danny, you make it sound so duplicitous. I like to call it what dad swore by, negotiating."
"I'm not going to indulge you,"
The Covington heiress gets on her feet, she leans closer to her brother at his desk. "If I don't have access to my money in the next two hours. I will go to Tanner Lockhart to tell her boyfriend is a lying pig and to every media outlet in this country that there is going to be an illegitimate Covington making their debut within a few months, your choice."
Daniel slams his dominant hand onto the surface of the desk. "It might take longer than a couple of hours for me to do it."
"You're the executor of Dad's entire estate. And if today proves it you can do anything."
"Fine," he says through his clenched jaw.
Emma bats her eyelashes at him. "You're too kind, well you have a nice afternoon,"
Turning on her heel, Emma vacates out of his office feeling quite victorious. Her mind begins racing with the satisfaction of being financially in the black again. She also realizes she does have what it takes to be as ruthless as the men in her family.
Emma and Will celebrate their victory.
Elijah gets drunk.
Jordan tries to adapt to her new surroundings.
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