Written by : Bre L. Drew
June 29, 2020
Last Time On Town and Country
Sarah Lynn had an emotional breakdown over the loss of Peter.
Tricia and Sean set a date and destination for their upcoming wedding.
The Guptas moved into Victory Cottage.
Daniel and Mala started seeing one another.

Sarah Lynn Saunders had never felt so humiliated in her sixty-three years of life until she experienced an emotional outburst not long ago over the death of her husband of forty-seven years. The expressions of bewilderment on the faces of her loved ones she could not erase from her mind.
At this moment, she is sitting in the center of the couch in the living room. On the right side to her is her nephew Steven Sullivan who every so often throws sympathetic looks at her. Whilst her sister-in-law Esther Saunders has her hand on her back sitting in silence.
Sarah Lynn feels like she is a patient in a psych ward and they were the orderlies in white ready to tackle her down if she dares try to escape their hold,

Usually, this kitchen provides all who have entered solace with the smells of food being prepared, or the many meals the family has had in here. At the moment it was the destination for Martha, Louise, Lynn, and Tanner were all trying to grasp the events that led their matriarch to have a breakdown,
"I didn't mean for all of that to come out like that," Lynn Lockhart apologizes to her mother and aunt.
When Sarah Lynn tried to tell them about her being fine, Lynn had blurted out she saw her talking to someone in the greenhouse, which turned out to be a hallucination of Peter she was seeing. The effect of seeing her grandmother so sad brought her to tears, which isn't easy since Lynn is typically not one to express her emotions in that way.
"Yeah, it just slipped out," Tanner Lockhart says regretfully.
Martha Saunders protectively puts both of her arms around her fraternal twin nieces. "Lenny, Tanner, this isn't your fault, and it is a good thing you told what you saw,"
"What happens now?" Tanner asks focusing on her mother who is silent but looks as if she is struggling to come to terms with the state of Sarah herself,
"Your aunt thinks her going to see a psychiatrist is the best option, you know what I got to get some air," Louise says suddenly.
"Louise, Louise," Martha calls out she rolls her eyes at her sister for being incredibly selfish when their mother needed them the most.
"I'll be back," Louise remarks grabbing her purse from the table on her way out of the side entry door.

Daniel Covington quickly wipes the beads of sweat off his forehead. He then swings his racket at the fluorescent neon yellow ball that comes his way. He and Mala Gupta were playing a game of tennis on the court on the Home Farm estate outside on this hot summer afternoon both were wearing athletic wear as well, Daniel is wearing a white and black Nike polo t-shirt and black shorts. And Mala had on a white knit tennis dress in yellow and blue trim.
She grunts whilst she deflects the ball forcefully over the net in which Daniel tries to return the ball, but he is unable to because of how fast it came over his head.
"Is there anything you can't do?" Daniel asks
Mala places her racket underneath one of her arms. "No I don't think so," she says amusingly,
The two opponents shake hands from their sides of over the net before the two head off together. The two of them had this date for a tennis match on the calendar since their first date at the café. Mala told him how she played when she was younger but hadn't done so in years. He had no idea she was the second coming of Serena Williams.
They walk around the estate when they enter into the estate through the front door. Mala takes in the interior of the living room as an architect the layout of space has typically been of keen interest to her,
"I must say Shauna did a great job with this house," Mala says of Daniel's daughter-in-law and her colleague at the company.
"This was her first job as a decorator after graduating from college," Daniel informs her.
Mala smiles widely at him, the inside of him filling with nerves since she is the first woman he has been dating since the death of his wife Keri three years ago. Nonetheless, he sees the beauty and the possibility of moving on with this woman in front of him.
"You all right, Daniel, or are you upset I kicked your butt back there?" Mala says
"No, I -- it's nothing," he says falsely.
"Daniel, if there is one thing I cannot stand is someone lying to me, so be truthful with me what's going on?"
Instead of verbally telling her what he is feeling, Daniel places his lips on hers, and when she doesn't stop him, the two begin intensely kissing one another for the first time.
"Let's go upstairs," he whispers in her ear,
Without another word, they both head towards the staircase to his bedroom.

Despite liking her job, Tricia Meyer had zero intention coming in to work on her day off. Nonetheless, she is situated behind the laminate countertop taking orders as she waits on Raye the assistant manager to come in so she can leave to go spend the rest of the day with her fiancé, at least the café isn't that much crowded at this moment with only a sporadic few customers now and then,
A Dua Lipa song starts to play when a tall man in his late twenties with dark hair enters wearing a powder blue button-down shirt and a pair of expensive black sacks.
"Good afternoon, what can I get for you today?"
"A large coffee, and your phone number," he says flirtatiously
Tricia wasn't in the mood to be hit on even if the guy in front of her is well-dressed and is handsome.
She swiftly lifts her hand to showcase her silver diamond engagement ring.
"Just the cup of coffee then," he says, like the wind in his sails were let out.
He slides his credit card into the machine in which he is handed his receipt then his beverage. Since no one else was in line, she decided to chat with him.
"You must be new in town," she correctly guesses
"I guess you don't get a lot of people looking like me around here do you?" he asks in his relaxed tone of voice.
"Actually you look like a woman who was in here the other day with Daniel Covington,"
Tricia recalls when Daniel escorted a beautiful Indian woman in here for a cup of coffee. She also remembers when they encountered Louise who looks dumfounded that Daniel was moving on with her,
The guy cracks a smile flashing his nice looking white teeth. "That was probably my mother,"
"I'm sorry I didn't get your name,"
"Samuel Gupta," he introduces himself.
"Well I'm Tricia Meyer, so I suppose I will be seeing you around," She taps her engagement ring to reinstate she is about to get married,
"You're engaged," Samuel says, he then winks at her as he heads toward the front entrance.

The din of knocking on the door made Sean Lockhart get on his feet from the living room where he was watching Top Gear on the TV. He pulls the lever, which opens the door. He is surprised to see Louise standing there. But is more shocked to see her in a condition of confusion,
"Hey, Louise, come on in," Sean says to her.
She steps forward into the apartment in which she has a look of reluctance to do so. "Hey, you're not busy are you," she says,
"No, Lou, babe, what's wrong?"
Louise begins to wipe the tears from her eyes with her hands somewhat taken back by her former spouse calling her by his old nickname for her that he hadn't used in years,
She sighs before she summarizes what occurred with her mother. After she is done telling him, Sean begins to feel sorry for the woman who was once his mother-in-law.
"Is she okay?" he asks with strong concern,
Louise shrugs both of her shoulders. "I don't know, but she is not in an entirely good place right now, Martha wants her to go see a psychiatrist,"
Sean nods his head sympathetically. "I think that might be best, that way she can talk it out with someone,"
"I've been so damn wrapped up in my own life I didn't even notice my mother was in the process of having a mental breakdown," she says incredulously
Sean warmly embraces her letting her cry on his shoulder which in a way felt like how it used to with her which is good, and it made him feel needed for a change since he had hurt so many times in the past,
The two stood there hugging each other for a bit in the center of the foyer,

Many sordid thoughts went through Daniel's mind while he made love to Mala for the first time. Such as did he forget to be a lover? Was he satisfying her enough? Or was he in enough physical shape to keep up with her?
However, from the pleasant smile, Mala is bearing whilst laying naked next to him in his king-sized bed in his master bedroom. Perhaps he wasn't so rusty after all.
"Daniel, you all right?" Mala inquiries purposefully
Daniel remains facing the woman in his bed. "I'm better than all right," he replies
Mala softly chuckles whilst she sits up in the bed, "So no regrets?"
He scratches his left forearm. "None, what about you?"
She swiftly shakes her head. "Trust me, Daniel, if I did have any, my ass would've been out of here before we both got undressed,"
Mala climbs on top of him with a cheeky grin from earlier. The two of them become entering into a state of intimacy again.

"Am I interrupting you two?" a third person speaks
The exes turn to observe Tricia, who had just come home from the café.
This discovery of her fiancé and the woman he left to be with her were holding each other tightly.
Louise gazes at her then back onto Sean. "I better get going,"
She already can sense the budding tension from being present off of the woman who slept with her husband for years before their divorce,
"That is the smartest thing I've heard all afternoon," Tricia says with some bite.
Sean informs Louise about everything being okay before she shuts the barrier enclosing the two of them together. He then clears his throat.
"Before you jump to the wrong conclusion she had to tell me something important, Sarah Lynn had a breakdown earlier today," he reports
Tricia folds her arms and begins walking into the kitchenette, she opens the refrigerator, to pull out a bottle of Pinot Grigio. "Is she going to be okay?"
By now, Sean thought his fiancée would be tossing various items at him and yelling at the top of her lungs about finding him with his ex-wife in their own home. But alas Tricia is pouring herself a glass of white wine somewhat calmly,
"The family is trying to get her to go to see a shrink,"
Tricia takes a few sips of her wine before commenting, "This whole I'm not trying to get upset part is hard for me."
Sean moves over to his girlfriend, who is still consuming her drink. "You have nothing to feel jealous of, I was simply comforting the mother of my children nothing more," he swears.
She puts the glass onto the surface of the counter. "Good, because we're getting married on October 5th, 2020 come hell or high water,"

"Okay, let's go back out there," Martha says to her nieces, who are now both sitting down at the kitchen table beside each other.
"Aunt Martha, are you sure?" Lynn vocalizes her unsureness
"Yeah, I think, look I'm not used to being the one in charge so I don't have all of the answers but that woman has been there for all of us our entire lives so we can't turn our backs on her when she needs us,"
Tanner adjusts her glasses. "Come on Lynn we're doing this for grandma,"
The three Saunders women all walk out of the kitchen into the living room where they see the rest of their family members still sitting on the couch,
Steven mouths out at Martha. "Where is Louise?"
Martha waves her hands dismissively indicating she will tell him later,
" We all have been concerned we know the toll Peter's death has taken on you," Esther replies generously.
"You all think I'm crazy don't you?" Sarah Lynn questions wearily
"No, we don't, we care about you, so much grandma," Lynn proclaims intensely.
Sarah Lynn feels her hands trembling for the anxiety her grief has brought on. "I miss him so much it hurts," she says as her voice breaks.
Martha is having a hard time seeing her mother go through this pain, yet knows there has to be light on the other end of the tunnel for her it has to be she thinks to herself. She perches herself on the coffee table facing her mother who looks so fragile,
"Mom, for years you have not only taken care of everyone in this house, but you have made sure this farm was running, just as much as daddy did, we all want you to take care of yourself for a change,"
Sarah Lynn rubs her eyes, which are red and wet from crying. "What do I have to lose, okay I go talk to someone,"
Appearances of everyone else seems to form some sort of relief to hear those words coming from her fill them with a sense of hope for this household haven't had in months.
Will gets another call from Jerome Hawkins.
Sarah Lynn starts her first therapy session.
Steven and Courtney try to bridge a gap in their relationship.
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