Written by : Bre L. Drew
July 13th, 2020
Last Time On Town and Country
Tricia decided to ask Lynn and Tanner to be her bridesmaids in her upcoming wedding to Sean.
Max left for New York City in preparation for his first photo exhibition.
Brynn walked in on Elijah and Lynn in bed.
Samuel was disappointed to find out Tricia is engaged when he first met her.

The café was in the middle of an early-evening rush with customers seeking salvation from the scorching summer heat outside. One of the patrons was Tommy Covington, who was sitting on the sofa in the lounge area wishing someone can turn this Tim McGraw song off since he isn't big into country music. As he looks over his shoulder, he sees his best friend Elijah Barker strolling over to him with his apron around his waist.
"Hey," Tommy greets him casually.
Elijah waves his hand at him as he plants himself near Tommy on the sofa. "I must say I'm not looking forward to going home,"
The young barista sighs exasperatedly somewhat grateful for the noise coming from the others so he wouldn't be overheard, "My mother caught me in bed with Lynn today,"
Tommy turns his focus onto him with great interest. "I'm embarrassed as hell for you man,"
After Elijah had gotten out of bed from sleeping with Lynn, he assisted his mother by taking the groceries out of the trunk of her Volvo SUV. She hadn't said anything about it, but knowing his mother as well as he does when he arrives home she plans for a very painful discussion with him about what occurred this afternoon. Whilst his father, who will be dragged into it would look as if he wants to be anywhere else.
"How did Lynn take being walked in on by Brynn Barker?" Tommy asks curiously
"Better than I did, that's for sure," he remarks, remembering her cracking up with laughter.
"Speaking of awkward encounters with the Lockhart twins have you tried to patch yours up with Tanner,"
Tommy and Tanner hadn't been communicating with one another since he came onto her about sex a few weeks ago. He had no idea she would practically throw him out of her house. He had no intention of forcing himself on her, but he couldn't help his attraction to her.
"How I do talk to her after what all went down?" he says aloud.
"Just be honest with her man and know she isn't ready,"

"Remind me again, why are we here?" Lynn Lockhart rhetorically asks her sister Tanner when they both get off the elevator onto the fourth floor in the building their father lives with The Bitch aka his girlfriend.
Tanner Lockhart is beside his sister walking through the long corridor. "Because Tricia requested our presence," She then follows it with a curtsy, which makes Lynn snicker.
Around an hour ago, Tricia had called Tanner to ask if she and Lynn did not mind would it be possible for them to come over. Of course, Tanner's first response was to ask if their dad was okay. The other line went quiet for a couple of seconds before she confirmed he was fine and she has something to run by them in-person,
The two reach the apartment, both sharing similar glances of reluctance.
"What do you think she wants with us?" Lynn says as if she ready to roll her eyes in annoyance to whatever it is.
"Only one way to find out," Tanner replies. Using her predominant hand, she knocks on the steel door.
Within in hardly at any time the barrier between them is unsealed by Tricia Meyer who is wearing a Lilly Pulitzer one-shoulder top with multi-color floral prints and white pants on,
Aware of how malicious she has come across her fiancé's daughters since she first met them, she is trying her best to be cordial towards them. Tricia knows she can't fly off the handle if she wants them to be her bridesmaids.
The twins file into the apartment, still wondering what they're doing here when Tricia tells them to sit on the couch in the living room. Tanner finds it awkward having to be told where to sit in her own father's house. The older woman remains standing a few feet away from them.
"Want anything to drink, soda, water," Tricia offers.
"No, thank you," the twins say in unison.
"I bet you're wondering why I wanted to speak to the two of you," she mentions
"Thought crossed my mind once or twice," Lynn says sarcastically.
Tricia decides to ignore Lynn's dig at her refusing to not be seen as anything less than to have good intentions. "I'm just going to cut to the chase and remember it's completely your decision, how would you like to be my bridesmaids when I marry your father,"
Lenny and Tanner, our both stunned to hear those words come out of her mouth. of all the things the young women were expecting to hear being asked to be in the wedding wouldn't be on the top ten of their lists.
"You don't have any other friends you want to stand up for you instead?" Lynn says unexpectedly
"I do, but whether you like it or not we're going to be family you don't have to even refer to me as your stepmother, but maybe we can start to be friendly to each other,"
Tanner maneuvers her head to see Lynn mentally taking in the words that were said. "Uh, can we get back to you on this and give you an answer Tricia,"
Tricia nods her head somewhat in defeat. "Sure,"
The girls get off the couch, heading out of the door, offering laidback farewell greetings to their future stepmother.

For moving to such a small town, Samuel Gupta had some difficulty finding adequate parking. The maximum amount of vehicles were already parked outside the café. Driving around the block for five minutes he finally was able to land a spot in front of the anterior of the antique store across the street, When he entered into the café the gust of cool air was a welcoming relief from the sweltering heat. He walks over to the table in the front of the large window overlooking Main Street. It is also where his mother is sitting the two decided to meet after work to catch up, he recognizes the new dress his mother is wearing that to him looks purple but to her and the description from the boutique, the shade was called Boysenberry. He teased her about it when he was shown it the day she purchased it.
"Sorry, I'm late, but parking was hell," Samuel informs her.
"I guess just about everyone else in town had the same idea we had," Mala Gupta replies in her native British accent. "But I did take the liberty of ordering our iced coffees, and yours is just the way you like it," she says
He thanks his mother before bringing the paper straw to his lips.
"So how was work today," Mala asks excitedly.
Mala was always invested in hearing about her son's day at work. Her child, the psychiatrist always makes her proud. She never felt bad about telling individuals her son is a doctor.
Samuel sums up his day at the hospital, in which he sees his mother smiling with delight. He wished he felt that type of pride at the moment thinking back to Sarah Lynn Saunders, a new patient he had this morning. He thought he was going to assist her during her time of crisis nonetheless, it seems it wasn't meant to be as she walked out before their first session was over when he asked her about her father. As a psychiatrist, he was taught not to let your vocation affect you emotionally, but he hasn't known one doctor that has not happened to,
She takes a few sips of her drink. "What are you going to do to?"
"It's ultimately up to a patient to decide if they want to continue to seek therapy," he changes the subject. "I know I have been minding my own business about this, but what is going on between Daniel Covington and you?"
It is Mala's turn to be on the hot seat as she contemplates her words carefully to her son's observation.
She lowers her voice slightly, "Well, father," she jokes. "No, in all seriousness we're taking it as it comes I mean it's no pressure we're all adults,"
Once Upon A Time, Samuel thought his parents would eventually get back together due to all of the years they were married. Although the look on his mother's face is enough for him. "As long as he doesn't hurt you I'm glad to see you happy mom," he says honestly,
Mala nods her head with a grateful smirk at him. "Now we got to find you, someone to be with,"
"I had my eye on someone particular, but turns out she is engaged," he tells her.
He thinks back to the other day he came into the café where he first saw Tricia, who was in his opinion is gorgeous when she dropped the fact she is getting married. He then stopped flirting with her since he was raised to have respect for women who were already involved with someone.
His mother puts her hands on top of his. "Oh my baby, well there is plenty of other women out there for you,"

Gabriella is the first one to greet a returning Max Covington. He had just gotten home from the airport, and he was relieved to be home after being in New York City for a few days where he was finalizing some details for his first photo exhibition happening in August, He spent five minutes talking with the longtime family housekeeper about his trip as well as the rest of the family is out of the house except for Shauna, As Gabriella retreats to work around the estate, Max picks up his duffel bag and camera case off the ground. When he reaches the second floor, he makes a beeline for his bedroom. he sets aside his belongings in the corner near the walk-in closet.
"Is that you Max," Shauna Covington vocalizes from the bathroom
Max turns his head towards the door of the en-suite bathroom as well as stuffing both of his hands in the pockets of his pants. "Yeah,"
He kicks off his sneakers glad to be out of them,
"Max, I forgot my robe could you please bring it to me thanks," she instructs
"All right," he says. Max scoops up the blue satin robe at the end of the bed.
He sets foot in the bathroom in which he hears the running water from the showerhead. The vapor from the steam is nearly covering the mirror. Max holds out the robe in the close distance for Shauna to reach it.
"Shauna, here you go,"
She opens the glass door in which Shauna smiles seductively. "And here you come,"
With enough force, she pulls him into the enclosure the warm water cascading is instantly soaking him.
Max takes off his drenched shirt. "What are you doing?"
She wraps her arms around him tightly, her alluring brown skin drenched with droplets on display in the nude, which Max hadn't exactly take his view off her. "I'm just a wife who missed her husband is that a crime,"
Their lips passionately touch each other.
"Well, I guess we're both guilty because I missed you too,"
The husband and wife continue to make out, but more in a feverish pace whilst their bodies were intertwined as the water runs.

Immediately when Sean came home from work. Tricia filled him in on his daughters not specifically giving her an answer regarding her question to be her bridesmaids in their upcoming wedding ceremony in Hawaii,
"Well, at least they didn't say no," Sean Lockhart says while he puts two porterhouse steaks in the oven.
Tricia tastes her white wine. "It wasn't an exact yes though Sean,"
Cognizant of the girls not being a fan of anything to do with his fiancée he thought he would walk in on Lynn and Tricia yelling at each other and Tanner standing there silently agreeing with her sister, but not wanting to add more conflict to the situation,
He places both of his hands onto her shoulders in which he massages them. "Give them some time to come around it's not easy on them seeing their old man getting remarried,"
Being caught up in the contentment of the massage, she feels less tense than she was earlier. "I know you are right,"
Tricia is trying her best not to come off as insecure, but she wanted them in the ceremony because she felt it would show them she isn't a bad person.
"Did you just admit I'm right?" Sean asks humorously
Tricia moves rearward-facing him with a playful spark in her eyes. "Even a broken clock is right twice a day,"
"Very funny,"

The operatic singing of Florence Welch from the overhead speakers addresses Lenny and Tanner making their entrance into the crowded café. The twins decided to make a last-minute pit stop to get a drink and food before they head home. The girls both stand in the back of the long line to order.
"I know Tricia doesn't have many friends, but why on god's green earth she wants us to stand up for her marrying dad?" Lynn queries
Tanner moves her head to survey the establishment before landing back onto her sister. "She is probably trying to score points with dad,"
People start to move up as some individuals in front were now getting their purchased items.
Lynn moves several strands of her loose blonde hair out of her face. "Then tell me why we didn't tell her ass no,"
"Because somehow she would've accused us of screwing up her big day," The brunette Lockhart replies.
Lynn's attention is now on Elijah and Tommy sitting down talking on the sofa in the lounge area of the café.
Tanner also now sees her best friend and her boyfriend, whom she hadn't seen since she saw him leaving her house, over him trying to seduce her into having sex which is something she isn't ready for now despite being close to in March before she found her grandfather passed away. She hadn't prepared herself to run into him.
"Better late than never," Lynn goads her
Tanner crosses both of her arms onto her chest. "Oh shut up!" she exclaims light-heartedly,
She informs her sister to get her things at the counter for her, in which Lynn nods understandingly. In what it can be described as a somewhat confident traipse, she approaches the boys. Her presence quickly interrupts their conversation.
"Hi," Tommy greets her.
"Hi," hey, Elijah, I need to talk Tommy if you don't mind,"
"I better face the music by getting home," Elijah says, finding himself out of place. He leaves his spot on the couch, throwing both his friends an expression of Good Luck to them.
"Want to sit down?" he asks her politely.
"Sure," Tanner takes a seat next to him so they can talk to each other.
Observing her closely, it makes Tommy realize how much he missed her. It also makes him reassured when he sees her still wearing the engraved treble clef necklace he gave her last summer. "How have you been?"
"Depends on your definition of being," she flings back.
"I deserve that," he says. "Listen I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable,"
Determining the sincerity behind his statement, Tanner decides to hear him out. "I knew since before we got together that I was a different type of girl you were used to even hanging out with,"
Tommy knew Tanner is alluding to promiscuous girls he had been attracted to. It also makes him think about Jordan, who he shared a kiss with last summer as well. Although, no girl has ever made him felt like being in a relationship was worthwhile until Tanner came along.
"That's why I fell for you because you were different, and if you give me another chance I promise I will never pressure you again to have sex," he says apologetically,
Tanner envelops him into an embrace, which she feels some customers were looking at them, but she didn't care. "I promise when I'm ready you'll be the first to know," she says at a volume he can only hear,
Sarah Lynn confides in Will.
Danger lies ahead for one of the citizens of Radcliffe.
Tommy plans a romantic surprise for Tanner.
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