Written by: Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
Tricia Meyer arrived in Radiclffe to surprise Sean.
Mae is keeping the fact from Shauna that Will might be getting out of prison on parole.
Tanner receives a hug from Tommy later he tells her he been wanting to do that.
Louise is now single for the first time in twenty years.

Half awoke out of his sleep, Sean Lockhart rolls over in bed, however, instead of opening his eyes to find Tricia beside him like she was last night after they had sex when she came to surprise him.
The door to the hotel room opens with Tricia Meyer walking back in Fabletics activewear She had just did a five-mile run outside.
"Hey, you're finally up," Tricia says
Sean marvels at his slightly younger lover who even if she is sweating she still looks naturally beautiful.
"When do you find time to rest?"
Sean knows that as a flight attendant she is constantly traveling around the globe in and out of various time zones, in addition to keeping up with her fitness and other hobbies as well. He doesn't know how she is able to do it all without ever being tired.
"Have you ever heard the saying about no rest for the weary?" I would kiss you, but I suspect you still have morning breath."
Sean chuckles whilst she goes to her suitcase to get out her clothes.
"Let's say we go get some breakfast?" Sean asks.
Tricia turns around to face him with a smile creeping upon her face.
"Sure, let me go get change." Tricia heads into the bathroom stopping in the doorway. "If you want we can share a turn in the shower."
With nothing else better going on for him at the moment Sean gets out of bed naked ready to join her.

Dressed casually in a short-sleeve top and a pair of blue jeans, Louise Saunders Lockhart plans to spend the day around the house catching up on some paperwork for the farm. When she enters the kitchen inside of the cottage, she sees her teenage twin daughters sharing looks of confusion.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Louise inquiries with motherly concern.
Lynn Lockhart closes the door of the refrigerator "Uh mom, where is the food?"
"What are you talking about?" Louise shoots back.
With some trepidation throughout her body, Tanner Lockhart opens her mouth. "Mom, you told us that you were going grocery shopping after you left the farm yesterday."
She stumps the heels of one of her shoes on the floor. "I completely forgot," she admits
Neither the girls or Louise wanted to acknowledge that their father and ex-husband was the main one to do the shopping for their home needs on a regular basis. And since he moved out of the house since their divorce, it had not registered it on her that she was the one solely responsible for it now.
Louise throws both of her arms in the air. "You know what, how about I go out to the store right now. "Girls I'm so sorry about all of this."
"Mom, it's okay," Tanner assures her.
Louise takes out of the room back upstairs to get her purse.
"Think we should go with her?" Lynn says
Tanner shakes her head. "I think she wants to be alone Lenny."
Lynn turns around towards her sister. "When are we going to talk about you and Tommy?"
Yesterday when he came over to the house on Franklin Farm to happily inform her that he passed his driving test in which she taught him how to drive. Their visit ended with him hugging her longer than a friend would generally do. Before he left he said to her that he been wanting to do that for a while now. Leaving her with the suspicion that he might actually like her as more than a friend.
Tanner couldn't hide her blushing even if she tried.

Among the numerous thoughts swirling around in his mind, Daniel Covington kept concentrating on the one most celebratory, the procurement of Jojo's Café. The local hotspot on Main Street will definitely benefit being part of the Renaissance of Radcliffe along with Covington Group's other residential cottages and commercial businesses as well. He knows that this town can be known more for farms and old-fashioned values. That it possibly can be a place where people want to eventually work, live and even perhaps vacation with their families too.
Daniel goes over to the bar in his executive office to pour himself a glass of club soda. Heading over to his desk he puts the cup onto the desk whilst he picks up the phone off the receiver he then presses a button. Telling his longtime secretary Evelyn to bring in Shauna Jackson at once.
A few minutes later, Shauna comes into the office wearing a lemon yellow crochet maxi dress with brown sandals on her feet.
The two exchange greetings with one another. "I bet you're wondering why I called you up here." Daniel states
"The thought did cross my mind, Mr. Covington." says his employee and girlfriend of his eldest son Max.
"Well don't worry your job performance is spotless, in fact, that's why I wanted to speak with you, Shauna." I'm sure it's public knowledge by now that the Covington Group has acquired Jojo's which I hope in time will make a profit for us."
"Yes, I heard it from Max congratulations."
Daniel takes a seat at his desk. He also instructs her to sit down in front of him.
"Anyway the place needs a makeover of sorts, and you're the person that can do it."
Shauna half smiles. "Me?"
Daniel nods his confirmation. "Why not you Shauna?" You transformed Home Farm from some old mansion into a home for my family." Besides if anyone can make that place look refine is you."
Shauna hadn't been pleased that she is currently working as an assistant to an interior decorator in spite of having experience already decorating a huge estate. Nonetheless, she didn't want any preferential treatment because of her seeing Max.
"Okay, I'll do it," Shauna says accepting the offer.
"Great!" Daniel replies smoothly. " By the way stop with the formality, it's Daniel."
Daniel then informs her that he'll contact her to give her some more information about when she'll start working. By the time Shauna went into the elevator she made sure she was alone before she broke out in a victory dance of her own.

Kacey Musgraves Butterflies is playing over the speakers inside of the cafe as Sean and Tricia walk in from the car.
The pair stop at a table next to the large window where Sean says he'll order for the both of them. Tricia kisses him publicly before he goes to the counter.
Tricia sighs looking about the place surprised at the fact this town even has a place so trendy. She imagined a greasy spoon diner with a woman in the kitchen named Irma whilst her husband Woody would be the running front of the house.

Strolling inside the café, Louise walks over to the counter deciding to treat the girls with some baked goods after forgetting to go grocery shopping last night. She was able to make it in and out of the store in about forty-minutes with food in the trunk of her car. However, she didn't expect to run into her former husband today.
"How are you?" Sean asks
Part of him hates being so formal with the woman he used to share a bed with.
Louise rattles off all of the treats to the barista in which she takes a sight of a sign in a plastic display with the statement,
Under New Ownership!
"So I guess that it is official Daniel now owns the cafe," Louise says
Sean bows his head. "Danny Boy is practically taking over this town piece by piece."
Louise detects a bit of annoyance in his voice albeit she didn't have the time to call him out on it.
Tricia sees her lover talking to a woman who is close to his age. She becomes impatient since the two of them had been talking for a couple of minutes now.
"How are the girls?" Sean asks her genuinely.
"Right now they're saints since they have to put up with me forgetting to go shopping for food yesterday," she confesses
Louise did not like to admit her imperfections yet felt like she had to in this case.
Sean grins. "You're always have been a great mother. No one expects you to be perfect all of the time Louise."
Louise is a bit stunned to hear something nice from him. The last time they were in close quarters the both of them lashed out at each for the downfall of their marriage,
"Hope I'm not interrupting you two?" Tricia says
Both exes see and hear her approaching them with her gold bangles on her arms, in addition to the tropical leaf print maxi dress that stands out from the crowd in the cafe too.
Sean has a problematic look on his face not expecting his ex-wife and girlfriend to meet like this. It doesn't help things once Tricia slides one of her arms in one of his.
"I'm Tricia Meyer, and you are?"
Louise arches her eyebrows at her at the hand of the woman who came in between her marriage.
"Louise Saunders Lockhart, better known as the wife of the husband you've been screwing for the past two years."

The twins were upstairs in Lenny's bedroom that consists of her walls being painted of a lighter shade of midnight blue.
"Still seems weird that not only you're dating Elijah and on top of all of that Tommy Covington might have feelings for me," Tanner says with a some unbelievability.
"He told you that he wanted to hug you for a long time trust me he got a crush on you Tan-Tan," Lynn assures her.
Tanner knows that Tommy Covington has been involved with tons of girls even some sexually.
Tanner herself is a virgin and isn't exactly in a rush to lose her virginity even if the two of them start seeing one another.
"Why are you being so hard on yourself, you're an honor student check who is planning to become some world-famous violinist. I don't see the problem of you two hooking up."
Tanner is left unsure of what is being said about her.
Lynn puts her arm around her sister. "If he wants to date you he'll say something himself trust me he seems confident enough anyway."
"Maybe you're right," Tanner says somewhat with more confidence than before.
"Well, at least we're on spring break finally." Lynn declares happily

Bouncing with sheer excitement, Shauna Jackson enters into the apartment she was raised in and continuously resides. Seeing her grandmother Mae in the kitchen pouring herself a glass of iced tea in the kitchen.
"Grandma!" she calls out.
Mae Jackson looks up spotting her granddaughter's happiness a far cry from her coming back home after spending a few days over at the farm. She reckons that it has something to do with Antoine but didn't want to pry.
"Hi, Mae greets her. Your home early."
Shauna puts her purse on the couch. "Well Daniel gave me the rest of the day off," I have great news."
Mae takes a seat in the chair in the living room with her iced tea. "Don't keep me in suspense whatcha gotta say, girl."
"Daniel hired me to be in charge of interior decorating at Jojo's."
Mae does not waste any time to go over to hug her. She then lets go of her. "I'm so proud of you."
Shauna crosses her legs sitting on the couch. "It felt like I was going to be an assistant forever, don't get me wrong because I know I was lucky to be working, but this can lead to me getting more jobs doing the one thing I always wanted to do grandma."
"Even when you were a little girl you always had to make sure everything looks a certain way in your dollhouse," Mae says with nostalgia.
"First my dollhouse now Main Street," Shauna says with a sense of empowerment.
Mae takes a drink of her iced tea, but she ends up spilling some on her shirt.
"Ah shoot, I need to go change."
Remaining in the room when her grandmother's phone rings on the coffee table.
"Can you get that please?" her grandmother shouts out from her bedroom.
Shauna answers the phone. "Hello,"
May I speak with Mae Jackson?" the older male voice divulges.
"She is occupied at the moment, may I ask who is calling?"
"This is Vernon Watson, calling from the Law Office Of Watson and Nunlee. Can you give her a message that her son's meeting with the parole board is going to be next month on the ninth." She can call me back by the end of today, and I will be out of town after Easter."
Shauna nearly drops the phone at the possibility of her Uncle Will getting out of prison. And she didn't know anything about it at all.
"I'll tell her you called, thank you." she hangs up before the lawyer can say anything else.
Her grandmother comes back into the living room from her bedroom with a different blouse on.
"Who was that on the phone?" Mae cross-examines.
"Vernon Watson, apparently Uncle Will might be getting the OJ Simpson treatment of being let out of prison." Why you didn't tell me he was getting out grandma?"
Mae wanted to tell her herself that Will might be getting out of prison knowing how it was for her when he got sentenced since they were rather close before she found out that he defrauded her late grandfather among other crimes of theft.
"I think it's about time we talk about it," Mae says

Tricia does her best to hide the blow of finding out that the woman Sean was speaking to is his ex-wife.
"Sean, you didn't waste a second," Louise says openly.
"Can we not be the center of attention," Sean says.
He could feel customers eyeballs staring at them.
The barista calls out the order for Louise which she accepts the box of delicious baked goods including donuts and pastries. She then hikes up the strap of her bag on her shoulder. "I guess I can tell Tanner and Lynn you might not be free to spend any time with them during their spring break huh. "
"Oh, by the way, those are the names of our sixteen-year-old daughters if you care," she adds to Tricia.
"I wanted to take them out yesterday for a burger, but the girls were busy. I will call them later on with something planned can you pass it on to them?" Sean mentions
"Tell them that yourself they both have these little devices called phones."
With one last dissatisfied glance at them, Louise hastily leaves.
Much as Tricia wants to call Sean's ex a bitch she does her best to look unbothered whilst the barista calls their breakfast meals.
Elijah & Tommy hang out.
Louise vents her frustrations.
Mae defends Will.
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