Written by : Bre L. Drew
November 23, 2020
Last Time On Town and Country
Sean and Tricia spent a week on their honeymoon in Oahu after their wedding.
Jordan was over the moon when she and Tommy slept together in Oahu.
Courtney wasn't pleased to hear her father didn't take too kindly to her getting engaged to Steven.
Tanner was upset over finding out Tommy kissed Jordan last summer.

With their luggage in their possession, newlyweds Sean and Tricia Lockhart arrive at the front door of their fourth-floor apartment in the Wheeler Building near downtown Radcliffe.
"You do know once we go inside, our honeymoon will officially come to an end." Sean enlightens his new bride, who looks even more incredible wearing a lilac sequined top that displays her back, showing her skin has been kissed by the sun in Oahu, where they spent over a week where their wedding had taken place. The two enjoyed many activities included snorkeling, paddleboarding, and of course, did some sight-seeing on the island as well.
"Please don't remind me," she says, reflecting on the unforgettable week they had just the two of them together. "Let's make a pact on our first anniversary we go back to Oahu."
Her husband puts his arms around her voluptuous frame. "I like the sound of that,"
Their lips meet one another, forming a passionate kiss between them. The two eventually walk into their apartment, which is still clean as they left it more than a week ago.
In addition to their stack of mail neatly piled on the credenza courtesy of Courtney, who came over every other day to check in on the empty apartment on behest of Tricia.
Unexpectedly the resonance of knocking gets both of their attention. Tricia looks back at her husband, who is taking a drink of his water bottle in the kitchen.
"Maybe they'll get the hint if we don't make a move," Sean whispers.
"I think the jig is up," Tricia treks over to the door to retrieve it. Behind the threshold is Jordan McKnight, who has dressed in a navy nightfall speckled turtleneck with matching speckled pants.
"Hey, welcome home," Jordan greets her friend.
Tricia casually hugs her as she lets her in the house. The last time she saw her was at the reception at the restaurant on Oahu.
"Hi, Mr. Lockhart," Jordan addresses the guy who is the father of her former friends.
"Hi, Jordan,"
"'I'm not interrupting you two, am I? I need to talk to you." Jordan asks with anticipation.
"No," Tricia lies
Sean scoops up his keys off the counter. "I'll let you ladies talk in private,"
He still is puzzled by the friendship his new wife has with a teenage girl. Although he knows the girl has been through it over the years with her older brother's tragic death by a gunshot when he was a rookie cop five years ago. So if Tricia could be there for her, then more power to her, he thought while he walks out of the door.
Tricia invites Jordan to sit down in the living room so they can talk.
Jordan can't help but excitedly smile at the thought of what she has to tell. "Remember when I told you I had a crush on that guy."
Tricia nods empathically. "Yeah of, course,"
"Well, something big finally happened between us."

The harmonic voice of Sara Bareilles crooning over the speakers about the king of anything fills Tanner Lockhart's ears inside the café. As she stands off to the side of the line where she is here to pick up the cherry, apple, and pumpkin pies; she and her family will be having for dessert this Thursday for Thanksgiving. With being their first year without granddad, the family decided to make it easier on her grandmother by pitching in more to help out putting dinner on the table. She volunteered to go pick up the desserts needing the excuse to go clear her head from finding out her boyfriend betrayed her last summer by kissing her former friend aboard a yacht during his brother's wedding reception.
A moment later, Tommy Covington enters the establishment deciding to pick up himself a cup of coffee before he has to be in the office where he is still working in the mailroom. As he gets in line, he is surprised to see Tanner, which makes him feel guilt for him not only keeping the truth from her regarding the kiss but him having sex with Jordan in Hawaii. Knowing the right thing is to do to confess it to her. And if he does, he will not have a girlfriend anymore, which is something he does not want.
Tommy steps out of line. "Tanner," he eventually calls out.
Tanner's long brown hair turns as she faces her boyfriend. "I don't want to talk to you right now."
Since the revelation, the two had managed not to talk to each other. Despite the few text messages; Tommy sent earlier within the week, which she proudly ignored.
"I get it. I'm a son of a bitch, hear me out, let me try to explain."

Inside the Covington Tower on the twentieth floor, in downtown Radcliffe where the Covington Group is located. Courtney Covington is at her desk catching up on work e-mails on her desktop computer when she receives a call from her secretary Jean.
"Send him in," she says.
While putting the phone back onto the cradle, she finds out her big brother is visiting her. She stands up from her desk, where she receives a hug from him. She then tells him to take a seat in the chair in front of her.
"Is dad any closer to throw you and Steven an engagement party?" he inquiries half-mockingly.
"Not a snowball's chance in hell is that going happen,"
After Sean and Tricia's wedding ceremony, Steven and Courtney were walking on the resort, where he suddenly proposed to her with a ring in hand. At first, she didn't answer, knowing how he felt about marrying the second time when the initial topic was brought up months prior. Though it was clear how he realized he was wrong, and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, which made her saying yes even more special.
Courtney takes a small glance at the screen of the computer. "What are we going to do about our little brother?"
The sound of exasperation comes out of Max's mouth. "I don't know," he replies. "I slapped him in the back of his head to make him see sense."
Courtney and Max found out Tommy had kissed Jordan McKnight last summer during the reception of Max and Shauna's wedding.
"I think it is one of those things Tommy and Tanner are going to have to work this out themselves. " Courtney logically responds.
Max withholds the added complexity of their brother and Jordan; having sex while they were in Oahu. Despite being pissed at Tommy for making a stupid decision, he knows it wouldn't help to air it out either.
"Want to go to lunch?"
"Shouldn't you be focusing on your photography?"
Max vehemently shakes his head. "Never heard of procrastinating?"
Suddenly Courtney gets out of her chair, grabbing her purse, which is sitting on the desk. "Raincheck, I wanted to tell Tricia my good news in person."
"She and Sean are back from their honeymoon?"
Courtney nods.
Max gestures with his hand towards the door. "I'll walk out with you."

"I didn't expect to see you today," Louise Saunders Lockhart tells Sean.
Her ex-husband had dropped by the house where she was currently making herself a cup of coffee in between handling some paperwork.
"Tricia's friend came over, and I wanted to give them some privacy,"
"Courtney?" Louise replies. Knowing Courtney is one of the few people his new wife has befriended since she moved to town last year.
Sean walks past the counter. "Oh no, Jordan,"
Louise does not shield the confusion upon her face at that statement. "Wow, I didn't even know the two of them were close,"
"Jordan was at our wedding in Hawaii too," Sean reveals
"Really?" Louise then takes a few sips of her hot beverage from the mug.
The room filled with sudden awkwardness as the pair of them begun to realize this is the first time the two have been together since he has gotten married to the woman he had an affair with, which caused so much upheaval in their twenty-year marriage.
The door from the living room to the kitchen swings open as Lynn Lockhart enters the room wearing her working farm gear consisting of a gray sweatshirt and an old pair of jeans. And her long blonde hair is in a ponytail.
"Hey, Lenny,"
"Hey, dad,"
The father and daughter embrace each other casually, which is a far cry from last year when she was rightfully upset over her parents' marriage ending.
"Still married?" Lynn jokes
Both Louise and Sean laugh at the comment.
"Yeah," Sean says seriously.
"Well, at least something that went according to plan," Lynn says in a cryptic tone.
Louise, who is sitting at the table, picks up her pen and is about re-concentrate on a form, looks at her daughter. "What does that supposed mean?"
Instantly Lynn regrets opening her mouth since she is referring to Tommy and Tanner not speaking to each other due to him not telling her about the kiss he shared with Jordan last summer.
"Is there something we should know about?" Sean, who is standing a few feet away, comments
Both of her parents are severely staring at one of their twin daughters.
"You guys are going to hear about it anyway," Lynn remarks. "While we were in Hawaii, Tommy and Tanner got into a huge fight because he let it slip he kissed Jordan during Max and Shauna's wedding reception last year when Tanner was at the orchestra program at Berklee."
Louise sets down her pen slowly, whilst Sean's anger becomes evident through his body.
"I knew that boy was never good enough for our little girl." Sean reacts
Louise, who is now out of the chair, holds both of her hands out. "How come she didn't tell us?"
"Probably a combination of embarrassment and not wanting to talk about it," Lynn estimates
"I'm about to go have a conversation with Tommy Boy," Sean says
But Louise runs to stop him from leaving the house by getting to the side door before he could. "What do you think confronting him in the state of your anger is going to accomplish for our daughter?"
Sean shakes his head moves from the door. "I knew he would break her heart,"
His ex-wife glances between their daughter and himself. "Now, all we can do is to be there for her,"

Tanner wishes she could run out of the café rather than hear what her boyfriend has to say to her about kissing, not just another person. But the girl who once was her best friend since childhood.
"What do you have to say to get you out of this?" she asks bitterly.
"Honestly, nothing you haven't heard already. I know what I did last year is something you can't get over, but we can't let it get in our way."
Tanner does her best not to get emotional in public. "Instead of coming to me to tell me the truth, you kept it to yourself for a year. How could you, Tommy?"
Tommy sets his jaw at what was said to him. "You're right. I was wrong. I deserve your wrath. but can you tell me you want us to be over?"
Unsure of what she wants to do at this very moment, so when the barista calls out her name, she nearly leaps into the front of the line to receive the two bags containing the assorted pies. Yet, when she gets out of the queue, her boyfriend is still standing in the same area he had been.
"Happy Thanksgiving, Tanner," Tommy says to her.
"Happy Thanksgiving to you too," Tanner counters diplomatically.
She picks up the pace when she walks out of the door to her car.

For some time now; Tricia has been hearing her considerably younger friend going on about her finally getting together with the young man she has had feelings for a while now.
"So, does this mean you two are officially together?" Tricia inquires
Jordan's mouth is open but is hesitant to answer since she isn't quite sure to answer her friend's question since she hadn't had much contact with Tommy and Tanner since the trip, even though the three are in the same English class. Tommy sat on the other side of the classroom. And she is sure Tanner hadn't come to class herself.
The sudden hollow echo of knuckles rapping on the door takes the focus off Jordan when Tricia goes to retrieve the door yet again.
Jordan hears celebratory greetings from the other person who is coming into the apartment.
Tricia leads Courtney into the living room, where she has been talking with her guest.
Courtney glances at Jordan with displeasure. "You got some nerve,"
Tricia's uncertainty is in effect regarding what her friend is saying to Jordan.
"She knows what exactly I'm talking about,"
Instantaneously Tricia turns to Jordan, figuring the boy she has been crushing on is her stepdaughter's boyfriend.
"Wait a minute, how did you know what happened with Jordan and Tommy?" Tricia queries
Courtney fills in Tricia on her little brother let it slip during an argument with Tanner in his hotel room. Jordan herself knows she is just talking about the kiss now since he told her that after he came to her that night. She did not want everyone to know about them until he and Little Miss Perfect breaks up for good.
"I'm going to leave now. I'll talk to you later, Tricia," Jordan says
She barely looked at Courtney as she took off out of the door.
Courtney faces her friend, who is keeping the actual truth from her. "I came over to tell you, Steven, and I got engaged."
A sense of happiness comes from Tricia, who then grabs her friend's right hand, where she sees the diamond ring on her finger. "I'm so happy for you," she states. "So when, how, did Steven propose?"
As Courtney launches into the romantic story about her proposal. The New Mrs. Lockhart realizes she has inadvertently been supporting Jordan to take Tommy away from Tanner, which can affect her marriage if Sean finds out about Tommy and Jordan having sex.
Daniel has something up his sleeves.
Elijah begins feeling the pressure.
Someone else gets included in the Saunders family saga.
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