Written by: Bre L. Drew
March 21, 2022
Last Time On Town and Country
Will and Emma were involved in a head-on collision caused by a semi-truck crashing into them as well as Emma being unable to stop Will's car. Unbeknownst to them, Deirdre is the one who paid someone to tamper with Will's brakes to get him out of his daughter's life. ​
Presley McKnight had returned home to be the associate pastor of his childhood church.
Jordan is still dealing with post-partum depression as she struggles to bond with her baby son.

Everything was moving in slow motion for Deirdre Covington when she entered the emergency room with her son Daniel.
The two were at the estate when they were informed by the police that Emma, along with Will, had been seriously injured in a head-on collision this evening. Nonetheless, the wealthy widow knew that Will would be hurt due to her being the one to pay someone to tamper with his brakes in his car. She had hoped it would get Emma to come to her senses regarding the ex-con she is currently involved with. Now it seems her dream of ridding Will Jackson out of their lives is becoming a nightmare she wants to awake from.
She stands beside her oldest child at the nurse's station, where they're both told by the overweight female nurse to wait over there until the doctor is available to speak to them. With no other option, the two sit down in the uncomfortable chairs.
"I see this hospital is still the bottom of the barrel of healthcare like it always has been," Deirdre criticizes.
Daniel gives his mother some consideration since he knows this place brings back unfortunate memories for her since it was the place her parents were in before they died as a result of the house fire that happened when she was seventeen.
He puts his arm around his mother as a supportive gesture.
The cacophony of footsteps makes the two of them turn to see Mae Jackson and Shauna Covington.
The older woman is showing the same amount of apprehension that Deirdre is exhibiting.
"What's going on? "How are they?" she asks guardedly.
"We are still waiting for the doctor to come out to tell us something," Daniel informs the mother of the other injured party and his daughter-in-law.
Deirdre glances at the other woman, knowing how her actions had led them here.
While Shauna guides her grandmother to a chair to sit down in, Courtney Covington Sullivan and Steven Sullivan approach all of them.
She wraps her arms around her father and then gazes at her grandmother.
"Any word yet?"
Before anyone else can tell her otherwise, Dr. Kettering makes her way over to the group.
"What is the condition of my sister?" Daniel questions the physician.
"Doctor, please tell us how my son is doing? Is he going to be all right?" Mae queries the physician.

"Believer" by American Authors is currently on the cafe's sound system this evening; tonight, the undersized crowd is mostly made up of students working on assignments and twenty-somethings enjoying time with friends.
Presley McKnight is sitting down at one of the tables in the corner with his hands placed on his cup of coffee.
After being away from home for the last several years, despite the refurbishment of the cafe or the overall landscape of the town, Radcliffe is still truly the same small rural town that holds so many memories for him.
When he looks up, he sees the person that he reached out to earlier making their way towards him with a skeptical expression on their face.
"Hey, how are you?" The reverend greets the individual.
Wearing a toffee single-breasted fringe coat, Jordan McKnight cautiously takes a seat across from him.
"I hardly recognized you. I guess not being home for five years does that," the young adult woman says sarcastically.
If he hadn't followed his sister on social media, which is how he contacted her, he wouldn't have believed how much she had matured physically, but still on the inside, still dealing with the ramifications of the breakdown of their family as a result of their brother's death.
"I guess I deserve that," he replies amicably. "How are you doing?"
Jordan shakes her head at being asked that particular question, especially by the brother who abandoned her.
"You don't wanna know, and anyway, I'm in no mood to have you quote the bible to me."
Presley takes a small sip of his coffee. "I promise you won't receive any condemnation from me,"

The redheaded female emergency room doctor keeps her arms folded.
"Will sustained a mild concussion and a few cracked ribs."
Mae begins to feel less anxious, despite the fact that she had anticipated a much worse prognosis.
Dr. Kettering continues.
"Well, I'm going to keep him here for a few more hours for further observation."
Deirdre does her best to hide the urgency on her face.
"Can we see him?" Mae asks her.
"Of course, he is in the triage around the corner," Dr. Kettering replies generously.
"Go ahead, I'll meet you there, grandma," Shauna tells her grandmother.
Despite not being close to her uncle, she is satisfied that nothing life-threatening happened to him.
The bar owner strolls down the corridor.
Dr. Kettering's demeanor becomes weightier.
"Emma's injuries were more severe since she was the one who suffered the most from being hit on impact."
Steven puts his arm around his wife as they process the news.
"How severe?" Daniel asks, as the spokesperson for the family.
"Other than the abrasions, Emma sustained a broken pelvis and possibly trauma to the head; we have to do more testing."
"When will we be able to see her?" Daniel queries
Dr. Kettering has a look of hesitation, but it passes.
"She's quite fatigued from the medication, but I can only allow one person in at this time."
Knowing she had to be the one to see her, Deirdre follows the doctor to the room.
"If there is one thing I know about Emma, it is that she is tough and she will get through this," Courtney says, somewhat convincingly.
At the moment, both Max and Tommy Covington arrive.
"What's going on?" Max wonders aloud.
Shauna saunters over to her husband, whom she gathers left the office late even though she had contacted him about what happened.
"I'll fill you in," she says to him.
Steven lifts a finger. "Does anyone want coffee? I can make a run to the cafeteria."
Daniel nods.
"I think we could all use some,"
Both Courtney and Steven seemed surprised at Daniel's decency with his son-in-law.
"I will go with you," Tommy volunteers.
The two men leave the area, leaving Daniel and Courtney in their proximity.
From the countenance on her father's face, Courtney detects that he is pondering something heavy.
"What's going through your mind, Daddy?"
"Something is not adding up here for me, and I'm going to get to the bottom of it,"
"Seems like we have the same sentiment." Chief Ernest McKnight vocalizes, which makes both father and daughter turn around.
"Is your mother around here? I need to speak with her regarding this accident."
"She is in with Emma, and I do not think she wants to be disturbed at the moment. But you can confer with me."
Ernest decides not to oppose, then decides to pull Daniel away to talk in private.

Sitting by his bedside in the triage; Mae is holding her son's hand while he lies on the gurney bandaged up.
"I thank God you're all right," Mae tells him. "When I got that call, I thought I lost you like I lost your father."
Will grimaces, partially sore due to his injuries.
"You ain't gotta worry about that," he remarks. "Momma, I've been tryin to ask these nurses about Emma. How is she?"
Mae is aware of how her son feels about the heiress he has been seeing for a while now.
"I dunno. I'm sure we'll find out something soon. But the most important thing is that you're alive." "What did happen?" Mae poses the question.
"We were both on our way to the club — some fight broke out, and Emma decided to drive because I had a bit too much to drink— and uh we saw this semi-truck coming our way, but she tried to step on the brake — it wouldn't stop and the next thing I knew I was here. I just bought that damn car, and it turns out to be a lemon makes no sense."
Mae remains vigilant. "I'm sure the police will get to the bottom of this,"

Presley had been listening intensively to Jordan about her ongoing issues with motherhood and how she escaped from them for nearly a year, only to return with the same feelings of despair.
Jordan takes a hearty drink of her iced black tea, trying to interpret her brother's silence while the band Echosmith croons "Cool Kids" on the sound system.
"You have nothing to say, Reverend," she replies hastily. "Or are you thinking which scripture to give to me after all?"
He takes a sip of his coffee before speaking.
"I told you I wasn't going to do that, and it sounds to me like you have no one in your corner other than Tricia. I don't know much about the Covington's, but from what I've heard and read about them, I can see why you will feel you're alone in that house."
"That's why I'm going to see someone about this. I can't be a damn emotional basketcase every time I'm near my son."
"I think that's what is best. You need a professional to help you cope with what sounds like post-partum depression."
Jordan is relieved somewhat at Jordan's brother for not citing how the only being who can fix her is their lord and savior, Jesus Christ.
"I know it was on me to stay in touch with you, but I promise you I'm not going anywhere, and you have one more person on your side," he says vehemently.
Jordan nods, part of her wanting to hear that for years from him but decides to be wary for now.
The chime from her iPhone gets her attention. She decides to ignore it at first, but then realizes it could be about Jeremy, so she skims down the screen.
A look of astonishment appears on her face.
"What's wrong? Presley asks. "Is it about Jeremy?"
Jordan sways her head.
"No, Tommy's aunt and Will Jackson were involved in a terrible car accident. Everyone is at the hospital, "she informs him."
"That's terrible; do you need to be at the hospital or at the mansion?" Presley queries
Jordan waves her hand dismissively. "I'm the last person that the family wants to see at the hospital, and Lillith is with Jeremy. Enough about me. What have you been up to other than wearing a funny collar and preaching from the pulpit? Are you seeing anyone? "
Presley cracks a smile.
"Somethings never change, and no, I'm not seeing anyone at the moment. Anything else?"

Deirdre finds herself sitting in a chair at her daughter's bedside. Tubes are inserted into both arms for various ailments.
Emma opens her eyes like she is trying to mentally ascertain what is going around her.
She tries to lift her head but has difficulty doing so.
"Sweetheart, it's all right," Deirdre says sweetly.
"Oh god, am I dead?" she asks, as she isn't used to her mother being this nice to her.
Deirdre shakes her head at her. "Absolutely not; you were involved in an accident, but everything is going to be fine, I promise you."
Nonetheless, she notices that her daughter has drifted off to sleep.
"Will Jackson and you should be in opposite positions," she whispers to herself,
Reflecting on how it was supposed to happen, with the possible demise of the ex-con instead of her own daughter suffering.
Two masculine voices from outside the room get her attention.
There has got to be an explanation, as to why Emma couldn't stop that car.
My officers and I will do what we can to make sure whoever is responsible will be prosecuted. I tried to talk to that truck driver, but he is irresponsive, and they don't think he is going to make it.
Not only did Deirdre figure out that her son and Chief McKnight were speaking a few feet away, she knows now she is inadvertently responsible for someone else's death.
Things take a turn for the worse.
Mae and Sarah Lynn come together for Will.
Jordan and Tanner show compassion for Tommy.
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