Written by: Bre L. Drew
January 17, 2022
Last Time On Town and Country
Things haven't been resolved between Samuel and Tricia yet after their kiss was revealed to Sean on Halloween.
Brynn struggled with Elijah's alcoholism.
Will and Emma get closer as they bond over being the black sheep in their families.
Sean had been confiding in Louise about his marital problems.

Grateful for the impending solitude, Tricia Lockhart gets onto the elevator at Radcliffe Receiving Hospital. She had just come from her appointment with Dr. Jamison. Once inside, she presses the designated button, quickly glancing at the unopened door. She doesn't pay any more attention until some tall and lean person manages to slide inside, only moments before the doorway slides shut.
She was preparing herself to ignore the person beside her entirely until she happened to lay eyes on him. It also happened to be one of the last people she wanted to see at this moment too.
Samuel Gupta is wearing a black overcoat that covers a dress shirt with a tie and gray pants, holding onto his messenger bag.
Tricia mumbles under her breath, "You got to be fucking kidding me."
"Well, you know the tale as old as time. I kiss my good friend in the middle of a crowded bar. Soon, my husband finds out, and we are barely speaking. And if that wasn't enough for your ears, I'm also pregnant."
Samuel doesn't hold back his surprise reaction on his face.
"Thanks," she replies meaningfully. "Hey, are you off shift?"
"I think it's time we get everything cleared up between us," Tricia says conclusively.
The elevator door opens onto the lobby.
Samuel gestures with his hand. "Lead the way,"

Three months ago, Emma Covington would never have believed she would have nothing more than a business partnership with Will Jackson. However, they had become intimate with one another on the night of The Cliffe's opening, and for the last few weeks, the two have been successfully mixing business and pleasure.
The two are currently in bed together inside her familial suite at the Miller Inn.
She notices the broadened smile on his face.
"Am I wonderful, or am I wonderful?" Emma boasts
"Ain't one to be humble, aren't you?" He speaks
Emma grabs the customary white cotton robe to drape herself in. Then she gets out of bed and walks over to the minibar.
"Hey, where are you going?" Will ask
He had to admit that he enjoyed watching her from behind.
The Covington heiress walks back to the bed with a bottle of champagne and a pair of flutes.
"Another perk of being with you."
He moves forward to pour the liquid into each glass and passes one to her.
"I'm simply reminding you that this is just friends who screw type of relationship. Nothing more, " Emma remarks.
Will shakes his head reasonably.
"I know,"
In silence, the two sip their champagne, both processing what has been done and said here.
Emma places her glass beside her on the nightstand.
"Good, because I'm ready for another round, if you know what I mean."
Will puts the glass on the stand next to him.
Hereafter, they proceed to be sexually inseparable once again.

Taking a break from the work, out on the grounds Sean Lockhart is in the kitchen of the main house. He is standing around the counter, remembering how, despite being a former in-law. The sense of hearth and home in this house has never gone away from him. He hears someone coming into the room, and he is relieved that it is his ex-wife, Louise Saunders Lockhart.
"I know that look; you and Tricia are still at a standstill,"
"I forgot you know me so well."
"Comes with 20 years of marriage," she replies amicably. "I know it isn't any of my business, but you two cannot keep going on like this."
They still haven't dealt with the ongoing problems affecting their marriage.
Sean slouches
"Tell me about it, on top of Tricia and Samuel kissing. I also accused her of getting pregnant with another man's baby too."
"Tricia is pregnant?" Tanner Lockhart said abruptly.
Sean and Louise find out their fraternal twin daughters have stepped foot into the kitchen, sporting surprised expressions.
"Don't forget Tricia and Samuel kissed too," Lynn Lockhart adds aggravatedly.
Tanner turns to Louise. "Mom, you knew about this?" Tanner asks, hoping for some much-needed clarity at this moment.
"I told your mother not to tell you because I wanted to be the one to do it."
Lynn rolls her eyes at her father.
"Next time, don't give me advice about anything when your wife is making out with another man behind your back."
The other day, he gave Lenny advice about her boyfriend and his sobriety.
"Lynn, can we talk?" Sean says
Tanner decides to step in for her sister, knowing her future response might be lethal.
"We've got to get going to Elijah's; everyone is meeting up there."
Today, Elijah is coming home from rehab.
"Please give Elijah our best," Louise says, meaningfully.
Tanner nods at her.
"We will."
The girls both walk out of the side door of the kitchen as Lenny shuts the door hard behind her.
Sean groans.
"It's like when I get on decent footing with Lenny. I did something to make it go two steps back again. "
"Well, give both of them some time; they will come around." Louise remarks
"I wish I had your optimism, Louise," Sean replies.

The Fray's Over My Head (Cable Car) is currently playing on the sound system via SiriusXM inside the cafe this winter afternoon. A light crowd populates the establishment, mostly keeping to themselves.
Even though it's her day off from work here, Tricia decided that Samuel and she needed to talk in a public setting. They are sitting at the table by the large front window overlooking Main Street.
Samuel drinks some of his coffee as Tricia puts her tea mug on the table.
"I should've said this a long time ago, but you know I'm not one for apologies, but kissing you because I was hurting emotionally, was so wrong, and I want to apologize to you for that."
The psychiatrist gives her a somewhat sympathetic look from across the table.
"Thanks, though I believe I owe you an apology too. It wasn't like I tried to stop you. "
For as long as he knew her, Samuel had wanted something more with her, despite her being with Sean. But now he realizes he is also in the wrong.
Tricia takes a hearty sip of her tea.
"With that said, I hope our friendship is something I haven't lost because in this town I could use all of the friends I have."
"No, you haven't," he says sensibly.
Tricia admits, "Now, I wish it could be that simple when it comes to my marriage,"
"I know I have no right to give you advice about your marital matters."
Tricia's lips form a smirk.
"Go ahead,"
"Get over yourself and talk to him," Samuel says matter-of-factly.
"You make it sound so damn simple,"
Samuel lifts his coffee off the table. "Because, in a way, it is,"
Tricia sighs exasperatedly while taking another sip of her tea.

On the ground floor of the hotel, the female clerk behind the front desk puts on her polite expression when she sees a wealthy guest approaching her,
"Did you enjoy your session in the spa, Mrs. Covington?"
Deirdre Covington looks somewhat refreshed from the spa. She is wearing a mink fur coat and is holding onto her designer purse with her sunglasses perched on the top of her head.
"Well, it isn't the Cornelia at The Surrey in New York City, but it is satisfactory. Thank you for asking, though."
The female clerk tries her best not to seem offended regarding their "average spa,"
Quickly, the clerk answers the ringing phone like it was a life preserver.
Deirdre remains standing as she is about to notify her that there is not a person in sight over at the valet service. She is ready to leave and needs someone to bring the vehicle. She is driving the vehicle that belongs to her son right away.
At first, her interest isn't piqued by the particular call. But when she hears the clerk talking about getting on top of bringing food to Suite 802,
But by the time she hangs up the phone, Deirdre finds herself going to the elevator bank, determined to find out who is using her family's suite.

Over a month ago, Elijah Barker left for rehab to deal with his alcoholism. It seemed forever to even think about when he would be out, yet he managed to swallow his pride long enough to complete the program. And now he is in the backseat of his father's Mercedes Benz sedan, pulling into the driveway of the house he grew up in,
His parents and he all get out of the car.
His father heads for the trunk.
"Dad, I can get my bag," Elijah says.
His father waves his hand dismissively.
"No, no, I get it. Go in and relax," Nathaniel insists.
He takes the standard path into the house where his mother had already entered.
The familiarity inside instantly puts a pleasing appearance on his face. In the dining room, he not only sees his mother but also his girlfriend and all of his friends, Tanner Lockhart, Tommy Covington, Lorenzo Vidal, and Aaliyah Gupta, all standing there with joyful looks on their faces.
Immediately, Lynn rushes over to him, wrapping his arm around him, pulling her into a kiss.
Food and drinks were being consumed in the kitchen as Elijah caught up on the goings-on in the lives of the ones, he is closest to,
"Glad to hear that about your father, Lorenzo," Elijah says.
Lorenzo had filled them in on his father, who had been unemployed and was now getting some clients for his electrical engineering business.
He takes a sip of his soda.
"Me too. It wasn't easy on my mother, but it's getting better for them." Anyway, how are you doing, man? "
"I'm doing okay,"
In a way, he is becoming tired of being asked how he is doing. But he decides not to say anything, knowing his friends mean well.
Brynn enters the kitchen with her arms folded.
"Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt, but can I speak with Elijah for a few minutes?"
Elijah, who dips a baby carrot into a ranch dip, puts his plate down on the counter.
The mother and son end up in the dining room. The two hadn't spoken to each other much since Elijah had confessed his drinking problem stemmed from the pressure, she had put on him to do well academically.
"Mom, if this is about me delaying school further, I'm not doing that. Nothing is going to keep me from graduating on time with my friends."
"It's not that; this is hard for me to say. I want to talk to you about my behavior on Christmas Eve. You were admitting your truth, and I couldn't handle it." Brynn confesses
His mother's being this vulnerable is weird for him since his mother has always been the
Brynn brings both arms to her side while inching closer to Elijah.
"It was not easy for me to hear what you said. I have this portrait of you that is always spotless, and I didn't want anything to tarnish that image."
"Mom, I'm not perfect. I crashed my own car into a pole because I was drinking and driving."
"I'm getting to understand it now. Can you please forgive me eventually?"
Elijah exhales softly.
"I can,"
The two embrace one another, knowing this isn't going to easily remedy their situation. However, it is one step in the right direction.

"Is it just me, or is Lynn giving me the side-eye? Aaliyah asks her boyfriend
The couple are sitting down at the table in the kitchen. Lorenzo gives a glance at Lenny, who is talking to Tanner in the corner of the room. Their eyes meet as Lynn shakes her head while continuing to talk to her sister.
"Anything happen between you two?" Lorenzo queries.
"No, I mean, we aren't as close as Tanner and I are, but we have never had beef," Aaliyah responds in an inquisitive manner.

Tommy makes his way over to the twins.
"Hey," he greets the both of them.
"Hi," Tanner says.
Lynn notices the two are back to being friends, who she can't understand since he impregnated Jordan behind her back. Then she remembers that she had known about the situation months before she did.
Lenny decides to remove herself by walking away.
Tanner takes a sip of her cup of punch.
"I decided to have a christening for Jeremy."
Their previous conversation revolved around him not being sure of having one, unlike Thora McKnight, who wanted her grandson to be baptized.
"You were right, it's about my son and how it's important for him to have a connection to his mother."
At the moment, Jordan is away, unable to cope with raising their son.
"Good to hear,"
"Yeah, I wanted to ask you something,"
"What is it?"
"Would you want to be Jeremy's godmother? I'm going to ask Elijah to be the godfather. " Tommy reveals
Tanner moves her head uneasily at being asked that.
"Thanks for asking, but I don't think it's right for me to take on that role."
Instantly, Tommy realizes it would be peculiar for her to be the godmother of his son, whom he conceived behind her back.
"Just ignore what I said."
"Don't worry about it,"
Tanner takes another sip of her drink trying to deal with the awkwardness that occurred between them.
Lynn stands near the table in the kitchen where Lorenzo and Aaliyah are sitting around it.
"Lynn, is there anything I did to make you look at me like I stole something from you?" Aaliyah asks.
Lorenzo showcases his reluctance to have this be a positive interaction between the girls.
Lynn tucks some loose strands of her long blonde hair behind her ear.
"Did you know that your brother and Tricia kissed?"
Lorenzo stares at his girlfriend, who herself is reacting to this news.
"Lynn, believe me, this is the first time I've heard this," Aaliyah discloses.
She begins to feel bad about how she has been treating her as she gradually realizes she is telling the truth.
"Aaliyah: I'm didn't mean it. I'm angry at my dad for keeping this from me. I forgot to say that she is pregnant too. Yeah, looks like me and Tanner will have a bratty little brother or sister in months."
"Oh, I get it, but Tricia isn't solely responsible. Samuel knew what he was doing too. " Aaliyah declares
Lorenzo clears his throat.
"Remember today is about Elijah, who just got out of rehab," he reminds them.
Both girls bob their heads, agreeing to drop this subject matter at this moment.

Will and Emma are lying in bed post-coital after another round of sex.
"We gotta get out into the real world again, you know," Will tells her.
As manager of the club, he had to leave soon to make sure everything went off without a hitch before they opened later tonight.
She sighs. "Don't remind me,"
An audible knock can be heard at the door.
"That was fast," they both say in unison, thinking that room service was going to take longer to bring their food to them.
Emma is about to get out of bed when Will holds out his hand to stop her.
He quickly slides on his sweatpants as he remains shirtless, exposing his athletic physique as he answers the door.
But he finds the visitor in the doorway isn't an employee of the inn.
Deirdre crosses her arms over her chest.
"Let me guess, my daughter took pity on your situation and let you borrow my family's hotel suite to hook up with your latest squeeze?"
He turns around to face Emma, who looks horrified at hearing her mother's voice.
Stepping into the room, preparing to throw both him and his tramp out, she is taken back by the presence of her daughter in bed, who looks like she wants to be anywhere but here at this moment.
"I'm going to pretend this little encounter never happened. If you leave right now, Will. " Deirdre says it's more of a command than a request.
Not wanting to cause any more commotion, Will complies with the Covington matriarch while putting on his shirt. He then grabs his wallet from the nightstand.
"I'll catch you later," he tells his lover.
He meets an irritable glare from Deirdre on his way out.
"Were you having me followed, mother?" Emma queries sarcastically.
"No, in fact, I was downstairs when I heard someone in this suite was ordering room service. So, imagine my shock when I discovered you with him. "What were you thinking?"
"Mother, I am thirty-five years old. And I don't need your permission on who I can sleep with." Emma says strongly. "Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to take a shower."
While Deirdre watches her daughter put on a robe, heading into the bathroom.
She tilts her head in disbelief.
"I have got to put a stop to this," she says, determinedly.
Sean and Tricia hash it out.
Steven and Courtney have differing opinions.
Ernest is made aware of Thora's interaction with their grandchild.
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