Written by: Bre L. Drew
January 11, 2022
Last Time On Town and Country
Steven and Courtney finally got married on Christmas Eve, witnessed by their friends and family.
Elijah was tempted to drink by a fellow patient in rehab and was soon surprised by a visit by his friends to bring in the holiday.
Brynn felt ashamed when Elijah admitted his alcoholism started from the pressure his parents placed upon him.
Tanner and Tommy became close again, despite their breakup.

Kat Edmonson's Lucky fills the establishment this weekday afternoon as college students retreat inside after spending their winter break off-campus. And amongst them are Tanner Lockhart and Aaliyah Gupta, sitting on the leather couch in the lounge area, conversing over their caffeinated beverages.
"I'm glad we were able to cheer up Elijah on Christmas Eve," Aaliyah says.
Tanner takes a sip of her drink. "Me too, and hopefully, when he gets out of rehab, he will find the strength to remain sober."
They went to the rehab on Christmas Eve, along with Lynn and Tommy, to celebrate the holiday with Elijah, who had been tempted to drink. After a bad encounter with his parents,
"I got a feeling he will,"
"Me too,"
The two roommates begin talking about their upcoming class when Tommy Covington comes over to them while pushing the stroller with his six-month-old son Jeremy inside.
"Guess we all had the same idea," he says casually.
"Seems that way," Tanner responds fairly.
Aaliyah takes a hearty sip of her beverage. "So, how did this little guy fare for his first Christmas?"
"Let's just say it took me almost half an hour to unwrap his presents. The whole family spoiled Jere for sure. " Tommy answers
Presently, Jeremy was enthusiastically playing with a plush school bus toy.
Tanner remarks, "Well, I bet he didn't mind in the slightest."
"He sure didn't."
Tommy then turns to Aaliyah. "Hey, Li, you wouldn't mind if I spoke with Tanner alone for a few minutes?"
Both girls exchange glances at one another.
Aaliyah rises from her spot on the couch, obtaining her mug from the table in front of her. "Okay, I'll be getting a refill," she says, mostly to Tanner.
After she takes off to the counter, Tommy takes over the spot where Aaliyah was sitting beside Tanner.
"What's going on?" Tanner queries
"I had another run-in with Thora McKnight,"

"Who knew one week in the Virgin Islands would fly by so fast?" Courtney Covington Sullivan asks from the passenger seat of her husband's new Dodge Durango.
The two were on the freeway coming from the airport. Their designation is the farm, where they will be staying until they can finally acquire a home.
"Tell me about it; we left St. John at 84 and sunny and came back at barely 30 and cloudy," Steven Sullivan says, observingly. While maneuvering the wheel,
"Spending all day at the beach, snorkeling, moonlight swims." Courtney verbally lists
"If I remember correctly, a few of those we got up early enough for us to be unclothed. "He winks."
Courtney smiles as she dwells on their honeymoon until the recognizable ringtone of her iPhone becomes audible.
"Hello, hi Dad,"
Steven keeps his eyes on the road as his wife speaks to one of his least favorite people, who now happens to be his new father-in-law.
"Uh, is it important?" Courtney asks curiously. "Okay, I will be there in ten minutes. See you then."
She then ends the call.
"He couldn't let you have one day to chill before he shoves work at you?" Steven queries
Courtney leans back in the passenger seat.
"He said he needed my signature on a document that probably has to do with the property we are trying to procure."
"You know, it's not too late for us to hop on another plane," Steven says half-jokingly.
"Don't tempt me," Courtney comments.

Nathaniel Barker is composing a mass email on his desktop computer to his students in his honors English class in his home office. He is about to click send when he happens to see his wife standing in the doorway in a houndstooth turtleneck with black slacks.
"Are you busy?" Brynn Barker nicely.
"I am,"
Nathaniel is still not too keen on how his wife reacted when Elijah revealed he was led to drink by the constant pressure placed on them.
"Nathaniel, I hope you can see this from my side."
"The English professor shakes his head in irritation.
"There are no sides, Brynn; our son is an alcoholic; he needs both of us to help him through this."
Brynn places her hands on her hips.
"That is what I want too,"
The Barker matriarch sighs exasperatedly while she holds the top of her nose.
"A year ago, our son was a normal teenage college student—now he is in rehab with a drinking problem. Where did we go wrong, Nathaniel?"
Nathaniel goes over to his wife.
"Together, we have to be strong for him, okay,"
Brynn grabs one of her husband's hands.
"I'm scared," she admits candidly.
"Then come to me when you feel that way; you don't have to be strong on your own."
The two remain in close immediacy with each other.

In spite of wanting to stay in the car, Steven accompanies his wife onto the twentieth floor, where Daniel's office is located inside the Covington Tower in downtown Radcliffe. Evelyn, Daniel's longtime secretary, notified him on the phone of their presence. They are then permitted to enter the office suite. The CEO is at the minibar pouring himself a glass of club soda with lime as he prides himself on not drinking while working.
"Welcome back," Daniel says, mostly to his daughter.
"Hi, daddy," she responds warmly, while embracing her father.
Daniel then shakes his new son-in-law's hand.
"Hi, Daniel,"
The businessman takes a seat behind his desk.
"I take it from both of your tans that you two had a good time away."
"We did," she quickly answers.
Courtney can tell from the tone in her husband's voice that he was at the end of his patience regarding being in the same room as her father.
"Do you have that form that you need me to sign?"
Daniel slides it to Courtney, who already has a pen in her hand and is about to put her name on it when she notices a key sitting on top of the document.
"What is this?" she asks peculiarly.
A wide grin appears on her father's face, causing Steven to put on a look of skepticism on his.
"He bought us a house, and not just any house; it's Hope Cottage," Courtney says, skimming the document in front of her.
"I know you two had trouble finding the right home. So, I decided to do it for you, " Daniel says genuinely.
Hope Cottage is one of the three residential cottages the company built over a year ago.
"Thank you for the house, but we can't accept it," Steven says
Daniel shakes his head, as if he was disappointed but not surprised to hear that particular response.
"Courtney, please talk some sense into your husband."
"She doesn't need to do that," Steven ripostes.
Daniel scoffs ruefully.
"One thing you will learn when you are with a Saunders is that you must contend with their pride."
"Dad, don't," Courtney interjects.
Steven exits out of the room, leaving Courtney torn between her husband and her father.
Courtney takes the key and the paper with her, deciding to leave the building with her husband.
Daniel takes a hearty sip of his club soda, grateful that at least his daughter isn't necessarily defending Steven in this matter.

Tanner puts her mug on the table. "Sounds like you are torn about this."
"Perfect way to describe it," Tommy replies. "And it's like, I get the importance of christenings, but it's not like it's going to change the foundation of his life if he doesn't have one."
Tanner remains silent as she picks up her mug.
"What?" he asks.
"It's just that I'm not trying to tell you how to parent your child, but getting Jeremy christened isn't the worst thing."
Tommy throws her a look of confusion.
"I mean, look at my family. We aren't particularly religious, but all of us have been christened, and perhaps Jeremy can see it one day as something he has in common with his mother's family. "
Tommy sighs as he hears another point of view on the matter. He is about to say something when Aaliyah returns with her refilled cup in her possession.
"Well, I will go ahead and take off, but I will see you two around campus. Bye."
The young women say their goodbyes to the father and son while they exit the cafe.
Aaliyah glances at her friend somewhat suspiciously.
"What?" Taner asks innocently.
"Please don't tell me you two are considering getting back together. Aaliyah responds abruptly. "After everything he did, like getting Jordan knocked up and lying to you for months about it,"
"Aaliyah, I'm not even in the headspace for a relationship, especially to rekindle one with Tommy. And he is just a friend who needed my advice on something. That's all okay. Can we please drop this and focus on you? I know you're thrilled to have Lorenzo back in town."
Aaliyah's boyfriend is returning home later tonight from Philadelphia, where he spent the holiday with his family.
Despite Tanner's conviction, Aaliyah senses something brewing between the exes, though she decides to drop the subject for now, realizing it isn't any of her business.

With relief at almost being done cleaning the cattle shed on her family's farm, Lynn Lockhart wipes a bead of sweat on her forehead. She turns around to see her father, Sean Lockhart, walking towards her.
"This place looks good," Sean says of his daughter's neatly organized shed. Don't tell your mother, but I'm glad you chose to come work here out of high school."
Lenny gestures to lock her lips.
"She won't hear it from me."
Sean folds his sturdy arms over his chest. "So, how is it going?"
Months ago, Lenny wouldn't have much to say to her father since she was still upset that he chose Tricia over her mother two years ago. But as time has moved on, their relationship has slightly thawed.
"Elijah is getting out of rehab next week,"
"How is he doing?" Sean surveys
"He's doing better. He's going to need a sponsor and to start attending meetings, but he is committed to it, "
Sean clears his throat purposely. "I know I haven't been the perfect father to you, so this might come off as overbearing."
"When has that ever stopped you, dad?" She shoots back at him.
He slants his head to convey her point.
"Okay, just don't expect this to be the end of his recovery. He still has a long way to go."
Lynn grips the handle of the shovel. "I know,"
"Well, just keep it in mind, okay. I don't want to see you hurt if anything happens."
"Like Elijah drinking again?" She counters
Sean puts up a hand to mean he doesn't mean any harm to his daughter.
"I hope Elijah remains sober, but the truth is that he is human, and anyone can have a slip-up."
"No matter what happens, I am going to be there for him. That's what you do for someone you care about."
Elijah leaves rehab.
Tricia and Samuel clear the air between them.
Deirdre walks in on a private matter.
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