Written by : Bre L. Drew
October 6, 2019
Last Time On Town and Country
Deirdre Covington visited Radcliffe for the first time in 29 years.
Daniel expressed his feelings for Louise, who ultimately turned him down.
Sean confronted Tricia over her insecurities over Louise.
Esther and Deirdre rehashed the past, including Dee's affair with Jimmy Saunders thirty years ago.

In his office on the twentieth floor of the Covington Tower, Daniel Covington is wrapping up his phone call with the architect over the status of construction of the residential cottages. He gets out of his chair to the minibar to pour himself a glass of scotch. Despite his rule of not drinking on the job, he needed something to dull the memory of being rejected by Louise the other evening at his son's wedding on the yacht. Telling him, she had to focus on herself rather than proceeding into a relationship with him.
Daniel looks out of the large picturesque window that gives him the view of the skyline of Downtown Radcliffe. He puts the rim of the glass to his lips to take in the drink.
He turns around when he sees his door unexpectedly opens from his indirect vision.
"Hello son," Deirdre Covington says
The matriarch of the wealthy Covington family is wearing a black and white Paisley Bell-Sleeve dress and black Christian Louboutin pumps. She too is carrying a black leather carryall bag from some French designer Daniel forgets the name of that his mother likes. Since she arrived, she had been staying at Home Farm with the rest of the family.
"Mother, what brings you by? better question how come Evelyn didn't let me know you were here,"
Evelyn is Daniel's longtime secretary, who moved from Staten Island to Radcliffe to continue to work for him.
"Let's just say I gave Evelyn an additional thirty-minute break," she winks. "I came to say goodbye, I'm heading back to New York, in a few hours."
He puts down his glass on the side table to give his mother a gentle hug and kiss on the cheek.
Deirdre takes a seat in one of the two club chairs in front of his desk.
"Seems like Max and his new wife are enjoying themselves in Fiji," Glad they got there safely,"
"Me too," he says diplomatically.
She suspects something wrong with her eldest offspring knowing instinctively something is troubling him.
"Is the business giving you the flux?" she says in her polished southern accent.
"No mother, in fact, the construction of the cottages and retail development should be complete near Christmas, -- it is something a little more personal,"
"No need to be tight-lipped son, as your mother I have a right to be a concern for my children no matter how old they get. By the way, I see little gray hairs sprouting out from your head do something about that," she says with a dab of well meaningful humor.
Daniel isn't in the mood for his mother's comments. "If it will get you out of here any sooner, I told Louise that I wanted to start dating her again, and she told me no, she started giving me these excuses."
Deirdre gets up to go fix herself a glass of vodka. "What is up with this family's infatuation with that damn family?"
"Mother, I am serious, I thought she would be open to starting things again,"
Deirdre herself wasn't keen on the two of them courting when they were teenagers over thirty years ago. She, however, couldn't compete with the anger of her husband Patrick and her former lover Jimmy Saunders not wanting their progeny to have any kind of connection. It is one of the reasons why the family left for New York City all those years ago.
"Son, it's not any of my business, but she is a grown woman, not that teenage girl you loved with all of your heart,"
Daniel takes a long sip of his scotch. "What are you saying then?"
"Maybe it wasn't meant for you two to get back together," she says impactfully.
Daniel drinks some more scotch before becoming dismissive. "How long have you been rehearsing that speech mother?"
Deirdre walks over to snatch the glass out of his hand tossing the remaining brown liquid out of the cup into the sink. "You are sitting here like Little Miss Muffet instead of the CEO of a Fortune 500 company," Louise only wants to remain friends?" So what? "Find someone else to share your life with Daniel,"
The words coming out of his mother's mouth do make sense, but he only has been with two women in his entire life. One can never come back due to circumstances out of his control, and the other is scared.
"You still know how to pull the punches, don't you?"
"I sure do, I wish I pulled some to get your sister to come to her own Nephew's wedding,"
Emma is currently traveling through Italy, spending nearly half of her trust fund with no direction in her life.
"Don't worry, she'll be back in the city when she needs a place to stay," he assures her. "I'll walk you to the elevator,"
On their way into the hallway, Deirdre gets a little teary at the portrait of her husband from forty years ago when he first opened the Covington Group in that office suite not too far from here. It makes her miss him more than she already does. And it also makes her get proactive. So when she crawls in the back of the limousine that is designated to take her to the airport. She informs the driver of an additional location she needs to be dropped off.
"Will you be cutting it close, Ma'am?" the driver poises while he steers the vehicle onto the street.
"It won't take long," she remarks confidently.

"Since when I first laid eyes on you after all those years last year those feelings I thought vanished after we broke up when were kids returned."
"Daniel, what are you trying to tell me?" That you want us to give it another go?"
​"Daniel, I respect your courage for telling me how you feel, but, I'm not in a position to jump into a relationship right now,"
"But it is okay for your ex-husband to be happy and for you to be alone?"
"First of all, I don't need a man to make me feel happy besides I have spent twenty years of my life with one and look how wonderful that has turned out, "
"You're scared of moving on you don't have to hide it from me, Lou,"
Louise Saunders Lockhart reflects on that moment that took place on the yacht before she hears Lynn calling out for her which ends her introspective thoughts.
Mother and daughter are in the kitchen of their home as the birds chirp outside the house. The two our sitting across from each other at the counter. As Louise's iPad is playing "Gold" by Spandau Ballet from Louise's Spotify playlist.
Lenny Saunders waves her hand in front of her mother's face. "Mom?"
"What is it?" she manages to say
"I was just asking did you want more coffee?"
"Sure, thanks,"
Lynn takes her mother's mug to refill the coffee over at the Keurig coffee maker.
"Something on your mind isn't it?" Lynn guesses correctly
"Ready for the first day of school next week?" Louise says changing the subject.
Lynn gives her mother the cup shooting her a facial expression publicizing "I don't believe you, but I don't have the patience to confront you about it"
"More like ready to graduate, so I won't ever have to step foot in Radcliffe High ever again," she says victoriously
The doorbell rings, causing a similar glance of a surprise since neither of them expected anyone to show up at the house. Taking off to the front door when she opens it, is Sean standing in the doorway.
"Hey!" he says happily.
"Hey, Dad," Lynn remarks effortlessly.
"Morning," Louise says awkwardly
She isn't sure why her ex-husband is here on her doorstep trying? She tries her best to think about what would make him come all the way out here.
"I got something for the both of you," he announces
Before the mother and daughter can even respond, "the something" he has for them moves closer wearing a sage green tie top and a pair of dark blue jeans.
"Surprise!" the person calls out excitingly,
Lynn, who is delighted to see her fraternal twin sister, goes out to toss both arms around her. When Tanner Lockhart goes to hug her mother, Sean and Lenny begin bringing in her luggage into the house,
Louise tells her daughter. "I thought you were coming home later this evening,"
"Everyone was starting to leave last night, so I decided to get on an earlier flight. I called dad to come to pick me up to surprise everyone," she explains
Louise tries to spot any differences in her bespectacled brunette daughter, except for a mild tan she is the same.
"So tell me all about Boston," Louise says as the two of them walk back into the house.

Martha Saunders is mopping the hardwood floor of the empty bar. She along with Antoine Hall our in charge of opening The Waterfall in about forty-minutes.
Usually, she wouldn't mind the sheer quietness as a single mother with an infant at home. However, at this moment, it was making her feel restless. She begins humming and starts tapping her feet to the beat of the song she utters aloud.
Clappa your hands, stompa your feet
People looking for the great escape
Looking to the greener side
Trying to find a better way
Slow down, open up your big brown eyes
Feel the rhythm in your heart
You don't even need to try
Gotta get up, listen to me
Clappa your hands, stompa your feet
Continuing to belt out the lyrics to Serena Ryder's "Stompa" into the handle of the mop. When she looks to see Antoine, observing her she ungracefully stops. Somewhat embarrassed to be caught spontaneously singing.
With a pleased expression upon his face, he folds his arms onto his broad chest. "Damn girl, it's a shame you ain't singing in front of a crowd,"
Martha starts wiping the floor again with the cleaning implement. "I can probably fit that in between taking care of a baby and working here," she says with a tad of sarcasm.
Antoine had always liked her soulful singing ever since they were teenagers. He hated that his good friend was wasting her talent because of her insecurities of not making it big in her two years living in Los Angeles.
"Marty, I am serious, you just need to find the right platform to show the people you still got it, " he says
Martha starts to trail behind him after she puts the mop down into the bucket.
"Now you're beginning to sound like Nich," she cuts herself out. "Antoine, I am so sorry,"
She knew Nichelle was still a sore subject to him since they broke up over his unresolved feelings of Shauna were apparent to her. But she does remember the advice she gave her about re-starting her music career about starting performing in small nightclubs and venues.
"It's all right, I'm the one who fucked everything up so I gotta live with it," he says certainly
Martha places both of her hands onto her hips. "Okay, who are you and what have you done with my best male friend?"
Antoine's lips form into a half-grin at her question. "I promised Shauna at the wedding I would be on my best behavior, so I won't be trying to find to come in between her and Max."
Before she can say anything else, he holds up his hand. "I'm serious," Don't change the subject, you belong in a place like," he stops himself. His brain focuses on what is around him before landing back on her.
"I got an idea," he says
"My curiosity is piqued," Martha says with some trepidation.
"Not promisin anything, but what if I help you out with a chance to perform your heart out,"
Martha raises her eyebrows partly in disbelief and exhilaration.

Removing the bead of sweat from his forehead, Peter Saunders enters through the door into the kitchen of the house. He wipes his muddy shoes on the mat before heading towards Sarah Lynn, who is studying her face in her compact mirror.
He had decided to come back in from the pasture, where his limbs felt heavy from working all morning
He quickly throws his arms around his wife from behind.
"Hello," he greets her.
"Hey yourself, she said nonchalantly.
Peter kisses the nape of her neck."What is up with you and that mirror?" he casually asks.
Sarah Lynn runs one of her hands through her long thick blonde hair.
He goes to the refrigerator where he opens it he pulls out a plastic carton of orange juice. "Am I still attractive to you?"
Sarah Lynn has always been observant when it comes to her physical appearance. Being a former beauty queen, she didn't leave the house if a hair was out of place or if she didn't have enough makeup on her face.
Peter grabs a glass out of the top cabinet. "You still have an ass of a twenty-one-year-old."
Sarah Lynn puts the mirror down on the counter. "I'm serious Peter,"
"What brought this on?"
"Am I too much woman for you?"
He coughs for a few seconds before she speaks.
Peter looks in his wife's eyes, suddenly understanding what she exactly means. "Baby, I can't believe you're letting Dee Dee get to you like this,"
At Max and Shauna's wedding reception, Deirdre commented on Sarah Lynn's weight gain.
The two never got along which Sarah suspects it had to do with unresolved feelings for Peter, whom Deirdre dated briefly decades ago.
"Remember when I used to wear those tight pants?" she says with nostalgia.
"Yeah I do, those were the days, but you're still the most beautiful woman I've ever known,"
Sarah Lynn exposes her teeth in an amused expression. "Are you saying this to make me feel better?"
Peter grasps her face delicately. "Let me show you how much I love you,"
Sarah Lynn follows behind her husband to their bedroom upstairs to make love.

Antoine decided an hour into service to approach Mae, who is pulling a pint of beer into the mug before giving it to an off-duty police officer.
"What is it?" she demands lightheartedly.
"How did you know I wanted something?" he asks her,
The older woman turns around facing her employee and surrogate grandson. "I've got eyes in the back of my head, besides you aren't the first young man who stood by to wanting something,"
"Mae, is there any way you would accommodate a live performer anytime soon?"
Mae doesn't shield her confusion as she crosses her arm. "Who do you have in mind?"
"An up and coming singer who has years of experience --- and who is currently serving table three with their burgers and fries,"
Mae glances at Martha who is smiling assuredly at the table of customers who frequently dine at her establishment. She waits until she is done with the table, to physically gesture her to come over behind the bar so the three of them can discuss Antoine's proposition.
Mae's eyes narrow in on her granddaughter's best friend."Are you serious about this because if you have second thoughts?"
"I'm always going to have that uncertainty whispering in my head telling me I can't do it. Or if I did this or did that maybe I would've been at a different place in my life in terms of my career," but the truth is I'm never going to be ready, but I am going to push myself until I get close to it," she says passionately
"Next Friday evening work for you?" Mae says knowing she had scheduled her to do a shift,
"It will, thank you, Mae," she throws her arms around her and then does the same for Antoine.
"Girl, you're gonna pack this place," Antoine says encouragingly.
"I 'll settle for any crowd thanks again," she tells him,
"Just don't forget my ten percent cut as your manager," he teases in which Martha playfully swats at him.

When Louise enters the kitchen, she is taken aback seeing Sean cracking eggs into a bowl.
"Did I just enter into The Outer Limits?" Louise says aloud.
"The Outer Limits really Louise no one says that?" Sean says with a humorous disgust.
One of their longstanding disagreements was which sci-fi anthology show was better The Twilight Zone or The Outer Limits?
"Thought I would make some of my famous pancakes and bacon -- if you don't mind,"
He feels quite uneasy asking for permission to cook in his former home.
"Knock yourself out,"
Louise continues watching him taking in the familiar sight of her former spouse cooking. She had to admit he was the best cook, out of the two of them.
Sean was glad to see the usual spices and seasonings were in their usual location.
"Forgive me for intruding, but I take it that Tricia and yourself haven't worked things out yet,"
"You can still read me like a book can you," he says
Tricia didn't take too kindly of her boyfriend, not telling her about having dinner with Louise after the exes had dropped off Tanner at the airport weeks ago. Despite it being a platonic meal between co-parents Tricia had jumped to the wrong case scenario.
"She is mostly spending all of her time at the café, we hardly have talked about it since," Sean confesses
As he uses the spatula to flip over the bacon in the frying pan on the stove. Louise's stomach growls thankfully it went unnoticed by Sean.
"Need any help?" she asks. "With making breakfast," she adds.
"Yeah, " he says
Having no care in the world, if the two made up or not, she decided she had enough of sitting down reminding her of when they were married she would watch him cook, and they would talk about everything under the sun.
Knowing it cannot go back the way it was. She, however, didn't want to continue giving concentration on Daniel's confession to her either. So she might as well keep herself distracted.

Esther Saunders felt good riding her favorite horse Chestnut, on the trail, Deciding to take a break from the office feeling a tad guilty of not riding since last year. So she thought she would get out on this beautiful sunny day in spite of the leaves already falling on the ground.
When Esther is about to guide the horse to the stables, she catches a glimpse of a black limousine pulling into the driveway. She steps down off the horse when she sees the driver opening the passenger door revealing her former best friend Deirdre walking with her usual arrogance.
"Lord what are you doing here, Dee Dee," Esther says with no time for her dramatics.
"What I have to say to you isn't going to take long at all," she states. "I'm going back to New York,"
Esther grips the straps of the harness on the animal. "So what are you doing here then?"
"My relations with Jimmy, that is going to stay between us right?" she eagerly asks.
Esther looks up at the sky before lowering her head sighing heavily.
"You screwing my daddy ain't something I want to recall,"
An expression of relief spreads across her face she tersely nods.
Esther smoothly pats the mane of the horse. "Since we got all of that squared away I'm going to need you to do something for me,"
"What are you talking about Esther?"
"Encourage your son to take less interest in the business of the farm,"
The look of reassurance now switches to incredulous on the socialite's face.
"How do you suppose I do that?"
Esther shrugs her shoulders. "We both know how persuasive you can be," she replies. "We wouldn't want the truth the come out that not only you were unfaithful but your daughter might be a poor Saunders."
Deirdre shakes her head refusing to let this go.
"Emma is Patrick's daughter, I had a DNA test performed when she was little so you don't have nothing to blackmail me with, nice try though." Now I'm off back to my fourteen room penthouse on Park Avenue," she boldly brags.
Turning on both of her heels she makes a small gesture to have her driver get out to open the door for her as she gets into the backseat of the vehicle.
Esther watches the limousine drive off onto the main road rolling her eyes at her former best friend,
She caresses the neighing horse. "Nothing, but a lot of hot air coming out that mouth," she says
Inside the limousine, Deirdre has her iPhone to her ear. Irritated that she got the voicemail, instead of the actual party she is trying to reach.
"Em, this is mommy, call me back when you get a chance, love you,"
She ends the call.
"No one can ever know there is the possibility of you being a Saunders," she whispers to herself.
An Emergency occurs.
Martha makes her singing debut at The Waterfall.
Elijah inquires about a job.
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