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Written by: Bre L Drew

February 16, 2025

Last Time on Town and Country 

  • Emma discovered that Jacques knew about her true paternity; however, he highlighted Deirdre's betrayal. 

  • Shauna is determined to keep her pregnancy a secret from Max and Antoine, remaining adamant about divorcing Max and leaving town after the baby is born, despite still loving him.

  • Esther and Steven ponder whether or not Emma is secretly Lenny's bone marrow donor, as they're still keeping it secret from the family, including Courtney.

  • The DNA test revealed that Skye is Joel's daughter, causing him to invite her to live with him as he and Thora grew closer.


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Esther Saunders .jpg
Lexi Ainsworth as Courtney Covington.jpg

Steven Sullivan stood near the staircase of the cottage; phone pressed to his ear hearing his mother’s southern drawl on the other end.


"Well, Louise said that Lenny's doing well after the transplant. But it’ll be a while before we know if it's working," Esther Saunders said.


"Yeah, it’ll probably be a few weeks before the oncologist can tell if there’s any change in her CBC," Steven replies, 


"I'm just praying it means Lenny's on the mend. This family could really use a win," Her tone hopeful. "I think it’ll all work out like it should."


Steven ran a hand through his dark blonde hair, trying to shake off the unease hindering him. "Yeah, I just feel guilty, that’s all."


Esther’s voice softens. "You shouldn’t, darling. We did what we had to, to keep things peaceful. Lenny’s gonna get better, and we’ll keep this secret to our graves."


The mother and son had previously speculated that Emma might have been the one to donate the life-saving bone marrow. However, they have been keeping the heiress' biological connection to them a secret, knowing it would cause hell if it were ever revealed.


Steven sighs. "If you say so."


As he looks up, footsteps on the stairs caught his attention. He saw Courtney Covington Sullivan, dressed in a pink satin blouse and dark slacks, coming down. Her eyes met his briefly as she continued toward him.


"Uh, Mom, I have to go," Steven said quickly.


"Alright, talk later," Esther replied, a note of suspicion in her voice.




They both hung up at the same time.


Courtney pauses at the bottom of the stairs, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Is everything okay?" she asks.


"Yeah," Steven replied, still holding the phone. "That was just Mom. Lenny’s holding steady, but we won’t know for a while."


Courtney smiles gently. "That must be a relief for Sean and Louise."


"I bet it is."


Just then, Steven’s phone rang, its familiar tone pulling their attention. Expecting it to be his mother or the clinic, he glances at the screen.
Lorraine, hi," he said, a hint of hesitation in his voice.


Courtney's expression pivots, cautious curiosity flashing across her face.


Auli'l Cravalho as Skye Park - Town and Country.jpg
Meredith Monroe - Thora McKnight T&C.jpg

Admittedly, at this stage of life, Joel Friendly never thought he would be a father; however, last year, he got the shock of his life when the daughter he never knew informed him of her existence due to his past relationship with her late mother, Eleanor Park, years prior during their missionary days overseas.


Today marks her first day at Radcliffe High, and the reverend is dressed and nursing his first cup of coffee in the small kitchen of the apartment he now shares with his daughter.


Sipping his coffee, he hears footsteps descending from the small hall, his eyes narrowing as they land on Skye Park wearing a "Bad Omens" shirt, black-and-gray plaid skirt, fishnets, and platform boots. For some, the outfit might be startling, but after getting to know her, he knows her goth identity is simply who she is.


Skye gets her father's attention. "So how do I look?"


The reverend sets down his coffee and gets closer to the younger woman. 

"You look like, you're ready to take on the 10th grade," he remarks, complimentary. 


"Well, that was what I was going for."


"You know it's okay to be nervous. Starting at a new school in the middle of the semester would make anyone full of nerves," he notes.


Skye goes into the kitchen to pour herself some coffee. "Well, it's not like it's my first time changing schools, Joel."


Joel recalls being told by her when her mother died, she had moved from Austin to Houston, where she lived with her maternal grandmother until recently, as they decided it would be best, she comes to live with him permanently, which is something he will never regret.


Joel glances around the room before his eyes land on the couch in the living room, where Skye sleeps. He shifts his gaze back to her. “Again, I’m sorry you had to sleep on the pullout. But when I get the chance I'll get back to getting another place." 


Skye shakes her head gently, setting the mug down on the countertop. “It’s fine.”


“It’s not,” Joel replies. “You’re a young woman, and you deserve your own space. So, when I get the time, I promise we’ll go apartment hunting.”


Just as the moment feels at ease, a knock echoes from the door. Joel volunteers to get to the door, seeing it is Thora McKnight standing in the doorway with a cordial smile.


"Hey," he says to the woman helping him unite with the daughter he never knew he had.


"Hey," the blonde woman replies. "She then gestures to the trademark Jojo's Cafe cardboard box. "Mind if I come in? I bring goodies."


"Please do," the reverend answers as he allows the woman to enter the apartment, and shuts the door behind them.


Thora walked into the kitchen, smiling at Skye and Joel. "Well, I remember that Skye is starting her first day at Radcliffe, so I thought I’d bring some donuts and danishes from the cafe and check in on how things are going."


Skye gave a nod. "Nice," she said


"Oh, Thora, you didn’t have to do that but thank you."


Thora places the box on the counter, the scent of pastries filling the air. 


"Well, I thought you two would be hungry." Her eyes then flash to Skye’s shirt. "You a fan of the band, I see?"


Skye's eyebrows rose, and Joel was genuinely surprised. Bad Omens is heavy metal, far from her usual taste.


"What?" Thora laughs in disbelief.


"Nothing," Joel stifles a laugh, obviously amused. "I never knew you were down with the kids."


Skye couldn’t help but laugh, and Thora smirks.


"Nobody says down with the kids anymore," she remarks.


"She got you there, Joel," Skye teases.


Joel shook his head. "All right, let’s get something in our stomachs before we go." He glanced at Thora with a grin, still chuckling.



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Emma Covington Laurent stood near the mini bar in the living room of her family’s estate, Home Farm, a glass of orange juice in hand. She absently swirls the drink, her thoughts still swirling around the bombshell revelation about her paternity. Not only had her mother and Esther Saunders known the truth but so had her husband—who at least had the decency to tell her. The weight of it all felt heavier with every passing moment.


Her thoughts were interrupted when Deirdre Covington entering the room in a Karl Lagerfeld scuba blue crepe long-sleeve dress and black pumps, her red hair freshly styled in its usual cut, Deirdre made her way to the mini-bar with the confidence only a woman of her stature could possess. She then pours herself a gin and tonic, the sound of the ice clinking in the glass sharp in the otherwise quiet room.


Emma raises an eyebrow, her gaze shifting from the drink to her. “Gin this early, mother?


“Well, it’s five o’clock somewhere.” She took a long sip, clearly unfazed.


Emma’s gaze persists, but there was a flicker of something—concern, maybe? "Is there anything you want to tell me, mother?" she asked, her voice quiet but steady. "Anything I should know?"


Deirdre froze for a moment, the glass halfway to her lips, before slowly spinning to face her daughter. Her eyes narrowed slightly, a flash of apprehension crossing her features.


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Martha Saunders stood at the door of the yacht; sunglasses perched on her face as the wind blew her short brown hair. The quiet of Lake Hudson in winter made her understand why Shauna had isolated herself here. Still, with the glasses and the secluded setting, Martha couldn't help but feel like a mistress sneaking to meet her married lover.


The door creaks open, and Shauna Covington appears, her eyes lighting up at the sight of her friend. She unlocked the door, and Martha followed her inside the spacious salon, noting her friend, pregnant and glowing, in a short-sleeve V-neck top and black leggings.


The pregnant woman had been trying to take things easy since Dr. Jamison informed her blood pressure was high as likely a result of stress. 


“So, how’s everything going with Lenny?” Shauna asked, sinking onto the couch beside Martha.


Martha glances around before answering. “So far, so good. It’s still too early to tell if the transplant worked, but we’re all hoping.” She hesitated, then added, “Uh, I ran into Samuel at the hospital.”


Shauna’s expression shifts to concern. “Was it awkward?”


“Oh yeah,” Martha chuckles, slipping out of her coat. 


Shauna leans in, offering comfort. “I know you said you’re not getting back together with him, but if you explain things to him, maybe he’ll understand."


Martha shrugs. “I’m alright, really.” She glanced at Shauna, changing the subject. “What about you and Max? You’re about to have a baby, and here you are, all alone. It’s not too late to leave this boat.”


Shauna stood up, placing a hand on her round belly, sighing. “You know why I can’t do that.”


Lost in her thoughts about the night she’d spent with Antoine after the fight with Max. She didn’t know how to explain it to him, let alone what would happen afterward. “Martha, I told you,” Shauna said, shaking her head. “After the baby, I'm going divorce him. I’m leaving. It’s done.”


Martha frowns. “Shauna, you’re being selfish.  Not to mention, you’re shutting him out, but he’s still looking for you. That’s love, whether you want to admit it or not.”


Shauna’s eyes hardens as she placed her hands on her hips. “If only it were that simple."


“I’m not trying to fight with you,” Martha said softly. “I just don’t want you to have any regrets. You’ve got to think about your baby now, not just yourself." 


Shauna places a hand on her stomach, feeling the movement of the baby. 


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Lexi Ainsworth as Courtney Covington.jpg

Steven ends the call, his mind still processing the conversation with Lorraine. He lowers the phone and glances at Courtney, who raised an eyebrow.


“What is that all about?” she asks, her voice laced with curiosity.


Steven clears his throat before responding, "Apparently Lorraine and Emilio were offered new positions to run a conservatory in Boston next year." 


Emilio Perez is his ex-wife's fiancé. The two met while teaching at the performing arts high school in Orlando.


Courtney’s eyes widen. "Boston, huh? That’s a big move for them. How’s Evan handling it?"


"He’s not exactly thrilled," Steven replies regarding his son. "He doesn’t want to leave Orlando, and according to Lorraine, he's being pretty difficult about it."


Courtney nods, her lips purse thoughtfully. "I get it. I’m sure he doesn’t want to start over again, especially if he’s settled down there."


"Yeah, that’s what I think too," Steven agreed. "They want me to talk to him, though, so, I’m planning to head down to try to talk some sense into him."


Courtney tilts her head slightly. "Do you want me to come along?"


Despite her feelings toward Lorraine, she senses that her husband needs support, as it will do her good to get away for a few days. 


Steven glances at her, weighing her words. "I know how busy you are with running the company, but it might be good to get away for a bit," he smiles lightly. 


"It could be nice. A little time away might be good for both of us." She steps closer, wrapping her arms around him in a warm embrace though the thought of the secret he's keeping from her relating to her aunt is still in his thoughts. 


Meredith Monroe - Thora McKnight T&C.jpg

Every time I feel the need, I envision you (envision you)

Caressing me and go back in time (go back in time)

To relive the splendor of you and I (you)

On the rooftop that rainy night


The near-angelic vocals of Mariah Carey pulsate from the sound system as "The Roof (Back In Time)" plays inside Jojo's Cafe as the usual morning rush vanishes, leaving a few customers basking in the more laid-back atmosphere.


Simultaneously, Thora is now working, serving a female customer her items, and telling her to come again. Meanwhile, Joel rushes inside from the brisk winter air, heading directly to the barista.


"Hey, I didn't expect to see you again today. Is everything all right with Skye?" Thora inquires.


"Oh yeah," he answers nonchalantly. "Brynn got her situated with her classes and got her on her way to her homeroom. Skye was able to handle it like a champ."


"Well, that girl has been through a lot in her short life. Besides, I'm sure she's grateful you're stepping up like any good father should do."


Joel exhales, feeling somewhat bashful. "I'm just doing what any good man should do. I already missed so much." 


Deciding to take up more time since nobody is currently in line, he clears his throat. "Thora, I meant to tell you I appreciate you helping me through this."


Thora waves one of her hands flippantly. "Joel, we're friends; it sort of comes with the territory."


"You know what I mean," he remarks. "And I think it's safe to say things between us have shifted in these last few months. So, are you free anytime soon? I’d like to take you out to dinner." What do you say?" he adds.


"This isn't because I helped out with you and Skye? You're asking me out because you want to, right?"


"Hopefully I can make that clear to you," Joel notes.


Thora is taken aback by that statement since she hadn't pressed him on how she feels about him in any romantic regard; however, a smile plays upon her lips. "I'll say we check our calendars and go from there."


Joel showcases a charismatic grin as he proceeds to order a coffee and croissant to go since he's on his way to the church.


However, this interaction will be at the forefront of their minds for some time.


Annie Potts as Deirdre Covington.jpg

Deirdre turned sharply, a flicker of suspicion crossing her features. "Why are you asking me that, Emma?" she asked, her voice low, though laced with inquisitiveness.


Emma met her mother's regard steadily, her fingers tightening around the glass of orange juice in her hand. "You drank before the temperature even reached its daily high," she said quietly, hoping that perhaps the mention of it would provoke some revelation about Jimmy Saunders being her father. "I'm simply making conversation, Mother, I didn't mean to make you paranoid."


Deirdre sets her gin and tonic down with a soft clink. "Iif you want to gossip, we can always chat about your husband."


Deirdre took a slow sip from her drink, her eyes narrowing as she observed her daughter. "Mother, I understand you have no love for Jacques, but let's not act like your hands have always been clean regarding matters," Emma said, her voice steady but laced with bitterness.


Deirdre’s face tightens at the mention of her ex-husband. Jacques Laurent had always been a man who used anything or anyone to get what he wanted, and he hadn’t hidden that fact—especially when it came to blackmail. He had always known about Emma’s true paternity, and Deirdre had always feared the consequences of that knowledge being exposed. But, if Emma had found out, she would have made it known by now.


Deirdre reflects on her own past actions. “I might have done things that aren’t exactly moral, but at least I did them for the sake of this family. I don’t think your precious husband can say the same.” Her tone was sharp, each word calculated as she threw a quiet jab at Emma’s relationship with Jacques.


Deirdre’s machinations came flooding back—like the time she had sabotaged Will Jackson’s vehicle brakes, resulting in

Emma nearly losing her life. Or the time she had brought Jacques back to Radcliffe to seduce Emma away from Will, creating more turmoil than either of them could have anticipated.


"I might have done things that might not be moral but at least I did them for the sake of this family I don't think your precious husband can say the same." 


Without another word, Deirdre saunters out of the room with her drink in hand. 


Emma stood there feeling the pressure of it all pressing down on her. She couldn't just let this slide—not again, not with all the secrets stirring around her, and certainly not now.


A surge of determination washes over Emma. She quickly walked to the mini bar reaching for the vodka bottle. Pouring a plentiful amount into her glass of orange juice, she felt the burn of the alcohol already setting her mind ablaze with clarity.


She obtains her iPhone from her purse on the couch, her fingers constant as she dialed the number. The phone rang twice before she spoke with an assertive voice.


“Hello, this is Emma Laurent," she said, her tone unwavering. "I want to speak with the transplant coordinator who arranged for me to donate bone marrow to Lynn Lockhart... Yes, I will hold.”





Someone brings the Saunders and Covington's together.
Max gets new information.
Shauna goes into labor.


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