Written by : Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
Thinking an intruder was on the property, Max later found out the person was his little brother Tommy.
Tanner is trying to deal with her father cheating on her mother.
Steven and Lorraine found themselves in close proximity again when Evan got sick with the stomach flu.
Esther suspects her former daughter-in-law is up to something.

By some unknown act of fate, Tommy Covington hadn't been discovered by any, of the household staff or most importantly his father, knowing if his dad found out that he got excluded from one of the most expensive boarding schools in the country, due to his own risky behavior. He would be sent directly to some all-boys military school where he would be forced to wear some shitty uniform and wake up before dawn.
Luckily for him, there is enough food stored in the kitchen of the two-story guest house. But other than an overnight trip to rural Ireland for his freshman overseas school trip. This is the first time he has gotten to experience life in the country.
A long as he doesn't have to milk goats or step in cow manure. And besides, his father is probably going to buy his way back into Wentworth as nothing happened.
He is in the kitchen about to pour a glass of orange juice when the screen of his phone comes to life courtesy of a text from his big bro.
Breakfast, Deck, Dad, Get out here NOW!!!
Tommy roughly exhales preparing himself to face his father.
While walking to the door, he decides he is not changing out of his taupe merino wool sweater and black sweatpants.
After he makes the two-minute trek to the estate. He sees the family's longtime maid Gabriella, going back inside the house. He remains far off but is able to stare at Max, eating a piece of croissant, and his father is reading an article in a business journal on his tablet. Max sees his him and quickly gestures with his hand to keep walking.
Max clears his throat. " Father, look who is here."
Daniel lifts his head seeing his youngest son, he stands up from the chair to proudly hug him.
"Tommy, how are you son? "
" All right, "
The two of them exit out of their embrace.
" Better now since you're here so your on break already huh? "
Tommy tries to find the right verbiage to tell him he is more on an indefinite break.
Max tilts his head to the spread of food on the table. " It would be a waste for all of this delicious food that Gabriella went all of this trouble to make." Max says it more for the benefit of his little brother rather than his father's.
Both Covington men go to take their seats at the table as the cool breeze made it even brisker outside.
Tommy takes a bite of his blueberry muffin hoping he can gather the courage, to be honest with the one man who often intimidates him the most.
Daniel takes a drink of his coffee. " I didn't know Wentworth had a break so early in the semester."
Max shoots his brother another look of Go Ahead And Tell Him Now
" Dad, I'm not on school break, I got kicked out of school. "
The weight of that revelation makes the Covington Patriarch wordless for a few seconds.
" Why did you get kicked out? How come I wasn't notified? "
" I got caught --- in a girl's dorm room past curfew, we were uh."
Daniel puts his hand up knowing where the rest of his son's explanation is heading.
" The girl you were with, did she give you her consent?" Daniel asks importantly.
"She and I wanted to have sex dad, I wouldn't force myself on any woman. " Tommy replies
Daniel is about to say something else when his iPhone rings on the table.
He answers it on the third ring. " Hello"
Daniel concludes the phone call after muttering a few more words.
" Good news, that was the pilot, your sister is on her way home from San Juan. "
" $ 20 if she comes back with a tan. " Max says trying to lighten the mood.
Daniel rises to his full height. " I have to go out, but we'll discuss this later Thomas. " He throws the linen napkin on his half-eaten plate. He then hightails into the mansion.
" Next time you speak with him, I would not tell him that you have been staying in the guest house for two days. " Max strongly advises
In the living room inside of the mansion, Daniel waits for the person on the other end to pick up.
"Listen, you better get your self together, she will be here soon and wait for further instructions. "

Ella Mai's Trip is playing through the speakers in the café this morning.
Over in the lounge area, Tanner Lockhart is sitting down on the burgundy red leather couch beside Elijah Barker.
" You know what I'm sick of you and Lenny acting all secretive. I know you told me it isn't any of my business, but I do care about both of you. " Elijah blurts out
" Look if I tell you what's going on you can't tell anyone, Elijah. " Tanner replies
Elijah takes a sip of his iced coffee. " Who am I going to tell Tanner? "
Tanner sighs. "Okay, my dad has been cheating on my mom. "
All of the years Elijah has known Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart they always seem rather close for a married couple. Only remembering them disagreeing on who was going to tell that specific story or who is going to pick up the takeout for dinner? Unlike his parents who often go on dates once every few months and hardly show any public display of affection for one another.
" Damn, I'm so sorry. " He puts his arms around his best friend
Tanner tries to fight back the tears, but she knows they're streaming down her face now.

Thirty-Thousand feet above the ground, aboard the private jet, Courtney Covington is sitting down in her seat catching up on YOU on her MacBook.
In spite of mainly working on her three-day trip in Puerto Rico. She, however, did take the advice of Max and Steven to also squeeze in some fun too which she did by having a spa treatment and even taking in a walk on the beach.
Soon she'll be back in Radcliffe, and after getting off this aircraft a car will take her out to Franklin Farm, so she can surprise her boyfriend. The hardest thing being away was to be away from him. Especially since that ex-wife of his has made no attempt to leave town.
Courtney decides to put that thought aside for now.

Lorraine Sullivan finds herself knocking on the side door of the ancestral home of her ex-husband's. She already had been dressed when Daniel called her to get over here because she is expected to make out with Steven which supposedly Courtney will walk in on them. She will be rewarded with an audition for the American Ballet Theatre in New York City that will start her second act in her career as a ballerina.
Esther Saunders opens the door with a disappointed glance on her face. She then watches as she walks into the kitchen. She is wearing an embroidered silver pantsuit.
Esther then places her hands on both of her voluptuous hips. " You becoming a regular visitor ain't you darling? " The irritation in her voice couldn't be hidden.
The younger woman shakes her head with laughter. " As long as my son is staying here, besides you should be giddy, don't forget you're the one who came all the way to Lexington threatening me if I didn't come to town you were going to try your damn best to have Steven file for custody of Evan. "
Lorraine also knows that Esther and Daniel made a pact themselves that if she drives her son and his daughter apart then she'll get the 20 % of the farm from Daniel. Frankly, she is sick and tired of being used by both of them. Nevertheless, she is enjoying making her former mother-in-law a little paranoid.
Mercifully, Steven walks into the room inadvertently stopping more insults being hurled by the two women.
" I have to run out to the stables, keep that grandbaby feeling better darling. " Esther hugs her only son and quickly sneers at Lorraine before heading out of the kitchen with her bag on her shoulder.
" Hey, you look nice. " Steven compliments
" Thanks just something I threw on. " Lorraine says casually.
She has on a black/white contrast v neck jumpsuit with black suede heels.
Steven goes to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water for himself.
" How is Evan? " Lorraine asks
" Much better, he practically jumped into my bed this morning wanting me to play with him. " Steven answers
Yesterday, Evan came down with the stomach flu which had made Lorraine concern with worry, however, her ex-husband was the one who kept her calm and reassured her that everything is going to be fine.
Lorraine smiles " Where is he now? "
Steven puts his hand on the counter. " Watching TV in my room. "
" I am going to see how he is doing. "
" Hey, Lor, I think it's time we discuss how we're going to split time with Evan when you get back to Lexington. "
Lorraine couldn't find the exact words to tell him she isn't going back there.
" All right, but let's talk it over with a couple of cold beers. " Lorraine whispers

With the change in the management of the café also means gone is the digital top-40 station to the throwback 90's station with Chris Isaak's crooning Wicked Games on the stereo now.
" I swear to god I won't tell anyone about anything. " Elijah promises
He and Tanner are still hanging out on the couch inside of the café. Elijah was just informed on when, where, and how his best friend found out about her dad's unfaithfulness.
" Oh I know you won't Elijah, it's just, that it's hard for me to talk about it, Lenny is at a point now she doesn't want to, and it's not like I can say anything to my mom and I'm not too keen on being in the same room with my father right now. " Tanner explains herself.
Deciding to get Tommy out of the estate, Max also wanted his brother to ride shotgun in his Porsche too.
" How many miles is the nearest Starbucks? " Tommy wants to know. He is not impressed with the sight of the mom and pop coffeehouse.
"Tommy, this place isn't so bad. "
He then sees Tanner Lockhart, whom he only met in passing out at the farm when Steven & Courtney held that dinner where Steven's ex-wife and son appeared out of the blue.
" Come on, " Max says
He leads Tommy over to the couch where Tanner and a boy around the other teens' age were sitting.
" Hey Tanner, you might not remember me, but I am Max, Courtney's brother." Max re-introduces himself.
Tanner's face lights up with recognition. " Max hi, this is Elijah Barker, Elijah this is Max Covington, his sister is dating Steven. "
Elijah throws up his hand to greet Max.
" You two this is my little brother Tommy, he is visiting from the east coast. "
" What's up, man? " Elijah greets him in a way that only men can do that sounds inviting and casual in the same breath.
Tommy nods his head. " Not much."
Max stares at the crowding line at the counter back to the group. " You know what, I'm going to grab us those drinks, I got a feeling you three will become good friends. " Max insists
The older Covington sibling heads towards the line.
The silence between the three of them stood in the way for a few seconds.
" So Tommy, how are you liking Radcliffe so far? " Tanner asks
Tommy puts his hands in his pockets. " Honestly, it's my first time this far in town. "
He isn't keen right now on telling these two small-town children about him sleeping with a girl past curfew at his private boarding school.
" You see the large bourbon bottle on the freeway? " Elijah questions
" Yeah "
" Then you saw the town, Elijah chuckles, no, honestly this town is a snooze fest, but that's why you got to make your own fun, for instance, Tanner and Lynn threw a house party where most of the junior and senior classes showed up. "
" Who is Lynn? " Tommy questions
Tanner darts her eyes on him. " My twin sister, who got drunk and then my parents came home and party was over."
" I'm sorry. but I don't see you as someone who throws a rager. " Tommy says
To Tommy, Tanner seems like a girl who prefers a night in, listening to some alternative music and reading a novel. Not a person who often gets high or drunk listening to Jay Z, with a bunch of people in one room.
" I learned recently that looks can be deceiving." Tanner remarks
Tommy can feel that statement meant something else entirely but he was glad to see Max with the two caffeinated drinks in his hand coming back over to them.
" How is it going? " Max inquires like a father hoping his child hits it off with other kids in a new playgroup.
" Okay, " the three teens said in unison.
Elijah stands up ready to throw his cup in the trash. " If you're still in town maybe Lenny, Tanner, and I can you show you the three decent places in Radcliffe. "
Tommy exchanges numbers with Elijah whilst Tanner is wondering is Tommy really is going to take them up on their offer or not?

Whilst, sipping on their beers, Steven and Lorraine have been discussing custody of Evan in the living room.
Steven studies his iPhone. " I can get him every other weekend and Thanksgiving. "
" And I will get him on Christmas, we can split New Years and we'll celebrate his birthday together. "
It suddenly dawns on him. " Look at us we're actually functioning like proper divorced parents. "
Lorraine gives a hearty laugh. " Now that you mentioned it, you're absolutely right. "
She sees the much-awaited text from Daniel on her phone.
Courtney is approx. minutes away from the farm,
Good Luck
Lorraine moves carefully beside her ex-husband so she can get closer to him.
Steven checks his Apple watch on his wrist. " Courtney should be getting back into Radcliffe from Puerto Rico right about now. "
Lorraine sighs deeply. " You really do care about her don't you Steven? "
" She is the first person I have connected with since you and I know people are rooting against us because our families have hated one another since the Carter Administration, also because I'm fifteen years older than her. I don't care because I want to put in the work so we can be together."
Lorraine let those words creep into her mind knowing right now she should be kissing her ex-husband right now. Yet she hadn't heard him talk like this in years which she knows that he is serious about the girl who is nearly old enough to be his own daughter.
"Steven, I can't do this. " Lorraine tells him.
" Do what? "
Lorraine remains silent as she cannot believe that she admitted out loud.
" Do What? " Steven asks this time with more grit in speech.
" Daniel Covington wants me to help break up you and Courtney. " Lorraine confesses,
Before Steven can say one thing, the door slams hard enclosure.
Both exes stare at the person with astonishment who just entered in the house obviously overhearing them.
" Keep on talking, what exactly did my father want you to do ?" Courtney demands outright.
The Steven/Courtney/Lorraine story takes center stage.
And Much More!
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