Written by : Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
Max and Shauna got closer after he told her he is planning to ask her out on a date soon.
Tommy Covington got kicked out of his New England boarding school.
Sean's mistress Tricia called the house which caused a huge fight between Sean and Louise.
For the sake of their son both Steven and Lorraine hung out with him. - Esther told her ex daughter-in-law not to use anyone or else. Lorraine also had some choice words too.


It does not take much energy for Tanner Lockhart to come downstairs this morning. Dressed in a green-black plaid chiffon popover tie-front top with dark jeans.
Tanner goes over to the coat rack by the front door to put on her green lightweight jacket. " You got the list? "
" Sure do " Lynn Lockhart replies. She waves her phone which contains the list in the notes app.
Lynn is wearing a gray oversize active top and black stretch pants.
They noticed that they're out of a few things in the house. And since what all occurred last night with their father's other woman calling the house which caused some upheaval. Knowing that their mother and father got into a huge argument on the night of their belated twentieth-wedding anniversary. Before he left for Frankfort to go stay with Uncle Jimmy, he managed to tell both girls where he was going, unlike last time when he went out of town to go have a rendezvous with his girlfriend.
" Honestly, I'm glad we're getting out of the house for a while. " Lynn says bluntly
" Me too "
Lynn opens the front door, a familiar individual was standing in the doorway with a delightful beam on their face.
" Hi, Sweethearts. " Sarah Lynn Saunders lovingly greets her twin granddaughters.
The girls both say pleasantries to their maternal grandmother.
" Is your mother upstairs? " Sarah Lynn asks
" Yeah she is, grandma we're about to leave out to do some grocery shopping. " Tanner informs her.
Lynn wonders do their grandmother know about what all happened last night? Knowing her mother isn't exactly the type of person to be forthcoming about her own personal issues.
The twins say goodbye to Sarah, they then walk outside to their Fiat.
Sarah Lynn could feel some uneasiness in this house, nevertheless, she came to check on her family.
Peter had told her earlier this morning that Louise was going to work from the cottage all day. A far cry from Louise, who hardly ever misses the chance to work out on the farm, which she knows it is her favorite places in her life.
She then climbs the stairs onto the second floor Sarah knocks on the door to her daughter's bedroom.
" Come in "
Sarah Lynn turns the knob to the door. She sees Louise lying down in the bed with her eyes wet and face somewhat red from crying. This instantly makes Sarah Lynn puts her bag down onto the chair. She then goes over to her eldest daughter to put her arms around her.
" Louise, what's wrong sweetheart? " Sarah Lynn says in a comforting tone.
" My whole goddamn life, that is what is wrong momma. " Louise Saunders Lockhart cries.

" I don't feel so good daddy."
Those were the words that made up, Steven Sullivan shoots up from his bed.
His five-year-old son, Evan Sullivan came into his room holding his tummy.
Less then 24 hours ago, he was happy, playing with action figures and talking to both Lorraine and him and was eating pizza.
My stomach hurts" Evan answers him.
Steven puts his hand over his son's forehead. "You're a little warm. "
" I want mommy, " Evan says
He then gives a look to his father, without warning he vomits on the carpet.
Once Evan is done throwing up he looks more peaky then he did a few minutes ago.
" Martha! " Steven shouts
A few seconds later Martha Saunders comes into the room. She sees where her little cousin had an accident and wears a look concern.
" Evan is not feeling, well, I think it is some sort of virus, could you go get him clean up? I need to call Lorraine. "
"All right come on Evie. " Martha says she holds her little cousin's hand to take him to the bathroom.
Steven obtains his iPhone off his nightstand. He dials Lorraine's number luckily he reached on her two rings.
" Hey Lor, it's Evan, he 's not feeling good he could really use you right now. "

Marginally, she remembers that Max and Courtney had a brother but she thought he was in boarding school in Upstate New York or Massachusetts?
Tommy puts out his hand to shake Shauna's. " Are you his girlfriend? "
Max can feel himself blushing somewhat to that question.
" What's wrong Max you're never at a loss of words? " Tommy concludes
Max changes the subject for now. " Aren't you suppose to be at school in New England? "
Tommy sighs roughly. " I would like to tell you that in private if you don't mind Shauna?"
" Go ahead catch up with your brother. " Shauna says sounding not too disappointed.
She then goes upstairs to get started on sorting some things in Daniel's upstairs office.
No furniture, so I guess we gotta stand? " Tommy points out the absent couch and chairs in the room.
" So why are you not at school Tommy? "
" Because I got kicked out. "
"What happened? "
Tommy explains how he was caught having sex with a girl past curfew in her dormitory, and his pain the ass headmaster excluded him because of that, despite their father largely contributing financially to Wentworth Academy, over the two years he has attended there.
" So if you were sent home yesterday, then why I'm now just seeing you? " Max wonders
Tommy pulls of the look on his face when he is able to pull off something sly. " I slept in the guest house, the reason why you saw me around the house is that I didn't want dad to know I'm here. "
"Dad is at C.G. you are going to have to tell him eventually and trust me it's best you do it before he finds out from someone else."
" Since we talked about me, when are you going to ask Shauna? " Tommy says
" I don't know what you're talking about it. "
" Whatever, but no seriously, if you want to take that next step don't leave her hanging Maximillian. "
Shauna comes downstairs seeing only the eldest Covington offspring over by the double doors.
" Hey, how is your brother? " Shauna asks
" He will be all right, he did tell me something though. "
"What did he tell you? "
" That if I don't ask you out right now it will be too late. What are you doing next week? "
Shauna smirks. " Hopefully somewhere with you Max Covington. "

Louise hadn't been so emotional in front of her parents since she had to say goodbye to Daniel when he left for New York City when she was a teenager. Now that seemed like a million miles away regarding her problems of the present day.
She wipes her face with a tissue, she sees her mother coming in with a cup of coffee that she shows her gratefulness.
"Where is Sean? " Sarah Lynn asks she then lies down beside her eldest daughter.
" In Frankfort, with his brother or some damn seedy motel screwing that whore of his. " Louise says in a deadpan sort of voice.
Sarah Lynn doesn't hide her confusion on her face for long. " Why would Sean be with another woman? "
Louise exhales not able to hold back the truth anymore. " Because for the past two years my husband has been sleeping with another woman. "
Sarah Lynn remembers when the family had the dinner for Steven & Courtney at the farm. She can recall Louise asking about how to overcome problems in a marriage. She never realized that it dealt with all of what she is hearing about her much-loved son-in-law.
" How do you know this? "
" The old that's not my perfume on you, It is then we both agreed that he can go out and have his fun and I can do the same if I wanted to but we'll stay married. "
" Have you ?"
Louise tenses up a bit. " I went on two dates with a guy but we didn't have sex if that's what you're getting at mom?
Sarah Lynn brushes strands of her blonde hair behind her ear. " Why are you still married then? Is it for the girls? "
" And maybe for both of our sakes too, " Louise says as she lets the words dawn on her for the first time. I forgot to tell you both the girls found out earlier this summer too. "
Sarah rubs her daughter back as she used to do when she was a little girl and was sick. " Oh my sweet girl, I know that you're an adult and a momma of two beautiful young women but for everyone's sake you need to end this marriage before you and Sean resent each other even more. "
Louise shakes her head in unbelievability. " Your right mom, she sniffles. I can't do this to myself anymore on Monday I'm going to file for divorce. " Somehow she managed to gain some confidence when she said that aloud.
Sarah holds her tightly yet with tenderness. " You don't have to say anything else. "

Whilst, driving out to the farm, Lorraine Sullivan couldn't suspend the thought of her son getting sick is because a result of her making this deal with Daniel Covington. In order to get a chance to audition for the American Ballet Theatre, she has to make out with her ex-husband in which Courtney will somehow walk in on when she gets back from her work trip in Puerto Rico.
She shakes her had to sway the negativity, Evan will be fine it is probably just one of those illnesses that children pick up one day and will be bouncing back the other day.
She turns her Jeep Cherokee into the pathway onto the farm where she parks beside Steven's truck. Welcoming her on the land is the sounds of the cows, chickens and various other animals.
She hurriedly climbs the porch steps then her hands find the door which she opens. Thankful that her ex-in-laws believe in an open door policy most of the time. She hears the footsteps belonging to Steven coming out of the kitchen.
" How is Evan ? " she asks urgently
" He has some sort of a stomach virus. " Steven remarks.
Even though he is a veterinarian, he studied enough in anatomy and physiology to properly diagnose this.
Lorraine stumps one of her feet on the ground. " I just remembered -- damn it, I had got an email from Evan's school, some sort of virus is going around, he must have picked it up from there. " She hates that she had forgotten it with everything else going on.
Steven places an arm on his former wife's shoulder. " Hey, you're only human, the good thing is that this usually last only about twenty-four hours, " he assures her
" He's all cleaned up and is ready to see you . " Martha says as she makes her way downstairs.
" Thanks," Lorraine tells her, she then goes up the stairs to see her precious son.
Martha stares at her then now focuses on her older cousin. " Was that Lorraine actually being nice? "
" She's not so bad. "
Martha decides to ignore that comment for now knowing it isn't the right time to shade it.
Steven sits on the couch. " You'll learn when you become a parent that nothing is more important than when your child is hurting you'll do anything to make sure they feel better. "
Martha takes a seat in the chair. " I guess I hadn't realized that you have to be everything to your children until I gotten Evan cleaned up and in bed. " She then looks at her growing stomach where her unborn baby is inside. It makes her realize that soon it will be winter meaning her due date is fast approaching.
In the bedroom where Evan has been spending most of his time since he came to stay at the farm is now occupied with him in his bed asleep, Lorraine sits on the end of the bed straightening out his perfect blonde hair out of his face. She can't help but see innocence on his face trying not to disturb his slumber.
" I know what I have to do is wrong on so many levels, but I'm doing this for you too. Soon we'll be living in New York City we'll get to visit the museums, the food and the culture there. I am going to give you the best life Evan. "
She looks to see her son who is still sleeping peacefully.
" I just hate that I have to do something that your father, his girlfriend and I'm definitely not going to like." she sighs.
Steven's iPhone chirps on the nightstand. She goes to get it before it'll disturb the peace, on the screen, displays a text message from Courtney of all people.
Taking a break from the grind, call me
C :)
Lorraine rolls her eyes at how juvenile this text reads out.
Much as she would like to delete this message she can hear someone coming up the stairs. She puts the phone down where it was before she picked it up.
Steven walks into the bedroom. " How is the patient ? " he whispers
" He'll pull through Doc., " Lorraine says.
Steven sits next to his ex-wife, and they look on their son who cannot hear anything at the minute.
" Thank you for calling me, Steven. "
" You're his mother, of course, I wouldn't hesitate the only way we're going to be better parents to Evan is to co-parent. "
Lorraine smiles which make her feel somewhat guilty on what she had to do tomorrow knowing Courtney is due back in Radcliffe tomorrow.
The two once again find their hands touching creating a united front for their son.
Courtney walks in on something unexpected.
Tommy must explain his actions to Daniel.
And Much More!
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