Written by: Bre L. Drew
April 15, 2024
Last Time on Town and Country
Facing deportation, Jacques proposes to a shocked Emma.
Will is still upset over Emma cheating on him with Jacques, causing tension in the workplace between the two.
Jacques blackmailed Deirdre for additional money, or he would reveal her long-ago affair with Esther's late father, Jimmy Saunders.
After receiving the news of Lenny's leukemia diagnosis, Tommy consoled Tanner, and he later informed Jordan, who hid her displeasure over the moment between her husband and his ex.

Another spring afternoon persists in Radcliffe, Kentucky, with its sunlit skies and modest temperature.
However, things within the restaurant are a little chillier for Emma Covington, who is sitting on the other side of her mother at a table, and contemporary jazz music plays on the sound system.
"Well, you have to admit, it's not every day that my mother demands to have lunch with me, so should we wait before the appetizers, or should we do it now on an empty stomach, so I won't feel the need to vomit?" Emma sarcastically converses.
"Sarcasm does run deep in this family," the petite woman notes. "But it is not a crime to want to catch up with my only daughter, is it?"
Emma doesn't shield her opposing glare at the response.
"All right, I know you think I'm just an old woman who does not know anything about being young and in love, but please watch your back where Jacques is concerned."
"Oh great," the Covington heiress mocks.
He might be sophisticated and masterful in the bedroom, but men like Jacques Laurent will hurt you in the end," Deirdre adds.
The mention of her lover's name gets her thinking about the proposal, which can be his only refuge to remain in this country since the government wants to deport him back to France. She told him she would think about it, though he doesn't have much time to ponder.
"And what makes you say that mother?" Emma challenges.

Growing up at The Waterfall, noise had become second nature for Will Jackson.
But when he got sent to prison, it was there that he often wished not to hear the various brutal sounds coming from the officers and his fellow inmates, so now the silence as he does inventory behind the bar at The Cliffe is like paradise to him.
Hearing the door open, he prepares himself mentally to deal with Emma, who had left about fifteen minutes ago to have lunch with her mom, though he wouldn't be surprised if they got into a fight or perhaps, she forgot something up in her office.
However, it is neither Emma nor a woman at all.
"We're closed!" he says.
Out of his usual trademark suit and tie for today, Jacques Laurent is wearing a light brown long-sleeve cashmere sweater and black slacks, his dark brown hair recently trimmed, and his designer sunglasses perched on his forehead.
"Is Emma here? I need to speak to her."
Will sets the clipboard down on the countertop. "Well, that won't be happenin'.
"And who are you, her miniature bodyguard?"
The club manager scoffs at his insult. "Nah, it won't be happenin' cause' Emma left for the day," Will explains. "But since you here, it's about time I say a thing or two to you."

A long time ago we used to be friends
But I haven't thought of you lately at all
If ever again a greeting I send to you
Short and sweet, to the soul I intend
The Dandy Warhols' "We Used To Be Friends" or for some, better known as the theme to Veronica Mars, currently fills JoJo's.
Among the admirable-size crowd is Tanner Lockhart, who's sitting across from her boyfriend at the table near the center of the cafe.
"I thought with everything going that you needed to get out of the house," Presley McKnight acknowledges while wrapping his hands around the paper coffee cup.
"I guess I did need to get out since the only places I've been going lately, have been school and the hospital," Tanner says modestly.
The young brunette, along with her parents and Elijah, had been accompanying her twin sister to the hospital to receive chemotherapy treatments to combat her leukemia diagnosis. On top of her preparing to graduate college, hence why he got her out of the house this afternoon.
"It's no problem," he says. Presley then reaches over to grab Tanner's hand in a supportive manner. "How are you doing?"
"I've been better," she exhales. "Hopefully, these treatments will remove the cancer out of Lenny's system. My sister's tough, but even I know she's terrified.
"The most important thing is to be there for her." he reminds her.
Tanner nods as she is about to thank him for his positivity. She spots the three significantly familiar people entering the establishment.
"Uncle Presley!" Jeremy Covington says while running over to them:
"Hi buddy," the reverend greets the two-year-old, scooping him up off the ground and into his arms.
"Hi Jeremy, you've gotten so tall since the last time I saw you." Tanner smiles.
The little boy gives her a modest wave while seeking attention from his uncle.
Jordan and Tommy Covington have approached the table.
Tommy glares over to Tanner while Jordan's glances manage to look between them, while Presley notices them while trying to maintain contact with his nephew.
"What brings you by?" he asks his sister.
The transient dark brunette places one of her hands on her hips and then touches her son's arm. "Since this little guy did so well at the dentist, we thought we would treat him to a cookie and see mom, too."
Their mother, Thora, is working today at the cafe.
Jordan aims to focus on her former best friend. "I hated hearing about Lenny, and if there is anything she needs, please don't hesitate to ask."
Tanner doesn't hide her confusion since she and Jordan haven't exchanged pleasant words in years. "Uh, thanks, Jordan. And thanks for those flowers you sent."
A couple of days ago, Lynn received an abundant bouquet and a box of chocolate from their former friend, which surprised them, especially Lynn, who had teased about them secretly being toxic.
"It's no problem," Jordan replies. "I mean, when Tommy told me about how you two were together shortly after you got the news, it would've devastated me too."
Unaware of that, Presley pivots his head to his girlfriend, seeking clarification.

The waiter had brought out their appetizers as well as a bottle of merlot, which Emma plans to consume soon enough.
"I thought you would be elated that Will, and I are not together anymore. You always thought I could do better than him, but now you have issues with me and Jacques. If I did not know any better, I think you want me to be alone and miserable for the rest of my life." Emma verbalizes.
"That is not true at all."
Deirdre recalls how she brought Jacques back into her life by offering him a generous sum of money to seduce Emma away from her ex-con lover, yet she came to discover Jacques can be scrupulous as he is blackmailing her over her long-ago affair with Jimmy Saunders, but thankfully he does not know that it could've also been when she conceived Emma instead of with her late husband.
Deirdre sees if anyone is listening to them before proceeding.
"Of course I do; I want someone who treats you the way you should, but that person is not Jacques Laurent."
Emma grabs the bottle and starts pouring the burgundy liquid into her glass. "I'm getting sick and tired of people questioning my choices. So, thanks for your concern, Mother but it is not needed, okay."
As much as Deirdre wants to continue to convince her daughter of Jacques, she knows she would possibly incriminate herself, which would make matters worse, so she decides to take in her lobster bisque, hoping nothing more serious occurs with them.

The folk-rock tones of "Crash Into Me" by Dave Matthews Band are now playing on the cafe's sound system; however, the 90's throwback is a distant soundtrack to Presley, Tanner, and Tommy, while Jordan took Jeremy to the counter to talk to Thora.
"I know I should've told you, but with everything going on, having just found out my sister has cancer, I started falling apart emotionally, and Tommy saw me and got into my car to make sure that I was okay," Tanner informs her boyfriend.
The couple still sits across from each other as Tanner tells Presley about the two in her car in the campus parking lot the day, she found out Lynn had leukemia, while Tommy stands there, feeling like a little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
"Look, I trust you, Tanner, and I'm glad you weren't alone after finding out about Lynn, but you didn't have to hide it from me. My ego isn't that fragile."
Tommy stuffs his hands in his pants pockets, trying to resist the urge to roll his eyes at the man of the cloth for being so understanding. A part of him still harbors feelings for his first love but knows he can't act on them, even though it's becoming harder to do so.
"Jordan shouldn't have mentioned it the way she did, but all I was doing was comforting Tanner."
Presley gazes at his brother-in-law, somewhat uncertain of the truth on his part. "Well, as long as that's all you were doing."
The reverend then picks up his still-hot coffee to take a casual sip.
While Jeremy sits at the table closest to the counter, finishing a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie, less interested in what's happening around him, his mother is standing across from his grandmother behind the counter, wearing her apron, looking over towards her son and son-in-law interaction.
"You didn't have to tell him about Tanner and Tommy; I doubt nothing happened between them."
Jordan grips her purse strap on her shoulder, not wanting to get into it with her, as she would find a way to blame her for causing trouble. "So, we're going from pleasantries to accusation," she facetiously remarks.
Thora sighs, deciding to forgo the topic, not wanting to aggravate things between them.
"So, how have you been?"
"Well, other than that little mishap, my family is together, and I cannot complain about that, and even though we live a few feet away from the guy who almost put me in a straitjacket, I haven't felt like myself in years, and I owe a large part of that to my husband."
Thora is grateful not to have a queue since she isn't sure how long she will be able to get through her youngest child.
"You know, I'm thrilled to hear that," she says wholeheartedly. "But you can't depend on Tommy for your overall happiness."
Jordan shakes her head, reacting to her mother. "You know how to dampen the mood, Mother."
Thora notices that her grandson is now playing a game on his tablet.
"I'm not trying to upset you, but when are you going to realize that Tommy sees this marriage a little differently than you do, sweetheart?"
Thora previously had a similar conversation with her regarding the state of her marriage and how Jordan should focus on herself and her child instead of being in a loveless union.
"I know you think you're doing this for my own good or something, but I refuse to let anyone interfere with my marriage."
The intensity in her voice is about to have the barista question Jordan more until Tommy comes over.
"Hi, Thora, how are you?" He addresses his mother-in-law.
"I'm doing well," she responds.
"I think it's about time we should get Jere home for a nap," Tommy insists to his wife.
Jordan showcases a look of satisfaction at not having to continue the conversation with her mother as she goes to tell her son they're leaving.
"Buh. Bye, grandma," the toddler waves.
"Bye, baby," Thora tells her grandson.
While Tommy picks up his son in his arms while the three of them exit, he makes eye contact with Tanner, which Jordan spots, and then grabs his hand, which the young man doesn't deny, which both Presley and Tanner notice.
Tanner, however, rolls her eyes at Jordan's attempt to make her jealous.


"What do you have to say to me?" Jacques queries
"You've always been full of shit, and it might take some time, but Emma is going to come to her senses and remember why she dropped your ass before and will do it again."
Jacques ruefully chuckles at that declaration. He still remembers moments after he and Emma made love. Will came to his hotel suite, where he found out for himself.
"Is that so? If I did not know any better, you aren't as over her as you think. I've been there, and trust me, we know why." Jacques winks suggestively. "Other than maybe some bedroom games and this place, you have nothing else in common with Emma. That's where I come in. Not only do we share a past, we're from the same social circle. And you can admit that if it is not for Emma's charity, you will still be sweeping peanut shells off the floor at your mother's dive bar."
The built-up rage has Will come from behind the bar as he gets in his face, even if he does tower over him by several inches.
"You got about five seconds to get ya ass outta here, or I'll do it myself!"
Jacques doesn't back away easily. "You're a loser, Jackson, and the pitiful thing is that you don't know how much yet."
Will points over Jacques' shoulder. "Get out!"
As he departs the nightclub, placing his sunglasses over his eyes, Jacques can't help but feel powerless in this situation, knowing that if he doesn't marry Emma, he will likely be sent back to France, and he has come too far to let everything slip out of his hands.
Antoine and Shauna have a moment.
Max and Tommy talk about the state of their marriages.
Aaliyah finds herself on the wrong end of Lynn and Tricia.
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