Written by: Bre L. Drew
October 9, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
Despite apologizing for causing mayhem at Jai and Louise's engagement party, Tanner wasn't receptive to Aaliyah's plea to forgive her.
Lorenzo was close to telling Aaliyah about his job offer from Murray Hirsch.
Tommy moved out of the mansion and into the guest house due to Daniel's machinations of Jordan, which also contributed to Shauna's miscarriage and Max's paralysis.
Tricia refuses to share Sean with Louise and plans to end her marriage.

The touch of your cold fingers when you say goodbye
The way that you linger
The way that you lie
The folk melodic pop rhythm and vocals of Jonatha Brooke flow from the speakers of Jojo's this afternoon as a small crowd of customers populates the neatly autumn-decored cafe, which includes Tanner Lockhart and Presley McKnight.
The couple is sitting by the large window overlooking Main Street.
Presley sips some of his coffee while reaching out for his girlfriend's hands.
"You seem tense."
As a reverend, he had become adapted to reading people's body language, not to mention his concern for the woman he loved.
Tanner sighs while continuing to hold his hands.
"Earlier, I ran into Aaliyah on campus, and let's just say we're a long way from reconciling anytime soon."
After finding out her so-called friend had been exposed to the video of her parents making out at their engagement party, she hadn't had much correspondence with her as she was still furious at what she had done.
"I know what she did was out of line, but maybe she is sorry for what she did," he replies fairly. "Look, I'm not trying to sway you either way, but try to keep it in mind."
Tanner tilts her head to convey her uncertainty when Thora McKnight approaches them with a small paper plate of chocolate chip cookies.
"I thought you two could use a snack; they just came out of the oven, and they're on the house, of course," the barista tells them.
She's wearing a pink plaid button-down t-shirt, an apron tied around her waist, dark pants, and her blonde hair in a ponytail.
"Thanks, Mrs. McKnight," Tanner says respectfully.
"Thank you, Mom," Presley nods.
"Holler, if you need me," Thora announces while she dashes back to the counter.
The pair chuckled at what just occurred.
"Your mother means well," Tanner says good-naturedly.
"Yeah, she does. And it's good to see her with a purpose after so many years of taking care of all of us."
For years, Thora was a housewife running the household while her former husband Ernest worked outside the house until their divorce.
While they both reach for a cookie, a young family enters the cafe. As Tanner lifts her head, she notices who they are and is not enthusiastic about seeing the person in particular.
"Oh, great," she mumbles.
Presley turns around to see his sister and her husband carrying their toddler son in his arms.

Feeling safe and secure in his arms, Aaliyah Gupta is in bed with her boyfriend, Lorenzo Vidal. The two had finished having sex in his bedroom in the guest house of Home Farm Estate, where he resides with Tommy, Jordan, and Jeremy.
They had been together at the market, where she vented to him while he worked on her interaction with Tanner on campus. After that, she decided to skip the rest of her classes for the day, as she wasn't in the mood for higher learning.
She takes a deep breath. "Thank you,"
He gives a look of curiosity to his girlfriend. "You're welcome, but what did I do?"
"Making me forget how fucked up my life is at the moment," she expresses.
The design and merchandising student is dealing with the fallout of playing the video of Sean and Louise at her father's engagement party.
"Well, whatever I can do, I wouldn't mind doing it again," he winks, which makes Aaliyah crack a half-smile.
"I don't want to leave this bed," she tells him.
"Me neither," he replies. "But if I wanna keep having two jobs, I gotta."
In a few hours, he's due at work at The Cliffe as the nightclub's media promoter.
He gently kisses Aaliyah's forehead as he pulls the covers off him, sliding on his sweatpants to head to the bathroom.
Aaliyah remains in bed, running her hands through her long brown hair as a sense of tranquility overcomes her.
Though the recognizable chime sounds off, making her notice it's coming from the nightstand, as she takes a peek at his phone, she notices the notification on the screen, which she rolls over to grab, assuming it isn't anything of importance.
Are you still interested in the job? I've got to know soon.
She becomes confused after reading the message.

For the first time, he doesn't know how long Max Covington didn't feel a sense of dread—quite the opposite. As he guides himself in his electronic wheelchair to his bedroom in the mansion on the Home Farm estate, where he and his family reside,
He spots his wife, Shauna Covington, entering their room.
She begins to notice the expression of contentment on his face.
"I don't think I ever saw you so joyful after coming from physical therapy."
Max grins at his wife while she sits on his lap, which he gestured for her to do.
"Because for the first time since the accident, PT has actually helped. I managed to stand without much help. I know it's a small thing, but from what I could do only a few months ago until now, I believe maybe I will get myself out of this damn chair."
Shauna stares at her husband intently.
"That's what I liked to hear."
She then gives her husband a peck on the lips.
"And I'm glad you had fun in Nashville," he says. "If anyone deserves to escape from this insane asylum, it's you."
Since the couple discovered that Daniel had been inadvertently responsible for their auto accident, which not only rendered Max paralyzed but also caused the death of their unborn child, the two have been walking on eggshells, doing their best to avoid him.
"Yeah, it was great being away with everyone until everything hit the fan, with Aaliyah and the video of Sean and Louise.
But I think I ate my body weight in fried food, but anything to shut Antoine up."
Max does his best not to react to his wife's ex-lover's name, though the thought of them hanging out more doesn't elude him, especially now that he's still in the chair.
He initiates another kiss this time, but it becomes more serious; however, Shauna stops their movement.
"What's wrong?" he wonders. "It isn't my breath, is it?"
Shauna keeps her arms around her husband, chuckling at what he said. "No, it's just with you having physical therapy. I don't want you to overexert yourself, babe."
"I'm feeling good and besides I want to do more than make out like two high school freshmen in the bleachers during football practice." he says suggestively.
"Can you?" She doesn't finish the rest of the inquiry since she doesn't want to sound insensitive.
Once again, Max shows her by kissing her passionately, hoping it will be confirmation enough.

Samuel Gupta skims the desktop screen, which currently occupies his work email behind his desk, in his office at Radcliffe Receiving Hospital this afternoon.
Around thirty seconds later, a tap on the door gets his attention.
"It's open," he informs whoever is on the other side.
The door becomes ajar as Tricia Lockhart stands near the doorway wearing a black silk collared puff-sleeve top and black faux leather pants, holding onto her clutch bag.
"You wouldn't mind letting a lost soul come to you for refuge now. Would you?" She addresses him in a playful, overdramatic manner.
The statement brings a benevolent smile to the psychiatrist's face. "Absolutely not, come on in."
The cafe manager shuts the door and takes a seat across from him.
"How are you?" Samuel questions her, knowing she's dealing with the fallout of her husband being romantically close with his ex-wife.
Tricia takes a breath while exposing a smirk of sorts. "I haven't torched any of Sean's things, so I think I'm doing all right."
As not only a doctor but also a friend, he can see the sadness she's feeling despite the wisecracks.
"Since Sean left town, has he made contact with you?"
After she confronted him, Sean decided to visit his brother Johnny in Louisiana to give her some time apart.
"Yeah, he's called; he even left a few texts, but we don't have much to talk about; what am I supposed to say to him? Sean, babe, does Louise kiss better than me? I doubt it."
Samuel tries to suppress his laughter at her comment. "It seems what they do affects all of us in some way," he says.
The video had been shown during his father and Louise's engagement party, courtesy of his sister Aaliyah, who recorded it, hoping it would break them up so their parents could reunite.
"But in a way, it impacts you the most," he adds. "Because now you have to make a decision whether you remain together, or this separation becomes much more."

By now, Jordan had seen her big brother and his girlfriend and decided to go over, with Tommy following behind.
"Hey, you two," the newlywed brunette addresses. "I guess great minds do think alike; we wanted to come by and grab a bite, too."
While Presley greets his sister and brother-in-law, Tanner drinks her latté to avoid the annoyance that has now invaded.
Tommy, who still maintains his grip on his son, is waving at his uncle while the young man gazes at his ex-girlfriend, whom he still has deep feelings for.
"How are you dealing with senior year so far?"
"As best as I can, but at least I don't have tons of assignments for the first time." Tanner discloses. "How are you surviving it?"
"With one eye open," he jokes, which makes Tanner laugh, causing Presley and Jordan to exchange glances, feeling out of the loop.
"Is it just me, or you've become a giant?" Presley says this to his nephew.
"No, I'm not!" Jeremy says seriously.
"I know you're not, but you've gotten taller since I last saw you."
"He's been eating his vegetables," Jordan mentions nonchalantly. "Which makes him grow big and strong as she tickles him, resulting in his fit of giggles.
Thora goes over to them as she casually greets her daughter, son-in-law, and grandson.
"This is what I like to see, and it might've not happened if it wasn't for that," she stops herself, remembering that Jeremy is in their presence.
Though the rest know she is referring to Daniel gaslighting Jordan, Tommy could end up with full custody as he believes she isn't fit to raise him.
"Well, Thora, I'm dedicated to protecting my family," Tommy responds strongly.
Tanner tries to hide her discomfort at her ex-boyfriend's statement, even though she broke up with him, but the fact of him being married to the girl who contributed to their downfall is still something she is getting used to.
Thora gestures for Tommy to let him hold her grandson, to which he complies. "You better, because they mean a lot to me, and I refuse to let them be hurt again, especially that devil you call a father."
"Think we should grab a table," Jordan suggests to Tommy.
Thora detects an odor, wondering where it's coming from; however, her nose leads her to Jeremy. "Your mommy is telling the truth about those vegetables. You two grab a seat while I change this little guy here."
"Thank you, mother." Jordan hands her mother the bag containing Jeremy's items, including pull-ups and other grooming needs.
The grandmother heads to the restroom with her grandson in tow.
Jordan and Tommy head to their table towards the back of the cafe.
"Wanna get out of here?" Presley asks, knowing his sister isn't Tanner's favorite person and Tommy isn't necessarily his neither.
Tanner takes a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear. "No, I'm fine. Let's finish these cookies before your mother comes back."
Over at the other table, Tommy is about to ask Jordan what she wants when he feels something between his legs. Quickly, he notices Jordan's the one doing it as her family's crooked smile appears on her face.
"Jordan, what are you doing?" he queries.
"Oh, just showing affection to my husband," she says innocently.
Tommy figures she's doing this to make Tanner envious, but he can't hide that it feels good.
Tanner gets a glimpse of Tommy and Jordan reacting to something amusing.
"You all right?" Presley questions her.
Tanner turns around to face her boyfriend. "I will be," she says breezily.

Tricia shakes her head, dealing with the emotional weight of what Samuel said to her.
"As I told Farmer Jane, I don't really fancy sharing my husband with her, so that only leaves me with one other option."
Samuel forms a facial expression that indicates some disbelief, as he knows that his friend has been here before as it relates to coming close to ending her marriage.
"C'mon, Samuel, don't give me that look," she states. "I know what I said in the past, but after everything that has happened, I can't stay married to someone who wants to be with someone else anymore."
"Well, whatever you decide, I will support you. That goes without saying." Samuel notifies her.
"It probably doesn't sound like much coming from me, but I truly appreciate it," she responds wholeheartedly. "Anyway, how are you doing? How was Nashville?"
Samuel stretches his lips to form a smile. "It was hot but fun, and Martha and her band were great. I can't complain; we needed some time away."
Unbeknownst to him, he is unaware of Martha running into her fling and her son's father, Murray Hirsch.
"At least one of us is happy in our relationship." Tricia remarks.

Max and Shauna lie beside each other in their king-sized bed, naked under the sheets, though neither one is experiencing the satisfaction of pleasure one would feel after having sex.
Both are trying to find the right way to communicate.
Eventually, one does.
"Shauna, I don't know what." He pauses a bit. "No, I'm not going to embellish on the truth."
She gives a cordial exhale while gazing at him with the utmost intention.
"Max, it's all right; it's no pressure."
Max scoffs. "Well, that's the problem, isn't it?" he says sarcastically.
During their intimacy, a part of his anatomy wouldn't cooperate, making him feel even more ashamed.
"Like I said, babe, there's no rush." Shauna corrects herself. "I'm sure something can be done if need be."
The doctor had informed him that impotency might be a possible effect of his paralysis, and it had been some time since he was in the mood to have sex with his wife, and now it seemed he couldn't perform.
She gently runs her fingers on his chest as Max wishes he could wake up. And all of this would be a humiliating nightmare.

Minutes pass as Lorenzo enters the room, having taken a shower with a towel wrapped around him, showcasing his impressive upper physique. He sees Aaliyah hasn't left the bed, which doesn't bother him; however, he sees his phone in her hand.
"Did something happen?" were the first words out of his mouth.
"Yeah, you can say that." she answers. She lifts the iPhone to show him what has gotten her so pissed. "What is this about a new job, and why haven't you told me about it?"
Lorenzo puts his hands on his hips, as he has been wrestling with this for some time now, and it seems he needs to be upfront with her.
"I was going to tell you this back when we were at the store, but when we were in Nashville, I got offered a content creator position at a talent agency... in Los Angeles."
The explanation causes Aaliyah to open her mouth in awe.
"Something like this doesn't come around often for me," he tells her. "And it would help my family out, too."
Lorenzo's family had been struggling financially since his father had lost his job a few years prior.
Aaliyah finally gets over the initial shock and speaks once again. "So, if you take the job, it means you are moving to LA, right?"
"I'm not sure; I haven't talked to Murray about it, but I know that the job means I will be traveling a lot with his other acts doing what I'm now for Martha and her band but on a larger scale."
Aaliyah tosses the phone into the center of the bed, directly concentrating on him.
"It just feels like I'm starting to be abandoned by everyone that means anything to me. First the twins, and now you."
"Aaliyah," he says. "This is not how I wanted you to find out."
By now, Aaliyah is getting out of bed with her nude frame concealed by the white bed sheet.
"Take it," she retorts. "I'm going to get dressed and get out of your way."
Lorenzo is about to call out to her but doesn't, as he knows when she gets like this.
Will encourages Lorenzo.
Gus makes amends to Mae.
Aaliyah lets it slip about her role in the video.
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