Written by: Bre L. Drew
October 3, 2022
Last Time on Town and Country
Esther and Steven received the DNA results, in which it was revealed that Emma is a Saunders.
Daniel lured Gabriella into his deceptive plan to make Jordan think she's gone mentally ill in order to secure custody of Jeremy from her.
For years, the McKnight's have struggled when it comes to the loss of EJ McKnight.

Despite the coolness of the fall morning, Esther Saunders had been long trained to be out in just about every weather condition, first as the descendant of a farming family and not long after intense training as an equestrian.
Currently, she is riding one of the horses they have on the farm along the trail that overlooks most of the eight-hundred-acre land. She thought a good ride before heading out to the stables would clear her head, though it didn't stop her mind from constantly resorting back to the knowledge that it's now believed that she and Emma Covington are our half-sisters. That was her instinct after finding out they shared the same blood type. Even when she had Steven covertly obtain Emma's DNA, she had thought somewhere in her mind that maybe their sharing the same blood type was purely coincidental.
Nonetheless, it proved not to be that a woman thirty years younger than her is her sister, and that she doesn't hold the distinction of being Jimmy Saunders' only daughter. All because he had an affair behind her mother, Rosemary's back with Esther's former best friend. A woman he had known since she was a young girl.
Esther expertly manages to stop her horse in a specific spot on the pathway.
"What the hell am I going to do?" she utters to herself. Then she looks up towards the sky. "Oh, daddy, you see the mess you have left behind?"

"Tell me something," Emma Covington says to Will Jackson.
The two were lying in bed naked under the sheets in his room, upstairs from the main house on Franklin Farm, this morning. A far cry from the upscale surroundings she had been used to all her life. including her bedroom on the Home Farm estate.
"What?" he asks eagerly.
The wealthy heiress positions herself in the full-sized bed. "How in the hell do you get any sleep with those roosters' cock-a-doodle-dooing at dawn?" she asks humorously.
Her lover smiles at her. "You get used to it, but uh, sleep was the last thing on my mind," he winks mischievously.
Emma had spent the night here, and the two had a good evening together.
"Yeah, Sarah Lynn needs to visit her sister more often," Emma remarks.
Sarah Lynn is currently away at her older sister Mindy's, who she's helping to recover from back surgery.
"You know what else that needs to happen more often," Will replies charismatically.
His comment makes Emma smirk, nearly making her forget Jacques is still in town.
Realizing he isn't having more sex anytime soon; he gets out of bed to go over to his closet. When he gets his clothes, he goes over to the bed. He bestows a kiss on Emma's forehead as he goes to take a shower.
A few seconds pass as Emma obtains her new iPhone 14 from her purse on the side table. After selecting the number from her contacts, she gets the voicemail after three rings. "Jacques, it's me; I think we need to talk and get some things straightened out. Let me know when you get this."
She ends the call more determined to put an end to him here.

It seemed summer had quickly evaporated when the first day of fall approached. The heatwave and sunny skies have vanished. And in its place were cooler temperatures and unpredictable weather forecasts, and today is no exception.
A murky overcast with gusty wind seemed to overshadow Radcliffe this morning, which fits the mood of Ernest McKnight, who approaches the designated gravestone at the Lakeview Cemetery.
He finds himself scanning the details on the headstone.
Ernest Riley "EJ" McKnight Jr.
March 11, 1991-October 3, 2015
Son, Brother, Friend
Never Forgotten
Ernest stands there quietly, unsure what to say or do next, figuring his being here is the most important thing since today marks seven years since his eldest son and namesake was shot and killed by a criminal.
He sighs strenuously as the weight of his shoulders is waiting to be unloaded. "There is not a day that goes by when I regret letting you go out on that highway... I thought the one-on-one training I gave you would never fail you. But you wound up murdered instead of still being here. It's all my fault that you're not here anymore. I'm so sorry." He says this in a vulnerable manner.
"It's not your fault," a voice says, behind him.
Ernest turns around to see his estranged wife, Thora McKnight, in a camel wool coat with her purse on one shoulder while carrying flowers in her hand.
"It appears that we both had the same idea of coming here today," she observes

Normally, Presley McKnight would be in his office at First Street Methodist Church writing a sermon or putting together activities for the church's youth group. But on this particular day, however, he found himself praying at the altar in the sanctuary. His eyes are closed, and his heart is open as he addresses God.
He hears footsteps behind him, which makes him get off his knees and turn around in his black long-sleeve clergy collar shirt and dark slacks.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you." Tanner Lockhart tells her boyfriend. She is wearing a dark blue hooded quilted jacket, and her long brown hair hangs while holding onto her purse.
She had only seen him once since he returned to Radcliffe from his work conference in St. Louis last week.
Due to where they're at, he gives a light embrace. "You're not interrupting. "I was praying," he remarks, feigning casually.
"You don't have to hide anything from me; I know what today is."
Sighing somewhat in relief, Presley shakes his head. "You would think — after seven years — I wouldn't still feel this."
The Reverend says this emotionally.
"Sadness?" Tanner queries. "That's bound to happen, Presley. My family is still that way when it comes to my grandfather."
Tanner still misses her maternal grandfather, Peter, who passed away a few years ago unexpectedly from a massive heart attack.
The two have settled into the first-row pew.
"That, and I can't believe I'm admitting this out loud, but I'm still jealous of my dead brother."

Jordan McKnight makes her way into the expansive dining area inside Home Farm, where she sees Tommy Covington finishing his breakfast at the table.
Tommy lifts his head, taken aback by the sight of the mother of his son, in a long satin black robe and her hair in a ponytail, a far cry from how she typically dresses.
"Where is everyone else?" Jordan asks while observing the empty dishes surrounding the table.
"They all took off for the day, except for me, since I don't have work or classes today, "he explains to her. "You want some breakfast?"
Jordan shakes her head while taking a seat next to him. "Nah, thanks; I'm just going to get some coffee. I hardly got any sleep last night,"
She reaches for the carafe containing the recently brewed beverage and an empty cup.
"Did Jeremy keep you up?"
At first, Jordan decides to ignore him, but as she takes a sip of the coffee, she shakes her head.
"No ... uh, today is the anniversary of my brother's death," Jordan reveals candidly.
Tommy's expression turns more consoling. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. Do you want to talk about it?"
"EJ was the best big brother ever, I mean, a lot of his friends had little brothers and sisters whom they did not want around, but with EJ, it was different. He didn't mind spending time with me—we used to listen to music in the car, and he would probably get mad if I told anyone else this; he even played Barbies with me. I never told him I appreciated him."
Tommy nods sympathetically while softly chuckling. "Sounds like he adored you,"
"I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to him by the time we got to the hospital... he was gone."
"I don't know where I would've been when my mother got sick if it weren't for Max and Courtney. I mean my dad tried, but he was preoccupied with the company or hiring the top oncologist. Max and I would shoot hoops, or we would just talk. And Courtney would come home every weekend from Wharton to hang out. Look, Jordan, I know the situations are completely different, but I know what it's like to lose someone you care about, and it still hurts like hell no matter how much time passes."
Jordan grabs a linen napkin off the table to dab the water from her eyes.
"Are we having a civil conversation that doesn't have anything to do with Jeremy?" She says while sniffing.
"I think so," he replies straightforwardly. "And if you need to talk, I'm right here."
Jordan gets up from the chair as she drinks some more of her coffee.
"I better go take a shower and get my day started,"
She shuffles out of the room towards the staircase.
"I guess I should take that pill," she tells herself while climbing the steps to her room.
Her psychiatrist prescribed her a mild sedative to deal with her postpartum depression. She had been against taking it, but the fear of ending up like her mother, becoming depressed and neglectful, made her start taking it when needed.
In the living room, Gabriella is refilling the bar cart when she hears the young woman speaking about her medication. She quickly scans to see if anyone is nearby, but when it isn't, she contacts her boss on her phone.
"Mr. Covington, I overheard Jordan talk about taking her medication... Yes, I know the next part of the plan."
She hangs up the phone and glares intensely at the staircase, knowing that soon she will be out of this house for good.

"Growing up, EJ couldn't do any wrong. I mean, he was popular; all the boys wanted to be his friends, and all the girls wanted to date him; and don't get me started on how much my parents, especially my father, boasted about him." Presley confesses. "No matter how well I did in school, it wasn't enough to compensate for EJ's winning touchdown or his decision to follow in his footsteps and become a cop. I never saw my father so happy when he graduated from the police academy. "
"I remember," Tanner says lowly.
When she was younger, she remembered how the brothers were treated differently by Chief McKnight when she and Jordan were best friends.
Presley begins to tear up a bit. "I don't hold any ill will towards him, and we loved each other. I mean, we were close enough that I know EJ wasn't doing this to get dad's attention...but when he died, we were all changed forever. My mother became depressed, while my father put work ahead of everything else. Jordan started acting out, and I decided to leave home for seminary. It was my faith that got me through, but I still can hear my dad saying that my leaving home was cowardly and that I would never live up to EJ. "
Tanner found herself wiping tears from his face. "You are not a coward, Presley. You're a good person who has faults like anyone else."
Presley somewhat smirks at his girlfriend through the pain.
"All of this is always on my mind. But when it comes close to the day, it all comes back in a way. I feel terrible for feeling this way; my brother lost his life before it got started."
"You shouldn't have to carry this burden anymore," Tanner replies positively. "I think EJ would want you to live your life without the guilt you feel."
"I'm grateful to you. I hope you know that,"
Presley holds his girlfriend's hand while she puts her head onto his shoulder as they sit there as he reflects on this day and what is ahead with the person he has grown to care deeply about.

The two remain quiet as they stare at the headstone, hoping to find answers as to why they lost their oldest child, even though they know the tragic circumstance.
"No matter how long it has been, it still doesn't feel real, doesn't it?" Thora asks her husband.
He moves his head, conveying his answer. "No, it doesn't. Sometimes I wonder if I had tried to convince him not to become a cop. He could've done something else that wouldn't have cost him his life."
"I told you, Ernest, his death is not your fault," she admits.
Ernest sticks both hands into his pockets to keep them warm. "You mean to tell me that you don't blame me? I remember you screaming that at me after his funeral," Ernest says, somewhat in a hostile tone.
Thora recalls the particular moment when her depression began to overwhelm her. "I'm sorry for that. I was hurting, and we both said terrible things to one another," Thora retorts. "Today is not about us; it's about EJ. He wouldn't want us to be at each other's throats. We can get into other things later."
She carefully lays the flowers in front of the tombstone.
While Ernest is about to get into their divorce, which he is purposely upholding,
"Do you think he blamed me for losing his life?"
Thora rises to her full height. "He idolized you, and he didn't want to do anything else but be a police officer."
Ernest lightly clears his throat.
"Are you saying this to make me feel better?"
Thora sways her head.
"It's true; nobody could tell him anything. You remember, it's unfair. We lost him. It is something we will never get over, but he wouldn't want us like this. He would want better for Presley, Jordan, and us."
Ernest remains in silence while he mourns EJ, the way his family was once and could've been, and also the way his marriage was once.

After an hour of riding, Esther comes through the kitchen door, where she pours herself a cup of coffee, which is just one of the few culinary contributions she can pull off.
She makes her way out of the room when she stumbles onto Will and Emma, who enter the room.
Esther finds herself silent because she and Emma share the same father, which means she has ties to the house and the land. But the younger woman isn't aware of her true parentage due to Deirdre having her believe that Patrick Covington is her father.
"Morning, Esther," Will greets the woman, who is also his mother's best friend.
"Good morning," Esther says, hoping she is the only one to feel the awkwardness in the room.
"Hi," Emma says nicely.
"Hi," Esther remarks curtly. "I better go change out these clothes. I'll see ya'll later."
She walks to the steps with the cup in her hand, leaving the couple to head into the kitchen.
Emma stands around the countertop with a confused expression on her face. "Okay, what was that about?"
Will, who is taking out a frying pan from the cabinet underneath the sink, shrugs. "I dunno, but Esther's good people. I'm sure when she gets used to you, she'll be alight."
"I don't know about that — the hostility between my family and the Saunders is there. " She replies unsurely. "I'm surprised she didn't pull out the ole shotgun," she emphasizes in a mock southern accent.
Will chuckles at his lover while going to the refrigerator to get a carton of eggs. "As I said, you ain't got nuthin' to worry about cause I got yo back."
Emma smirks admirably, "So how about we go for breakfast before we head to the club?"
"No need for that; because I'm puttin' together breakfast for the two of us," Will says invitingly.
"I don't think a man has ever made breakfast for me, taken me out, or even had their maid prepare it for me, yes, but this is a first."
"Well, I got this, and I'll let you know when it's ready."
Emma leans over to kiss her lover on the lips.
She realizes she has forgotten her purse in Will's room, so she excuses herself to get it from upstairs. In the bedroom, she sees the Michael Kors tote bag sitting on top of the dresser. Besides it, her phone sits, nearly forgetting to put it in her purse. She glares down at the screen, noticing a text from Jacques.
Tomorrow 8:00 at The Chateau.
Can't wait to see you.
Emma rolls her eyes, knowing she must keep this from Will, though she knows he would convince her not to go. But he knows this is probably the only way to effectively communicate that he needs to leave town after trying to pursue her but now flirting with her married niece.
"Please don't make this any harder than it has to be," she says to herself of her former lover,

In his bedroom, Tommy smiles at the two photos he had gotten texts from Jeremy's nanny, Lillith, who is currently with him at his swimming lessons. One is of the swim instructor guiding the one-year-old in the pool at the center, while the other is of him smiling with his goggles. Even though he didn't succeed in winning Tanner back, he at least knows the best thing that came out of that heartbreak is flourishing.
He decides to go out of the room to show Jordan, hopefully to cheer her up. Tommy opens the door, and he catches the sight of her still in her robe, though her hair is wet from taking a shower.
"Remember when you said that if I need to talk to you, I can?" she reminds him.
"Yeah, "he says casually."
"Well, I'm ready to talk," she says as she steps closer to him.
Suddenly, their mouths come together as they kiss one another fervently as they go into his room, where they both use their legs to kick the door shut.
Tommy finds himself disrobing Jordan, and they explore each other more intimately.
Emma is surprised by Jacques' gesture.
Jai expresses his feelings to Louise.
Mala and Aaliyah disagree.
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