Written by: Bre L. Drew
November 7. 2022
Last Time on Town and Country
Sean decided to commit to his marriage to Tricia.
Aaliyah told Mala that she still hopes she and Jai will reunite despite him being with Louise now.
Max was appointed to oversee the ballroom renovation at the Miller Inn by Daniel.

Laughter and conversation fill the fourth-floor residence this early evening while Sean and Tricia Lockhart sit at the table in their dining room with Steven Sullivan and Courtney Covington Sullivan.
"I think someone is finally really ready for their nap," Tricia observes.
The two-month-old baby boy is in her arms, yawning and looking even more adorable in his gray Henley bodysuit with a tiny blue dinosaur in the top right corner.
She is about to take him into his nursery when Sean gets on his feet.
"Oh, let me have the honors anyway; it's not every day we have people over to celebrate our anniversary, a month later," Sean says good-naturedly.
Sean and Tricia had been married two years ago in Hawaii.
He takes the infant out of her arms.
"Say bye-bye," he tells Dylan. He gently takes his little arm and waves it to Steven and Courtney, who return with waves and greetings as he ushers the boy out of the room. Meanwhile, a rhythmic knock has Steven volunteering to get the door.
"Well, it seems you two have worked things out." Courtney notes
Tricia exhales softly.
"I can't complain; it seems once he acknowledged how wrong he was about constantly going to you know who, he is starting to focus on us more."
Courtney is satisfied to see her friend clearly in a better mood.
Most recently, the two had been getting along much better since they had clarity about the issues affecting their marriage.
Steven returns, this time with Antoine Hall.
"I found this straggler at the door," Steven informs them jokingly.
"I see y'all started the party without me," the bar manager says teasingly.
"You know it isn't a party without you," Tricia remarks cordially to her good friend.
She gets up to embrace her friend while Sean returns from the nursery.
"Little Man is out like a light," he announces casually. "Well, I hope everyone is hungry because I made a small feast."

The unmistakable voice of Michael Bolton penetrates the third-floor apartment of the Wheeler Building with "The Best of Love," which, in a way, has become Jai Gupta and Louise Saunders Lockhart's song and plays on the TV via the Spotify app. At the moment, the couple is intensely making out on the couch in the living room.
Louise stops herself from continuing to catch her breath.
"Would I be too forward if I said that we should take this into another room?"
Jai softly chuckles while licking his lips. "You read my mind,"
The supermarket owner offers his hand, which she takes as he leads her off the couch and towards his room when a knock on the front door occurs.
The two had been even closer since they had straightened out the misunderstanding about Sean leaning on Louise more, and he told him that he needed to rely on his wife more instead of his former spouse.
Jai walks to the door, turning his head toward Louise. "Whoever it is, I will make them disappear," he announces when he retrieves the door. However, he finds his ex-wife, Mala Gupta, standing in the doorway in a beige leather trench coat with her newly trimmed shoulder-length brown hair holding onto her purse.
"Good. "You're here because I need to talk to you about something." Mala saunters into the apartment.
But when her former husband is silent, she figures out why when she sees his lover standing nearby.
"Louise, hi. "I didn't see you there," she says respectably in her British accent.
"Hi," Louise responds amicably.
She then says to Jai, "I'm going to let you talk in private."
Jai respectfully nods as he sees her walk to the back of the apartment, where his room is. He then grabs the remote off the coffee table to turn the music off.
"What's going on?"
"It's about our daughter," she informs him.

Notwithstanding deciding to stay at home today, Max Covington finds himself in his bedroom in the Home Farm estate on the phone speaking to the head of construction for the renovation of the ballroom of the Miller Inn.
Shauna Covington makes her way out of their bathroom, wearing a red satin gown that displays her curves.
"Lower the stage some more; for better sound," Max tells him while Shauna does her best to get his attention by placing her tongue into his ear, which entices him. Though he keeps his composure intact when it comes to business.
Shauna decides to sit on the end of their king-sized bed while she waits somewhat patiently for Max to wrap up his phone call.
"We will go over that tomorrow, bye."
Excitedly, as he ends the call, she gets his focus.
"Enough work; I swear, since the renovation, you've been putting in more hours than me and everyone else."
Max stands across from his wife with a look of determination.
"Well, I don't want to be accused by my father or Courtney that I'm not holding up my end."
With his father's return as CEO of the company, he had appointed Max and his sister to head the renovation.
"You don't have to prove anything to anyone," Shauna advises. "You've been on that phone all afternoon. "Taking the rest of the day won't hurt you."
"Maybe you're right," Max shrugs. "You have anything in mind?"
Shauna smiles broadly while raising an eyebrow. "I thought by now you would know what's on my mind."
Max wraps his arms around his wife's body, and they collapse onto the bed, where they become intimate.

Jai and Mala were now sitting on the couch in the living room as he reacted to being told Aaliyah still wants them to get back together despite their divorce.
"I thought she was over that by now," Jai confesses.
"No, she isn't." Mala tells him otherwise.
"I'll talk to her about it, let her know she isn't getting her way but that I still love her, and we will always care about her because we're her parents."
Mala moves her head agreeably. "You always know what to say to her."
"Don't worry about it," he notifies her.
Mala couldn't help but beam at Jai, admiring that he was still calmer in family situations than her.
She stands up from the couch and heads to the door, with Jai behind her.
"Well, I better get going, and thanks again; sorry for interrupting you and Louise; it seems like you two are over the worse."
"It seems so,"
"Well, take care," Mala remarks to him.
She makes her way out of the apartment down the hall; Jai shuts the door behind him.
Louise approaches him. "Is everything all right?"
"Yeah, just something with Aaliyah, but it can wait," Jai vaguely states. "Hey, how about I take you out to dinner in Hudson Lake, and then we come back and work off those calories?"
Jai decides to keep the rest of the truth from Louise because he doesn't need another hiccup in their relationship so quickly after their last hurdle. Besides, he hopes he can get through to his daughter when he talks with her.
Louise tucks a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. "Sounds great,"
They grab their coats off the rack by the door; in addition, Louise obtains her purse off the coffee table to go out of the apartment.

More chatter fills the room as their meal, which consisted of fettucine alfredo, garlic bread, and red wine, is now consumed by everyone.
"He's right; everything was delicious, Sean," Courtney expresses approvingly.
Sean burst into a humble grin. "Why, thank you,"
Steven stands up from the table. "How about, as a bonus gift, my lovely wife and I do the dishes?"
Tricia waves her hand dismissively. "You guys don't have to do that."
Courtney grabs a few pieces of silverware.
"We insist,"
The couple retreats into the kitchenette, with Steven washing while Courtney dries.
"I don't think I ever see Tricia so mellow; it's kinda freaky," Steven says over the running water from the faucet.
Courtney playfully splatters him with some water, which makes Steven take notice.
"I think it's from knowing her marriage is on solid footing again." she assumes. "I know Louise is family, but I hope Sean has come to the realization that he can't keep things from Tricia. It just drives home the point that keeping secrets from the person you love only hurts the relationship."
While Courtney took a towel to dry a small plate, Steven couldn't help but think about him doing that to her, as he is currently hiding the fact that Emma is not only her aunt but also his, due to her being the product of the affair between her grandfather Jimmy Saunders and Courtney's grandmother Deirdre Covington. Even though he wanted to tell her the truth, he promised his mother he wouldn't tell anyone since she doesn't want it coming out, and in a way, he can't blame her, knowing how it will deeply affect everyone in both families.
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but dinner with friends for our anniversary wasn't a half-bad idea." Tricia divulges to her husband while leaving the dining area.
"Well, I'm glad; you approve; and as I said before, Tricia, I'm committed to us," Sean says meaningfully.
The two embark on a loving smooch,
"On the subject of us," Tricia responds. "I'm going to check on the baby."
With that, Tricia strolls away as Sean turns to see Antoine approaching him informally.
"I don't think I ever saw Tricia so content," Antoine says to him.
It wasn't long ago when it seemed his friend felt like she was the third party in her marriage as a result of Sean constantly leaning on his ex-wife instead.
Sean nods knowingly and says, "Yeah, me neither."
"Well, whatever it is, keep it up, cause we both know she deserves it," Antoine responds frankly.
"I know," Sean admits
A blood-curdling scream erupts in the apartment, catching the attention of everyone as they see Tricia rapidly walking, while they gather around her with concern when they see her frantically holding Dylan in her arms.
Distress is evident on Tricia's face. "He's not breathing, he's not breathing," she cries hysterically.
Sean and Tricia go through every parent's worst nightmare.
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