Written by: Bre L. Drew
January 15, 2024
Last Time on Town and Country
Jolene's abusive husband Wade appeared on Christmas Day, informing his wife he wanted them to reconcile, though she hadn't told Tricia, knowing she wouldn't handle it well.
Martha was surprised when she saw Murray at The Waterfall; he told her he wanted to talk.
Courtney's latest encounter with Daniel became heated.
Mae advised Shauna to return to work to help cope with Max's paralysis.

If everybody had an ocean
Across the U.S.A.
Then everybody'd be surfin'
Like Californ-I-A
On this January afternoon, Jolene Woods sings along to the Beach Boys classic "Surfin' U.S.A." as it plays on her Pandora app on her iPhone, which sits on the countertop of the small kitchen inside her daughter's fourth-floor apartment.
The sixty-something woman is placing the cutlery and plates into the dishwasher from the sink, which she volunteered to do since her daughter went out and as a way to thank her for letting her stay here.
When she shuts the dishwasher door, the surf rock quickly dissipates when her ringtone blares. It doesn't take Jolene many guesses to see who is calling her.
Without better judgment, she retrieves it.
"Hi," she says more energetically than she anticipated.
"It's good hearing your voice, beautiful," Wade Woods says on the other end.
She remembers her husband coming to visit her on Christmas, wanting to reconcile their marriage after not only the years of physical and emotional abuse she suffered from but also the affair he had with his co-worker. She hadn't told Tricia this, knowing she wouldn't have any problem standing up to him, which might make things worse.
"What is that you want, Wade?"
"If I ever meant anything to you, please meet me so we can at least talk it out."
As much as she wants to end the call, she knows he is the type of guy to call back or perhaps make an unwanted visit.
Once she gets where he is, she ends the call and immediately goes into her contacts to call the town's cab company.

As Martha Saunders unlocks the door of the apartment above The Waterfall, belonging to Mae Jackson and Antoine Hall, she can feel the heavy regard behind her as Murray Hirsch awaits.
When she told Mae she needed to speak to him in private, her boss didn't hesitate to give her the key to have their talk away from the patrons below them.
The two enter the moderate-sized residence, where she has lived numerous times since her best friend lived here throughout their childhood. But at the moment, all she could think was wanting to get out to avoid having this conversation.
"Marty, I...
Martha puts one of her fingers up to cut him off. "I thought I was clear the last time we saw each other."
The exes ran into one another at the music festival in Nashville last summer when he told her that after all these years, he wanted to meet SJ, but she made it known it wouldn't happen, not wanting the guy who had abandoned him since before birth.
Murray sticks his hands into his jacket pockets, laying focus on her.
"I want to meet my son."

Meanwhile, downstairs in the bar, "Sure Thing" by Miguel plays over the sound system as customers partake in their drinks and meals and catch up on the latest goings-on, which includes Tricia Lockhart and Jordan Covington interacting with one another at a booth.
"So, how is that godson of mine doing?" Tricia asks while taking a sip of her red wine.
Jordan lights up at the mention of her son.
"He's amazing as always; now he's into action figures, and since Tommy didn't have any classes today, he and Jeremy went to the store to get him a Batman one."
"And his mother?"
The question makes her take a deep breath before answering.
"I'm fine, look... I know that Tommy cares about me, but."
"He still cares about Tanner, right?" Tricia knowingly replies.
"Am I that obvious?"
Tricia knew that Tommy married Jordan to give her and their son security, mostly against Daniel, who played mind games along with her shrink Toussaint, whom he blackmailed.
"It was bad enough that me, Tommy, the frigid princess, and my brother all ended up at that lodge together. Now I have to compete for my husband."
During New Year's weekend, the four ran into each other at the Cavern Mountain Lodge, where they shared an awkward dinner, which made one thing clear: her husband still has feelings for his high school girlfriend.
"Well, you have been married for months. Of course, you're falling more for hin. It's only natural, but sweetie, don't make him your entire life; take it from me; life's way too short."
Jordan realizes her friend is referring to her own life, including the breakdown of her marriage to Sean.
She nibbles on a sweet potato fry from her plate and decides to ask her something. "Tricia, this might be a stupid question, but if it was possible, would you give Sean one more chance?"
The cafe manager leans back while running her hand through her hair.
"I think after everything we've been through; I don't think there is anything left to fight for," she confesses.
She dwells on Sean's plans to be with Louise after their divorce, but she isn't sure when that will happen since her mother is still living at the apartment; she had told her she could stay as long as she needed to. Since she discovered her abusive husband had been cheating on her, she has nowhere else to go.
"You sure about that?" Jordan queries as she hears some uncertainty in her voice.
"I had a rude awakening that holding onto an unhealthy relationship isn't good for anyone."

On the twentieth floor of the Covington Tower in downtown Radcliffe, where the Covington Group is, Courtney Covington Sullivan is sitting in her office behind her desk, consumed in thought regarding the most recent interaction between her father and her over her status as CEO that, in so many words, she better not screw up in this position or the board will remove her as they did to him months prior.
The reverberation of the telephone ringing suddenly gets her attention, causing her to acquire it.
"Hello," she says formally.
When she hears the longtime secretary, Evelyn, informing her that someone's here to see her, she instantly wishes for a moment that she would've let it continue to ring since she is in no mood to see anyone.
"Go ahead, send her in," she remarks. "Thank you, Evelyn," she says as she ends the call by hanging up the phone in its cradle.
In mere seconds, the door opens, revealing her sister-in-law, although perhaps the unamused look makes her question her coming by here right now.
"If this is a bad time, then I can always come back," Shauna Covington notifies her husband's sister, wearing a black parka coat with shearling trim and her purse on her arm.
"No, no," Courtney communicates. "It's fine; is this about Max? Is he okay?" she asks of her older brother.
After avoiding hitting Jordan with his car, Max's car went into a ditch at Lake Hudson, which rendered him paralyzed from the waist down. Since then, Courtney has made it a point to check on him. Knowing it cannot be easy to be under the same roof as their father, who inadvertently caused the accident since he had been gaslighting Jordan, who had been trying to escape from the danger she was under,
Shauna tucks a strand of her shoulder-length dark hair behind one of her ears. "He's doing all right, but my stopping by has to do with me; I want to come back to work," she reveals.
"Does my brother know that you want to return to work? Especially after everything that has happened."
"Courtney, I'm well aware of what happened; all I'm asking is to return to my position in a part-time capacity."
Feeling a bit unfulfilled since her primary function had been caregiving for her husband since the accident, in addition to miscarrying their child, her grandmother advised her to go back to work to have something constructive to focus on.
Although she hadn't told Max of her plans, she wanted to see if she had a chance of coming back before doing so.
The brunette notices Shauna avoided answering her previous question.
"Did you run this by Max first? He needs someone there for him who is not a nurse or physical therapist, Shauna."
Shauna softly exhales, not wanting to cause any confusion in this room, as it seems perhaps Courtney is frustrated over something else entirely and is taking it out on her.
"No, I haven't. I don't need my husband's or anyone else's permission to. You know what? Let me get up outta here before I say something I can't take back."
"Shauna, wait!" Courtney pleads.
But Shauna leaves her plea unanswered as she departs the office suite, slamming the door behind her.
Courtney goes to gaze out from the large glass window overlooking the skyline, also noticing that winter is finally showing itself in Radcliffe with snowflakes descending, deciding to let the scenery occupy her for the moment.

The two were standing on opposite sides in the cozy living room, with tension rising between them.
"You know, I still remember when SJ was born. I texted you, but you never sent anything in the last four years, so why now, Murray?"
The businessman loosely inhales and then emits before forming words.
"I screwed up back then, and when you told me that you were pregnant, I blew you off," he admits. "But since my uncle gave me the agency, it made me realize that I needed to be part of our son's life."
Whether he's sincere or not, the bartender gets closer to him as she is ready to charge.
"There is no way in hell I'm going to let you come waltzing into my son's life now."
Mixed emotions came over him at her declaration.
"Does he like the dog, at least?"
Murray had given him a border collie for Christmas.
Martha turns her head back and forth at him. "It's the only joy you ever brought him."
Murray's piercing blue eyes stare upon her, glad to hear that.
"I'm staying at the Miller Inn for as long as it takes."
Martha crosses her arms over her chest, not willing to compromise.
"Marty, I know I'm the last person to question your parenting; one day, he will ask about me. Are you going to lie to him?
She scoffs, still not exactly buying this turn-around.
"I could take you to court," he notes.
Martha tries not to let that so-called threat get to her.
"I wish you would," she says daringly. "Not only have you not been in SJ's life, but you also aren't even on his birth certificate, so good luck with that."
"That doesn't mean anything; I'm still his dad, and we have a right to get to know each other."
Martha stares at a photo on the mantel of Shauna holding SJ as an infant during his christening and stares back at her ex.
"Murray, go back to LA. We can pretend none of this happened, okay?"
"I will, once I see my boy."
This time, Martha throws her hands in the air, recalling how stubborn he can be when he doesn't get what he wants.
"Go home because you aren't going to see him, you understand!'"
Murray remains quiet as he gives the look that he isn't backing down from her.
She watches as he vacates the apartment, going the way he came, leaving Martha to grasp what just transpired.

The good life he promised ain't what she's livin' today.
But she never complains of the bad times.
Or the bad things he's done, Lord
The notable vocals of Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson come on the sound system as "Good Hearted Woman" plays.
A ten-minute cab ride later, Jolene goes inside the reasonably crowded establishment.
An out-of-body experience seems to affect her while checking the booths to find him, though she nearly steps back when she sees Wade sitting there with a beer mug.
"Why don't you sit down? Get off your feet," he addresses her nicely.
He often talks in that tone when he tries to make something up to her, and though she obeys, she does it cautiously as she lies with her purse beside her.
"I ordered you your favorite."
She sees an amaretto sour, her favorite cocktail.
"Thanks," she says lowly.
More moments pass before Wade tries to break the ice between them as Jolene takes off her coat.
"Long as I've known you, you've never been this quiet. What's going on, Jo?"
Somehow, a slight grin appears on her face, and he instantly detects that it makes her wish she didn't let him still make her feel good despite everything he has done to her.
By now, Jolene turns around and notices a man with brown hair, probably in his thirties or so, storming out of the bar, whom she gathers is upset about the service.
"Cat got your tongue?"
Jolene switches her observation onto him, not wanting him to cause a scene that had happened before throughout their thirty years of marriage.
"Why are you here, Wade?" she says seriously.
"Isn't it obvious? I want to do anything I can so we can go home together." he says matter-of-factly.
Wade had an affair with his considerably younger co-worker, and Jolene walked in on them in their bed in their home in Bakersfield, California.
"I'm not saying it's going to happen, but things can't go back to how they were."
Wade takes a hearty sip of his beer and uses his hand to wipe his mouth.
"I told you, me and her are done for good."
Jolene grasps her drink like it could give her some courage to get through to her husband.
"You know what I'm talking about Wade."
Wade clears his throat, knowing she is hinting at how abrasive he can be at times,
"I will get some help, as long as you come home with me because these last few weeks have made me see I can't live without you."

Once Tricia and Jordan finished their lunch and had done enough chatting, both ladies moved toward the door when they saw her mother sitting in a booth, which got Tricia to stop along with Jordan.
"Let me guess, you got tired of being cooped up and decided to get some air."
"Yeah," Jolene says guardedly.
She then notices the younger woman standing beside her daughter, which makes Tricia realize she hadn't introduced them.
"Mom, this is one of my closest friends, Jordan Covington. Jordan, this is my mother, Jolene."
"Nice to meet you," Jordan says respectfully.
"You too, Jordan,"
Jordan can see the resemblance between her friend and her mother, including the chocolate brown hair and facial features, and from the corner of her eye, she sees a guy with gray hair sitting across from Jolene.
Though Tricia moves her head, the image of Wade instantly puts her on the defensive, recalling the terrible memories from her childhood of the abuse her mother suffered from him.
Wade smiles at the sight of his stepdaughter.
"Long time, no see; you still look pretty as a picture, Patricia," he compliments. "Wanna join us like old times?" Wade pats the cushion he's sitting on.
"Not a chance in hell!" she boldly exclaims. "Did you call him? Of course, you did; you can't live without this man." Tricia remarks heatedly.
"Tricia, it's not like that at all. I'll meet you back at the apartment; we can talk then," Jolene says, trying not to let this get out of hand.
But Tricia forms a strong look of disgust on her face at the two of them together.
"You're looking at a changed man," Wade says straightforwardly, although. Tricia detects invalidity in his so-called claim.
As much as Jordan wants to break this up, she knows Tricia is going to do what she wants.
Simultaneously, some of the customers begin glaring at their interaction.
"Changed my ass!" Tricia declares heatedly. "Please tell me you aren't entertaining what this jackass has to say. After everything he has done to you,"
Tricia sneers at him as Martha, who had been witnessing this, goes over to them.
"What is going on over here?!" the bartender asks the four.
Tricia spots her rival's younger sister and flashes back at her mother and stepmother.
"Do any of the women in your family know how to mind their business?" Tricia vocalizes.
Martha ruefully chuckles, as she isn't in the mood to deal with her former brother-in-law's wife. "You aren't going to talk to me like you try to do with my sister. So, I suggest, for your sake and everyone else's, that I ask you to leave, okay?"
Tricia felt most of the bar was staring at her with a blend of intrigue and embarrassment, while Jordan gently put her hand on her back.
"Come on, let's get out of here." Jordan whispers supportively.
Eventually, the two exit The Waterfall, while Tricia decides not to look back at her mother, sealing her never-ending fate with that man.
Martha and Sarah Lynn disagree.
Tricia confides in Samuel.
A threat gets made.
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