Written by: Bre L. Drew
November 6, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
Aaliyah gave Lorenzo her blessing for him to take the job offer from Murray Hirsch, who also happens to be Martha's ex and SJ's father, who had been out of their lives for years.
After it came out about his close encounter with Louise, Sean left to visit his brother in Louisiana.
Tricia declared her and Sean's marriage over but was stunned to find her estranged mother, Jolene, not only in town but in her apartment.

The sunshine encompasses the town of Radcliffe this autumn weekday afternoon.
"Did you enjoy your lunch?" Aaliyah Gupta curiously responds to her boyfriend, Lorenzo Vidal.
They had eaten at The Chateau since today he's leaving town due to him getting a job as a social media content creator for a talent agency in Los Angeles. Now they're walking up to the door of the two-story guest house where he's lived for years on the Home Farm Estate.
Lorenzo looks steadily into his girlfriend's eyes. "I did, but I enjoy being with you more."
Aaliyah can't help but help her lips form a smile. "I haven't heard that in a long time, but I guess I deserve it."
She had been the one to show the video of Sean and Louise's sensual close encounter at her father's and Louise's engagement party, which has alienated most of her friends.
"We're turning over a new page, remember," he reminds her. "C'mon, help me get the last of my stuff together."
"A girlfriend's job is never done."
Lorenzo uses his key to get them inside but is taken aback by the sight displayed in front of him.
"Surprise!" the small crowd standing around the living room exclaims, which includes Tommy Covington, Elijah Barker, Tanner and Lenny Lockhart, Martha Saunders, and Samuel and Jai Gupta.
Lorenzo remains speechless but clearly amazed.
"You didn't think we were going to let you go to Seattle without saying goodbye, didn't you?" Tommy cheerfully declares
Lorenzo faces his girlfriend, who has a suspicious smirk.
"You knew about this?"
Aaliyah places her hands under her chin. "I might've had something to do with this."

It had already been a week, and Tricia Lockhart still couldn't believe that her mother was her houseguest. For years, she would describe her relationship as strained at best. But now she has permanently made her stay in her spare bedroom.
The cafe manager lets herself inside the fourth-floor apartment, where she just came from downstairs to retrieve the mail that, according to her skimming through, is mostly junk belonging to her and Sean.
The smell of various ingredients and the cacophony of her mother singing along to the old-school sounds of Perry Como's "Papa Loves Mambo" come from the kitchen.
It seems somehow, she got transported back to the hellhole of a home she grew up in Bakersfield, California.
She then sets aside the assorted envelopes on the credenza.
Jolene Woods continues to sing to the music somewhat in tune as she is chopping carrots on the plastic cutting board in the small kitchen.
Papa loves mambo
Mama loves mambo
Havin' their fling again, younger than spring again
Feelin' that zing again, wow!
"Mom? Mom, what are you doing?!"
Realizing her daughter is back, she pauses the music via her Pandora app on her iPhone on the counter nearby.
The ageless beautiful brunette woman is wearing a gray and white plaid long-sleeve shirt with blue jeans.
"Hey baby doll, I thought I would whip us some lunch. I'm making your favorite cornbread and vegetable soup."
"It was my favorite when I was five," Tricia says dryly. "Mom," she adds.
"Yeah," she remarks while her focus is on dicing.
"You didn't answer my question when I asked you the other day, what are you doing here?" Tricia queries.
Jolene had stunned her with help from the landlord, who let her in. She asked what she was doing there but managed to dodge the question, but sensed from her daughter's tone and countenance she couldn't withhold anymore.
"I told you that I wanted to come see you," she hastily replies while putting the knife down.
Trica can already detect it's something more; she isn't saying it, knowing somehow it has to do with a particular person.
"Did he put his hands on you again?"
"Who are you talking about, baby doll?" Jolene innocently questions.
It takes willpower from the younger woman not to yell her response at her mother, having heard variations of that answer since she was a child.
"Mother, stop defending that man you call a husband; has he been hitting you?"

In her sweats and blonde hair in a ponytail, Louise Saunders Lockhart comes down the stairs of her residential cottage with a large black garbage bag while she has her iPhone up to her right ear.
"Yes, I'm bringing them down now as we speak, and I will have them to you in about twenty minutes."
She places the bag with the two other full ones.
The sound of the doorbell gets her attention as she gets closer to it.
"It's someone at the door, but I will be there soon. Bye, mom."
Louise places the phone in the back pocket of her pants and opens the door. She sees Sean Lockhart standing across from her.
"Long time, no see," he addresses her.
"Hey yourself," she says, welcoming him.
He then steps inside the house that he used to share with her and their twin daughters for years until their divorce; something about it always makes him feel like he never left.
Sean looks down at the bags and her. "Don't tell me you are already getting started on spring cleaning."
"Very funny," she comments. "No, my mother volunteers with the Miss Junior Hudson County Pageant. And they're having a sale of new and gently used clothes, so I got together some things that the girls and I don't wear anymore to drop off to her at the farm."
Sarah Lynn had been a pageant contestant for several years in her youth, starting out with Miss Junior Hudson County fifty years ago, which she won. And since her husband's death, she has been helping out more with the organization.
"I'm not holding you up, am I?"
"I'm not in any rush."
Sean sticks his hands into his pants pockets while he suspires.
"So, you just getting back into town? How's The Big Easy and Johnny?" Louise wonders aloud.
Sean had left town for Louisiana to visit his younger brother.
"The food is still great. Think I gained about ten pounds, and Johnny's Johnny. I just drove back, and you were my first stop."
Louise places her hand at the back of her neck. "I'm sure Tricia would like that," she says ironically.
Sean clenches his teeth for dramatic effect. "Well, I hope my coming to you first shows you how serious I am."
Louise gives a nervous half-smile. "Serious about what?"
"Us," he replies.

By now, the party is in full swing as an assortment of appetizers and alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks occupy one of the tables. A gold banner with the caption "Bon Voyage" hangs above the mantel. While "Paint the Town Red" by Doja Cat plays on the home audio system.
Lorenzo and Jai are speaking to one another.
"I hate to run, but I got to get to the store to handle some things, but I couldn't let go without saying goodbye to one of my top employees."
For years, Lorenzo had worked as a stocker at J&M, the market his girlfriend's father owns.
"Didn't start that way,"
Jai had offered the young man a place to work when he could no longer afford to stay in college, even though he was willing to cover his tuition for the semester.
"Well, you did what you had to do, and that's what being a man is all about," Jai advises.
He then sticks out his hand, which the younger man shakes firmly.
"All the best," the businessman says.
"Thanks, Jai,"
"And my daughter, she might put on a brave face, but I know she's hurting with you going."
Lorenzo respectfully nods regarding his former boss's assertion.

Tanner and Lenny stand around the snack and drink table, observing Jai leave.
"I get why he would still be pissed at Mom after everything that happened, but he at least could've said hi to us earlier,"
Lenny confesses while she takes a sip of bottled water.
Tanner takes a bite of a mozzarella cheese stick and swallows it. "Lynn, he did when he came."
"You know what I mean? He barely wanted to be in the same room as us."
"I'm not defending Jai or putting down Mom but imagine being in their position. I'm sure it's awkward to be in the same room as the girls who were going to be your stepdaughters less than a month ago."
Lenny still doesn't seem convinced as she takes another sip of water.
Elijah heads over to them.
"How is it going, ladies?" he asks.
"Just peachy," Lenny answers bitingly.
He looks down and sees his girlfriend nursing her water bottle.
"All this food and all you want is H20. You alright?"
"My appetite's been off lately. I'll probably get something later, but thanks for worrying about me; I'll be fine. Lenny says genuinely.

Aaliyah spots Tanner sitting on the sofa, so she mentally prepares herself as she strolls over to her.
Tanner lifts her head, instantly recognizing the voice belonging to her so-called best friend.
Aaliyah remains on her feet, not wanting to make her friend uncomfortable since their friendship, as of late, has been distant due to her discovering she had been the one responsible for showing the video of her parents during the party.
The two lapses into uncomfortable silence as the music and other conversation overfill the atmosphere.
As Aaliyah is about to open her mouth, another person does instead that isn't the other young woman.
"Is everyone all good over here?" Tommy questions.
"Hey, Tommy," Aaliyah greets her friend. "Thanks for getting all this together."
"No problem; I need to talk to Tanner for a second. Hope you don't mind."
"No, go ahead,"
She briefly skims at her best friend, who turns her head from her, and the design and merchandising student vacates from them.
Suddenly, Tanner feels able to speak again.
"Thank you,"
Tommy takes a spot next to her on the sofa. "Well, when I saw you two together, I figured I better offer a life raft to you."
"You saved me from a fate worse than death," Tanner says exaggeratedly, causing Tommy to chuckle.
Despite them being exes, there is always ease between them, even now.
"So, where is Reverend Lovejoy? I mean Presley?" Tommy corrects himself.
"Oh, he had to oversee over a funeral, or he would've been here," she said. She moves a strand of her hair behind her ear.
"And where is Jordan?"
"Out shopping, she told me she is trying to make this place more of a home, whatever that means," Tommy tells her.
Tanner discerns he isn't necessarily keen on being married to his son's mother but knows it isn't her problem, especially not after they came to be.

Martha embraces Lorenzo near the staircase, soon letting go of one another.
The two had become good friends and collaborators over the years as well.
"You were the one who gave me the chance to not only direct you and the band's first music video, but you also let me be in charge of your socials, and without any of that, Murray would've never been interested, and I would still be stocking shelves and promoting half-off drink specials instead."
Hearing her one-time lover's name reminds Martha of Will notifying her about her son's father giving Lorenzo the chance to work for him and when she saw him when they were all in Nashville in the summer, something she hasn't told many people.
"I don't know if you know this or not, but Murray and I were together. He's SJ's father, so I'm not telling you this to convince you one way or another."
"Is there something I should know?"
"No, no, it's nothing like that. Just watch your back regardless, okay?"
"I will, yeah."
"I thought I would never see him again, but who knew I would run into him after the biggest performance I had ever done? I still can't believe it." She expresses herself candidly.
Lorenzo clears his throat, which makes Martha turn around, seeing her boyfriend behind her, obviously having heard enough of what they were discussing.
"Samuel," Martha states.
The psychiatrist is wearing a dark blue quarter-zip sweater and khaki pants.
"I thought it was customary to find out your partner's ex is back in their life before anyone else," he retorts.
He then treads away from them.

Louise and Sean are still near the foyer of the cottage.
"Don't get me wrong. I'm glad you're back, but you say you care about us, but you left town without letting me know where you were going, and I had to hear it from Tricia of all people."
"I bet that went well."
"Oh yeah, finding out your husband came close to sleeping with his ex-wife. You know, I suspected she would've gone harder on me. By the way, she mentioned Jai hit you."
Sean touches the side of his face where Louise, her former fiancé, struck him.
"I mean, if I were in his shoes, I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing."
He casts his gaze down at her left hand.
"Uh, I see you aren't wearing your ring. Does that mean?"
"We ended the engagement," she informs him. "He wanted me to keep it, but I couldn't for obvious reasons."
"I'm sorry for the fallout on your part," he sincerely apologizes.
"I'm not some innocent party here; I crossed that line with you." She breathes out.
Sean places his hands on her arms while he looks at her intently.
"I'm serious. I want us to get back together, Louise."
Louise remains in his hold while staring up at him. "Well, don't make any promises you can't keep."
My days of hurting you are over, and from here on out, we are going to be happy."
"Like I said, about those promises," Louise says self-protectively.
The next thing she knows, his lips are planted delicately on hers, causing them to kiss.
"I better get going," he tells her.
Surprised yet elated by that kiss, Louise grins at him. "Once you take care of what you need, we'll discuss the next step, okay?"
As much as he doesn't want to let her go, though, when he does, his glancing at her lasts until he goes to the door.
While watching him from the door going to his truck, Louise remains there with her arms folded, indecisive of whether he can be a man to his word.

Lorenzo leads everyone out of the house along with his luggage, as he knows his time with them is drawing near.
Tommy and Elijah now approach him.
"Who knew when we met freshman year you would become more than a roommate but one of my best friends?" Elijah openly discloses.
"Man, it isn't going to be the same without you," Tommy tells him.
Lorenzo rubs his hands together as he starts to get emotional. "You've been like brothers to me. Thanks for everything, Tommy. Not a lot of people from where I'm from would let me crash in their crib for four years without anything in return,"
"Anytime," Tommy responds.
The three men enclose themselves in a huddle as the rest of the group looks on.
He also receives a brief hug from Tanner and a thumbs up from Lenny.
Aaliyah quickly embraces him while, simultaneously, the yellow cab pulls up along the pathway.
"I guess this is goodbye," Lorenzo says unsurely.
"Let's not call it goodbye; let's call it see you later."
The couple wrapped their arms around each other as Aaliyah took in his scent of soap and deodorant, treasuring it since she knew it was going to be a while before she got to see him with all of the places he would be traveling for work.
The cab driver blows the horn in a way to indicate he isn't waiting all day for the sweethearts to part ways.
Lorenzo grabs his things as the driver opens the trunk from the inside to put his bags in.
He stands by the back passenger door as Aaliyah stands across from him.
He then leans in for an emotional kiss.
The driver hits the horn again.
"Call me when you get to Seattle."
"I will," he says assuredly. "Let's take things as they come."
She instantly knows he is referring to them maintaining a long-distance relationship.
Aaliyah views him getting inside the cab while backing away as others start waving and saying their last-minute farewells as the sedan goes along the driveway.
She feels Samuel's arm around her as she lays her head on his chest while she lets tears come down her face. Meanwhile, he looks up and sees Martha with a regretful look; however, he shoots her a disconcerted glance before focusing back on his sister.
In the backseat of the cab, Lorenzo looks out the window as he takes in the rest of the perfectly landscaped estate. While he drives off the driveway onto the main road, heading towards the highway, he can't help but feel a sense of optimism as he moves on to the next phase of his life.

Doing her best to ignore Tricia, Jolene takes all of the chopped vegetables to the stainless-steel silver pot sitting on the stove, where she transfers them from the chopping board.
Tricia still stands across from her in the kitchen, not backing down.
Jolene sets the board in the sink and finally turns to her daughter.
"If you have a problem with me visiting you, I can leave."
"That's not what I mean, and you know it; I haven't seen you in years, and out of the blue, you show up like no time has passed," Tricia replies straightforwardly.
"Well, I'm not the one who told me not to come to your wedding now, wasn't I?" Jolene retorts, referring to her daughter's wedding in Oahu, Hawaii, in 2020.
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! You were invited, but I gave you a choice to come alone, but you wanted to bring that bastard. Of all the times you could've been there for me, on the day I got married, when I gave birth to your grandson... when he died, you weren't here, but all of a sudden, I'm supposed to be grateful for you for coming."
Jolene can see the hurt on her only child's face, knowing she experienced pain too.
"And for your information, Wade hasn't hit me in six months."
"Bully for you," Tricia says sarcastically. "So, six months out of thirty-three years of marriage, that's a record."
Her stepfather, Wade, had been physically and emotionally abusive towards her mother since they got married in 1990.
"He's not perfect," Jolene says tightly. "God, I know that better than anyone."
Tricia shakes her head out of disgust. "But you love him," she mocks, having heard her say that for years.
"Wade doesn't have anything to do with us."
"Bullshit!" Tricia scoffs.
Jolene tries to hide her sadness by biting her lower lip. "I'm going to go to the powder room."
She quickly exits the room as Tricia runs her hands through her hair. Concurrently, the front door opens, and in seconds, she spots her estranged husband with a duffle bag in his possession.
"The fun is just beginning," she mumbles to herself.
"Hey, are you cooking?" Sean asks her. His wife's cooking in the kitchen isn't her usual forte.
"No, that would be the mama who bore me," she said.
Sean doesn't shield his confusion at her statement, having never met her.
"So, you're back, huh?"
"That, I am," he says. "Look, we need to talk."
The two had so much unresolved between them since he left town after the revelation of him and Louise being together days before her engagement party to Jai.
"We do," she says agreeably. "But not now,"
Sean nods obediently, then a few seconds later, Jolene walks into the kitchen with the exterior appearance that no argument took place minutes prior as her eyes lay upon the guy she's only seen in photos.
"About time I met this handsome stranger, she says musically.
Tricia does her best not to roll her eyes at her mother's changing faces; luckily, she sees Sean comply by introducing himself.
"I can see where Tricia gets her looks," he says while Jolene smiles at her daughter knowingly as they platonically embrace.
"Well, people think we are sisters, don't they, baby doll?" Jolene cites this as she unlatches herself from her son-in-law.
"Yeah, never mind the twentysomething age gap," she notes cynically.
Although for years growing up, she did often hear about them looking more like sisters, which in a way is true since they came of age at the same time due to Tricia having to be the one to care for her when Wade would hurt her.
"Well, go ahead and wash up because I made soup and cornbread, I'm sure you aren't used to that type of homemade cooking from her."
Sean and Tricia exchange looks, as Jolene enters the kitchen.
Tricia goes over to her husband.
"Hopefully, she isn't staying long."
Sean waves his hand dismissively. "She's alright,"
"Sean, what I said before about our marriage being over is still true, but I can't focus on that now."
"We'll talk about it later," he says, understandably.
While he goes to the room to put his bag in, Jolene appears at her side.
"He's a keeper," she whispers in his ear.
As she dashes back into the other room, Tricia isn't sure whether or not she can maintain having both her husband and her mother under the same roof.
Louise isn't thrilled.
Jai and Mala continue to hide their reconciliation.
Elijah provides support to Aaliyah.
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