Written by: Bre L. Drew
September 19, 2022
Last Time On Town and Country
Tricia told Sean that he couldn't be around Louise if it didn't pertain to their daughters or business with the farm.
Thora and Ernest got into a heated argument in J&M over their impending divorce, which she later told Presley about.
Deirdre recruited Jacques to break up Emma and Will's relationship, though it didn't stop him from flirting with Courtney.

Louise Saunders Lockhart opens the front door, where, as expected, she finds Sean Lockhart standing at the doorway.
"At least I called this time," he says good-naturedly; as he steps inside the house; he once called home for years.
He had called her to ask if he could come over, and she told him he could.
The last time he dropped by in the middle of the night, needing to talk to his ex-wife.
They walk side by side into the living room, where he takes a seat on the couch while Louise sits in the armchair next to him.
"Something on your mind?" Louise questions. "And why do I think it involves you and Tricia?"
"I know last time we talked, you didn't want to get in the middle of our problems, but this time I think she is going too far,"
"How so?" Louise asks, somewhat interestingly
"She told me I need to stay away from you if it doesn't involve work or the girls."
Louise suddenly bursts out laughing, which makes Sean confused.
"I'm sorry," she says in between fits of laughter. "You would think the woman who contributed to the breakdown of our marriage wouldn't be so insecure when it comes to me."
"She is serious," Sean insists. "I've never seen her this pissed of all the years I've known her."
The blonde farmer suppresses her amusement.
"I'll be damned if I let anyone tell me who I can or cannot associate with," she replies firmly. "Especially if the person has our history."
Sean is silent, which tells his former spouse he hadn't told her otherwise.
"Your marriage to Tricia isn't any of my business, but she's being unreasonable. I mean, if you were like that, I'm sure you would've told her to keep her distance from Samuel, but you aren't like that because despite what happened between them,"
Last year, the two kissed when she and Sean were going through another case of marital woes.
"I love her, but I don't know what to do with Louise,"
"Something tells me this will blow over. You two should be focusing on yourselves and Dylan." Louise advises

Over in the lounge area of Jojo's, Tricia Lockhart is catching up with some work she hadn't gotten to while on maternity leave; though needing to clear her head, she decided to do it here while baby Dylan is asleep in his modular stroller, which is something she is taking advantage of,
"Long time no see," a male voice rings in the woman's ear.
She turns around to see the person stand not far from her.
"No kidding," she says back to him.
Samuel Gupta generously smiles at her, though a bridge of awkwardness of wanting to give her a friendly embrace, though both know it would go too far due to their kiss, which created a minor rift in her marriage.
"I've been consumed with work lately that I barely have any time for my own personal life," he tells her.
Tricia puts her iPad on the table in front of her.
"What is with men falling under the spell of the sisters' Saunders?" Tricia asks suddenly
"Huh?" Samuel queries, as he himself is romantically together with Martha Saunders.
Recently, her marriage has been taking another hit, revolving around Sean, once again getting close to his ex-wife, which is why she told him that while working on the farm and the twin daughters they share, he shouldn't be around her.
"Back it up; why does it feel like another crisis in the union of Sean and Tricia Lockhart?" he rightfully assumes.

Later this afternoon, as customers steadily populate the cafe, the hip-hop beats of "To The Moon" by Jnr Choi and Sam Tompkins are currently playing on the SiriusXM sound system.
Presley McKnight walks inside the establishment somewhat cautiously. When he sees his exact destination, he sits at the table with the large window overlooking Main Street.
"You wanted to meet with me?" Ernest McKnight says to his son.
The police chief's expression clearly states that he is not in the mood to talk after being summoned by him,
"Mom told me about you two getting into it at the store earlier," Presley replies effortlessly.
"I understand you're trying to defend your mother, but like I told you, this has nothing to do with you."
Presley had spoken to his father before regarding his parents' impending divorce and told him that he shouldn't be involved.
"Well, dad, I'm already involved; mom is living with me because she wants to be free from you."

With summer nearly over, Emma Covington decides to treat herself to one last lie by the pool on the Home Farm Estate in a black Gucci one-piece bathing suit on this warm, mostly sunny weekday.
She can't help but reflect on her telling Jacques that he has no purpose here because she isn't getting back together with him and is better off going back to Paris. For the first time, she is content in her relationship with Will Jackson, and she is unwilling to do anything to jeopardize it, even though he retains his handsomeness and the type of swagger that once drew her to him.
Emma takes a sip of her long island iced tea when she hears the clacking of heels on the marble deck.
"We have to talk," a relatively familiar feminine voice says, which makes her take off her sunglasses to see that it is her niece standing in front of her.
"You might be the boss at Covington, but you don't demand anything from me," she tells Courtney Covington Sullivan.
The two had never gotten along because, due to them not being far apart in age, the attention was heavily on Courtney instead of her, which always made her feel like she was the black sheep of the family, and in some ways, she still is.
"Emma, shut up," the petite businesswoman stated, while folding her arms across her chest with a determined glance. "I was at the inn earlier, and you would never believe who tried to hit on me." Courtney mentions, "I will give you three guesses."
Suddenly, Emma remembers that Jacques is staying in one of the suites at the Miller Inn and that Courtney is heading the renovation of the ballroom at the inn as well.
"I see that ex-fiancé of mine is still flirting with any woman with a pulse," she declares
Courtney remains on her feet but is less defensive with her body language.
"I despise admitting this, but I can see why you fell for him. He's so damn...
"Charming, I know," Emma infuses. "Don't let him get into your mind. I'm sure he is doing all this to get back at me for disregarding him. Trust me; he will be onto the next poor unfortunate soul by this evening."
But Courtney moves her lips to indicate that isn't exactly what it is.
"Actually, he didn't know who I was until I told him after he "assumed" that I was a model."
Emma tries not to show being taken aback by her niece's response, figuring he was flirting with her to get her jealous.

Jacques Laurent ventured downstairs to the gym. So, after his workout, he returns to his suite to take a shower. Nonetheless, when he enters his room, he discovers Deirdre Covington sitting on the edge of his bed in a white long-sleeve sheath dress with a draped belt.
"I don't recall inviting you here, Deirdre," he says in his heavy French accent.
"First of all, do not forget who is paying for this suite, which is me if you've forgotten," the wealthy widow says in her flowery southern drawl.
"How can I forget?" he mumbles under his breath.
The petite woman stands up and saunters over to the perspiring younger man.
"In case you forgot, you're supposed to be seducing my daughter away from Will Jackson," she replies. "And I haven't seen any progress on that front at all. I'm not rescuing your family's company from its debts until Will Jackson is crying like the little bastard that he is."
Emma does not want to remain with the ex-con, whom her daughter is dating, believing she is too good for him in every way.
I sent her flowers, but she tossed them out, and I went by her office at the nightclub, but she and her buster boyfriend told me to take a hike.
"Looks like you need a jump start. Then do something romantic that sweeps her off her feet. My daughter thinks she can make it work with someone underneath her, which is a first. Show her all that she would be giving up if she further ties herself down with Will Jackson." Deidre says, methodically.
"I will," Jacques says firmly.
"Good," Deirdre remarks while obtaining her clutch and a white hat with a veil that she puts on so she won't be recognized, knowing that she can't let anyone know she is behind this.
With that, Deirdre makes her way out of the suite, leaving Jacques with an expression of pursuit on his face, remembering that his family's shipping company is at stake here.

Ernest takes a sip of his coffee from the tall cup before saying anything else.
"Like I told Thora, my lawyer hasn't gotten to the papers yet."
Presley tries his best not to call his father a liar, knowing that he shouldn't, though it didn't stop him from thinking so.
"She isn't asking for the house or anything astronomical; she just wants you to sign the papers," Presley says straightforwardly. "Dad, I know you're hurting about mom leaving, but punishing her isn't the way."
"She made that perfectly clear," Ernest chuckles, ruefully recalling the scene at the market with her yelling to sign the goddamn papers.
"You know what, dad? I know I'm not EJ, so I know my words don't mean much to you, but you're standing in the way of mom's happiness. It's like you are content with this limbo you guys are in, but you're forgetting that it took two to build that marriage. You're still trying to hold onto it out of spite."
Presley gets out of the chair, glancing at his father with intent.
"I just hope you find it in your heart to see that,"
The Reverend walks out of the cafe, leaving the police chief alone, taking a sip of his beverage while contemplating what Presley said to him, unsure of his next move either way.

The soulful vocals of Al Green and Joss Stone can now be heard as "How Can You Mend A Broken Heart" is playing.
By now, Tricia had filled Samuel in on the latest bout of her marital issues.
"So, how do you think giving your husband this ultimatum to stay away from Louise will help your marriage?" Samuel asks, partly as a friend and partly as a mental health professional.
Tricia takes a strand of her shoulder-length brown hair and tucks it behind her ear.
"You're serious?" she asks obliviously. "I wouldn't have to worry every time he isn't with me that he isn't carrying on some sordid affair with her. Not to mention, other than the farm and their daughters, what do they have to talk about anyway?"
Samuel shrugs both his shoulders.
"Look, I'm saying this to you as your friend, but you need to let this go. Other than not choosing to tell you about going to talk to his ex-wife, has Sean ever given you any doubt about his love for you?"
Tricia sighs slowly. "No, she replies amicably. "It's just the way we got together. It always makes me wonder if he cheated on Louise."
"That he could do the same thing to you," Samuel answers. "I know this might sound cliche, but you can't control anyone else's actions but your own."
The cafe manager peeks at her baby boy, which brings a somewhat lukewarm smile to her face. "Meaning what?"
Samuel throws a look that suggests she does know but doesn't want to admit it to herself.
"Meaning you can try and set limits, but if a person wants to do what they want, they tend to find a way. But let's not forget Louise is over the moon with my father, and Sean loves you and Dylan. Something tells me he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that."
Tricia stares at him for a few seconds, believing that perhaps Samuel might have a point as he interacts with the baby.

Sean follows Louise to the door since he figures he has taken up too much of her time.
"At least the girls are both happy, though what do you make of Tanner with Presley McKnight?" Sean asks her unsurely. "I mean, he is older than her," he says of the man currently seeing their collegiate daughter.
"If this was anyone else, I would worry, but this is Tanner. She will be fine. She can handle herself."
"She has so much of you in her," he tells her.
"And even though she wouldn't admit it, Lynn has a lot of you in her too."
"Well, at least Lenny inherited your looks," he chuckles back to her.
When he is about to walk out of the cottage, the sight of Jai Gupta standing at the door,
"Hey, I wasn't expecting to see you today," Louise says to her beau.
She lets him into the house, where Sean knows his presence isn't wanted any longer.
"I remember you were working from home when we talked earlier, so I brought you some Chinese because I knew you hadn't eaten yet." Jai lifts the bag of food.
"You know me well," Louise says, while she plants a firm kiss on her lover's lips.
Sean goes out the door.
"Remember what I said," she reminds him.
Sean nods while stepping out of the house and walking to his truck.
Louise closes the door behind her. She marches into the kitchen, where she sees Jai taking the foam containers out of the bag onto the counter.
"What was that all about with Sean?" He queries
At first, Louise debates keeping it to herself, but ultimately doesn't.
"Long story short, Tricia finds my presence in Sean's life so undesirable that she wants me out of it, and I was telling him that this would blow over."
Jai stops himself and turns around to her.
"What's wrong?" she asks wondrously.
"Don't get me wrong, I think Tricia is exaggerating things from what I've heard, but it can't be easy for anyone to know that their significant other is not only close to their ex but sees them day in and day out. That's a lot."
Louise shakes her head at him. "So, you think Tricia has a point?"
Jai modestly grins, knowing he was soon entering territory he didn't want to find himself in.
"I didn't say that." he counters. "But this is the second time Sean has come over when I'm here. Look, I don't want to ruin our time together, so let's not talk about this, okay."
Louise carefully exhales, trying not to get into an argument with him as she takes two wine glasses out of the cabinet.
Sean and Tricia clear the air between them.
Thora and Jordan have a moment.
The DNA results arrive.
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