Written by: Bre L. Drew
June 5, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
Not only has Tommy informed Jordan about Toussaint's suicide and his part in driving her crazy by overdosing on her sedatives, but a past conversation with Daniel makes Jordan realize that he had been the one to initiate her gaslighting. Then Tommy told her they had to do something after being discharged from Stonecrest.
Daniel had been sent a video from the late Dr. Toussaint, which sights his displeasure at being blackmailed.
Jai and Louise have been separated since they decided to halt their engagement over Sean's constant presence in her life, though they want to be together.
Sean and Tricia are attempting to work on their fractured marriage, but Sean's closeness with Louise is still proving difficult.
Deirdre is still not keen on Emma dating Will due to his less-than-stellar background, which drove her to lure Emma's ex-fiance Jacques to Radcliffe to pay him to seduce her away from him.

"No, I'm glad you're out of that place, but your father and I were worried when you texted to tell us you had already left."
Thora McKnight notes to her daughter over the phone behind the counter in the kitchen of the rectory where she resides with her son, and at the moment; she is talking to Jordan about getting the message yesterday that she checked out early from Stonecrest, the mental health facility where she had been staying to receive treatment for seventy-two hours. She and Ernest would get her, but she was stunned to discover that Tommy got her instead.
Thora listens to her daughter, reassuring her she's fine, but her mother's intuition tells her otherwise.
"At least come stay here at the rectory; it's more than enough room for you and Jeremy."
She hears more pleading from Jordan, talking about how she isn't going to run away because of what happened, and since her former psychiatrist Toussaint is dead and the sedatives are out of her body, she can handle it.
"All right, but I will call to check in on you. I'm your mother. Please let me do that," she states. "Okay, I will talk to you later; I love you," she concludes the call.
Placing the phone on the countertop, Thora lifts her head to see her son walking into the kitchen wearing a short sleeve black tab collar clergy shirt and dark pants. He's also holding onto his briefcase as he heads into the church for work this morning.
"I just got off the phone with Jordan looks like she is staying at the god-forsaken mansion even though I rather she is here with us where we can keep an eye on her."
The reverend sighs before responding. "Yeah, me too, but there's not much we can do; hopefully, everything will work out, and when it comes to that doctor, all I can do is pray for his soul; because if he were alive, I would have a few things to say to him."
"Get in line,"
She and her ex-husband were the ones to find the shrink dead in his office.
Presley embraces his mother. "I got to go, but please take care of yourself and try not to worry, okay,"
"It might be a little too late for that," she murmurs.

The ringing of the doorbell and a few knocks on the door send Jordan McKnight down the staircase in the guest house on the Home Farm Estate. The young woman is sporting her black satin robe with her blonde hair down.
When she opens the door, she sees Tommy Covington holding their son, Jeremy, in his hands.
"Oh my god, I know I've been gone for only three days, but it seems he has gotten bigger," she elatedly says
Having to spend time away from her son that she wouldn't have needed if it wasn't for Daniel and Dr. Toussaint.
The adorable curly blonde-haired toddler instantly puts his arm out, reaching for his mommy.
Tommy places him in her arms, which she graciously accepts. He then enters the two-story house.
"How are you doing this morning?" the young man asks the mother of his child and his on-and-off again lover.
Jordan smiles at the toddler, who seems at ease in her arms. "The chance to sleep in an actual bed again is a dream come true."
Yesterday, when Tommy got her from Stonecrest, they had arranged for her to stay here at the guest house with Lorenzo for the foreseeable future. Knowing what she knows about Daniel, there is no way he would have them subjected to his manipulations. Luckily, it didn't take much to convince Lorenzo, who is also staying here, to share the space with her.
Tommy puts his hands at his side. "So, what we uh talked about yesterday, are we still on?"
Jordan turns to him and nods her head. "Yeah, if you are."
"Then it's on," he expresses. He gives Jeremy's bag over to her. "Well, I will see you later."
He then playfully touches his son's hand before taking off.
"Mommy missed you so much," she tells him.
"Miss you," he babbles.
She kisses his cheek as she thinks about what is ahead.

While in the kitchen of the main house on Franklin Farm, Sarah Lynn Saunders pours two cups of tea while she witnesses Louise Saunders Lockhart sitting at the table skimming over some paperwork.
"Let me guess, you haven't spoken to Jai regarding the engagement," the Saunders matriarch assumes while coming over with the teacups and setting one down in front of her daughter.
"Am I that obvious?" her eldest offspring inquires before marking something on a document with her black ink pen.
Sarah Lynn remains standing and gently smiles. "Well, if you spent many years in this room with people, you would also pick up on a few things."
Louise and Jai had decided to pause their engagement due to Sean's constant presence in her life.
"Don't get me wrong," Louise replies. "I love Jai, and I want us to have a life together, but it feels like I'm under some ultimatum that I have to choose between my fiancé and the father of my children."
Sarah Lynn tastes the hot and steamy liquid. "Have you told him that?"
"I haven't got the nerve up to do so."
As Sarah Lynn is about to respond, the doorbell rings, sending the older woman to get it.
Trying her best to remain focused on her work, Louise then hears a voice. At first, she doesn't recognize it from out in the living room, but when she sees the person coming into the kitchen behind her mother, conceding that her day is becoming more peculiar.
Tricia Lockhart smirks like seeing her husband's ex-wife is some sort of prey, knowing he still has feelings for her, although he would never admit it to her,
"I bet Louise wonders why I'm here."
"Not really," Louise says nonchalantly.
The cafe manager is wearing a dark blue draped cowl neck tank with dark pants with her carryall bag on one shoulder while holding onto something else in the other hand.
"It seems Sean forgot his lunch at home, so Tricia brought it," Sarah Lynn says, hoping to remain neutral as she hasn't exactly been keen on her granddaughter's stepmother since she is the one who contributed to the breakup of her daughter's marriage as she and Sean had been having an affair for years.
"You can leave it here, and I will tell Sean you dropped it off," Louise mentions.
"Thanks," she replies. "But if you don't mind, I want to take it to him myself."
Louise remains silent, trying not to react to the woman she will never care for.
"He's out in the field, but I don't know if you want to trek out there in those shoes," Sarah Lynn notes to the woman wearing pumps.
"It's no problem; I've got another pair of shoes in my car," she tells her. Tricia then turns her attention to Louise. "I will let you get back to what you were doing, I guess; with recent events, you have more time for work."
With that, the brunette makes her way out of the kitchen using the back door to the fields.
Sarah Lynn walks over to her daughter, knowing she has been verbally insulted. "Are you all right?"
"I'm still sitting here instead of getting in her face, so I say I am," Louise assures her mother while taking another drink of tea.

"You have got to be kidding me?!" Deirdre Covington expresses to her son.
The two are seated across from the table inside The Chateau as classical music plays as they and other patrons our here for breakfast.
She glares at Daniel's iPhone in her hand, which has the video of Dr. Pierre Toussaint spouting off about being blackmailed by him to make Jordan's depression worse so the businessman will be able to rid her of his son and grandson's lives on a low volume. He received it via email yesterday through the late doctor's law firm, which he gathers is handling his estate.
While passing the device back to him, she vehemently shakes her head.
"Let me suggest something to you right now; delete it immediately, because no good will come from it, Daniel."
"I've planned to do so, but I wanted to show it to you," he replies. "Even from wherever his resting place is, that man tried to have the last word."
The Covington matriarch takes a sip of her gin and tonic.
"You do not want any of this getting out; imagine the impact it will have on the company and this family."
Deirdre is the only one in the family that knows that Daniel had been responsible for Jordan's breakdown leading to Max's paralysis and the death of his unborn grandchild Shauna lost. Even though he still carries the guilt, knowing if they all find out, they will despise him, which is something he does not want.
"Tommy is already suspicious of me. And with Max coming home tomorrow, I will not let anyone, or anything come in between this family."
The businessman quickly deletes the video, which fills him with solace.
He looks up to see the restaurant host, a middle-aged man, leading Will Jackson and Emma Covington to a booth.
"Don't look now," he warns her.
Of course, the wealthy widow does, and she instantly moves her head in disgust.
"So much for that being a fad,"
"This is the longest guy your sister has been with; too bad it had to be a former ex-con whose mother runs the local watering hole."
Deirdre hadn't likened this and had lured Emma's ex-fiancé, Jacques Laurent, to town to try to break them up; however, it seems it has stalled for some reason she will never understand, even though she had promised Jacques' money to do so.
Obtaining her clutch bag from the table, and heads to somewhere specific.
While looking up from her menu, Emma eyes lay upon her mother.
"Don't say I didn't forewarn you," she tells her lover.
By the time, Will tries to figure out what she is referring to, Deirdre arrives, giving her daughter a friendly squeeze on the shoulder.
She expects her mother to go on a snobbish tirade about her seeing Will, which she prepares herself to defend and perhaps send her back to where she was previously.
"Mother, whatever you have to say, just spit it out because we have all heard it before." Emma boldly declares.
"Emma, how little do you think of me?" Deidre feigns modesty. "All I want to tell you is I hope you two have a good meal."
"No joke about if I'm paying because he's broke," Emma questions.
"No, like I said, I'd enjoy your breakfast.
With that, Deirdre walks back over to her table with her son.
"Okay, what was that all about?" Daniel queries his mother while he digs into his frittata.
Deirdre grabs her G&T. "Son, sometimes you have to change direction to get what you want." She then takes a sip of it.
Meanwhile, Emma and Will try to comprehend what was said to them.
"What the hell was that about?" Will asks with confusion.
Emma takes a hearty sip of her mimosa and then sets it aside.
"She bullshittin' us?" he then says.
"Oh absolutely, she is, but I wonder why and what she is up to," Emma remarks.

The sun shines over the expansive farmland, and the unseasonable spring temperature crosses the seventies this morning. Two male farmhands and Sean Lockhart are repairing one of the fences.
Once properly secured, he gives them a thumbs up before he walks off, but the sight of his wife approaching him surprises Sean.
"Am I dreamin' or is that my gorgeous wife?" he asks charismatically.
"Well, one of my best pairs of shoes is getting buried with mud, and God only knows, so I hope I'm the real thing."
The two proceed to give each other a meaningful peck on the lips.
"What are you doing here?"
Sean knows that the farm isn't one of Tricia's usual destinations.
Tricia lifts the sizable lunch bag in her hand. "You left this in the fridge."
He immediately takes it.
"Shoot, I knew I left something at home. Thank you."
Tricia puts her hand on her forehead, glancing at the land. "I can see why you're fascinated with this place."
"Yeah," she answers. "I'm glad it's not all about the frigid blonde I saw a few minutes ago."
Sean exhales while wanting to ignore that jab at him regarding his relationship with Louise. "Tricia, don't do that. Let this visit be about you are doing something nice for me; we don't have to include Lou in this,"
Tricia resolutely shrugged her shoulders. "Fine, fine, fine. I'm sorry, but you know how I feel about the entire situation."
"All I care about right now is that you and me get to a better place," he swears to her.

Tommy and Elijah Barker are waiting outside one of the small courtrooms inside the local courthouse as court personnel and visitors occasionally pass by them.
"You know you don't have to do this," Elijah tells his best friend.
Tommy engages him with both hands in his pockets. "Yeah, I do," he replies. "I'm left without any other choice anyway; it's not like it's going to be forever."
"It's not too late to back out of this; there has got to be another way," Elijah says.
"Look, man, it's not an idea; I'm crazy about either, but I'll be damned if I let my father cause any more harm to the mother of my child, and I refuse to visit my son across the country because of his sick and twisted manipulations. If you don't want to do this, I understand," he adds.
Seeing the desperation on his face, Elijah eases his stance a little. "Okay, I do it for you and my godson."
Tommy nods while checking the time on the screen of his iPhone.
About ten more minutes pass when Tommy looks up to see the person he had been expecting across from him.
"About time you showed up," Elijah notes.
Jordan smiles conceitedly. "Maybe you're simply early?"
Tommy couldn't help but grin at that comment, knowing that even three days ago, Jordan wouldn't have said she was returning to her headstrong personality.
Elijah shakes his head in disbelief, realizing Jordan is back as vain as ever.
Tommy gets up close to Jeremy, who looks adorable in his outfit consisting of a suspender short set, and his curly blonde hair is on display.
"Hey, little guy," he says to his son, who interacts with him.
"Mommy! Daddy!" the toddler says.
"Yeah, and Mommy and Daddy are never leaving your side again," Jordan says reassuringly, giving her child's father a meaningful glance.
The door opens to the courtroom, and an average-sized man in his sixties with fading brown hair and glasses in a suit gets all of their attention.
"I don't mean to rush you, but I do have another engagement in fifteen minutes."
With a deep breath, Tommy is decked out in a dress-casual suit, Jordan is in a white chiffon off-the-shoulder long-sleeve wedding dress, and her hair is in a relaxed half-up and half-down hairstyle.
They are all led into the judge's chambers.
"Everyone ready?" the judge asks, none the wiser.
"Yeah," Tommy finally answers.
By now, Jordan has given her purse and Jeremy to Elijah, managing to make the toddler laugh at a face he makes at him.
"There is nothing better than to give a family to a child," the judge states.
The judge clears his throat before he recites, as he has several notes in his leather ring binder.
"We’re here today to witness the union of Thomas Patrick Covington and Jordan Marie McKnight in matrimony."
Tommy and Jordan glare at each other since it's one of the reasons they're taking the next step.
Max gets discharged from the hospital.
Esther maintains her stance on the Covingtons to Tanner.
Jordan receives damning information.
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