Written by: Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
Max did not take finding out that Shauna was involved with Antoine sexually in the past.
Tanner became envious of Jordan and Tommy bonding.
Elijah and Lynn enjoyed themselves on their first date together.

Having enough of being in solitude, Max Covington decides to go downstairs this morning to get some breakfast. However, his desire for his father being gone into the office early our dashed when he found him at the table talking with his sister. He wanted to run back upstairs, but his father already commanded he take a seat and eat since he missed dinner last night because his thoughts were still on finding out his girlfriend used to have sex with the person she lives with.
"Everything set for the acquisition of Jojo's?" Courtney Covington inquires her father.
Gabriella, the family's longtime housekeeper pours Daniel his second cup of coffee. He thanks her before she takes off and turns his attention to his daughter.
"Almost, glad you were able to get a few thousand dollars knocked off from his asking price. "
Courtney sips some tea. "Well, I learned from the best."
Max takes a bite of his croissant. "With all of this talk about business, I'm going to have to use the bouncing ball to follow along with what is coming out of your mouths."
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," Daniel concludes.
"I barely got any sleep," Max replies.
Courtney is about to say something when Tommy comes over all dressed with his backpack on his back. He grabs an apple out of the fruit bowl on the table.
"Son, you don't have to be at school for another twenty-five minutes sit yourself down and get some real food inside of you."
Tommy reluctantly does what he is told by taking a seat beside Max. He begins compiling his plate.
"How Ward Cleaver of you," Max says sarcastically. Max stands up from his chair. "Excuse me." he throws his linen napkin onto his nearly eaten plate.
Daniel exchanges a similar look of confusion at his daughter who also excuses herself leaving the two of them at the table now.
"I can't wait until I will be able to drive myself to school," Tommy says
Daniel snickers. "I thought to have a driver taking you anywhere you want to go would be the best when I was your age, Thomas."
Tommy knew somehow he would express himself about wanting to drive he would make it sound like he is another ungrateful rich kid who takes his privilege regularly for granted.
"I'm not going to apologize for wanting to pass my driving test which by the way is the end of this week." he reminds his father.
For the past few weeks now he has dedicated himself to getting his license. Even finding himself retaining vital facts from the state's driving manual that Tanner gave him when she first agreed to teach him how to drive.
"I get it, son, you're ready for some independence, I just hope you can handle it."
Tommy takes a drink of orange juice hoping to prove him right.

Haim's Want You Back is part of the morning's soundtrack over the sound system inside of Jojo's Café. A few customers were experiencing fast service, due to lack of customers due to half it's usual regulars are already at work.
Sitting at one of the tables in the center of the café. Shauna Jackson is nursing her tall mango smoothie whilst her best friend Martha Saunders is wearing a knitted Scully cap on her head with her coat still on. Beside her in the stroller, her infant son SJ is happily playing with his stuffed toy octopus.
"Sorry if SJ kept you up he was pretty fussy around 2 am." Martha apologizes to her best friend.
"No I was drifting in and out of sleep anyway it was kind of nice to be temporarily distracted from my nightmare of a life."
Martha offers her a sympathetic glance.
Yesterday Shauna found herself having to be confronted by her own boyfriend who brought up that Antoine told him in so many words that they had sex before. Wanting to be honest with Max she told him they had slept in the past. They ended up in an argument which led to her storming out on him. By the time she has gotten to the apartment where not only she slapped her former lover, she told him that she has genuine feelings for Max and not for him. Needing to get away from feeling pressured by Antoine. So Martha let her stay at the farm in her bedroom to get her head together.
Martha picks up her mug of coffee. "You may not want to hear this, but maybe you should have a talk with Max to least see where you two stand."
"I mean I tried to tell him that was all in the past, but he sounded like I was lying."
Martha has a look of uneasiness. "Well...
"Well nothing Martha, okay like I told Antoine, Max is the one I want to be with point blank."
Shauna knows that it isn't going to be easy living with Antoine, but they have been friends long enough to not let her decision get in the way.
"I'm so glad the only man troubles I have is what and when this little guy is sleeping through the night," Martha says with composure.
Shauna rises from the chair. "I'm going to take your advice."
With that, she playfully touches her godson's tiny hand then throws her arm around Martha before dashing out of the café.
Martha takes her son out of the stroller to prepare herself to breastfeed him.
"Oh son, when a girl tells you not she is not interested just let it go," she advises him.

With two months left in the semester, students in Mr. Murray's eleventh-grade world history class weren't exactly showing the enthusiasm of learning European geography. Mr. Murray excuses himself to talk with the vice principal in the hallway, meaning the teens were free to talk or some in case dozing off to sleep.
Elijah Barker who is tapping his black ink pen on his notebook. Turns around to her with a humorous expression upon his face.
"This class is boring as hell."
Sitting behind him at her desk Lynn Lockhart sighs dramatically. "Tell me about it."
He returns around to face her. "I can't stop thinking about our date Lenny," Elijah admits
The way he said it seems to somehow fit between the awkward missing piece of the puzzle that neither of them has talked about since they texted back and forth on the same night of their first date together when she told him that she had made it home safely.
"Me too, but aren't you worried about uh?" Lynn stops herself from going on due to fear.
"Worried about what?"
Lynn closes her textbook then tosses some of her long blonde hair off her shoulder. "That if we get together everything will change between us, my life is already screwed up first my parents split up, and now we end up liking one another it's a lot."
She remembers the taste of his mouth when they kissed in the car before he got out.
He pulls down the sleeves of his dark olive Henley shirt. "Look I'm not proposing marriage or anything like that, but I wouldn't mind if we hang out together on the weekends in a different kind of way."
Lynn realizes that she has nothing to lose. She decides to take a risk which is more like her. "Let's give it a shot Barker," she says in a decisive nature.
The two of them smile in relief as Mr. Murray returns to the classroom to talk about their project that is due next week.
Elijah pretends to fall asleep whilst Lynn quickly puts a hand over her mouth to laugh without being noticed by their teacher.

Escaping from another battle with his father, Max enters into the living room which reminds him of where he first met Shauna when she first came to work as an interior decorator to give this place a much-needed overhaul when they all arrived into town. The other day when he confronted her of what Antoine told him about sleeping with her before.
They ended up arguing about her sexual past with him. He hadn't heard from Shauna since she took off that morning. He wished that she would've told him before he got to chance to find out from him. Making him wonder if Antoine is still isn't over her at all.
The attentiveness of his thoughts changes when he sees his sister entering into the room too.
"Mind telling me what the hell went on back there big brother?" Courtney asks.
"Oh you noticed that back there didn't you," Max says sarcastically.
"When you hide behind your so-called comedy something unquestionably is wrong."
As much as Max wants to keep quiet, he knows his little sister wouldn't leave him be, so he fills her in on what happened.
Courtney crosses her arms on her chest and exhales deeply. "Whoa"
"Whoa, exactly."
Courtney wasn't the biggest champion of her brother dating Shauna Jackson who she perceived as an opportunist at the beginning of their relationship. However, she admitted she was wrong when not only Max convinced her she isn't that way. She also has gotten to know her brother's girlfriend over Christmas when she came to dinner at the estate. And she found out for herself that she wasn't a gold digger like she originally thought she was.
She would despise it if she was right all along if Shauna was stringing Max along all this time.
"I definitely can see why you are not taking this development well but before I say this let me preference by stating I'm your sister and that I care about you."
Max has a hesitant emotion on his face. "But?"
Courtney sighs roughly. "I think you're being unfair to Shauna about this entire situation."
Uncomfortably, Max shifts his weight to one foot to the other. "How am I being unfair Courtney?"
"If Shauna is telling the truth she hasn't been unfaithful, besides her having sex with Antoine happened before you two even met. Don't try to let all of that get in the way of what you can have with Shauna." Trust me I speak from experience."
Max is surprised to hear that come out of his sister's mouth knowing she wasn't acceptive of him dating her before.
"Who knew that the bartender could be so duplicitous though?" Courtney summarizes
"I guess we all know now Antoine Hall and I will never be the best of friends."

The din of various conversations from students in the school cafeteria made Tommy Covington second-think about having his lunch in here today. As he sets his tray down on the table where he usually sits at. He sees Tanner Lockhart also taking a seat across from him with her lunch bag.
He waits until she unpacks her food out of it before he says something to her.
"Are we still up for that driving lesson after school?" Tommy asks
She looks up from her Tupperware of salad. "Sure"
It's been too courteous between the two of them for the past few weeks now. He thought when they connected over her parents getting divorced. That the two of them were on their way to becoming friends.
He sighs. "What the hell is going on with you Tanner?"
Tanner pushes up her glasses on her face. " I don't know what you're trying to get at Tommy. but trust me it's not always about you."
Tommy shakes his head at the statement.
"That's bullshit, and you know it, so just tell me what is making you so pissed off that you're basically ignoring me?"
A few weeks ago when Jordan invited both of them to watch her during her track practice in the gym. The two of them were flirting with one another which bothered her for some reason. Maybe she does have feelings for him but can't admit them out loud because she is afraid of being rejected by him.
"So what did Jordan and you get up to when I left?"
Tommy takes a few sips from a bottle of Sprite. "You're asking me that now?"
"I bet Jordan convinced you to go somewhere with her, I mean we supposed to be good friends you can tell me," Tanner says with a drip of condescension.
"For your information, Jordan and I didn't do anything, after you bolted she asked did I want to go out to Jojo's I told her I had homework to catch up with which was the truth."
Tanner feels like a complete idiot she thought that he would be enticed by Jordan since he has been with girls in every way before. Whilst, she has never been kissed before in her life.
"Sorry I don't what just came over me."
"As long as what came over you doesn't return again we should be okay." I can't believe by the end of this week I might have my driver's license."
Tanner points her plastic fork at him. "It's not a maybe, you're going to get your license, you have been taking the driving seriously for a while now."
Tommy was a bit surprised to hear that compliment from her.
He chuckles. "I hope I remember everything you taught me when I get to the DMV."
"Don't worry Tommy, by the end of the afternoon you will pass with flying colors," Tanner says confidently.

Standing outside of the door of the mansion, Shauna nervously presses the doorbell. Unsure of how Max is going to take seeing her but she has to get through him if they stand a chance of staying together.
With the door opening, she is greeted by Gabriella who heads to get Max for her. Shauna paces the living room whilst she hears footsteps her heart feels like it is racing when she sees him. Doesn't know if it because what they have to talk about or the love she has for him?
"Hey" she addresses him.
Max sticks his hands in the pockets of his pants. "I'm sorry."
Shauna is somewhat awestruck of him saying those words to her. "Why are you saying sorry to me Max?"
"Because instead of approaching the entire thing a whole hell of a lot better I didn't give you the benefit of the doubt."
"Antoine had no right telling you something personal that happened before we even met, "
Max interjects with a hand gesture. "I think we don't need to talk about this anymore lets put all of that shit aside. "Shauna, tell me how you really feel right now."
"I love you."
Max smiles widely. "You love me?"
"Yeah," she says awkwardly.
Max wraps his arms around her waist. "I love you too Shauna."
Shauna then looks at her boyfriend with lust as she begins kissing him leading Max and herself to his bedroom where they begin taking each other clothes off their bodies. They were letting go of what brought them together today to express their love for one another in bed.
Sean receives a surprise of his own.
Tommy takes his driving test.
Steven has romance on the mind.
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